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Carole Bouquet : Son discret fils Dimitri Rassam partage une sublime photo d'elle pour ses 66 ans

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00:00 The 18 August, Carol Bouquet was 66 years old, a birthday that her son Dimitri Rassam held to celebrate as he should. Not often sharing family moments on his Instagram account, the producer and husband of Charlotte Kaziraghi made an exception.
00:27 Dimitri Rassam is a man of the discreet genre and who weighs very heavily in the film industry, like his late father before him, Jean-Pierre Rassam.
00:40 Producer of the three musketeers, D'Artagnan came out last April and which was a huge hit, Dimitri Rassam is currently working on another cult novel by Alexandre Dumas, the tale of Monte Cristo.
00:55 The shooting began a few weeks ago with notably Pierre Ninet casting.
01:02 Despite an extremely busy schedule, Dimitri Rassam does not forget his family and those who matter most to him.
01:11 On August 18, his mother Carol Bouquet who was celebrating her birthday.
01:18 The actress was 66 years old, an important date that her 41-year-old son has highlighted on his Instagram account.
01:28 Moderately active on social media, speaking most often of his professional projects, so well esteem his mother that the husband of Charlotte Kaziraghi highlighted two days ago.
01:41 Dimitri Rassam published a beautiful photo of his mother, who seemed to be from a film and which dates back a few years.
01:51 The sublime actress appears there in the natural, hair loose and with her face between her hands.
01:59 "Happy birthday mom ", says Dimitri Rassam, all completed with a white heart, see the diaporama.
02:09 A very beautiful testimony of love coming from a person who rarely lets his feelings speak so openly.
02:18 Carol Bouquet, a Gaga grandma Carol Bouquet is also the mother of another boy, Louis, born of his love story passed for Francis Giacobetti.
02:30 Louis is the happy father of two daughters, Gaia and Paloma, who his mother immortalized in a photo a few days earlier on Instagram.
02:41 "I have two loves Gaia and Paloma ", wrote the actress in legend of a photo of her little girls by the pool.
02:50 This photo was taken on the Italian island of Pantalea where Carol Bouquet owns a house but also a famous wine shop.
03:00 The actress also has other grandchildren, Daria, 12, that Dimitri Rassam had before meeting Charlotte Kaziraghi, and Balotazar, fruit of his love for the daughter of Caroline de Monaco.
03:15 Re-becoming single a few months after his breakup with Philippe Serret de Rothschild, Carol Bouquet is fully enjoying the beginning of her 66th year and her summer.
03:28 The actress is revealed in the photo, hands full of good products.
03:35 A morning in Pantelleria. We start with Paul's cheese for breakfast. And then the fruits of the morning, and at the bottom the zucchini and the eggplant of the vegetable garden, she commented.
03:48 No doubt, the dress is beautiful for Carol Bouquet.
03:56 "I take the show, do your thing with all the lights on, keep, keep, take a chance, keep, keep, take a chance.
04:11 You can just keep it here and make it mean nothing to me. Your lips next to mine, those superiorized, they make things right.
04:30 But I still want to keep on, I know I still want to keep on. I have a few, keep it up, I have a remake, it's alright.
