Niger : La Chine apporte son soutien inconditionnel aux Putschistes

  • last year
La crise politique au Niger, marquée par un récent coup d'État, suscite des préoccupations quant à l'influence française au Sahel. Cependant, d'autres acteurs internationaux adoptent une approche pragmatique. Malgré leur condamnation du coup d'État, des nations comme la Chine, l'Algérie et la Turquie cherchent à maintenir, voire renforcer, leur présence dans le pays. La Chine, en particulier, est devenue le deuxième partenaire commercial du Niger, détrônant Paris.
Depuis plusieurs années, Pékin a investi massivement dans le secteur de l'uranium nigérien, devenant ainsi un acteur clé de cette industrie. Alors que la crise énergétique mondiale ravivée par le conflit en Ukraine relance le secteur du nucléaire civil, la Chine cherche à récolter les bénéfices de ses investissements dans l'uranium nigérien, considéré comme une alternative au minerai du Kazakhstan. Malgré les sanctions économiques de la Cédéao, Pékin maintient une position solide et envisage même d'élargir sa présence au Niger en s'intéressant au secteur pétrolier.
#Niger #Chine #soutien #Algérie #Turquie #partenariatcommercial #uranium #criseénergétique #conflitenUkraine #nucléairecivil #sanctionscédéao #putschniger #nigerputsch #ebenemediatv #mgm
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00:00 By the force of the recitation, we begin to know the Chinese proverb "When the sage
00:13 shows the moon, the idiot looks at the finger."
00:15 However, this time, it applies rather well when understanding the situation in Niger,
00:21 of its 26 million inhabitants and its young people engaged in a transition process, according
00:25 to the recent statements of the Prime Minister appointed by the Putschists, Ali Mahamand
00:30 Lamin Zayin.
00:31 While our editorialists are worried about the decline of French influence in Sahel,
00:35 other Chancellories are showing more pragmatism.
00:37 All condemn the coup d'état but privileged, like Beijing and Ankara, a peaceful settlement
00:43 of the crisis.
00:44 Where is the wind standing, such as Algeria, face a possible military intervention of the
00:49 forces of the Economic Community of the States of West Africa, the CEDEAO.
00:53 In their ambivalence, China, Algeria and Turkey, three nations of the "South Global",
00:59 hope to maintain, or even affirm their presence in Niger.
01:02 Their support, at least, to the Jint allows to better understand its firmness in the face
01:07 of the threats of the CEDEAO.
01:09 The "National Council for the Preservation of the Country" (CNSP, according to the name
01:13 that the military Jint chose, which plays the watch, indeed means "capitalized"
01:18 on the globalization of a Sahelian nation and "enclaved" among one of the three
01:21 most underdeveloped countries in the world.
01:23 First commercial partner of the African continent, China was in 2022 the second
01:28 of Niger, behind Paris.
01:31 End the precarious.
01:32 It's been 15 years since Beijing walked on the old flatbands of the former colonial power
01:37 French, uranium, of which the Sahelian country is the 5th world producer.
01:41 Paris, formerly a strategic partner of Niamé in this sector, is no longer than the fifth
01:46 buyer of Nigerian ore.
01:47 Beijing, on the other hand, has not ceased to muscle its investments and this, however,
01:53 in a tariff context that had nothing crazy until very recently, due to the repercussions
01:58 of the Fukushima disaster on the supply chain, the kilo of uranium had indeed fallen from
02:02 40 to 25 dollars between 2014 and 2019.
02:06 However, with the energy crisis caused by the conflict in Ukraine, the nuclear sector
02:11 civil is relaunched.
02:12 And China, which was launching in early January 2022 59 reactors under construction in the
02:18 world, is now reaping the fruits of its investments.
02:21 400 million dollars have been placed in the uranium Nigerian considered, with that of
02:27 Namibia, as an alternative to Kazakhstan's ore.
02:30 Beijing therefore plays on velvet in sensitive terrain.
02:33 If the completion of the project is delayed due to economic sanctions taken by
02:38 the CDAO, the two rival countries have too much to gain from this project, winning
02:42 the war.
02:43 Especially since another Chinese flowerpot in the oil sector could soon make its appearance
02:47 in the country, Sinopec, interested in the recovery of several oil blocks made by
02:51 CNPC.
03:02 (air whooshing)
