A Wish Come True - American Romantic movie

  • last year
00:00:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:03 [APPLAUSE]
00:00:17 That was beautiful.
00:00:26 Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:00:27 It was very beautiful.
00:00:28 That's probably enough of the thank yous.
00:00:29 We can just eat the cake now.
00:00:30 Not so fast.
00:00:31 She's got to make her wish first, right, dear?
00:00:33 Of course.
00:00:34 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:00:37 [APPLAUSE]
00:00:43 Welcome to 25, Lindsay.
00:00:46 No, no, no, don't say it.
00:00:48 It's too close to the big three-oh.
00:00:49 I want to make a toast to everybody
00:00:52 who helped put together this wonderful party,
00:00:54 to my dear brother Joey.
00:00:56 Enjoy that fat and sugar while you can.
00:00:59 To Abby, I know we just met at work,
00:01:01 but I know we're going to be the dearest of friends.
00:01:03 And to my mom, thank you for not forgetting the date.
00:01:08 And for bringing the recyclable forks,
00:01:09 because you know how much I care about the environment.
00:01:12 And to my oldest friend, Dave.
00:01:14 Whoa, whoa, not so fast.
00:01:16 We are the same age.
00:01:18 Thank you for always being there for me.
00:01:20 Cheers.
00:01:21 Cheers.
00:01:22 [CHEERING]
00:01:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:01:28 You looking for Linds?
00:01:33 Yeah.
00:01:34 She went to her room.
00:01:35 You finally going to tell her how you feel?
00:01:38 What's taking you so long?
00:01:39 It's not that simple, Joey.
00:01:40 If I tell her how I feel and she's not interested,
00:01:43 I could lose our friendship forever.
00:01:46 It means the world to me.
00:01:47 There you are.
00:01:51 Hey.
00:01:52 People are starting to go.
00:01:53 Oh.
00:01:54 What's that?
00:01:56 OK, don't laugh.
00:01:58 But it's my birthday wish list.
00:02:01 Every year on my birthday, I make a wish and I write it down.
00:02:04 I'm sorry.
00:02:04 I've known you since third grade, but I didn't know that.
00:02:09 Well, it hasn't helped, though.
00:02:10 None have come true.
00:02:11 Yet.
00:02:13 Well, I have to see it.
00:02:14 May I?
00:02:17 Fine.
00:02:19 All right, let's see what we have.
00:02:21 A puppy, fun and play dollhouse.
00:02:25 My brother will get chicken pox.
00:02:27 I was a vindictive kid.
00:02:29 Oh, lose weight.
00:02:32 I'll be rescued by Prince Charming.
00:02:35 Billy Maddox will fall in love with me.
00:02:37 That was from eighth grade.
00:02:38 He was so cute.
00:02:40 Perfect vision.
00:02:43 Mom and Dad will get back together.
00:02:44 There's no way I'm getting my eyes lasered.
00:02:46 And I mean, what kid doesn't wish for their parents
00:02:48 to remarry?
00:02:50 What?
00:02:53 Nothing.
00:02:54 Just your final wish.
00:02:57 That I'll find my true love.
00:02:59 I mean, a girl can dream, can't she?
00:03:01 Sure.
00:03:03 So none of these wishes have come true.
00:03:05 What does it matter?
00:03:06 I mean, we're 25.
00:03:08 The world is at our fingertips.
00:03:09 I mean, one day I'm going to be a top executive
00:03:12 at an environmental firm, and I'm
00:03:13 going to be living in a big house with the man that I love.
00:03:16 From now on, all of my wishes are going to come true.
00:03:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:03:22 Miss Corwin.
00:03:36 Miss Corwin.
00:03:39 I need 20 copies by 11 and a refill by 10.
00:03:41 The day's barely started and Kate's already
00:03:46 having caffeine withdrawal?
00:03:47 Yeah.
00:03:48 New screensaver?
00:03:49 Yeah.
00:03:50 It's from last week.
00:03:51 It was our six-month dating anniversary.
00:03:54 Isn't he the best?
00:03:55 Abby, I really feel like he's the one.
00:03:59 He's my Mr. Right.
00:04:01 I'm so excited about tonight.
00:04:02 [PHONE RINGING]
00:04:03 Hello, Green Tree, can I help you?
00:04:08 Oh, you have a great product for us.
00:04:10 An indoor bathroom for dogs.
00:04:13 Send us the information.
00:04:14 I'll pass it along to Miss Moore.
00:04:16 OK, have a nice day.
00:04:19 I swear, one more green dog idea and I'm out of here.
00:04:21 So you're going to get an answer on your project
00:04:23 from Kate today, right?
00:04:25 Does it even matter?
00:04:26 Of course it will matter.
00:04:27 I mean, you just found a great product
00:04:29 that's going to save the planet and get you a promotion.
00:04:32 Abby, we've been assistants here for five years.
00:04:34 Since when has one of our own moved up to a life not chained
00:04:36 to these fake wooden desks?
00:04:38 These aren't real wood.
00:04:40 How about some cheering up?
00:04:41 Let's get together tonight.
00:04:43 Tonight?
00:04:45 OK, all right.
00:04:46 I'll play along.
00:04:47 I'm going to my mom's house for dinner,
00:04:49 and then I'm going to Kevin's.
00:04:51 Play along with what?
00:04:52 Abby, it's three days for my 30th birthday,
00:04:53 and no one said anything about a party.
00:04:55 And Kevin's acting super weird.
00:04:56 He's totally up to something.
00:04:58 I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:05:00 I'll be really embarrassed when Kevin jumps out
00:05:01 from behind the couch and yells--
00:05:03 [DOOR OPENS]
00:05:03 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:05:04 [DOOR OPENS]
00:05:05 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:05:06 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:05:07 Kevin?
00:05:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:11 [GIGGLING]
00:05:12 [PANTING]
00:05:22 Lindsey.
00:05:26 You're early.
00:05:27 This isn't what it looks like.
00:05:33 OK, it is what it looks like.
00:05:36 I'm sorry.
00:05:38 What do you want me to say?
00:05:41 Surprise?
00:05:44 I guess that'll have to be my line.
00:05:45 [DOG BARKING]
00:05:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:05:54 [PHONE RINGING]
00:05:56 [MOANING]
00:06:01 [PHONE RINGING]
00:06:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:06 [PHONE RINGING]
00:06:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:11 [PHONE RINGING]
00:06:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:16 [PHONE RINGING]
00:06:18 Ugh.
00:06:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:21 [PHONE RINGING]
00:06:23 Ah.
00:06:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:06:28 Dave Landry, legal eagle and chauffeur at your service.
00:06:32 We're taking my car, right?
00:06:33 You're still in the shop?
00:06:34 Yeah, when isn't it?
00:06:36 So did, uh--
00:06:39 did you get an answer on our solar panel project yet?
00:06:41 The company's asking.
00:06:42 I told them, as their lawyer, I can only do so much.
00:06:45 No, not yet.
00:06:45 I'm just sort of waiting for the right time, you know?
00:06:48 Oh.
00:06:49 Is, uh, everything all right?
00:06:52 Hm?
00:06:53 Yeah, I'm fine.
00:06:56 You sure?
00:06:59 No, I'm not.
00:07:01 Kevin and I broke up.
00:07:03 Oh, Lindsay.
00:07:05 He was cheating on me.
00:07:07 I'm sorry.
00:07:08 You want to talk about it?
00:07:10 I'm just-- I'm done with men.
00:07:11 They're all dogs.
00:07:13 Present company excluded.
00:07:15 Oh, thank you.
00:07:16 You realize there are different kinds of dogs-- lap dogs,
00:07:19 guard dogs, working dogs.
00:07:21 You, however, always seem to end up with hound dogs.
00:07:25 You always know how to make me laugh.
00:07:26 Yeah?
00:07:27 Thank you.
00:07:28 [PHONE RINGING]
00:07:29 Sorry.
00:07:31 Hey, Mom.
00:07:32 You at the airport?
00:07:35 Yes, don't worry.
00:07:36 I will survive my birthday without you.
00:07:38 I promise.
00:07:39 Have fun in Mexico, OK?
00:07:40 Go easy on the cheese nachos.
00:07:42 I love you.
00:07:45 At least she still travels.
00:07:46 Her and my dad rotate vacations at the time show every year.
00:07:48 Still not talking, huh?
00:07:50 You're kidding?
00:07:50 They're like polar opposites.
00:07:52 Talking about dogs, it's like putting, like,
00:07:53 a little fluffy poodle with a big slobbering St. Bernard.
00:07:56 [LAUGHS]
00:07:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:00 [SIGHS]
00:08:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:08:05 Here.
00:08:06 Thanks for the call last night.
00:08:07 I don't want to say I told you so, but I told you so.
00:08:13 Why do you keep going out with these hot-looking jerks?
00:08:16 I don't know.
00:08:16 Is that a trick question?
00:08:18 It's like you have this list of ingredients
00:08:20 for your perfect guy.
00:08:21 And guess what?
00:08:22 It's the wrong list.
00:08:24 Abby, this isn't helping.
00:08:26 I need a cheerleader, not Dr. Phil.
00:08:28 You need to start dating men who cherish you,
00:08:29 not talk a great game and aren't worth your time.
00:08:32 What about Dave?
00:08:33 Dave?
00:08:34 My Dave?
00:08:35 No, we've known each other since we were little kids,
00:08:37 but he's like my brother.
00:08:39 I mean, he's an amazing guy.
00:08:40 He's super sweet.
00:08:41 I just don't feel it with him, you know?
00:08:44 Or you won't let yourself feel it with him
00:08:46 because it's too scary.
00:08:47 Right there on the left.
00:08:52 He has nowhere to put it.
00:08:53 OK, all right.
00:08:54 Now, use your leg strength, not your arms, all right?
00:08:57 I can't do it.
00:08:57 Yes, you can.
00:08:58 You're almost there.
00:08:59 [GROANS]
00:09:00 You got it.
00:09:01 See?
00:09:02 So, great birthday present, huh?
00:09:04 I've been wanting to get you out here forever.
00:09:06 You love the outdoors, you're sporty,
00:09:07 and you never shy away from a challenge.
00:09:09 Yeah, not one that involves a parachute.
00:09:11 Looking good, Lindsay, for your first time.
00:09:14 Dave started me rock climbing a few months ago.
00:09:16 I'm hooked.
00:09:17 It's a great way to tone your legs.
00:09:19 Right, sweetheart?
00:09:20 Right.
00:09:23 Hey, Dave.
00:09:25 Dave Landry.
00:09:26 Cliff.
00:09:27 Man, long time.
00:09:28 Yeah, I'm in town from New York for the week.
00:09:30 Just taking a break between meetings.
00:09:32 Dave, I can't move.
00:09:33 I was thinking about you recently.
00:09:34 Yeah?
00:09:35 We need to talk.
00:09:36 Call my office.
00:09:37 We'll set something up.
00:09:38 Sure thing.
00:09:39 All right.
