Lucy Letby was ‘very annoyed when she failed to murder our twin babies’, parents say

  • last year
Lucy Letby became 'very annoyed' when she failed to murder twin babies, parents saySource: Sky News


00:00 I was the first one into the unit at that time.
00:03 The image that I saw was just horrendous.
00:05 That image I'll never forget.
00:07 When I went down, I saw doctors around the trolley
00:09 and they're just pumping his heart like a rag doll, really.
00:14 He was just crying, crying.
00:17 And I said, "Oh my God, what happened?"
00:20 I was just praying to God saying,
00:23 "What has happened to my child?
00:25 "I've not done anything wrong in my life to anybody.
00:27 "So why do I have to suffer?"
00:30 I was just full of the tears.
00:32 I didn't know what to think.
00:33 We're first time parents.
00:35 We didn't know what was going on.
00:36 She was standing calm and cool.
00:39 And what I can remember was at the time,
00:41 her body language and her behaviour totally changed.
00:45 I think she was unsuccessful with killing my kids.
00:48 That's why she was very annoyed with us.
00:49 She thought that I couldn't kill your baby.
