DikDek - Painajainen majatalossa | show | 2021 | Official Trailer

  • last year
The series tells the story of Tapsa Mäkilä, who quits his job as a private detective and starts running a dilapidated | dHNfUFpZbjQyRFQwUFU


00:00 Boom! Majatalo's owner. - Majatalo's owner.
00:03 So you mean, Bed and Breakfast's host, bitch, muikkeli. - Exactly.
00:08 Dictator Films and Juha Vuorinen, that is me, proudly present the audio book directed by Rike Jokelan,
00:20 "Dick Tech, the Press in the Majatalo".
00:24 A lonely man looking for his job has wandered up the hill and his confidant Anna Laine wants to have a vacation,
00:31 but the meeting also turns them into the owners of the majatalo.
00:35 This is a time-traveler. - I think this is a bit creepy.
00:39 Yes, but in a good way.
00:41 The majatalo, which is worth the air, because the store already has a year-long housing shortage.
00:48 You're doing all kinds of hocus-pocus games, you're a real game. - The appearance is a bit in the middle.
00:54 The editor of the main editor Mike Pohjola's team got the free hands to continue Juha Vuorinen,
01:02 that is me, the main character of the Dick Tech series.
01:06 A situation comedy that sparks the limits of imagination was born,
01:10 which is in the front row of the tour box with Finnish actors,
01:14 Hannu-Pekka Björkman as Tapsa, Malla Malmivaara is perfectly suited to Anna's role,
01:21 not to mention the many memorable guests who end up in the majatalo.
01:25 Hey Tapsa, long time no see.
01:28 Fuck, the phone is ringing.
01:39 Who the fuck is ringing in the middle of the song?
01:44 Watch this peculiar series, so you don't just stay to wonder.