00:09:40 Dave.
00:09:41 Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:09:42 Are you OK?
00:09:43 Yeah, I think I'm ready to get down now.
00:09:44 Well, here's the fun part.
00:09:45 You just push off and Trisha will ease you down.
00:09:48 I'm supposed to just let go?
00:09:50 Yeah.
00:09:51 Are you crazy?
00:09:51 I'm not going to let go.
00:09:52 There's nothing to be scared of.
00:09:54 It's all about trust.
00:09:55 Oh, I trust people.
00:09:56 That's not the problem.
00:09:57 Not people.
00:09:59 You, Lindsay.
00:10:01 Trust yourself.
00:10:02 OK?
00:10:03 Oh, come on.
00:10:05 Not today.
00:10:05 Not today.
00:10:07 OK, I'll help you out.
00:10:08 Please.
00:10:09 OK.
00:10:10 Here we go. - OK.
00:10:11 All right.
00:10:12 [SCREAMS]
00:10:13 Oh.
00:10:14 Oh.
00:10:14 Um, are you OK?
00:10:19 Are you OK? Yeah.
00:10:20 Yeah, I'm fine.
00:10:21 You OK? - Yeah.
00:10:22 OK, just point me in any direction away from Mount Everest
00:10:25 over here.
00:10:26 [LAUGHS]
00:10:27 Oh.
00:10:28 OK.
00:10:30 That was fun. - Yeah.
00:10:31 Thanks for bringing me again.
00:10:32 Sure.
00:10:33 Dave, remember what we were talking about?
00:10:36 It's been several months now.
00:10:38 I'm ready to take this to the next level.
00:10:40 You sure you can handle a harder climb?
00:10:41 I'm not talking about rock climbing.
00:10:44 Oh.
00:10:45 Look, I know we talked about this.
00:10:50 It's just--
00:10:55 I thought my feelings would change.
00:10:57 I'm not ready.
00:10:59 Sorry.
00:11:01 Well, Dave, you're a great guy.
00:11:03 If and when you're ever ready, call me.
00:11:06 So rock climbing wasn't the best birthday present.
00:11:11 Well, I knew not to get the climb every mountain discount
00:11:13 pack, so-- - Right.
00:11:14 Yeah.
00:11:15 [SIGHS]
00:11:16 Dave, I'm almost 30.
00:11:20 I'm almost 30.
00:11:21 Relax.
00:11:22 You at least got 20 years before you start going gray.
00:11:25 Although I think I see something on the left.
00:11:28 Do you remember my birthday wish list?
00:11:29 Sure.
00:11:30 None of them have come true.
00:11:32 Linz, you don't realize how lucky you are.
00:11:36 You're beautiful.
00:11:37 You're smart.
00:11:39 Trust me, any guy would kill to be with you.
00:11:41 Except Kevin, but he's a jerk.
00:11:43 And don't forget about Brad.
00:11:44 Oh, Brad.
00:11:47 Well, if you run out of options, there's always me.
00:11:50 Dave, you'll always be my best friend.
00:11:53 [CHUCKLES]
00:11:53 Come here.
00:11:55 [SIGHS]
00:11:58 So what happened to Trish tonight?
00:11:59 Where was she?
00:12:00 Oh, I didn't want to dampen the mood, but we broke up.
00:12:05 You guys seem so happy.
00:12:07 I know, and she's great, just not the right one for me.
00:12:14 I am looking forward to a night in,
00:12:16 good book, and a bowl of ice cream.
00:12:18 Mm, well, I could come over later if you want.
00:12:20 We could do one of our binge TV marathons, drama,
00:12:23 suspense, comedy.
00:12:25 Comedy.
00:12:25 [CHUCKLES]
00:12:28 You know, actually, there's something
00:12:30 I wanted to talk to you about.
00:12:33 What?
00:12:33 It's about our--
00:12:35 maybe we should talk about this over dinner.
00:12:42 OK, sure.
00:12:44 Oh, wait.
00:12:46 [CHEERING]
00:12:48 You scared me.
00:12:49 Gotcha.
00:12:50 Surprise.
00:12:51 Never trust a lawyer.
00:12:53 [CHEERING]
00:12:56 You know, one candle would have been enough.
00:13:00 OK.
00:13:01 Wait.
00:13:03 What happened to making a wish?
00:13:04 You know, none of them have come true by now.
00:13:06 I kind of figure that's the point.
00:13:08 The point is it never hurts.
00:13:10 Wish for a promotion.
00:13:11 I wished for that three years ago.
00:13:12 What about a new car?
00:13:13 I wished for that two years ago.
00:13:15 And if I'd gotten the promotion, I could have afforded the car.
00:13:18 Wish for winning the lottery, or for something
00:13:20 not even for you.
00:13:21 Every year I enter the charity sweepstakes, and I never win.
00:13:23 And I already wished for the city to go solar
00:13:25 and for Kern Park to be saved.
00:13:26 So I'm not holding my breath.
00:13:28 How about finding your perfect guy?
00:13:30 Last year, I wished that I would find my Mr. Right
00:13:32 before I turned 30.
00:13:33 And I found my Mr. Definitely Wrong.
00:13:36 There's got to be something.
00:13:38 Um--
00:13:49 OK, wish king, here's your last chance.
00:13:51 [CHEERING]
00:13:56 Happy birthday, Lindsay.
00:14:08 May your final wish come true.
00:14:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:19 [ALARM BEEPING]
00:14:31 [ALARM BEEPING]
00:14:34 [GROANING]
00:14:38 [ALARM BEEPING]
00:14:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:14:45 Down five pounds?
00:14:51 Great, now the scale's broken.
00:14:53 I'm coming, Gabe.
00:14:59 Aw.
00:14:59 Oh.
00:15:05 I have no home.
00:15:10 Please keep me.
00:15:12 You're so cute, but I can't.
00:15:17 Oh, brother.
00:15:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:28 You're so cute.
00:15:35 What are you doing here?
00:15:37 What am I going to do with you?
00:15:38 I can't keep you.
00:15:39 Lindsay Kerwin?
00:15:43 Yeah.
00:15:44 Sign here.
00:15:45 Oh.
00:15:46 What?
00:15:52 Ah.
00:15:53 Each year in preschool, you said you wished for one of these.
00:16:02 To the good old days, happy 30th, love, Becky.
00:16:05 No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:16:09 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:16:10 No, no, no, no.
00:16:11 What are you doing?
00:16:12 No.
00:16:13 Ah.
00:16:14 Dave, at last.
00:16:15 Joey, what happened to your face?
00:16:20 Well, believe it or not, I got the chicken pox.
00:16:22 What?
00:16:22 I can't be with anybody who didn't have it as a kid.
00:16:25 I.E. my roommate, so can I come crash here for a bit?
00:16:28 Unbelievable, yeah.
00:16:29 Come on in.
00:16:32 When did you get a dog?
00:16:33 10 minutes ago.
00:16:34 Isn't he the cutest?
00:16:35 This giant thing on the floor.
00:16:40 What is this, Grand Central Station?
00:16:41 Dave, finally you're here.
00:16:47 You will not believe my morning.
00:16:48 Cute dog.
00:16:49 Oh, thanks.
00:16:52 Oh, hey, Joey.
00:16:53 What happened to your face?
00:16:57 Is that a giant dollhouse?
00:16:58 Yeah.
00:16:59 OK, the couch is all yours.
00:17:00 I'm late for work.
00:17:01 Just here, be a good brother and watch him or her.
00:17:05 I don't know.
00:17:05 Please, just whatever you do, keep it away from the plants.
00:17:08 OK?
00:17:09 OK.
00:17:10 Thank you.
00:17:11 Hey.
00:17:12 Hey.
00:17:12 Oh.
00:17:13 If I can be of any help with a puppy,
00:17:18 you know how much I love dogs.
00:17:19 Thanks, you're the best.
00:17:20 So remember that dinner we talked about?
00:17:22 Let's set a time.
00:17:23 Sure, pick a night.
00:17:25 Sorry I'm late.
00:17:25 I got to go.
00:17:26 Bye.
00:17:28 Bye.
00:17:28 Hey, birthday girl.
00:17:32 Slept in?
00:17:33 No, it's been a really bizarre morning.
00:17:36 I hope this doesn't ruin it.
00:17:38 Ren-Chao wants to see you.
00:17:39 Been with us for a while now.
00:17:44 Admirable.
00:17:45 Mr. Ren-Chao, despite what Kate may have said,
00:17:47 I'm very happy here.
00:17:48 And most of your product recommendations
00:17:50 have scored extremely high.
00:17:52 You heard about Margaret?
00:17:54 She got the promotion?
00:17:56 She was let go.
00:17:59 I'm promoting you to development director.
00:18:04 I got it.
00:18:04 I got the promotion.
00:18:06 When do you start?
00:18:07 Tomorrow.
00:18:08 It's been such a crazy day.
00:18:09 Well, you've been wanting this so badly,
00:18:11 it's going to feel weird.
00:18:12 [PHONE RINGING]
00:18:13 One second.
00:18:15 Hello?
00:18:16 Hi, Dad.
00:18:17 Hi, honey.
00:18:18 Happy birthday.
00:18:19 Thank you.
00:18:20 Where are you?
00:18:21 I'm at the timeshare.
00:18:22 Wait, you're in Mexico?
00:18:23 Si, señorita.
00:18:25 And guess who I ran into?
00:18:27 Happy birthday, honey.
00:18:29 Mom?
00:18:30 Can you believe this?
00:18:31 One wrong keystroke on my iCal, and I run into your mother.
00:18:35 And guess what?
00:18:36 We're having a really good time.
00:18:38 It's like when we first met.
00:18:39 And here's the kicker.
00:18:41 We are going to start dating again.
00:18:45 Bye, honey.
00:18:46 See you soon.
00:18:46 [BABY CRYING]
00:18:47 Bye.
00:18:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:18:51 Hi, Lindsey.
00:19:12 Blast from the past.
00:19:13 Dr. Maddox.
00:19:15 Billy Maddox.
00:19:16 I went on classmates.com, but couldn't believe
00:19:18 you're actually still here.
00:19:19 So am I.
00:19:21 Billy?
00:19:22 Let's meet up.
00:19:23 Call me.
00:19:24 555-0174.
00:19:27 This is nuts.
00:19:28 That's weird.
00:19:36 It didn't burn.
00:19:46 This is impossible.
00:19:47 Where is it?
00:19:56 [BEEPING]
00:20:04 [BEEPING]
00:20:07 This is so crazy.
00:20:20 Cool, but crazy.
00:20:23 Goodbye, four eyes.
00:20:24 Hello, new me.
00:20:25 Yes.
00:20:29 Love bacon.
00:20:30 You just love bacon.
00:20:31 Ta-da.
00:20:33 What's up?
00:20:34 Figures.
00:20:35 Something-- something's different.
00:20:41 Really?
00:20:42 You think so?
00:20:43 You look great.
00:20:44 What, did you lose some pounds and bite contacts?
