Tips on Collaboration with Empowered Networking Organization

  • last year
The Phoenix Metro Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that it will now be known as The Empowerment Networking Organization (ENO). This name change comes as a result of a strategic rebranding initiative aimed at better reflecting the organization's mission and values. Learn more at
00:00 Welcome back.
00:04 Why is business networking important and what changes are afoot here in Phoenix?
00:09 Phil Gienard, I'm going to say it this way, you said it was like Gien-wa, I did it.
00:15 And Micah Watkins are here to explain and also to introduce you to the Empowered Networking Organization,
00:22 which used to be the Phoenix Metro Chamber of Commerce.
00:25 We're going to talk about the rebranding.
00:27 Welcome, thank you for helping with your name. Gien-wa like quinoa, it's easy.
00:31 Speaking of names, big name change for you, but it's more than just a name change, it's a rebranding. Tell us about it.
00:37 We were known as the Phoenix Metro Chamber for about nine years, but it really didn't accurately portray what we do.
00:44 When we purchased it almost four years ago, we brought an empowerment human potential training to the organization.
00:54 And that's why we rebranded to the Empowerment Networking Organization.
00:57 We're the only business networking organization that actually combines personal development, empowerment training, and business networking.
01:06 And at the end of the day, I think most of us know that as you grow as an individual, you actually get better in your career or your business.
01:15 So we empower people through giving our members a free course on personal development, that when they come out of that, they see the sky is the limit.
01:25 They're much more effective. They learn how to work well and collaborate with others as well.
01:30 And we do over 100 live events a year.
01:34 And we have been since September of 2020. Once we came out of the lockdowns, we stayed with live events because we believe that people really want to be live.
01:44 So we're bringing a paradigm shift to how business networking looks, feels, and actually produces results with the empowerment training.
01:53 And then we've added in some collaborative mastermind groups that is really where the change is happening and how people get networking done.
02:03 Well, we're going to talk about that with you, Micah.
02:05 And I love what you just said, just to pick up on that thread for a moment.
02:09 A lot of networking now is on LinkedIn or it's online, but you believe in a good old fashion.
02:14 You're in the room where it happens. You meet somebody. You shake their hand. You look into their eye.
02:18 And you can make a different kind of connection that way.
02:20 Absolutely. I mean, the connection is all that matters.
02:23 It's connecting people. It's connecting businesses.
02:26 When we have a deeper connection, we're able to get business done and get business done quicker, faster, streamline it, and see the results that we're looking for.
02:35 What type of businesses are members of your organization?
02:38 Entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small businesses, to medium-sized businesses that are just looking for exposure, marketing themselves, and just creating the connections that they're looking for.
02:50 And in terms of this personal development, that's helping business owners and entrepreneurs gain confidence, gain communication skills.
02:57 Yep. It gives them all of that.
02:59 And they also, it removes a lot of the clicks that happen in networking groups.
03:06 People get released of these preconceived notions and only working with people that they like or they get along with.
03:15 They actually learn how to collaborate instead of compete against each other.
03:20 There's a saying that I say, "Collaboration is the new competition."
03:25 I love that. Or as they say, "Don't player hate, celebrate."
03:29 That's just a different way of phrasing it, right?
03:32 Because there's enough to go around.
03:33 I think sometimes people are misled into thinking you're taking a slice of my pie, but if you collaborate, there's more pie.
03:40 Absolutely. Through collaboration, tons more is the potential for more value is there to expand yourself.
03:50 So collaboration is absolutely everything, and that's where we came up with the collaborative mastermind groups.
03:56 And really, this is high-level, intentional, focused networking to create a supportive and embracing environment to create win-win scenarios for the business owners and produce the results that they're looking for.
04:11 What's a good way to find you guys?
04:13 On our website,
04:17 Everything is listed on our website to include our masterminds and the trainings that are coming up, all of that.
04:24 Love it. Thank you so much, Phil.
04:26 Genois?
04:27 [end]
