Magandang Dilag: Is the Elite Squad about to fall apart? (Weekly Recap HD)

  • last year
Aired (August 24, 2023): Greta V (Herlene Budol) and her tita Sofia (Chanda Romero) have planned for this long enough, and everything is finally falling into place.

Highlights from Episode 40-42


00:00 [music]
00:04 Hi, Jared!
00:12 Hi, Blair!
00:13 Wow, you look like a storm.
00:17 You were so strong when you arrived. You're so beautiful.
00:21 Wow, I wish I could say the same.
00:24 No, when I'm the one who arrives, they need an orthopedist.
00:30 Why?
00:31 So they can fix the bruises that fell because of my beauty.
00:35 Jared, how are you? Are you feeling okay?
00:43 Why, babe? What's wrong?
00:44 Didn't you hear, Jared?
00:47 Because he drowned last time when we were training for the triathlon.
00:50 It's a good thing you know how to say "resuscitation" to me.
00:58 If not, we might have a coffee party tonight.
01:01 A rural party.
01:03 I'm sorry, babe.
01:05 I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry.
01:09 Come on, Blair. Don't be mad.
01:14 You're so lucky because your boyfriend's lips are so soft.
01:19 #KissableLips
01:21 Don't flip my Maglit Switch, Greta.
01:26 Because if I flip it,
01:28 I might find someone who can slap me.
01:30 Guys, stop that.
01:41 Babe, please. Don't start.
01:45 You know what, Greta?
01:47 My babe has very kissable lips.
01:50 That's why I can't get enough of it.
01:54 All day, all night long.
01:57 Babe.
01:59 What are you doing?
02:05 There are so many people.
02:07 Yes, Blair. Let's not do it in public.
02:16 Because when I saw him, there were only two of us.
02:22 That's why he seems to like it.
02:24 That won't happen again, Greta.
02:27 Because once you do that to my fiance,
02:29 you're the one I'll drown.
02:31 Jared, are you coming or not?
02:38 Are you coming or not?
02:39 Did you see what Greta did?
02:54 She won the crowd.
02:58 Well, she may have won the second round.
03:01 I was the winner in the first round.
03:03 That's why we're tied.
03:07 I need to win the last round.
03:09 I won't let that woman win.
03:12 It's okay for me to lose.
03:15 But I don't want Greta to win.
03:18 So we need to do something.
03:22 So we can make sure that she won't win,
03:25 she shouldn't be able to perform in the third round.
03:28 And do you know exactly how to do that?
03:31 How?
03:35 With this bell.
03:36 Hi, Greta.
03:46 How are you?
03:48 Hi, I'll have the same one, please.
03:51 Sure.
03:53 You want this one?
03:58 Yes.
04:00 I'll take this one.
04:04 Here you go.
04:05 Thank you so much.
04:06 I must admit, Greta,
04:08 I have no competition with you tonight.
04:11 Maybe you're a better model than me.
04:14 Allison, the competition is not yet over.
04:17 And you're already thinking of being a thank you girl?
04:20 No, no.
04:22 I already accepted my defeat.
04:24 It's just a signal that I can't accept it.
04:26 But to me, you're already a winner.
04:30 Yeah, congrats girl.
04:32 Thank you.
04:33 Cheers.
04:35 I'll just retouch my makeup.
04:43 Sure.
04:44 Go ahead.
04:45 Take your time.
04:46 So, so excited for you.
04:58 Me too.
05:01 I'll declare now,
05:02 to the most beautiful
05:05 and most desirable woman of tonight.
05:08 Cheers.
05:11 What's wrong?
05:20 You know what?
05:23 I'm thinking, I feel like you're the one who will win.
05:27 Yes.
05:30 Because
05:31 there's a guy who's looking at you
05:34 and he's going to give you a big kiss.
05:36 Look.
05:38 Look.
05:40 No.
05:43 I don't know him.
05:45 Really?
05:46 What a waste.
05:47 So cheers again.
05:51 Cheers.
05:52 For the win.
05:53 For the win.
05:55 Excited for you.
05:56 Cheers.
05:57 Drinks are good.
06:02 Yes.
06:03 You!
06:06 You!
06:07 You're the one who's cheating on me!
06:09 You're cheating!
06:10 You're the one who's cheating!
06:12 You're the one who's cheating!
06:13 You're the one who's cheating!
06:14 You're the one who's cheating!
06:15 You're the one who's cheating!
06:16 You're the one who's cheating!
06:17 You're the one who's cheating!
06:18 You're the one who's cheating!
06:19 You're the one who's cheating!
06:20 You're the one who's cheating!
06:21 You're the one who's cheating!
06:22 You're the one who's cheating!
06:23 You're the one who's cheating!
06:24 You're the one who's cheating!
06:25 You're the one who's cheating!
06:26 You're the one who's cheating!
06:27 You're the one who's cheating!
06:28 You're the one who's cheating!
06:29 You're the one who's cheating!
06:30 You're the one who's cheating!
06:31 You're the one who's cheating!
06:32 You're the one who's cheating!
06:33 You're the one who's cheating!
06:34 You're the one who's cheating!
06:35 You're the one who's cheating!
06:36 You're the one who's cheating!
06:37 You're the one who's cheating!
06:38 You're the one who's cheating!
06:39 You're the one who's cheating!
06:40 You're the one who's cheating!
06:41 You're the one who's cheating!
06:42 You're the one who's cheating!
06:43 You're the one who's cheating!
06:44 You're the one who's cheating!
06:45 You're the one who's cheating!
06:46 You're the one who's cheating!
06:47 Why do you always have to start a fight?
07:07 Greta didn't do anything wrong to you!
07:09 And we didn't do anything wrong!
07:13 What do you mean nothing wrong?
07:14 I saw how she flirted with that girl!
07:20 And don't try to defend her!
07:22 She's just pretending to be nice!
07:24 Everything about her is screaming fake!
07:28 Just like her nose!
07:30 It's even plasticized!
07:33 Greta and I are just friends!
07:37 You're the only one who's thinking about this!
07:39 Either you don't see that she's coming on to you,
07:42 or you're just enjoying it!
07:44 That's why you can't avoid it!
07:46 Maybe that's what's really happening!
07:50 That's why you're still hugging each other!
07:52 I was just trying to comfort her!
07:56 Oh!
07:57 Okay!
07:58 Trying to comfort her?
08:00 You're just enjoying the situation!
08:04 You're what?
08:06 Laird?
08:07 Please!
08:08 Please!
08:09 Don't blame me for what I did!
08:12 Greta was screaming in fear after the guy harassed her!
08:17 What if you or Allison won the auction?
08:21 And you were the one who was harassed by that guy?
08:24 Huh?
08:25 I still wouldn't have done the same!
08:27 But are you still mad at me?
08:29 Greta is different!
08:32 She's taking advantage of every situation!
08:37 I've been telling you!
08:38 I can feel that she likes you!
08:41 She's inside your head!
08:43 That's why I hate her so much!
08:45 That's what I'm saying!
08:47 You hate her because you never gave her a chance!
08:51 Instead of making Greta angry,
08:56 why don't you try to get to know her first?
09:00 You know what?
09:03 You're the one who's trying to make Greta angry!
09:06 I don't have a girlfriend!
09:08 I don't!
09:09 I will never be friends with that witch!
09:13 To be continued...
09:18 To be continued...
09:23 To be continued...
