Compte à Rebours Mortel : La Russie Frappe Kiev de Toutes Parts

  • last year
Dans le contexte du conflit entre la Russie et l'Ukraine, les récentes 24 heures ont été marquées par des pertes militaires substantielles et des attaques aériennes d'une précision redoutable. Le bilan de guerre a été révélé, illustrant l'ampleur des dégâts : 73 drones abattus, cinq projectiles de HIMARS interceptés et deux avions Su-25 perdus. Les affrontements se sont étendus sur plusieurs axes du front, où l'armée russe a ciblé avec succès diverses infrastructures militaires ukrainiennes. Les attaques ont laissé derrière elles un tableau de destructions massives, engendrant des pertes humaines et un effritement constant du matériel militaire.
Malgré les efforts diplomatiques en cours, la situation demeure tendue, laissant place à une escalade inquiétante. L'armée russe a montré sa puissance de feu en abattant des drones, en interceptant des missiles et en anéantissant des équipements. Cette série de frappes a exacerbé la crise en Ukraine, laissant peu de place aux solutions pacifiques. La diplomatie internationale tente de contenir l'escalade, mais le besoin de désamorcer cette situation précaire est plus pressant que jamais, pour éviter une détérioration irréversible de la situation sur le terrain.
#Conflit #Pertes #Armement #Bilan #Front #Escalade #Destructions #Armée #Drones #Avions #Opération #Diplomatie #Solutions #Puissance #Zone #Crise.

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00:00 In 24 hours, a new catastrophic report fell on the Ukrainian front, with considerable losses
00:14 both in material and in human lives.
00:16 The conflict that opposes Ukraine to Russia is taking an increasingly devastating turn,
00:21 highlighting the formidable power of destruction of modern weapons.
00:24 The Russian Ministry of Defense has published a report that is chilling.
00:30 The list of Ukrainian losses is impressive, 73 drones reduced to ashes, 5 IMAR projectiles
00:35 intercepted, 2 planes shot down and a stock of ammunition destroyed.
00:40 This report, established over a period of only 24 hours, testifies to the relentless
00:45 effectiveness of Russian forces on the ground.
00:47 The attacks are not limited to a single region.
00:50 The different axes of the front were the theater of violent clashes, where Kiev suffered
00:55 huge losses.
00:56 On the Kupyansk axis, 3 attacks were repelled, but Ukraine lost 2 tanks, 3 armored vehicles
01:03 of combat, 2 pickups and a E-20 bomber.
01:05 Likewise, the Zaporozhye axis was the place of 5 repelled attacks, but the consequences
01:11 for the Ukrainian forces are dramatic.
01:13 2 vehicles of American infantry combat Bradley, 2 armored vehicles of transport
01:18 American strike troops, 4 vehicles, 3 American artillery systems M777 and 2 British FH-70
01:26 bombers were destroyed.
01:28 The Donetsk axis has also been shaken by the fights, where a tank, 2 armored vehicles
01:34 of troop transport, 2 other vehicles, 2 E-20 bombers and a Polish-Crab automotor cannon
01:39 were destroyed.
01:40 On the other hand, the Donetsk-South axis has experienced a repelled attack, but the losses
01:45 for Kiev are numerous, 3 vehicles, a Polish-Crab automotor cannon, 2 American artillery systems
01:51 M777, 2 MSTAB bombers, 1 E-20 and a Gvozdika automotor cannon were lost.
01:57 The city of Krasniliman witnessed a repelled attack, but the losses were heavy,
02:03 4 armored vehicles of combat and 2 pickups reduced to debris.
02:06 Likewise, the Kershon axis has recorded losses, including 3 vehicles, a system of
02:11 American artillery M777, 1 MSTAB and 1 E-30.
02:16 In total, nearly 675 Ukrainian soldiers lost their lives during these terrible clashes
02:22 on different fronts.
02:24 Russian weapons have demonstrated formidable efficiency in this escalation of the conflict.
02:29 Russian forces intercepted 5 IMAR rockets, an anti-radar missile, a modified S-2
02:35 Sends missile and no less than 73 drones.
02:37 In addition, 2 planes of the 25 Ukrainian troops were shot down, highlighting the
02:43 air dominance of the Russian forces.
02:55 (air whooshing)