00:20:49 I didn't do either.
00:20:50 They're wishes that came true.
00:20:52 OK, what?
00:20:53 OK, I know it doesn't--
00:20:54 it doesn't even really make sense to me,
00:20:56 but I made this wish at my party,
00:20:58 and it was a big one, really, really big one.
00:21:01 So you wish to lose some weight and get contacts?
00:21:03 No, Joey, I'm not wearing contacts.
00:21:04 I wished for all of my birthday wishes to come true.
00:21:08 And guess what?
00:21:09 Now you're scaring me.
00:21:10 OK, first it was the puppy, and then it
00:21:11 was my favorite dollhouse with the matching car,
00:21:13 and then you got chicken pox, which I
00:21:14 wished for when you were seven.
00:21:15 Wait, that was you?
00:21:16 And then I got a promotion, and mom and dad started
00:21:18 talking to each other again.
00:21:19 Yeah, I know they called.
00:21:19 That doesn't mean they're just back to--
00:21:20 And then my eighth grade crush calls me, like, out of the blue.
00:21:22 I lose five pounds, and I have perfect vision.
00:21:24 Hold on, wait.
00:21:26 Did you at any point wish for a cute girl from me?
00:21:28 Joey, seriously, this is not a coincidence.
00:21:30 Everything I've ever wished for is
00:21:31 coming true in a matter of days.
00:21:33 Do you know what this means?
00:21:34 Nope, but I feel like you're worth the tell me.
00:21:35 I'm about to be a top executive at Green Tree
00:21:37 and find my Mr. Right.
00:21:39 OK.
00:21:40 Did you have a little too much to drink at your party?
00:21:43 Look, Lindsay, I'm sure there's an explanation for all this.
00:21:45 OK, wait, you really think your dream guy is just going
00:21:46 to walk up and ring the doorbell?
00:21:50 That could-- that could be anything.
00:21:52 That could be him.
00:21:53 That could be him.
00:21:53 What do I do?
00:21:55 I don't-- answer the door.
00:21:56 Seems logical.
00:21:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:21:59 Hi.
00:22:00 [DOOR OPENS]
00:22:02 Hey, Lindsay, ready for work?
00:22:04 Oh, hi, Dave.
00:22:05 Yeah, it's just you.
00:22:06 Come on in.
00:22:07 Hold on, hold on, Lindsay.
00:22:08 Maybe there is something to this.
00:22:09 Something to what?
00:22:10 What are you talking about?
00:22:13 She's just having a little mental breakdown, that's all.
00:22:15 She thinks that all of her birthday wishes
00:22:17 are suddenly coming true.
00:22:18 Really?
00:22:19 Did you rub a lamp or something?
00:22:21 You guys, I'm not crazy.
00:22:23 Where are your glasses?
00:22:25 Exactly, exactly.
00:22:26 See, any second another one of my wishes could come true.
00:22:28 OK.
00:22:31 Mm-hmm.
00:22:32 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:22:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:22:36 Hello.
00:22:37 Are you Lindsay Carlin?
00:22:39 Yeah.
00:22:40 I'm from Omni Charity Sweepstakes.
00:22:41 You're listed as having entered our contest
00:22:43 many times in the past.
00:22:45 Yeah, just about every year.
00:22:46 Well, this year, your generosity has paid off.
00:22:49 You're our grand prize double winner.
00:22:51 [SCOFFS]
00:22:52 Come on.
00:22:53 What?
00:22:53 You're kidding.
00:22:55 Let me officially present you with the keys
00:22:57 to your brand new luxury car.
00:22:59 [GASPS]
00:23:00 Oh my god, thank you so much.
00:23:01 Oh, you're welcome.
00:23:02 Thank you.
00:23:03 By the way, there's one more prize.
00:23:05 That car is going to look right at home,
00:23:07 parked in front of your very own dream house.
00:23:10 [SPLATS]
00:23:11 Oh my--
00:23:12 [GASPS]
00:23:13 [COUGHS]
00:23:13 [GASPS]
00:23:14 This is unbelievable.
00:23:15 This is my dream house.
00:23:16 I got my dream house.
00:23:17 [COUGHS]
00:23:18 You OK?
00:23:18 Yeah.
00:23:19 Oh, thank you.
00:23:20 Thank you, thank you.
00:23:21 Thank you so much.
00:23:22 I so can't wait for my birthday.
00:23:23 [CHATTER]
00:23:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:23:28 [APPLAUSE]
00:23:29 [CHATTER]
00:23:31 Good morning, Miss Carlin.
00:23:37 Good morning.
00:23:39 Right this way.
00:23:40 [CHATTER]
00:23:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:23:44 [SCOFFS]
00:23:47 Claudia, get me all my files on my photovoltaic project.
00:23:50 I sell this, executive dining room, here I come.
00:23:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:11 [SCREAMS]
00:24:13 [SIGHS]
00:24:15 [SIGHS]
00:24:16 Terribly sorry.
00:24:19 That car was going to hit you.
00:24:21 Thank you.
00:24:23 You just saved my life.
00:24:26 But who are you?
00:24:27 Allow me to introduce myself.
00:24:30 I'm Prince Charming.
00:24:32 Pictures up.
00:24:33 Let's roll camera.
00:24:34 Come on, let's go.
00:24:38 Otherwise known as the denture cream guy.
00:24:40 Yeah.
00:24:41 [SCOFFS]
00:24:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:24:45 [CHATTER]
00:24:50 [GIGGLES]
00:24:53 Looks Christmas popular tonight.
00:24:55 [GIGGLES]
00:24:58 Mm.
00:24:59 Let's get something.
00:25:00 Buy you a drink?
00:25:03 Wait.
00:25:04 It's Dean Cain.
00:25:06 It's Dean Cain.
00:25:07 You know who I am.
00:25:08 Are you kidding?
00:25:09 I'm like a huge fan.
00:25:10 I've seen every single episode of "Superman," ever, ever.
00:25:13 Well, I am-- I'm truly honored.
00:25:15 What is your name?
00:25:16 I'm Lindsay.
00:25:17 Lindsay, nice to meet you.
00:25:18 Hi.
00:25:19 I just realized you're another one of my wishes.
00:25:23 Excuse me?
00:25:24 I-- I mean, it's my birthday, and I made all these wishes,
00:25:27 and now every single one is coming true.
00:25:29 It's your birthday?
00:25:29 Yeah.
00:25:30 May I give you a birthday kiss, then?
00:25:33 Yes.
00:25:34 [LAUGHS]
00:25:36 Both sides.
00:25:38 Wow.
00:25:39 He's 14.
00:25:40 He's 14.
00:25:41 He's 14.
00:25:41 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:25:43 (SINGING) Through the light of the sky.
00:25:46 Joey, I'll see you later.
00:25:49 Got the address.
00:25:50 I don't want to be late.
00:25:51 So you actually believe in the birthday wish fairy?
00:25:54 Of course not, but they're all on the list.
00:25:56 Checked off 15 so far.
00:25:57 And all your wishes are just happening.
00:25:59 How do you suddenly explain me not eating glasses?
00:26:02 I don't know.
00:26:02 I mean, vision can improve with-- with exercise.
00:26:05 I didn't go to the iGYM.
00:26:06 It just happened.
00:26:07 And how do you explain me suddenly
00:26:08 just dropping five pounds?
00:26:09 Maybe you're having some kind of hormonal reaction?
00:26:13 To turning 30?
00:26:14 Look, I started that list with my mom when I was five,
00:26:16 and there's 10 still left on there.
00:26:18 Some of them are pretty crazy.
00:26:19 Like, how am I going to become the first female president?
00:26:21 Good point.
00:26:22 I'll call the birthday fairy.
00:26:23 How does this work exactly?
00:26:24 Like, is the next guy I meet going to be Mr. Right?
00:26:27 And how am I going to know if he's the one?
00:26:28 Uh, Lindsay, are you hearing yourself?
00:26:30 Maybe it's Billy Maddox.
00:26:31 We've been IMing.
00:26:32 I'm going to breakfast with him.
00:26:34 Billy from McKinley?
00:26:35 Yeah.
00:26:35 He's called me out of the blue.
00:26:37 Explain that, Mr. Wish Destroyer.
00:26:41 And explain that.
00:26:44 Wow.
00:26:45 Hello there.
00:26:51 You must be Lindsay, our Omni sweepstakes winner.
00:26:55 It's delighted to finally meet you.
00:26:57 Hi.
00:26:58 I'm the head of PR for Omni.
00:27:00 Is this your husband?
00:27:01 Oh, no.
00:27:02 This is my friend, Dave.
00:27:03 Well, it's a pleasure to meet you.
00:27:04 Why don't we go in and have a look at your new house?
00:27:08 OK.
00:27:13 You have won the Virginian.
00:27:18 One of several styles in the Wellington Estates.
00:27:22 Five bedrooms, four and a half bathrooms,
00:27:25 a nine-seat home theater, and a deluxe great room.
00:27:30 [WHISTLE]
00:27:31 Wow, this Virginian sure knew how to live.
00:27:33 Yeah, with a huge family and a bunch of servants.
00:27:36 Lindsay, are you sure this is a little too--
00:27:37 Does this all come furnished?
00:27:39 You just have to add the love.
00:27:41 And here is your grand gourmet chef's kitchen.
00:27:44 All of the top of the line appliances.
00:27:46 Ah, this is fantastic.
00:27:48 If only you knew how to cook.
00:27:50 Doesn't matter, because with this kitchen,
00:27:52 I'm the next Julia Child.
00:27:54 And feast your eyes on your new luxury, top of the line SUV.
00:28:01 I can't drive that.
00:28:03 I work for one of the top environmental firms
00:28:04 in the city.
00:28:05 That's a gas guzzling monster car.
00:28:07 It probably gets 10 miles a gallon, downhill.
00:28:11 Well, you can't return the prizes,
00:28:14 but there's no reason why you can't sell it.
00:28:15 Hey, Joey, pick up.
00:28:26 Can I come sleep at my new mansion tonight?
00:28:28 475 Lakeview Terrace.
00:28:30 The key's under the mat.
00:28:31 Oh, bring the puppy.
00:28:32 OK, OK, bye.
00:28:32 Lindsay Corwin.
00:28:40 Bailey.
00:28:41 Wow.
00:28:43 Look at you.
00:28:45 Sit, sit.
00:28:46 Oh, thanks.
00:28:46 Wow, you look great.
00:28:51 Oh, come on.
00:28:53 But you, you haven't changed a bit.
00:28:56 I mean, you were pretty then, but now.
00:28:59 I never thought that you even noticed me.
00:29:02 Are you kidding?
00:29:04 I couldn't keep my eyes off of you.
00:29:07 Yeah, I really couldn't believe my luck
00:29:09 when I found you on the internet.
00:29:11 I've been thinking about you a lot.
00:29:12 Oh, not kidding.
00:29:15 So you're a doctor.
00:29:17 Podiatrist.
00:29:18 Oh.
