• 2 years ago
Animated version of the classic story of a young farm girl who is transported to the magic land of Oz. The story begins in sepia-toned Kansas, where Dorothy Gale lives with her Cairn Terrier, Toto on a farm belonging to her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Toto bites neighbor Miss Almira Gulch on the leg, leading her to obtain a sheriff's order to have him euthanized. Miss Gulch takes Toto away, but he escapes and returns to Dorothy; she decides to run away to save her dog. Not far from the farm, she runs into Professor Marvel, a fortune-teller who uses his crystal ball to make Dorothy believe that Aunt Em is heartbroken. Dorothy rushes home as a tornado approaches. Aunt Em, Uncle Henry, and the farmhands take shelter in the storm cellar and lock it behind them. Dorothy has to seek shelter in her bedroom, where the window is blown in and hits her on the head, knocking her unconscious. The house is sent spinning into the air, and she awakens to see various figures fly by, including Miss Gulch, who transforms into a witch, flying on her broomstick...
