30 Scariest Animal Encounters of The Year

  • last year
00:00 In this clip, a man gets into a terrifying standoff with a large mountain lion while
00:07 hiking deep in the woods.
00:19 The camera captures him holding his gun towards the predator, ready to shoot whenever the
00:25 animal decides to strike.
00:27 Mountain lions can reach speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour.
00:31 Whether or not he can shoot in time is up to him.
00:45 This encounter lasts for almost a minute and is truly something you should watch for yourself.
01:00 Thankfully the animal decides to run away from the encounter, leaving them both unharmed.
01:06 Here, a group of police officers can be seen surrounding a house they suspect may be getting
01:13 robbed or trespassed.
01:25 The officers surround the entire perimeter and begin preparing as they were planning
01:30 to breach the house and apprehend whoever is inside.
01:44 After seeing the mess the house is in, they proceed to go inside, and what they find will
01:49 surely leave you shocked.
02:02 Deer are extremely nervous due to being on constant threat of being predated, so the
02:08 officers remain cautious.
02:11 Thankfully it was just a deer, and not something or someone more dangerous.
02:17 A group of people riding a jeep through the Indian jungle can be seen panicking as they
02:23 try to escape from this hungry tiger.
02:36 The tiger can be seen trailing the jeep closely, keeping its eyes on the passengers as if it
02:42 were going to attack any second.
02:44 They eventually lose the tiger though, making them laugh in relief.
02:50 In this clip, a huge crowd of people can be seen gathering around, shouting and trying
02:56 to scare a sloth bear that was just minding its own business.
03:10 Sloth bears are more inclined to attack man unprovoked than almost any other animal, and
03:16 casualties inflicted by it are unfortunately very common.
03:20 Knowing this, the villagers try their best to scare the predator away to avoid any more
03:26 unwanted encounters with the bear.
03:39 The whole encounter is very intense and terrifying as it shows the bear and the villagers going
03:45 back and forth.
03:57 Unfortunately the clip ends abruptly, and it is unknown what happens next.
04:03 This next heart racing encounter shows an SUV getting wrecked by a bear that was trapped
04:09 inside.
04:10 According to the police department, the interior was destroyed, which left the officers on
04:15 scene no choice but to destroy the windows.
04:19 Bears are large, aggressive animals, so breaking a window is very risky as it could agitate
04:25 the bear causing it to attack.
04:27 The officer seen in the video then positions himself safely, and what happens next is something
04:33 you should see for yourself.
04:45 After it was freed, the animal thankfully ran away, leaving no one harmed.
04:52 This next clip starts off by showing us a group of officials and forest guards trying
04:57 to track something in the woods.
05:09 The group walks slowly so as not to alert whatever it is they are trying to track down.
05:15 As they continue to walk through the forest, the guards notice something strange and commands
05:21 the whole group to stop.
05:32 Failing to confirm their suspicions, they decide to continue walking, but not even a
05:37 few seconds later this happens.
05:49 Tigers are stealthy animals, and they primarily use this to stalk and hunt potential prey
05:56 without the prey even noticing it's being followed.
05:58 The predator disappears into the forest once again and doesn't bother them anymore.
06:05 A group of officers respond to a dangerous situation where a large and aggressive alligator
06:11 can be seen lost inside a private property.
06:25 After assessing the situation, the officer then asks for a catch pole, which he uses,
06:31 resulting in this intense scene.
06:44 Alligators are extremely fast and strong, but the officer knows that it's only a matter
06:49 of time before it spends all its energy.
06:51 After multiple failed attempts, he finally manages to latch the pole on the animal's
06:56 neck, and now all that's left to do is this.
07:09 The officer successfully subdues the alligator, taping the mouth closed to ensure safe relocation.
07:18 This next frightening encounter begins with two men engaged in an intense face-off against
07:24 a large and aggressive grizzly bear.
07:37 The bear's body language shows that it is agitated, as we can see it pacing around with
07:42 a menacing look on its face.
07:44 The men begin to walk slowly sideways, being as careful as possible not to frighten or
07:51 shock the bear.
07:53 The predator is also unsure of attacking, as we see it constantly pacing and running
07:58 back and forth, seemingly undecided whether to attack or not.
08:13 Moments later, both parties stop and stare at each other before this incredibly shocking
08:18 thing happens.
