Football Club Ownership: The rise and domination of overseas owners and their impact on the world of football

  • last year
As seasons go by, we’ve seen more billionaire takeovers and more protests from fans for clubs owners to move on. So, how important are football owners to a clubs overall success and how much has their involvement grown over the last decade?


00:00 Whether it be an individual or a state-owned group, football owners have an increased power
00:07 and control over the clubs they are involved with. Comparing the lowest net worth of owners
00:13 in the Premier League to the highest, Sheffield United's Saudi paper manufacturer ownership
00:18 have an estimated net worth of £157 million. That sound a lot? Well, Newcastle's Sovereign
00:26 Wealth Public Investment Fund, who own 80% of the club, have an estimated net worth of
00:31 £320 billion, making the owners the richest in world football. So how does this affect
00:38 the fans after year upon year we see more takeovers completed? I think as long as it's
00:45 done in the right way, that's it as well. A club keeps its identity and stuff. Newcastle's
00:50 the one for me that I always think about in recent terms, obviously. I think we talked
00:53 off air about it before the takeover and they were in the relegation zone, weren't they
00:57 really? The takeover happened and I've got friends who are Newcastle fans and I remember
01:01 saying at the time it's only a matter of time before they'll be challenging for the league.
01:04 Then you get a few people saying that probably won't be the case. It's not always the case
01:07 that money buys success, but it usually does. That's the brutal reality of it and you've
01:12 only got to look at what's going on with all the moves over to Saudi and Qatar and stuff
01:15 and it's changing the whole landscape of everything really. There are also cases where despite
01:21 having the funds and assets to be worth millions if not billions, success on the pitch can
01:27 stray from the overall goals set by these investors. Looking at French giants Paris
01:32 Saint-Germain, for the first three years of their existence they were fan owned. In 2012,
01:38 Qatar Sports Investment became the sole owner of the club with one aim, to win the Champions
01:44 League. There are also cases in England where the owners have never been on the fans' side
01:50 despite success on the pitch.
01:52 What's just fine is a good owner as well because Fenway Sports Group at Liverpool never put
01:58 the club in any trouble. They've regenerated the stadium, the training grounds, but it
02:05 comes back to supporters not being happy by what they're spending on players. That's the
02:14 bit that a lot of supporters do see the most.
02:17 Saudi Arabia have shown this summer how interested they are in enhancing and getting more and
02:24 more involved in football. Qatar have shown that as well. We've obviously got Abu Dhabi
02:29 and Manchester City. I just think more and more, particularly Saudi Arabia, they are
02:34 really interested in getting their claws into football. Whether that's through ownership
02:37 or whether that's through anything else, who knows. I think that in the next five to ten
02:42 years that's probably where I see happening more and more with football ownership.
02:45 Well, a variety of different takes and thoughts on football ownership and these new investors
02:53 in the game. But one thing for certain is hoping that these owners don't enable football,
02:59 especially in England, to stray away from its roots.