00:29:18 Yeah, if you got a problem with your feet,
00:29:20 I'm happy to take a look.
00:29:21 Oh, no, they're good.
00:29:22 They're fine.
00:29:23 OK.
00:29:24 They're great, yeah.
00:29:25 I haven't married.
00:29:26 Oh.
00:29:27 Still hanging out with the guys from McKinley.
00:29:30 You remember Perkins, big glasses, squeaky voice.
00:29:34 Yeah.
00:29:35 Felberg, always told those knock-knock jokes.
00:29:37 Yeah, they've changed a lot, huh?
00:29:39 No, why?
00:29:39 What about you, single, married?
00:29:47 I'm single.
00:29:48 I work at Green Tree.
00:29:50 It's an environmental development company.
00:29:52 I actually just got promoted to director.
00:29:54 Fantastic.
00:29:56 Congratulations.
00:29:57 Thank you.
00:29:59 So this is so funny.
00:30:01 This is so funny.
00:30:03 Lindsay, I got to be honest.
00:30:08 I've been thinking about you a lot.
00:30:10 Hey, you said that.
00:30:11 And I know we didn't talk a lot back then,
00:30:14 but I always felt that there was something there.
00:30:18 I felt it.
00:30:19 That's funny, because I don't really remember ever--
00:30:22 The truth is, I know it's been years,
00:30:24 but the second that you came through that door
00:30:27 and I saw you, I felt like I was in the eighth grade
00:30:31 all over again.
00:30:32 I mean, the feeling is still there.
00:30:36 You know, Billy, you know how sometimes people can sort of
00:30:39 create fantasy about another person?
00:30:41 Yeah.
00:30:43 You don't really know me, so how can you have feelings for me?
00:30:47 Yeah, I thought this might happen.
00:30:54 I shouldn't have said anything.
00:30:55 I am such an idiot.
00:30:58 You probably hate me.
00:30:59 No, no, I don't hate you.
00:31:01 I don't hate you, Billy, no.
00:31:03 You don't?
00:31:04 No.
00:31:06 So you feel it too.
00:31:07 Lindsay, this could really be amazing.
00:31:11 I think we should get together again tonight.
00:31:14 Oh, you know what?
00:31:15 Oh, it's late.
00:31:16 It's so late.
00:31:17 I've got to go.
00:31:18 I'm so sorry.
00:31:19 I've got to go.
00:31:19 We haven't even ordered.
00:31:20 I know.
00:31:21 I'm so sorry.
00:31:22 I have an early meeting, and I'm late.
00:31:23 But it was really good to see you again, Billy.
00:31:24 Bye.
00:31:31 [car engine]
00:31:33 So how's the high school reunion going?
00:31:36 I mean, he was so cool in eighth grade.
00:31:38 The problem is, he's still in the eighth grade.
00:31:41 And I couldn't meet Mr. Wright if he
00:31:42 hit me with a 10-foot pole.
00:31:44 I'll be there in 15 minutes.
00:31:46 I'm already going home.
00:31:47 I know.
00:31:48 Oh, no, that's Woodhill.
00:31:49 He's coming towards the parking lot.
00:31:50 If he sees me in this car, I am dead.
00:31:52 I've got to go.
00:31:52 I've got to go.
00:31:53 Bye.
00:31:54 [car engine]
00:31:57 [car horn]
00:31:59 [car horn]
00:32:02 [sigh]
00:32:03 Hey.
00:32:04 This is my spot.
00:32:05 Did you not see me?
00:32:06 Oh, you're pretty hard to miss in that tank.
00:32:08 OK, you know, go ahead.
00:32:09 Steal my spot.
00:32:10 You people think you own the world.
00:32:11 Us people?
00:32:12 You think that you know me because of the car
00:32:13 that I drive?
00:32:14 Uh, yeah.
00:32:15 Yeah, I think I do.
00:32:17 I think material objects make you happy.
00:32:19 Status is more important than anything to you.
00:32:20 And you obviously don't give a hoot about the environment.
00:32:24 Wow.
00:32:25 That actually could not be more of a dead wrong statement.
00:32:27 Let me try you.
00:32:28 OK.
00:32:29 You only shop at designer stores.
00:32:31 You way overpay for your haircuts.
00:32:33 And you drive a hybrid because you
00:32:34 want people to think you're into the environment.
00:32:35 But clearly, you aren't at all.
00:32:37 Wow.
00:32:38 Yeah.
00:32:38 That's two out of three.
00:32:39 Not bad.
00:32:40 Hmm.
00:32:41 Oh, hey.
00:32:42 Give me a call next time you find a spot
00:32:43 you can't actually fit into.
00:32:46 I can fit.
00:32:47 Oh, OK.
00:32:48 Good luck.
00:32:49 [music playing]
00:32:53 [grunts]
00:32:54 [tires screeching]
00:33:03 [horn honking]
00:33:04 [tires screeching]
00:33:05 [grunts]
00:33:06 [music playing]
00:33:09 [tires screeching]
00:33:11 Morning, Miss Corwin.
00:33:12 Good morning.
00:33:13 Here's today's paper.
00:33:14 Oh, thank you.
00:33:20 Oh, this is fantastic.
00:33:24 And this is all the photovoltaic
00:33:26 information you requested.
00:33:29 So what's all this, then?
00:33:30 Well, half of it is getting you caught
00:33:32 up with our current products.
00:33:33 The rest is the usual stuff-- budget, reports, analysis.
00:33:36 Do I have to read it all?
00:33:37 By 11 AM, staff meeting.
00:33:40 Welcome to management.
00:33:41 Mm-hmm.
00:33:43 And on page five of the spreadsheet,
00:33:46 you'll find profit projections.
00:33:48 [paper rustling]
00:33:51 OK, moving on to new projects.
00:33:53 Every division is supposed to be year over year change.
00:33:55 We project more to come.
00:33:56 As per the memo, Mr. Woodhill will
00:33:58 be touring the office today with some Wall Street
00:34:01 men and a big investor.
00:34:02 If we go public, we have to deliver big time.
00:34:05 Kate, you're going to be making the product recommendation
00:34:07 to Mr. Woodhill on Friday.
00:34:08 OK, good.
00:34:09 So--
00:34:10 [clears throat]
00:34:11 [laughs]
00:34:13 You don't need to raise your hand.
00:34:15 Oh, um, I just wanted to say that I
00:34:18 have an incredible project that I
00:34:19 would like to present as well.
00:34:20 It's a breakthrough solar technology
00:34:22 that will slash energy costs.
00:34:24 I'm sorry, but it's way too late to add another presentation.
00:34:27 The schedule is already set.
00:34:28 You can pitch in six months.
00:34:30 OK, so moving on to financial reports.
00:34:31 Excuse me, Frank.
00:34:32 Sorry to intrude.
00:34:34 My apologies, everyone.
00:34:35 I'll just be a couple of minutes.
00:34:37 I want you all to meet one of our newest investors
00:34:39 who's visiting us from Boston.
00:34:41 Everyone, meet Reed Paulson.
00:34:45 Hi, everyone.
00:34:46 Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt.
00:34:48 I told Barry that I'm not just a silent investor.
00:34:50 I'm also trying to be an invisible one.
00:34:52 So carry on.
00:34:53 Keep up the good work.
00:34:53 Carry on.
00:34:54 Nonsense, nonsense.
00:34:55 I want you to meet the kind of people who are keeping
00:34:57 Green Tree number one.
00:34:58 This is Jared McClintock in accounting.
00:35:00 Lee Parsons, research.
00:35:02 Hi.
00:35:03 Kate Moore, director of new projects.
00:35:05 Hi, Kate.
00:35:06 Across from her is our newest director.
00:35:09 At least I think it is.
00:35:10 Yes, that's Lindsay Corwin.
00:35:13 I actually think that we have met.
00:35:15 Weren't you the one who was driving that pig?
00:35:17 Horrible loner.
00:35:17 Car is awful.
00:35:18 This is a loner.
00:35:20 Well, there'll be plenty of time later on to meet the others.
00:35:22 Frank, I'll let you get back to your meeting.
00:35:25 Mr. Woodhill, one moment.
00:35:26 I know that your schedule is already set
00:35:30 for Friday's presentations.
00:35:31 But I have something incredible that you have to see.
00:35:34 Well, that's wonderful.
00:35:36 I like someone with passion.
00:35:38 But I have no time.
00:35:39 So come to me on the next round.
00:35:41 Mr. Woodhill, with all due respect, this can't wait.
00:35:44 This company and our environment can't wait.
00:35:48 Green Tree needs bold, forward-thinking ventures
00:35:50 in keeping with your forward-thinking agenda
00:35:52 to support products that will sustain our environment
00:35:54 for centuries to come.
00:35:56 And I can show you that on Friday.
00:35:58 You won't regret it.
00:36:00 Well, I don't take well to people trying to force
00:36:02 something down my throat.
00:36:05 Unless it's for a good cause.
00:36:07 Frank, make some time on Friday, will you?
00:36:11 What?
00:36:11 So, Corwin, I want a preview of that presentation
00:36:17 in my office tomorrow morning.
00:36:18 No problem.
00:36:18 Yeah.
00:36:19 OK.
00:36:19 Meeting adjourned.
00:36:20 Dave, I did it.
00:36:29 We got the pitch.
00:36:31 It's in two days.
00:36:31 Can you make it?
00:36:32 Can I make it?
00:36:33 This is great news.
00:36:33 Of course I can make it.
00:36:34 Oh, my gosh.
00:36:35 OK, can you meet me?
00:36:36 I'm going to go for lunch.
00:36:36 We have so much prep to do.
00:36:39 Shoot, I can't.
00:36:39 I got an appointment.
00:36:40 Um, OK, what if you come over to the new house
00:36:42 tonight after work?
00:36:43 Perfect.
00:36:43 In fact, let's make this our dinner.
00:36:45 We can do our work and then talk afterwards.
00:36:47 I'll bring something amazing.
00:36:48 Don't you lift a finger.
00:36:49 You are the best.
00:36:51 Dave, I really think that this could change things for us.
00:36:53 I think you're right.
00:36:55 Bye.
00:36:56 Excuse me.
00:37:06 [SIGHS]
00:37:08 Well, look who it is, the tank driving environmentalist.
00:37:16 Hi.
00:37:18 Hi.
00:37:18 Like I said, it's not my car.
00:37:20 No, but it looked like you were having a good time driving it.
00:37:23 No, it is a genuine gas guzzling,
00:37:24 carbon spewing monster car.
00:37:26 I won it in a contest, and I'm going to sell it.
00:37:29 And you were just giving a little test drive.
00:37:32 I care deeply about the environment.
00:37:34 It's really nice to see you again.
00:37:37 Well, that makes two of us.
00:37:38 Do you want to talk some more about this?
00:37:43 Maybe over lunch?
00:37:44 I think my table just opened up.
00:37:45 Well, I just all started with one shop in the heart of Boston,
00:37:53 and it just spread like wildfire.