08:30 The bear ran away and left them alone after this encounter, which is fortunate.
08:37 A man records a small family of three elephants walking along a narrow path surrounded by
08:43 dense forests.
08:55 The man continues to record the herbivores from a distance, which doesn't seem to bother
09:00 the elephants that much.
09:01 A few seconds later, the elephant begins to get closer to him, but still being captivated
09:07 by the view, he fails to notice this.
09:20 Elephants are usually peaceful animals, however females can be aggressive when young calves
09:25 are present.
09:26 Failing to notice the small family getting closer and closer, things quickly get out
09:31 of hand after one of the elephants decides to do this.
09:46 Thankfully it was just a bluff charge, and he wisely decides to leave immediately.
09:53 The video begins with a woman recording three large bears walking towards her while she
09:59 tries de-escalating the situation.
10:11 Two of the bears go on to hide behind the bushes, while one of them continues walking
10:16 towards the woman, pushing her back.
10:29 The predators surprisingly succeed in cornering her, finding their chance to strike, and making
10:36 sure not to waste it.
10:47 The woman turns off the recording shortly afterwards, perhaps realizing the danger she
10:52 was in.
10:55 In the beginning of this scary encounter, a sloth bear can be seen walking towards a
11:00 car while the passengers record it.
11:03 They drive in reverse, slowly, trying to keep the bear from reaching their car, worried
11:08 about it damaging and scratching their vehicle.
11:11 While backing away, it agitates the bear even more, causing it to be more aggressive, and
11:16 do this.
11:29 While getting chased by the aggressive animal, a truck overtakes them, redirecting the attention
11:34 of the bear, leading to this scary confrontation.
11:48 This goes on for a while, with the bear refusing to stop, chasing, biting, and scratching the
11:54 truck with all its might.
12:05 The animal eventually gets hurt, and decides to leave both vehicles alone.
12:12 While hiking with his dogs, a man spots a wild coyote stalking them from a distance,
12:18 and wastes no time to call it out.
12:20 Now with its cover blown, the predator goes into full-on attack mode, and charges the
12:26 group multiple times.
12:38 Although coyotes have been known to attack humans, and as such are a potential danger
12:43 to people, especially children, risks are minimal.
12:47 Without this, it would be a great mistake to underestimate these ferocious hunters as
12:52 they can attack quickly.
13:04 The animal, now growing desperate, attempts to do one final act of aggression, which even
13:09 terrifies him to his core.
13:22 Surprisingly he manages to stand his ground, which makes the coyote leave them alone.
13:29 A man can be seen recording his experience, tracking down and taking pictures and videos
13:35 of a large mountain lion.
13:37 The man positions himself in a good hiding spot, where he gets footage of the mountain
13:42 lion just minding its own business.
13:54 The magnificent creature eventually emerges from the cover of the trees, and the man wastes
14:00 no time in taking pictures of it.
14:02 He takes pictures of the predator crossing in front of him, which almost resembles a
14:07 scene from an intense thriller.
14:19 The mountain lion slowly retraces its steps, smart enough to avoid a fight.
14:26 In this clip, a family watches a police officer play with a decently sized alligator, trying
14:32 to secure it and take it away from a residential area.
14:46 We can hear another officer recording the encounter, asking the officer fighting with
14:50 the animal if he has done this before.
14:54 Sure enough he responds with "yes", and it shows as you can clearly see how well he deals
14:59 with the bloodthirsty predator.
15:11 Despite being fast, alligators are known to tire quickly, and that's why the officer
15:17 takes advantage of this and gasses the animal out.
15:20 Now able to handle the wild animal with ease after tiring it out, the officer then proceeds
15:26 to do something extremely risky.
15:39 Fortunately the situation gets taken care of and no one gets hurt.
15:45 A convoy of jeeps filled with scared tourists gets attacked by a huge angry elephant refusing
15:52 to cooperate and back down.
16:04 The elephant towers over the jeep, which is in great danger as the large animal could
16:09 quickly flip it over if it wanted to.
16:12 The passengers and other tourists scream in panic, which also pressures the tour guides
16:17 to get them out of there quickly.
16:19 Chaos ensues as the roads are too small for all the jeeps to fit and escape at once, creating
16:26 heavy traffic.
