00:00 The Middle East was one of the first places in the world to domesticate sheep for wool,
00:16 milk and meat.
00:22 In the open steppe, they are exposed and highly vulnerable to predators.
00:32 During the day, a shepherd guards them and guides them to fresh pastures.
00:42 But he can't protect them at night, so the shepherd has help from a very special dog
00:47 that was bred from the main enemy of the sheep, the wolf.
00:53 The Anatolian Shepherd Dog was domesticated over 10,000 years ago, and here they are man
01:00 and sheep's best friend.
01:03 Raised with the sheep, the dogs develop a close bond with them and become accepted as
01:08 part of the flock.
01:17 This relationship gives the dogs a unique ability to sense the behaviors and dynamics
01:22 of the group.
01:26 This helps alert them to the presence of predators, especially as the sun starts to set.
01:40 Their barks sound as a warning to predators to stay away, and alert the shepherd to any
01:45 potential trouble.
01:52 If it comes down to it, these big, strong and fearless dogs will fight to the death
01:59 to protect the flock, their family.
02:10 They wear spiked collars called totes to protect their throats against attack.
02:30 Once terrifying hunters themselves, through generation upon generation, this descendant
02:37 of the wolf has become the guardian of its prey.
02:40 [music]