Konsolidasi PDI Perjuangan, Puan Maharani Tekankan Kader Solid Jelang Pemilu 2024

  • last year
Partai Demokrasi Indonesia (PDI) Perjuangan melakukan konsolidasi pemenangan Pileg dan Pilpres 2024, di Stadion Jatidiri, Kota Semarang, Jumat (25/08)
00:00 tens of thousands of members of the Democratic Party of Indonesia, the struggle of all the
00:12 judges of the Central Java province, closed the Jatidiri Stadium in Semarang on Friday,
00:17 August 25, yesterday.
00:20 They attended the spirit of consolidation to the election and presidential election 2024.
00:26 Among the cadres and structural of the struggle PD, the consolidation of this victory is also
00:30 attended by the candidate for president of the struggle PD, Ganjar Pranowo, and the head of
00:35 the National Day of the Perindo Party, Master Guru Bajang Jeno Masti.
00:41 The head of the struggle PD, Puan Maharani, stated that this consolidation confirms that
00:46 the party with a white flag is still solid, both in terms of structural level and cadres
00:51 for the 2024 election.
00:54 In addition, Puan also invited all cadres from the central level to the region to be
01:00 upright in implementing party instructions by winning the candidate for president Ganjar
01:05 Pranowo, which is ensured to continue the program of President Joko Widodo's work.
01:11 I am here and I am with my comrades.
01:16 The land that will be used to win the 2024 election, it is not just land.
01:26 There are big lands, there are big battles, there are many battles.
01:36 Many of them are in the hands of the government.
01:40 This is the hands of the government.
01:42 The candidate for president Ganjar Pranowo also stated that he was ready to carry out
01:52 the instructions given by the struggle PD.
01:55 Even Ganjar is also ready to continue President Jokowi's program and continue
01:59 Bung Karno's aspirations, namely to create an independent Indonesia.
02:05 Of course, everything that has been done by Mr. Jokowi, we will do it quickly.
02:11 So now we need a quick and quick decision so that we can do it quickly.
02:16 We have already arranged the details and in a moment we will deliver it to you.
02:22 In consolidating this victory, the struggle PD presents Bung Karno through a hologram.
02:31 In the visual technology of light, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia
02:35 delivered the Pidato Dedication of Life, a text made by Bung Karno on September 10, 1966.
02:43 From Semarang, Central Java, Surya Wicaksono, Antara News Agency, reporting.
02:48 [President Jokowi's speech]
02:58 [End of Audio]