16:37 The tourists and tour guides might have done something very bad, as elephants are normally
16:42 docile and friendly if respected.
16:45 After the near fatal incident, all of them manage to escape the raging bull.
16:52 A large tiger is being recorded descending from a tree, minding its own business, while
16:58 tourists take pictures and videos of it.
17:06 At first it doesn't really bother the animal, but after it reaches the ground it does something
17:16 shocking.
17:27 The tourists get scared and rush to start the vehicle and leave the animal alone.
17:34 A group of tourists stumbles upon a magnificent yet frightening sight after they spot a young
17:40 coyote following them.
17:42 The group can be seen riding on horses, which makes the situation more dangerous, as a predator
17:48 and a nervous animal never mixes well.
18:01 There are a hundred ways that this encounter could go wrong, but despite this they remain
18:06 calm and collected, even managing to record clearly.
18:20 At first the coyote only seems to be checking and sniffing them, but after a while it gets
18:26 bored and does this.
18:38 It charges at them a second time, which the group reciprocates by remaining calm and laughing
18:43 it off.
18:44 The animal eventually runs away and leaves them alone after failing to get a reaction.
18:51 A jeep filled with tourists stops in its tracks as it encounters a large tiger, which can
18:58 easily attack them as the jeep is an open vehicle.
19:01 The sudden approach of the vehicle agitates the predator, making it do something extremely
19:06 terrifying.
19:17 After charging the vehicle, the tiger stops, stares them down, and growls at the passengers
19:24 in the jeep, warning them to stay still.
19:27 Everybody understands and remains calm, and still trying not to anger or activate the
19:32 predatory instincts of the tiger by running.
19:35 This seems to be the right move, as this turns the predator calmer and calmer as the seconds
19:40 pass by.
19:41 Thankfully, everybody remained calm, or this encounter would have ended very differently.
19:48 This terrifying battle between the wild and police officers begins with a man recording
19:55 a big mountain lion resting on his porch.
20:09 The man seems to be amused by the situation, but knows the danger it poses to others and
20:14 decides to call the police.
20:16 When encountering a wild animal, it is best to scare them away so that they understand
20:22 their boundaries.
20:23 This is for their own safety.
20:25 Moments later, we switch to the perspective of the neighbor and see the officers arriving
20:29 sent to take care of the situation.
20:42 The animal then flees, which then creates a new problem as it decides to go in the wrong
20:48 direction.
20:59 A few minutes later though, the cameraman says that it escaped safely, which is fortunate.
21:07 An agitated snake can be seen being recorded by a group of men trying to incite a reaction
21:14 from the deadly predator.
21:25 The camera seems to be attached to a stick since it pans extremely close to the animal
21:31 multiple times.
21:32 A rattlesnake bite could kill you in two days if left untreated, so it's very unlikely
21:38 that they would risk everything.
21:40 Despite this, these predators can strike extremely fast, and a stick does not come close to solving
21:46 that problem.
21:58 As the animal tries to back away, the camera gets too close to it, which leaves it no choice
22:03 but to do something about it.
22:16 It hits the camera, which is fortunate as things could have gone south fast otherwise.
22:24 This encounter begins fairly normally, showing us two tigers relaxing in a dirt road while
22:30 being followed by a convoy of jeeps.
22:32 The jeeps are filled with tourists and forest guards, eager to see these magnificent yet
22:38 dangerous predators up close and personal.
22:52 Minutes later, one of the guards exits the jeep and stands on the dirt road looking at
22:56 one of the tigers directly.
23:08 The jeep already offered little to no protection against the tigers as they are open vehicles,
23:14 but exiting the vehicle is way more dangerous, as seen here.
23:29 Tigers can run up to 40 miles per hour, catching an animal or human off guard if they are careless.
23:35 Good thing the tiger decided to run away instead of harming the man.
23:41 This next encounter opens intensely and what happens during this is something you should
23:46 see for yourself.
23:58 The bear chases the dog around while the people do all that they can to hit the predator with
24:03 bear spray.
24:05 The bear, unsurprisingly, leaves them alone after getting sprayed a lot by the people.
24:13 This encounter is intense right off the bat as a tiger and a forest guard engaged in a
24:18 confrontation you should see for yourself.
