• 2 years ago
Eylul is a rebellious young girl who has changed schools many times and teachers do not want to deal with her. Her father does not even have a tear when he takes her from the last school she was expelled and beat her. However on that day all their lives will change. He leaves her with her grandmother in Marmaris where she have a small hostel. Ali Asaf Denizoglu is not known why he came as a successful doctor from Istanbul to a countryside village to be a teacher. Yet it is an extraordinary entity that will once touch the lives of people and change everything. This will save Eylul from the edge and make her a successful surgeon. Two lovers - yes, no mater how much they deny, Ali Asaf and Eylul fell in love. He leaves and years later they meet again as a two doctors. This is the story of the challenge of life as a surgeon of a girl who has begun to succumb to life, nothing but anger. A man who will give her the courage at the same time. It's a guide that keeps your hand and you can do it. The person we want all of us to have in our lives with all our heart will always keep our hopes of our dreams like Eylul. Of course with love .

Gökhan Alkan
Öykü Karayel
Ali Burak Ceylan
Hakan Gerçek
Fatih Dönmez
Merve Çağıran
Burcu Türünz
Başar Doğusoy
Selahattin Paşalı


00:00 He's going against the rules because he's going against the rules.
00:03 The patient has a wide-spread aneurysm.
00:20 The aneurysm is so wide and short that it can't be clipped.
00:23 We need to increase the pressure.
00:25 Bring the bandage.
00:26 The bandage is not a problem.
00:28 Let's get ready for the clean-up.
00:46 The patient is in a critical condition.
00:48 Sponge.
00:57 Welcome.
01:15 We'll start by reaching the hospital.
01:17 You finally remembered me, little lady.
01:32 I was so surprised.
01:34 Don't say anything. I'm already mad at you.
01:36 Why?
01:38 I won't.
01:39 You won't remember even if I ask.
01:41 You're right.
01:43 I forgot that Özgür was here today.
01:45 What? You forgot?
01:46 I forgot.
01:47 But then I slept and woke up. I remembered.
01:49 Oh, my love is like a phone. It sleeps and wakes up and starts again.
01:54 Why did you forget me like that?
01:59 Did I?
02:00 I forgot.
02:02 That's right.
02:05 Forget me.
02:08 Forget Özgür.
02:11 Forget the picture of the hit.
02:13 Forgetting your marriage proposal is not a big deal.
02:16 I've been waiting for it all my life.
02:19 Forget it.
02:21 Look at you.
02:23 I'll say goodbye to you one day.
02:24 Look at me, Alper.
02:26 Okay, I was kidding.
02:27 What are these?
02:29 I brought you food.
02:34 Really?
02:35 Really.
02:36 My little heart couldn't pity you because it loved you so much.
02:40 Yes.
02:41 Olive.
02:44 Walnut.
02:46 Dried plum.
02:50 Peanuts.
02:52 Broccoli.
02:56 Lamb.
02:59 And that's fish.
03:03 Isn't this a weird menu?
03:05 These are omega. Omega.
03:08 It strengthens your memory.
03:10 You need it, too.
03:12 Omega is good. You'll eat it.
03:14 For example, walnut.
03:16 Come here.
03:17 Let's see.
03:21 What's wrong?
03:22 I can't.
03:23 Come.
03:24 I'm sorry.
03:26 I'm sorry.
03:27 I'm sorry.
03:28 I'm sorry.
03:29 I'm sorry.
03:31 I'm sorry.
03:32 (laughs)
03:34 (upbeat music)