Elle avait mal et n'en pouvait plus Carla Bruni et Nicolas Sarkozy face à une piteuse situatio

  • last year
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"Elle avait mal et n'en pouvait plus" : Carla Bruni et Nicolas Sarkozy face à une "piteuse" situation très gênante

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00:00 The Time of Combat, a new book by Nicolas Sarkozy, is available since August 22, 2023.
00:17 In this book, the former President of the Republic plunges the reader into his years
00:21 at the Elysée but also shares many anecdotes involving his wife Carla Bruni.
00:26 On April 27, 2009, almost two years after his arrival at the Elysée, Nicolas Sarkozy
00:34 was invited by Juan Carlos, the King of Spain, to share a grand dinner of state at the
00:39 Royal Palace located in Madrid.
00:41 A world event to which the head of the French state of the time did not stop being alone
00:49 but accompanied by his wife, the First Lady Carla Bruni Sarkozy.
00:55 A great evening on which Nicolas Sarkozy returns in his new book The Time of Combat
01:00 available since yesterday at the Fayard editions.
01:03 The former President of the Republic remembers this state dinner during which his wife
01:10 made a very strong impression.
01:12 It is true that Carla was a First Lady who gave a global image of elegance and
01:20 French intelligence.
01:21 "I was happy with this success so deserved.
01:27 As now she seemed distant and derisory the criticism about our marriage "he writes
01:33 in the Time of Combat.
01:36 Carla Bruni Sarkozy was particularly scrutinized and all the Spanish press had made this official
01:42 appearance a match between the singer and mannequin and Letizia of Spain, then Princess.
01:50 Carla Bruni had shone with her elegance in a long dark dress with wide suspenders and
01:55 who had left her back naked.
01:57 Her long hair was raised and tied.
02:02 At the end of this grand dinner which lasted very late, the French presidential couple
02:07 regained the palace that had been affected, just like the French delegation, an old
02:12 residence of General Franco.
02:15 But on the way back, Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife found themselves in a situation
02:22 at least embarrassing.
02:23 A memory that the former president tells in his new book.
02:30 "There was a coquettish scene when we were regained our place of residence in the
02:37 armored car that took us to very lively through the streets of Madrid "begins
02:42 Nicolas Sarkozy.
02:43 Carla had a dress that hurt her shoulder and made her suffer until she was injured.
02:50 She was sick and could not anymore.
02:56 She asked me, as soon as we were in the small cabin of our vehicle, to urgently
03:02 unscrew the top of her dress.
03:03 To the little care for his wife, the one who was then president and was himself
03:10 a metric and in his costume was executed, finally tried.
03:13 For security reasons, the convoy was driving at almost 100 km / h.
03:22 We were dangling from one corner to the other of the car, it was very uncomfortable.
03:27 The two Spanish policemen in front of the vehicle did not turn around, out of modesty,
03:35 while I was trying to remove this damn stapler.
03:38 I end up, by pure clumsiness, by tearing it, continue to tell Nicolas Sarkozy.
03:44 An unexpected that made the highest representative of France laugh and his wife, we exploded
03:53 then to laugh at the idea that we can see us in this pitiful situation, Carla with
03:57 his dress partly scratched and me with my butterfly knot that had come off during
04:02 the delicate operation with the button of my shirt collar that had flown
04:06 into pieces.
04:09 Finally, everything ended well, no one, except the two police officers present in the car,
04:15 noticed this embarrassing situation.
04:17 In the time of the fights, which he will defend tonight on the set of the 20h of TF1, Nicolas
04:26 Sarkozy intermix his political memories and his comments with personal memories.
04:30 In this second volume of his memories, he mentions in particular the birth of his daughter Julia
04:38 on October 19, 2011, while he was on the move to Frankfurt, Germany.
04:44 Happy to finally have a daughter, he has three great sons.
04:50 Jean, Pierre and Louis, Nicolas Sarkozy had found with his wife a name in case of new
04:55 boys, Lorenzo.
04:58 Because the couple had wanted to keep the surprise to the end and did not want to know
05:04 the sex of the baby.
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