15 Minecraft Hacks That Shouldn't Be Real

  • last year
15 Minecraft Hacks That Shouldn't Be Real
00:00 Today we're testing some of the oldest Minecraft hacks
00:02 to see if they still work.
00:03 I want you guys to watch till the end of the video
00:05 to see if you can find some hacks and secrets
00:07 that your friends do not know.
00:09 Here's the chest with water hack.
00:11 We're gonna start off with an easy one that I read about.
00:14 Okay, there's the water and the chest over there.
00:17 Okay, now we're supposed to put some pressure plates
00:19 around it and voila.
00:22 Oh, that looks kind of cool.
00:24 I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do with this,
00:26 but it does work.
00:28 Here's a trident inside glass.
00:31 This old hack is very easy
00:32 and I already tested it in an older version.
00:34 We're gonna fill this glass block with a couple of tridents.
00:37 Then we put more glass on top of there
00:39 and we have a trident display.
00:42 Heart-shaped rail hack.
00:43 This is a hack for all you lover boys and girls out there.
00:46 Look at that, it's kind of cute.
00:48 It's perfect for Valentine's Day.
00:50 Now you can build heart-shaped rails
00:52 for your significant others whenever you want,
00:55 even though they're completely useless.
00:56 Yay, wait.
00:58 What?
00:59 How did he even?
01:01 Whatever, rails are stupid anyways.
01:03 Floating sand glitch.
01:06 This next hack is an old classic floating sand block glitch.
01:11 With some slime blocks and a clever use of pistons,
01:13 we're gonna make a sand block that floats just like magic.
01:17 First, we set up a piston over here
01:18 and have it push these blocks.
01:21 Trap it with the slime right here.
01:23 Now we break down and voila.
01:28 A sweet little decoration.
01:30 Our next hack is secret name tags.
01:33 I'm gonna try out some secret name tag hacks
01:35 from old Minecraft.
01:37 I got my anvil and I got my first victim,
01:39 so let's try this.
01:40 Let's see how Jeb does.
01:42 Yeah, multi-colored sheep, guys.
01:56 Whoa, okay, he's upside down.
01:59 Okay, this one works.
02:00 Let's check out some of the others.
02:01 I know this one works because I tested it the other day
02:04 and yep, you just have to change this dude's name to Johnny
02:07 and he goes berserk.
02:10 Okay, let's get out of here before he decides to hate us.
02:13 The last name tag is called Toast
02:17 and let's see what it does.
02:19 Aw, okay, now I gotta say these rabbits are kinda cute.
02:22 I think I'll give each one a makeover.
02:25 Bouncing ender pearls.
02:27 Okay, let's see if we can make an ender pearl bounce
02:29 in the current Minecraft because I already tested it
02:32 in version 1.14 and it worked like a charm.
02:35 I put my soul sand, now I fill this with water.
02:38 Okay guys, it's ready, let's try this.
02:41 Ooh, right on, it bounces here too.
02:45 I wonder how much it can bounce though.
02:47 I wanna see if I can bounce an ender pearl
02:51 on an even longer platform,
02:53 so I'm building one much larger.
02:55 (upbeat music)
02:57 Let's see, okay, okay, almost done, there.
03:04 Moment of truth, please don't let me down, pearly.
03:08 And there it goes, oh my gosh.
03:11 I'm going to build one that is even longer.
03:14 Our next hack is multicolored beacons.
03:18 I've been trying to decorate my backyard
03:19 and it hasn't been going well.
03:21 (upbeat music)
03:24 But anyway, I found this old hack
03:25 to build a multicolored beacon
03:27 and I think it's the perfect thing
03:28 to decorate my backyard.
03:30 And building it is really easy too,
03:32 you just need an iron block
03:34 and the color stained glass panes.
03:36 Okay, that's it, all right, let's turn it on and oh,
03:42 wow, I love it, the colors work so well for my backyard.
03:46 I think I'm just gonna grab a seat here
03:47 and enjoy my creation.
03:49 Rail duplicator hack.
03:52 I wanna try out this rail duplicator
03:54 because it seems very simple.
03:56 I think I'm done, I'm just gonna push this lever
03:59 and whoa, it works.
04:01 That was so easy, you guys have to try this out.
04:05 Anvil on a boat hack.