24:27 Tigers can jump up to 16 feet into the air, which means they can easily jump on top of
24:33 the elephant and snatch the guard.
24:35 This clip is short though and does not show what happened after that.
24:40 A man records a sloth bear foraging near a pathway posing a danger to humans trying to
24:47 use the pathway.
24:48 The man keeps his distance, which is a good idea because sloth bears are extremely aggressive
24:54 towards anything, be it human or animal.
25:08 A few seconds later, the bear turns around and as soon as it notices him, it does something
25:13 extremely terrifying.
25:26 The animal stares down the person recording as if threatening him not to come any closer
25:32 than he already is.
25:33 Thankfully, the bear decides not to attack him and continues foraging.
25:40 In the beginning of this first clip, two men get stuck in a hiking trail after a large
25:45 grizzly bear blocks their way.
25:58 They stand their ground and make as much noise as possible despite the large predator slowly
26:04 walking towards them.
26:16 When encountering a grizzly bear, it's best to slowly back away and avoid running as this
26:23 can trigger the animal's predatory instincts.
26:26 After an intense stare down, one of the men finally decides to risk it all and challenges
26:32 the bear.
26:46 The predator retreats to the hill and eventually leaves the men alone.
26:52 Here a group of tourists in multiple jeeps approach an elephant to admire it and take
26:58 pictures of the huge magnificent creature.
27:01 At first everything goes well with the tourists keeping their distance and the elephant not
27:05 being hostile.
27:17 Elephants are usually peaceful animals, although females may be aggressive when young calves
27:23 are present and bulls can be exceptionally aggressive during musth.
27:27 Moments later the animal starts to walk closer to one of the jeeps, which seems normal at
27:33 first.
27:44 Things quickly turn sideways though when suddenly the animal decides to do this.
27:59 Fortunately the elephant backs away after the false charge and leaves everyone unharmed.
28:06 Here a police officer readies himself as he and other people in a building try to catch
28:11 a snake that slithered its way inside.
28:15 The police officer seems to be very agitated, but despite this he pushes through it all
28:20 to ensure that the snake is taken care of.
28:33 Another woman then tries to lure the snake in the officer's direction, which leads
28:38 to this terrifying series of events.
28:51 The snake manages to hide behind a trash bin, which sends everyone in the room panicking.
28:56 They then proceed to move the trash bin in order to reveal the snake, which proves to
29:01 be a dumb but effective idea.
29:14 They eventually lead the animal outside, allowing everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.
29:22 In the beginning of this very intense encounter, a man records a mountain lion staring at him
29:29 from afar.
29:40 The animal seems to be waiting for the right chance to strike as it can be seen facing
29:45 the man directly.
29:57 Mountain lions will attack humans when their predatory behaviors are activated by human
30:02 behavior, so stand your ground and avoid looking like prey.
30:07 The paralyzing stare down lasts for over a minute, with the man trying his best to scare
30:12 the big cat away.
30:20 Thankfully, standing his ground works, and the animal eventually leaves him after a while.
30:32 A group of tourists record a bear minding its own business, as it can be seen drinking
30:37 from a small river not bothering anyone.
30:50 After a while, the bear walks away, and the group decides to follow and trail the bear
30:55 closely to get more footage.
31:08 Most bears will leave you alone if you don't bother them, or if they don't consider you
31:12 a threat, but it seems like this group of tourists are very eager to push their luck,
31:19 although they quickly learn a valuable lesson.
31:32 After the charge, the tourists begin walking away from the predator, which is the right
31:37 thing to do if they don't want to get mauled.
31:40 They thankfully learn their lesson and continue to observe the animal from a distance.
31:48 Here a man can be seen recording an angry rattlesnake he encountered during what was
31:53 supposed to be a fun hiking trip.
31:55 The relaxing nature of this hiking trip immediately gets thrown into the trash after he shows
32:01 us a very agitated snake.
32:14 Despite the dangers of approaching a rattlesnake, he still does so and captures all its glory
32:20 recording it on his phone.
32:31 Rattlesnake bites can produce extreme pain and swelling at the location of the bite,
32:36 accompanied by swelling in the mouth and throat.
32:39 This results in a very painful and gruesome experience if you're not careful, like this
32:45 guy in the encounter.
32:46 Unfortunately the video cuts short and what happens next remains unknown.