00:37:56 We must have been among the first
00:37:57 environmentally conscious dry cleaning businesses.
00:38:00 And so before I knew it, all of a sudden,
00:38:02 it's a $70 million business, which, of course,
00:38:06 gave us a little freedom to do other things like Green Tree.
00:38:09 And while I'm here for the opening,
00:38:11 I have the new headquarters of a charity that I support.
00:38:14 So you were born in Boston?
00:38:15 Oh, yeah.
00:38:16 I just love the town, you know, how it's modern,
00:38:18 but yet it's also kept its history, you know?
00:38:22 How about you?
00:38:25 Yeah, I was born right here in a city that's
00:38:27 losing all of its history because we
00:38:29 tear down the beautiful buildings and put up new ones.
00:38:31 Some people call that progress.
00:38:33 Yeah, I mean, progress is great, as long
00:38:35 as you don't destroy all the beauty
00:38:36 and the charm in the process.
00:38:39 Please tell me you're not married,
00:38:41 or that you have an incurable disease, or a 24-hour memory
00:38:43 loss, or something like that.
00:38:45 What's your name again?
00:38:48 OK.
00:38:49 Listen, you know that charity that I mentioned?
00:38:52 Well, they have their opening night gala tonight,
00:38:53 and I don't want to be presumptuous,
00:38:55 but I would love it if you'd be my date.
00:38:58 Lindsay, this is a surprise.
00:39:01 I was just passing by and saw you here.
00:39:03 Do you mind if I have a seat?
00:39:07 Kind of.
00:39:07 Hi.
00:39:11 Billy Maddox.
00:39:12 Yeah, hi.
00:39:12 Reed Paulson.
00:39:14 So how do you two know each other?
00:39:16 Business associates.
00:39:20 Well, it's nice to meet you.
00:39:22 Linds and I go way back.
00:39:25 Billy and I are old school friends.
00:39:26 We haven't seen each other in a long time.
00:39:28 And suddenly, we got back together, and boom.
00:39:32 Like no time had passed.
00:39:33 The spark was still there, right, hon?
00:39:35 Billy, what are you talking about?
00:39:38 Are you two involved?
00:39:41 All I can say is that we hit it off the second
00:39:45 we saw each other again.
00:39:46 I mean, it was a surprise for both of us.
00:39:49 Billy, we are not involved.
00:39:51 Yet.
00:39:53 We-- I mean, we can't rush this.
00:39:56 We got to let it grow and at some pace.
00:39:58 OK.
00:40:00 I think I've gotten in between something here.
00:40:01 I'm going to go, all right?
00:40:04 Listen, this should be enough to cover the lunch.
00:40:06 Billy, it was great to have met you.
00:40:07 And Lindsay, thank you so much for a wonderful lunch.
00:40:10 This is not what it looks like.
00:40:11 It's exactly what it looks like.
00:40:12 It's nice to meet you too, Reed.
00:40:14 OK.
00:40:15 Billy, I don't know what your problem is,
00:40:21 but there is nothing going on between us.
00:40:23 Do I make myself clear?
00:40:24 Do you understand that?
00:40:26 And when you calm down, I think that you are going to have
00:40:29 second thoughts about that.
00:40:30 Reed.
00:40:44 Reed, wait.
00:40:47 I am--
00:40:47 No, just wait.
00:40:48 Let me guess.
00:40:49 You want him too.
00:40:50 Charity, auction, weed.
00:40:51 No.
00:40:52 No, let me explain.
00:40:53 I have not seen that guy since middle school.
00:40:54 He's completely insane.
00:40:55 There is absolutely nothing going on between us.
00:40:57 I think he followed me into the restaurant.
00:40:59 Yeah?
00:41:00 Yes.
00:41:01 Oh.
00:41:01 OK.
00:41:02 Do you have yourself a stalker?
00:41:07 You going to be OK?
00:41:08 I think he's harmless.
00:41:09 OK, well, that's good.
00:41:10 Listen, I just don't want to get in the middle of something,
00:41:12 like with you and your boyfriend or anything.
00:41:14 No, no, no.
00:41:15 Billy is the last person that I would date ever.
00:41:18 And the answer to your question is yes.
00:41:21 Yeah.
00:41:23 Yes?
00:41:24 About tonight, I would love to.
00:41:25 Really?
00:41:26 Mm-hmm.
00:41:27 Oh, that is perfect.
00:41:29 Listen, I'm going to send a car around around 7 o'clock.
00:41:31 I'll have my assistant call your office.
00:41:33 Great.
00:41:33 Good.
00:41:35 Dave, uh, um, I made plans with my friend Dave tonight.
00:41:41 He's the lawyer that's representing the project
00:41:43 I'm pitching, and we have--
00:41:44 Oh, um--
00:41:44 --so much work to do.
00:41:45 Well, listen, I'm leaving tomorrow,
00:41:46 and I really, really want to see you again.
00:41:48 So why don't you just bring him along, come for an hour,
00:41:51 please?
00:41:52 All right.
00:41:53 You're on.
00:41:54 You're crazy, Joey.
00:42:04 It's freezing out here.
00:42:05 Man, it's the life.
00:42:08 You, uh, you staying for dinner?
00:42:09 I am.
00:42:10 In fact, I picked up a feast from Lindsay's favorite spot.
00:42:12 Oh, nice.
00:42:13 Yeah.
00:42:15 Ah, this is the night, Joey.
00:42:18 Finally going to do it.
00:42:20 I'm going to tell her how I really feel.
00:42:21 That's awesome.
00:42:22 I mean, it's about time, but she's, uh--
00:42:25 she's finally ready to hear it.
00:42:27 I hope so.
00:42:28 I mean, we're best friends.
00:42:29 We share everything.
00:42:31 We love spending time together.
00:42:33 I just hope she feels the same way.
00:42:34 Ow.
00:42:42 Hi.
00:42:48 Come here.
00:42:49 Come here.
00:42:50 What am I going to name you?
00:42:51 I need a name for you.
00:42:53 You're so cute.
00:42:55 What if I name you Whiskers?
00:42:58 No, what about Mr. Wish?
00:43:01 Mr. Wishy?
00:43:02 Mm.
00:43:03 Ugh.
00:43:07 I got some great pasta, a little wine, some candles.
00:43:11 What do you think?
00:43:12 Hey, Dave.
00:43:13 Oh, hey.
00:43:14 Hey, Joey.
00:43:16 Are you feeling better?
00:43:17 Still, uh, recovering.
00:43:19 So I might need to stay here a couple more nights
00:43:20 if that's cool.
00:43:21 Sure.
00:43:22 But are those your clothes lying on the floor near the stairs?
00:43:23 Sorry, sweetie.
00:43:25 Those are mine.
00:43:26 Dad. Hi.
00:43:27 What are you doing here?
00:43:28 Where's Mom?
00:43:30 Before I ran into her at the timeshare,
00:43:32 I was going to move into a new apartment.
00:43:35 Mm-hmm.
00:43:36 But then we decided that I should move in with her.
00:43:40 Big mistake.
00:43:41 We had a little fight.
00:43:43 Can I stay here a couple of days?
00:43:46 What, is the whole family just moving in now?
00:43:50 Sure, just pick up after yourself, OK?
00:43:52 Promise, promise.
00:43:53 You won't even know I'm here.
00:43:54 Uh-uh.
00:43:55 OK, Dave, there's been a bunch of change of plans for tonight.
00:43:57 Can you come upstairs?
00:43:58 Sure, sure.
00:43:59 OK, thanks.
00:44:01 I've been invited to this big gala by one
00:44:03 of the investors in Green Tree.
00:44:04 And I told him I was busy tonight,
00:44:06 but he said to just come by for an hour and to bring you two
00:44:08 so we can eat and then we can do our work after.
00:44:10 Oh, you go.
00:44:12 Are you sure?
00:44:13 You go to meet him.
00:44:14 It'll be fun.
00:44:15 Yeah, it'll be fine.
00:44:16 I got a lot of work to do on the presentation.
00:44:18 I'll take everything over to my place.
00:44:20 We'll eat there, go over work when you get back.
00:44:22 Wow.
00:44:36 I have had my eye on this dress and these shoes
00:44:38 and that purse for a long time.
00:44:39 But they were always just wishes, till now.
00:44:42 You know, I thought you didn't like getting all dressed up.
00:44:44 Well, usually I don't.
00:44:45 But tonight I thought, why not just go for it, you know?
00:44:48 Can you help me with the zipper?
00:44:49 Yeah, sure.
00:44:50 Thanks.
00:44:51 What, does this make me look fat?
00:44:59 No.
00:45:00 No, you look beautiful.
00:45:02 It's the dress.
00:45:03 It's amazing.
00:45:04 It's not the dress.
00:45:05 Um, did you-- did you get it?
00:45:13 Yep.
00:45:14 OK.
00:45:15 I'm just going to go for an hour and then I'll
00:45:16 meet you at your place.
00:45:17 Yeah, sure.
00:45:18 Have fun tonight.
00:45:19 I swear, not one historic building
00:45:39 was torn down for this.
00:45:41 No, it's beautiful.
00:45:43 Speaking of which, you look stunning.
00:45:46 Thank you so much for coming.
00:45:47 Well, you look wonderful, too.
00:45:48 Thank you for inviting me.
00:45:51 Hey, where's your friend?
00:45:52 Oh, he had some work to do.
00:45:54 And he wasn't really in the mood to go to a big party.
00:45:57 You know what?
00:46:00 Neither am I. Why don't you let me show you the best
00:46:03 part about this building?
00:46:04 Wow.
00:46:13 Green terrace.
00:46:14 It's a little chilly, but it's very impressive.
00:46:16 Oh, you don't want my jacket?
00:46:17 No.
00:46:19 So families can come up here and they can enjoy an oasis
00:46:21 right in the heart of the city.
00:46:23 I would love to work at a place like this.
00:46:25 Well, it's the idea.
00:46:26 I think the way that we experience our environment,
00:46:29 it affects every single aspect of our lives.
00:46:32 What's your favorite design?
00:46:34 I don't know.
00:46:35 The perfect shoe?
00:46:37 No.
00:46:38 An orchid?
00:46:40 Actually, years ago, Martin's Jewelers downtown,
00:46:43 they made this heart-shaped necklace
00:46:45 and just took my breath away.
00:46:47 Even as a kid, I wish I had it.
00:46:50 What about you?
00:46:51 Oh, I got a long list of them.
00:46:54 I love the sleek lines of a Lamborghini,
00:46:57 playfulness of Disney Hall, poetry
00:46:59 of a Frank Lloyd Wright house.
00:47:01 I just love things with curves and intelligence, beauty.
00:47:07 There you are.
00:47:14 Reed, come back downstairs.
00:47:15 Everyone's asking for you.
00:47:17 I really appreciate everything you've done for the foundation.
00:47:23 Thanks for bringing out your lovely wife.
00:47:25 Are you up for a dance?
00:47:30 I'd love to.