04:07 Here's a hack from old Minecraft you might like.
04:09 If you ever wanna troll your friend with a boat,
04:11 craft yourself an anvil, have it ready
04:14 and then just plop it on top of a boat.
04:16 And there he goes, good luck in Atlantis, buddy.
04:20 (upbeat music)
04:23 Infinite water with axolotl.
04:26 Now, how would you like to have infinite water buckets
04:29 without having to go through the whole hassle
04:31 of finding a river?
04:32 Check this out.
04:33 First, I dig this convenient little pond hole
04:36 and fill it with water.
04:37 Next, I'm off to a lush cave
04:41 to catch myself a cute little axolotl.
04:43 Come here, you Pokemon looking you.
04:46 (upbeat music)
04:49 Right, now we go back and put our captured friendo
04:54 in the pond, catch him again
04:57 and you got yourself a bucket with axolotl and water.
05:02 And as you can see, the water level in the pond
05:04 stays the same, infinite water.
05:09 Might taste a bit fishy though, but it works.
05:12 Avoid snow burn.
05:15 This next hack I'll teach you
05:16 could very well save your life, my friends.
05:19 It's the stop snow burn hack and hmm,
05:23 I forget what happens next.
05:25 Let's see here, unspeakable catches fire all of a sudden.
05:29 Oh, oh, would you look at that?
05:30 It seems I'm on fire already.
05:34 Kind of smells toasty too.
05:36 Ouch, okay, okay, here we go.
05:39 It's simple, you dig a hole and fill it with snow dust
05:43 and jump in it to stop taking lava fire damage.
05:47 Oh, that's better.
05:51 Infinite lava.
05:53 Speaking of lava, might as well show you a hack
05:55 that will get you some of that hot stuff for all eternity.
05:59 First up, I placed three bedrock blocks
06:01 at a three block height.
06:02 Then I placed some pointies pointing downwards
06:07 and aiming at these cauldrons right here.
06:09 (upbeat music)
06:12 Then I placed a lava bucket on top
06:15 to get these things flowing.
06:16 Look at that, my cauldrons are about to be bursting
06:21 with lava and it keeps going and going.
06:25 It's kind of hypnotizing.
06:28 Debug stick.
06:30 All right gamers, this hack I'm about to show you
06:32 might be the hackiest hack that any hacker could use.
06:36 We're about to console command a debug stick.
06:40 Check it out, I use the command slash give
06:43 at S debug underscore stick.
06:46 And voila, wow, this thing is weird.
06:50 Let's see what it can do.
06:52 Look at that.
06:57 Let's try something else.
06:59 I don't think a door are gonna be very useful like this.
07:05 Whoa, I messed up those blocks.
07:08 What am I even looking at?
07:09 Okay, time to run.
07:11 Machine gun hack.
07:13 Look at all of those zombies.
07:15 This is the perfect time to try another hack
07:17 from the old Minecraft.
07:18 All right, come on.
07:20 We're gonna build a machine gun to fight off these dudes.
07:22 I can't believe I haven't built a machine gun before.
07:24 This is like the perfect weapon to protect your house.
07:32 I just have to make sure I follow all the steps
07:35 and there, it's done.
07:37 All right, time to test it out.
07:39 Okay, here they come, here they come.
07:42 Yeah, yeah, take that.
07:49 (laughing)
07:50 Let's go.
07:51 This is the most fun I've had in a while.
07:53 Thunderstorms.
07:56 I'm excited about this hack
07:57 because I've never tried it before
07:59 and it's from an old version.
08:00 I'm gonna just jump ahead and try it right here
08:02 because I'm so excited.
08:03 It's important you craft enchanted tridents for this,
08:06 but it's not that hard.
08:08 All right, well, I think I'm ready.
08:10 Remember to write down the command, weather thunder.
08:15 Oh man, I wonder if this is going to work.
08:17 I really don't wanna blow myself up
08:19 by mistake or something.
08:20 And now we'll push the lever.
08:22 Whoa, look at that thunder.
08:28 Oh, I am so gonna scare ASWD with this hack
08:31 next time I see him.
08:33 Subscribe right now if you wanna see
08:34 more Minecraft hacks this month.
08:36 If you like this video, go check out this video right here,
08:38 which is 15 scary Minecraft myths.
08:40 You do not wanna miss it.