00:47:31 Great.
00:47:32 Jane, good to see you.
00:47:37 Hi, Reed.
00:47:38 You move well.
00:47:42 30-year-old.
00:47:44 Sorry, I just had my birthday.
00:47:45 I'm a little bit sensitive.
00:47:46 No need to.
00:47:49 I hope all your wishes came true.
00:47:52 It's funny you should say that.
00:47:54 Yeah?
00:47:54 Do you ever think that a person's wishes can come true?
00:48:01 Well, I think that sometimes something can suddenly appear.
00:48:06 It feels like magic.
00:48:09 Like when two people meet.
00:48:11 Anything can happen, right?
00:48:12 Well, Cinderella, I think you definitely
00:48:28 stayed past your hour.
00:48:30 I wouldn't want to turn into an organic pumpkin.
00:48:31 I'll call you a limo.
00:48:35 OK.
00:48:41 What?
00:48:43 Is there something in my teeth?
00:48:44 No, no, I'm just looking.
00:48:46 I'm making my own wish.
00:48:51 Was it OK that I did that?
00:49:06 It's more than OK.
00:49:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:49:11 What?
00:49:13 You're married, aren't you?
00:49:14 You're married. - No.
00:49:15 No, no, no, no.
00:49:16 It's nothing like that at all.
00:49:18 It's just that I have to be on a plane tomorrow to Boston.
00:49:22 And then after that, I go to Indonesia to close a deal.
00:49:24 And I don't know when I'm going to be back.
00:49:26 Can you just stay for one more day?
00:49:29 Just until after the presentation?
00:49:32 I will cook you an amazing home-cooked meal
00:49:34 at my house tomorrow night.
00:49:36 Very tempting.
00:49:39 I can stay one more night.
00:49:42 Thank you.
00:49:43 I think you got to go.
00:49:49 You got a lot of work to do.
00:49:50 Lindsay, happy birthday.
00:49:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:50:01 [KNOCKING]
00:50:06 Dave?
00:50:08 Hello?
00:50:09 Lindsay?
00:50:10 Yeah.
00:50:11 I'll be there in a sec.
00:50:12 Hey.
00:50:18 Hey, I am so sorry that I'm late.
00:50:20 Oh, no worries.
00:50:21 What are you doing?
00:50:22 You know how we collect all this stuff from the past
00:50:24 and never look at it?
00:50:25 No.
00:50:27 Oh, the drafts on the table.
00:50:28 Oh, thanks.
00:50:29 It's almost done.
00:50:30 Just need to print it out.
00:50:31 It's in great shape.
00:50:32 All the testings and material protocols are laid out.
00:50:35 So as long as they're followed, those solar panels
00:50:37 can't be beat.
00:50:40 When will this become profitable?
00:50:42 It's on page three.
00:50:43 We're estimating five years.
00:50:45 Won't bring a quick return, just a solid one.
00:50:48 You did such a great job on this.
00:50:50 Thanks.
00:50:52 Oh, you hungry?
00:50:54 I got lots of food.
00:50:56 Oh, it looks so nice.
00:51:02 Yeah, I'm actually starving.
00:51:04 So how was the party?
00:51:11 It was nice.
00:51:12 The building was beautiful.
00:51:16 And?
00:51:17 And-- OK, I know you don't believe in this,
00:51:20 but I think I got another one of my wishes.
00:51:23 Why not?
00:51:23 I'm on a roll.
00:51:24 Which one was it this time?
00:51:27 My 29th.
00:51:28 You mean--
00:51:29 Yeah, that green tree investor.
00:51:31 His name is Reed Paulson, and he's so smart, and he's funny,
00:51:34 and he really cares about the environment.
00:51:36 I know it sounds so crazy, but I really think
00:51:39 that he could be Mr. Right.
00:51:41 Lindsay, that's-- that's amazing.
00:51:46 I'm really happy for you.
00:51:47 [CHEWING]
00:51:49 Now that is how real Italians eat pasta.
00:51:59 Yep.
00:52:00 Mm-hmm.
00:52:01 I'm going to miss slurping together if I move.
00:52:04 Move?
00:52:06 What are you talking about?
00:52:08 You know that guy I ran into rock climbing?
00:52:11 Cliff?
00:52:12 He's an old attorney friend of mine, and, uh,
00:52:14 well, we had lunch.
00:52:15 He offered me a job in his New York office.
00:52:18 I can still be involved in a project.
00:52:20 Just, um, be leaving here for good.
00:52:23 Wow.
00:52:26 So what did you say?
00:52:27 That I'd think about it.
00:52:29 That I, uh, had to see about something here first.
00:52:34 That's wonderful.
00:52:36 I would just hate to see you go.
00:52:37 I got to show you these photos.
00:52:42 [CHUCKLES]
00:52:43 Uh, this is of me and you at my 10th birthday.
00:52:49 [CHUCKLES]
00:52:51 OK, and this is you and me in your backyard.
00:52:54 Aw.
00:52:54 You know, it's so funny.
00:52:55 All these old photos of me have you in them.
00:52:58 Oh, gosh.
00:53:01 Remember this one?
00:53:02 Abby took it.
00:53:04 She takes the best photos of us.
00:53:05 I don't know.
00:53:06 She always says we should be a couple.
00:53:07 It's funny.
00:53:10 You, uh, you ever thought about it?
00:53:13 What?
00:53:14 Us as a couple?
00:53:16 I mean, we've grown up together.
00:53:18 It's like we're practically related.
00:53:19 I mean, you feel the same way, right?
00:53:24 Yeah.
00:53:25 Of course.
00:53:27 OK, so we're finally having our dinner.
00:53:30 What did you want to talk to me about?
00:53:31 Well, um, you know, it's nothing.
00:53:36 I have to show you this last photo.
00:53:39 It's of you.
00:53:40 It's my all-time favorite.
00:53:42 I took it.
00:53:43 [CHUCKLES]
00:53:46 Wow.
00:53:47 That's about 18 year, I think.
00:53:49 I wonder what I wished for that year.
00:53:52 So this wish thing, they always turn out the way you want them?
00:53:56 No, not all of them.
00:53:59 But the ones that do are pretty great.
00:54:03 Things sure were different back then.
00:54:06 You didn't need any wishes to make you happy.
00:54:08 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:23 I'm sorry, sir.
00:54:39 I haven't seen her.
00:54:41 Oh, she's here.
00:54:42 Good morning, Miss Carlin.
00:54:43 Hi.
00:54:44 Mr. Renshaw called.
00:54:45 You remember your meeting with him?
00:54:46 It started five minutes ago.
00:54:48 [SIGHS]
00:54:49 [KNOCKING]
00:54:53 Come on in.
00:54:53 Mm.
00:54:54 [DOOR CLOSES]
00:54:57 Hello, Lindsay.
00:54:57 Nice to see you again.
00:54:58 Mr. Woodhill.
00:55:00 Hi, I wasn't expecting to see you.
00:55:01 I thought we were just reviewing the project.
00:55:04 Have a seat.
00:55:04 OK.
00:55:05 So, Lindsay, I asked Frank to do a bit of digging about you.
00:55:16 I reviewed all the products he's submitted over the years.
00:55:21 83% of them went on to success, either here or elsewhere.
00:55:25 You know, Lindsay, to truly go green,
00:55:27 you need that other green, profits.
00:55:30 You can't change the environment without money.
00:55:34 What Wall Street needs to see is a quick return
00:55:36 on their investment.
00:55:37 How does your project fit the bill?
00:55:39 Well, how quickly do you mean?
00:55:41 Oh, one, two years tops.
00:55:45 Corporate world is very tough right now.
00:55:48 It's all about profits now, not down the line.
00:55:52 So what do you say?
00:55:53 You come through tomorrow, your future will be plenty green
00:56:00 here at Green Tree.
00:56:01 In fact, I'll be prepared to offer you another promotion.
00:56:04 Really?
00:56:06 To senior director?
00:56:08 How about president of our new products division?
00:56:14 Uh--
00:56:15 It would make you Green Tree's first female president.
00:56:19 How's that sound?
00:56:22 Like a wish come true.
00:56:23 Quick return.
00:56:29 Reed's coming over, and tonight is going to be perfect.
00:56:39 Can you go set the table?
00:56:40 Yeah.
00:56:41 Dad!
00:56:43 I am having company over, and they're going
00:56:44 to think I'm a total slob.
00:56:46 Oh, I'm sorry, honey.
00:56:47 No worries.
00:56:48 I'll do this.
00:56:49 If there's one thing I know how to do, it's set a table.
00:56:51 That dress is a little tight, huh?
00:56:53 Dad.
00:56:54 Hold on a second.
00:56:56 Stuff in the kitchen like this, cooking should be a snack.
00:57:00 All right, what are we making?
00:57:03 OK, here we go.
00:57:05 Coco-Ve.
00:57:07 First pear, then julienne the vegetables.
00:57:10 What does that mean?
00:57:11 No idea.
00:57:12 I'm like a microwave guy.
00:57:13 OK, let's go to the next step.
00:57:15 Take the chicken parts and cook in a Dutch oven.
00:57:19 Is that a Dutch oven?
00:57:20 I don't know, it looks American, you know?
00:57:22 Real sturdy.
00:57:23 What?
00:57:24 He's early.
00:57:26 What am I going to do?
00:57:28 There is a pizza place, like right next door.
00:57:30 No, no, no, Gourmet Kitchen.
00:57:31 Can you order me some pasta?
00:57:33 I don't know, just make it romantic.
00:57:34 Can I trust you? Please.
00:57:35 Just order something romantic.
00:57:36 Yeah.
00:57:37 It's easy.
00:57:39 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:57:45 Hey.
00:57:50 Hey, Dave, what are you doing here?
00:57:52 I guess you didn't get my text.
00:57:54 I was printing out copies of the report, my printer jammed.
00:57:57 I was hoping I could use yours.
00:57:59 Um, yeah, sure, yeah, come on in.
00:58:00 Thanks.
00:58:01 Oh, you're going out.
00:58:05 You know, I can just go to a copy place.
00:58:06 No, no, I'm staying in.
00:58:08 You look fantastic.
00:58:09 Thank you.
00:58:10 Wait, do you have company coming?
00:58:12 I don't want to be in the way.
00:58:13 No, you're not.
00:58:14 It's the guy I was telling you about, Reed.
00:58:16 Mr. Wright.
00:58:17 Yeah, he's moved out of town, so I thought
00:58:19 he might like a home-cooked meal.
00:58:20 But now it's going to be a home-warmed-up meal
00:58:22 from takeout.
00:58:23 Hey, little guy.
00:58:25 Oh, aren't you just the cutest little thing?
00:58:29 Oh, yes, you were.
00:58:31 Oh, yes, you were.
00:58:33 You take him upstairs with you.
00:58:34 The printer is in the second room on the left.
00:58:36 And when you're done, I'll introduce you to Reed.
00:58:37 Sounds great.
00:58:38 You want to go upstairs?
00:58:39 You want to go upstairs?
00:58:40 OK, we're going upstairs.
00:58:41 OK, let's go.
00:58:42 Come to apologize.
00:58:50 No, Billy, no, no, not now.
00:58:51 I was out of line before.
00:58:53 OK, OK.
00:58:54 Apology accepted.
00:58:55 Bye.
00:58:56 I feel really bad about this.
00:58:57 Can't I just come in and talk about it?
00:58:59 Oh, just come inside.
00:59:00 Come, come, come inside.
00:59:01 Come inside.
00:59:02 Joey!
00:59:03 Now is a really bad time, OK?
00:59:05 Joey, hey, do you remember Billy from McKinley?
00:59:08 Do you guys remember each other?
00:59:09 Well, why don't you go up into your room
00:59:11 and you guys can play together?
00:59:13 Yeah, OK.
00:59:14 It'll be fun.
00:59:15 It'll be fun.
00:59:16 You guys have a lot in common.
00:59:17 Yeah, we got it.
00:59:18 Let's go.
00:59:19 I'll be down.
00:59:19 No, no, don't do that.
00:59:20 Shh.
00:59:21 OK.
00:59:25 OK.
00:59:27 Ooh.
00:59:28 Hey.
00:59:32 Hi.
00:59:33 Wow, that is a stunning dress.
00:59:34 Thank you.
00:59:35 You look beautiful. - Thank you.
00:59:36 Come in. - Thanks.
00:59:37 Yeah.
00:59:39 Welcome.
00:59:41 Find the place OK?
00:59:42 Yeah, it's a beautiful neighborhood.
00:59:44 Oh, hey.
00:59:46 Hey, um, could you-- could you grab him?
00:59:48 He's just showing you that he likes you.
00:59:49 He's so cute.
00:59:50 Yeah, well, he'd be cuter in your arms.
00:59:52 Oh, hey.
00:59:53 Oh, you want me to get him?
00:59:54 Yeah.
00:59:55 OK, come here.
00:59:58 Thank you.
01:00:00 It's a beautiful house.
01:00:02 Thank you.
01:00:03 It's big.
01:00:04 You live here by yourself?
01:00:06 All by my lonesome.
01:00:07 Wow.
01:00:08 I love what you've done with this place.
01:00:13 The layout is gorgeous.
01:00:14 And the decor, there's a lot about you.
01:00:18 Well, she's not exactly--
01:00:20 This food ought to die for.
01:00:22 Thank you.
01:00:23 I love a woman who can cook.
01:00:25 Well, I had a little help, so.
01:00:27 Mm-hmm.
01:00:33 What are you doing?
01:00:36 Oh, sorry.
01:00:37 I heard that's how the real Italians do it.
01:00:40 You know, my mother used to say, if it
01:00:43 doesn't fit in your mouth, it goes back on the plate.
01:00:47 Yo, Linz, this guy's actually unreal.
01:00:49 I call a duty.
01:00:50 He's got to be some sort of, like, call of duty wizard.
01:00:52 I mean, he sweats more than you'd think, but I'm not--
01:00:54 I'm sorry.
01:00:58 That's my brother.
01:00:59 He's staying here temporarily, and he's got a friend over.
01:01:01 And it's just a-- it's a long story.
01:01:04 How's the pitch going?
01:01:06 Well, I found out today that Woodhove really
01:01:08 needs the project to turn a profit in one to two years.
01:01:11 And the way we have it set up now is three to five years.
01:01:14 Can I look at the specs?
01:01:16 Yeah, you don't mind?
01:01:17 No, no, no.
01:01:17 Let's go.
01:01:18 I think they're right here, in my purse right here.
01:01:21 Yeah.
01:01:24 All right.
01:01:31 You know, with a couple simple adjustments,
01:01:33 we can get this done.
01:01:34 But I don't want to do anything to compromise the project.
01:01:37 Listen, you can have the perfect product,
01:01:39 but it won't do the environment any good
01:01:40 unless it gets funded.
01:01:41 Sometimes a few minor tweaks is what it
01:01:44 takes to get a project launched.
01:01:46 OK.
01:01:48 Have a look at these notes later.
01:01:50 It's a no-brainer.
01:01:51 Woodhove will be very impressed.
01:01:54 Thank you.
01:01:55 You're welcome.
01:01:55 It's great.
01:01:56 But you know what?
01:01:57 I don't want to talk shop tonight.
01:01:59 I want to talk about you.
01:02:00 Oh.
01:02:01 I do.
01:02:02 I want to hear what it's like to be the king of dry cleaning.
01:02:05 No, I would.
01:02:06 I really would.
01:02:07 I spend more time traveling and glad-handing
01:02:10 than I do doing what I really love to do,
01:02:12 which is creating new companies and nurturing companies
01:02:15 that help the environment.
01:02:18 You know what the shame is?
01:02:21 That I don't have anyone to share it with.
01:02:28 Lindsay, would you come to Boston with me
01:02:30 tomorrow after the presentation?
01:02:31 Well--
01:02:37 Listen, I don't want to rush things.
01:02:39 I just think it'd be a really good opportunity for us to get
01:02:41 to know each other a little more.
01:02:42 It's only for the weekend.
01:02:43 I'd show you around the town.
01:02:45 We'd catch a Red Sox game.
01:02:46 I will have you back by Sunday night, I promise.
01:02:50 Let me think about it.
01:02:52 Sure.
01:02:53 Time.
01:02:56 OK.
01:02:58 Just kidding.
01:02:59 You know, at the party, we barely got any time to dance.
01:03:09 May I?
01:03:11 Of course.
01:03:13 I would love that.
01:03:13 This is really nice.
01:03:23 Am I allowed to say that?
01:03:25 Yes, of course.
01:03:26 OK.
01:03:27 Whoop.
01:03:31 OK.
01:03:32 [LAUGHTER]
01:03:35 You are a really amazing woman.
01:03:38 You know that, right?
01:03:39 Why?
01:03:40 Because you're talented.
01:03:42 You live very well.
01:03:44 You're going places at a big corporation.
01:03:47 Rumor has it you're soon to be division president.
01:03:50 Oh, I don't know.
01:03:53 [CHUCKLES]
01:03:54 When you're through it all, you're just so humble and honest.
01:03:57 That's what people call me, Honest Lindsay.
01:04:03 I'm fine. I'm fine.
01:04:08 Just sometimes I like to lead.
01:04:09 OK.
01:04:12 OK.
01:04:19 I'm done leading now.
01:04:20 Actually, there's part of my project
01:04:21 that I really wanted to show you, but it's in the other room.
01:04:23 So I'm just going to go and get it.
01:04:24 And you can just stay here and sit.
01:04:27 Can I turn?
01:04:28 You're with him?
01:04:35 How could you?
01:04:36 What?
01:04:36 Your problem is we need some serious help.
01:04:38 We're meant to be together.
01:04:39 Billy, do not take one more step.
01:04:40 I'm warning you.
01:04:41 But I love you.
01:04:42 I finished the handouts.
01:04:46 Dave Landry from McKinley?
01:04:48 Dave, you remember Billy Maddox?
01:04:50 Sure.
01:04:51 Billy.
01:04:52 What are you doing here?
01:04:54 No, don't tell me.
01:04:55 You're dating Lindsay too?
01:04:57 What?
01:04:57 You little--
01:04:58 Stop!
01:04:59 Lindsay, you all right?
01:05:01 Yeah.
01:05:03 What's going on here?
01:05:05 Isn't it obvious?
01:05:07 Lindsay's three-timing us.
01:05:09 No.
01:05:11 I was so wrong about you.
01:05:15 You got a lot of growing up to do.
01:05:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:21 And you are?
01:05:26 Oh, Reed, yeah.
01:05:27 I was going to introduce you.
01:05:28 This is Dave Landry.
01:05:30 He's--
01:05:31 - A friend. - Yeah.
01:05:32 Just a good friend.
01:05:34 I finished the handouts.
01:05:36 I'll see you tomorrow?
01:05:39 Dave, Dave, wait.
01:05:40 What a sauce.
01:05:42 I love that restaurant.
01:05:44 Hello.
01:05:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:49 What restaurant?
01:05:52 Why are all these people in your house?
01:05:54 Yeah, it's a-- it's a long story.
01:05:56 You say that a lot.
01:05:57 Look, I don't know what's going on here.
01:05:59 And I just think that maybe tonight was not the best
01:06:02 night for me to come over.
01:06:03 You got a-- you got a big presentation tomorrow.
01:06:05 And I want to thank you for your dinner.
01:06:08 I'll see you in the office.
01:06:10 Yes.
01:06:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:14 [DOOR CLOSES]
01:06:15 And as you can see, my five-year projection plan
01:06:22 steadily increases with each year.
01:06:24 Year five--
01:06:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:29 Hey.
01:06:36 Hey.
01:06:36 Thanks again for your help last night.
01:06:37 I'm sorry I was so crazy.
01:06:39 Yeah, it was.
01:06:41 Are you OK?
01:06:43 Fine.
01:06:45 Kate's just wrapping up.
01:06:47 And by the looks of things, it's not going great.
01:06:49 You got to be able to shot here.
01:06:50 Yeah.
01:06:51 I just want to talk to you about the pitch,
01:06:52 because I made a few small changes.
01:06:54 I'm sure it'll be OK.
01:06:55 Lindsey, you're up.
01:06:57 Reed, this is Dave from last night.
01:06:59 Dave represents PMI.
01:07:01 Hey, Dave. How are you?
01:07:02 Reed, can I talk to you for just one second?
01:07:03 Sure.
01:07:04 Just one second.
01:07:05 Yeah.
01:07:06 Um, I'm sorry that everything was so crazy last night.
01:07:11 I'm sure that that was the last of Billy.
01:07:12 And Dave was just there working on the project.
01:07:14 And hopefully my father and my brother
01:07:16 will be moving out soon.
01:07:17 So I'm sorry.
01:07:19 Well, you are full of surprises.
01:07:21 I should have just told you what was going on.
01:07:23 It's OK.
01:07:25 Knock him down in there.
01:07:26 OK.
01:07:27 - Miss Corwin. - Yes.
01:07:28 We're waiting.
01:07:30 All right.
01:07:31 Good luck.
01:07:35 Hello.
01:07:36 Thank you so much, Mr. Woodhill, for giving us
01:07:42 the opportunity to speak today.
01:07:43 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the future of solar energy.
01:07:49 Simple solar cells don't convert much electricity.
01:07:55 But with PMI's new design, that's about to change.
01:07:57 So in conclusion, an efficient design and cutting edge
01:08:04 technology are clearly what set these solar
01:08:05 panels apart from the pack.
01:08:07 But a very wise person once told me that to really go green,
01:08:11 you need the other green, which is profit.
01:08:15 So by shortening the testing period
01:08:16 and using dichromium panels instead of the more costly
01:08:19 ones, this project will have a turnaround
01:08:21 in not three to five years, but in just under one.
01:08:24 These panels will not only save energy
01:08:26 and help the environment, but they will quickly
01:08:28 increase Green Tree's bottom line,
01:08:30 placing them at the forefront of investment companies
01:08:32 for years to come.
01:08:34 Thank you.
01:08:34 [applause]
01:08:40 Congratulations, Lindsay.
01:08:42 Or should I say, Ms. President?
01:08:45 It has a nice ring to it.
01:08:46 Yes, it does.
01:08:47 Yeah.
01:08:47 [applause]
01:08:49 Congratulations, Lindsay.
01:08:53 Thank you.
01:08:54 Thanks, guys.
01:08:55 Thank you.
01:08:56 Thank you, Lindsay.
01:09:00 Knocked it out of the park.
01:09:06 Congratulations.
01:09:06 Thank you.
01:09:07 Profitable, smart, just what Green Tree needs.
01:09:09 Mm-hmm.
01:09:10 You're in the big leagues now.
01:09:11 With your help.
01:09:13 Oh, hey.
01:09:14 I, uh-- I was going to give you this last night, but open it.
01:09:18 It's the one from Martin's.
01:09:24 Yep.
01:09:25 It's the one I wished for.
01:09:27 Thank you.
01:09:28 You're welcome.
01:09:29 Are you leaving for Boston?
01:09:31 Hmm?
01:09:31 I'll pick you up this afternoon, go to the airport?
01:09:33 Absolutely.
01:09:34 Awesome.
01:09:35 Yes.
01:09:36 Yeah.
01:09:38 I-- just one second.
01:09:39 Yeah, sure.
01:09:40 Thank you.
01:09:40 Thank you.
01:09:41 Dave.
01:09:45 Dave, what's wrong?
01:09:46 You don't know?
01:09:48 A profit in under a year?
01:09:50 A change in the entire testings and materials protocol?
01:09:52 Well, they need a quick return.
01:09:53 It's the only way to get the project funded.
01:09:54 And it doesn't compromise the product.
01:09:56 Yeah?
01:09:57 Says who?
01:09:57 Mr. Wright?
01:09:59 Well, what good will these solar panels do if they
01:10:00 never see the light of day?
01:10:01 Do you understand that?
01:10:02 All I understand is you become everything you wish for.
01:10:04 Corporate follower cares more about profits
01:10:06 and looking good for guys in flashy suits
01:10:08 than what's really important in life.
01:10:10 Hope they make you happy.
01:10:12 Dave, wait.
01:10:13 You know, if you just trusted yourself more,
01:10:15 you wouldn't have to wish for everything.
01:10:17 But since you're so good with wishes, wish me luck.
01:10:21 With what?
01:10:22 I thought you were the one, Lindsay.
01:10:28 I could never say anything because our friendship
01:10:30 meant everything to me.
01:10:32 I tried-- I tried dating other women.
01:10:35 I couldn't shake the feelings I have for you, feelings
01:10:37 I will always have.
01:10:40 But I've been in love with someone too blind
01:10:43 or too scared to even see it.
01:10:46 Dave.
01:10:49 I'm moving on with my life now, Lindsay.
01:10:56 I've got something very important to do.
01:11:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:11:05 [CAR ENGINE]
01:11:08 Hey.
01:11:33 How'd it go?
01:11:36 Well, the pitch went great.
01:11:38 What are you doing?
01:11:40 I just-- I assumed you'd have good news,
01:11:41 so I invited a few people over to celebrate.
01:11:43 A few people?
01:11:44 Be very low key.
01:11:45 You will barely notice that there's a bunch of people here.
01:11:48 Oh, also the mail came, by the way.
01:11:49 There's something from the IRS.
01:12:02 Oh.
01:12:03 It's the taxes on my winnings.
01:12:05 They're huge.
01:12:07 The only way I can afford to live in this house is if I sell it.
01:12:11 You're kidding, right?
01:12:12 No, I'm not.
01:12:13 It's not just the taxes, Joey.
01:12:15 This house is huge.
01:12:16 It's too big.
01:12:17 I get lost going to the bathroom.
01:12:18 Totally, totally.
01:12:19 I got to take this out to the band.
01:12:21 They're good. They're good.
01:12:22 I promise.
01:12:23 Hey, Joey.
01:12:24 Where we at?
01:12:25 [SIGHS]
01:12:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:34 [SIGHS]
01:12:38 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:41 Hi.
01:13:07 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:13:35 Just remember, you don't need wishes to make you happy.
01:13:38 You've already got everything you need.
01:13:40 Happy birthday, Dave.
01:13:41 Flight 247 now boarding.
01:13:49 Flight 247 now boarding.
01:13:51 Thanks.
01:13:52 It's beautiful.
01:13:55 Isn't it amazing what you can get with bonus miles these days?
01:13:58 It's so pretty.
01:13:59 Now, I know it's a little late, but I just
01:14:02 wanted to make sure that this was a birthday
01:14:04 that you'd never forget.
01:14:05 Oh, there's no chance of that.
01:14:07 Ta-da.
01:14:12 Well, make a wish.
01:14:13 I can't.
01:14:19 They've all come true.
01:14:20 Wow.
01:14:21 You are one lucky lady.
01:14:24 There's not many people who can say that.
01:14:27 I am lucky, aren't I?
01:14:29 My good friend told me that once.
01:14:32 [SIGHS]
01:14:33 My best friend.
01:14:34 Wait a minute.
01:14:44 What?
01:14:45 Why can't it be so stupid?
01:14:51 I mean, it's been there all along.
01:14:53 What is?
01:14:54 The last wish.
01:14:59 To find my true love.
01:15:01 Uh, hang on a second, Lindy.
01:15:06 Reed, Reed, you are really amazing, and you're smart,
01:15:12 and you're talented, and you're so successful--
01:15:14 It's just headed where I think it's headed.
01:15:15 But I can't go with you.
01:15:16 Huh?
01:15:17 I know this is going to sound really strange,
01:15:19 but you're everything I ever wished for in a guy.
01:15:22 And?
01:15:24 And I've been wishing for the wrong guy.
01:15:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:15:29 Thank you for three wonderful days,
01:15:32 but I'm sorry, Reed, I have to go.
01:15:34 Yeah.
01:15:36 Oh, and can you tell Woodhill he is
01:15:38 one less executive at Green Tree?
01:15:40 What?
01:15:41 Why?
01:15:42 Profits are great, but not when they come
01:15:43 before doing the right thing.
01:15:45 I made a really big mistake back there,
01:15:46 and I'll be damned if I make another one.
01:15:48 Goodbye, Reed.
01:15:50 Where are you going?
01:15:52 To the guy I never wished for.
01:15:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:15:57 You know, back in New York, this has become my weekly ritual.
01:16:05 Yeah?
01:16:06 So you thought about my offer?
01:16:09 I have, and I have come to a decision.
01:16:12 Tell you what, let's climb first.
01:16:13 You ready?
01:16:14 I'll be there in a minute.
01:16:23 Dave!
01:16:24 Thank you.
01:16:25 Dave.
01:16:29 Lindsay?
01:16:30 Yeah, your secretary told me you were here.
01:16:32 Is something wrong?
01:16:33 What happened?
01:16:34 No, no, nothing like that.
01:16:36 Tomorrow morning, I'm quitting my job.
01:16:38 I got blinded by the wrong green,
01:16:40 and the corporate world wasn't for me.
01:16:41 It never was.
01:16:44 And I just said goodbye to Reed.
01:16:48 What are you-- what are you saying?
01:16:49 That I'm an idiot.
01:16:50 You were right.
01:16:51 I don't need wishes to make me happy.
01:16:53 Like, getting a job promotion or losing weight,
01:16:55 it doesn't mean anything.
01:16:56 And that big house is not me.
01:16:59 But I finally realized that I've had everything all along,
01:17:02 and I just didn't realize it.
01:17:03 I didn't see it.
01:17:05 And what's worse is I didn't see you.
01:17:09 Dave, you're the one that's always there for me,
01:17:11 and you're the one that I go to when I need help.
01:17:16 You're the one that I can be me with.
01:17:19 I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to realize it,
01:17:23 but you were my Mr. Right.
01:17:26 You always have been.
01:17:28 Dave, please don't go to New York.
01:17:34 Lindsay, you suddenly have this epiphany.
01:17:37 I'm just like that?
01:17:39 I finally decided to move on with my life.
01:17:47 What do you expect me to say?
01:17:50 I'm sorry.
01:17:53 Oh, you good to go?
01:18:10 Dave?
01:18:13 Yeah.
01:18:15 Keep the clock.
01:18:17 Yeah.
01:18:19 [music]
01:18:21 Cliff, I need to tell you what I decided.
01:18:49 Cliff?
01:18:51 Lindsay?
01:18:56 What are you doing?
01:18:58 Dave?
01:18:59 Lindsay, you are way higher than you were before.
01:19:02 Believe me, I know.
01:19:03 I know.
01:19:04 Just let me say something, okay?
01:19:05 Yeah.
01:19:07 I want us to be together forever.
01:19:10 You were right about everything.
01:19:13 I'm ready to climb mountains for you.
01:19:17 Literally.
01:19:19 Please say something.
01:19:25 This could be scary for you.
01:19:30 You ready to let go?
01:19:33 I don't know, but I am ready to start trusting myself.
01:19:39 Okay, wish king.
01:19:45 Take that!
01:19:47 [applause]
01:19:53 Hi, thanks for coming.
01:20:11 Thank you.
01:20:12 Congratulations.
01:20:13 Hi.
01:20:14 Yo.
01:20:15 Ah, hey.
01:20:17 So, Dave Landry, huh?
01:20:19 Really?
01:20:20 I always thought I kind of pictured you with Billy Maddox.
01:20:23 I thought you guys had fireworks together.
01:20:25 Whatever.
01:20:26 No, I think you and Dave are going to be really happy.
01:20:28 Thank you.
01:20:29 Just wish I could say the same for mom and dad.
01:20:32 I think they are happy.
01:20:39 Hey, you think I could get a moment with my bird?
01:20:42 Yeah, I guess.
01:20:44 Isn't it beautiful?
01:20:46 So, you still willing to climb mountains for me?
01:20:49 Yeah, just as long as they're very, very small mountains.
01:20:52 Under six feet.
01:20:53 Yeah, exactly.
01:20:54 I found this on the table.
01:20:55 What do you want me to do with it?
01:20:56 Oh, um, open it.
01:20:59 "Hope you have a joyful life together.
01:21:05 May all your wishes come true."
01:21:08 It's not signed.
01:21:10 I know exactly where this goes.
01:21:13 Let's go.
01:21:18 Who wants to dance?
01:21:21 Yeah!
01:21:23 I have to go to class.
01:21:26 [laughter]
01:21:29 [music]
01:21:32 [music]
01:21:35 [music]
01:21:38 [music]
01:21:40 [music]
01:21:44 [music]
01:21:48 [music]
01:21:52 [music]
01:21:56 [MUSIC]
