• 2 years ago


00:00 Going into this movie my expectations were like zero
00:04 First off like David Harbour's character. I thought the whole idea of turning gamers into drivers was ridiculous
00:11 And then also I mean I intellectually knew that it happened because this is based on a true story
00:16 Well, we're gonna talk about that
00:18 But I was like, I mean I'd never heard of any of these drivers and I was like how good how good could they be?
00:24 and then also
00:26 The trailers made it kind of seem like who wants to watch someone play Gran Turismo for two hours and I was like not me
00:32 I don't want to watch someone else do something and that's no fun for me
00:35 But also like David Harbour's character in the movie by the end. I was a believer
00:41 I think this movie was so much fun
00:44 But before we dive into why I liked it so much there are a couple of outside factors. I really want to discuss
00:50 So first off as some of you might recall back in
00:53 2019 Universal flew a bunch of us youtubers to a racetrack in LA
00:57 What a day that was to react to the latest Hobbs and Shaw trailer
01:02 While being driven through these hairpin turns in a racecar like a McLaren
01:07 I forget what the other one was, but it was so fun
01:09 But as you might recall from that footage
01:11 The G-forces were no joke and I was thrown around the inside of that car that racecar like a ragdoll
01:18 So even I was aware that while Gran Turismo might be a great mental racecar simulator
01:24 No way could it replicate the physical aspects of driving a racecar, which I knew to be extreme
01:30 So that's also why I thought this is silly
01:32 Then as for you know
01:34 I just said this movie made me a believer and some of you might already be taking issue with that in the comments down below
01:39 Because a lot of this movie is not factually correct
01:44 So I like and I believed it I know and I feel a little cheated to be honest with you
01:49 Like I fell hook line and sinker for the narrative the Hollywood narrative in this movie
01:53 I was like what a beautiful story and then I started to Google it
01:57 Oh, I started to because one of you mentioned the controversy around this film which we're gonna discuss
02:01 But I started to Google the film and as I kind of got into that, you know, you know
02:06 You know the Google rabbit hole. I was like, oh man a lot of this stuff is you know
02:12 Fudged let's say. All right. So yes, Jan Martin Burrough is a real guy. It's even a real guy. He is he's a real guy
02:19 But this movie is based on his experiences. It's not a true story
02:24 It's based on a true story because so many liberties have been taken for instance. He never actually has won a race
02:31 And if you pay close attention to the movie, he doesn't win here either even though they sure make it seem like he does
02:39 You know, you know like I was watching the film and I was like, isn't he?
02:42 He seems like he's in third place and he was in third place
02:45 But the movie makes it seem you know
02:48 The way this it's filmed in the way the story is told they try and sneak it by you that they make it seem like he
02:53 Won the whole thing
02:54 Then also the big race of his career was not Lamont but was a similar 24-hour race as well
03:00 But in Dubai why switch it to Lamont that kind of annoys me because they're both 24-hour races
03:07 They do have him race in Dubai in the movie. Why switch it to Lamont? It made absolutely no sense to me
03:12 Maybe they thought it was a more cinematic track or something
03:16 But you know why make that change especially because they made such a big deal about being you know
03:21 Being on the podium at Lamont. He's never been on the podium at Lamont
03:25 Alright, he's also not the first graduate from
03:29 Nissan or Nissan
03:32 In America, we pronounce it Nissan. So I'm just gonna go with Nissan
03:36 So he's not the first graduate from their GT Academy. In fact, he was the third
03:41 Graduate even though that's not the way the movie tells it and then here is the big one the controversy again
03:48 As I said when I tweeted out last night how much I enjoyed this film one of you said
03:52 Oh, but what do you think of the controversy grace?
03:54 Does it change the way you feel about this film and I was like what controversy?
03:59 So I looked it up
04:00 That was part of my as I said part of my Google a Google journey and I saw that this was starting to affect the
04:06 Film and was responsible because I was surprised at how low the Rotten Tomatoes score was it keeps going in and out of rotten
04:12 Because I was like this was a great movie
04:14 But I can see now that some people some critics docked at points because of how it handled the situation
04:21 So I'm gonna break it down for you
04:23 Because it's complex and I feel you know, you also have to think about storytelling in a movie
04:28 And so after I break it down, I'd be very curious to hear how you would handle it
04:32 with all thinking about all these different aspects that maybe I think some people aren't thinking about when they when they do a snap judgment
04:39 of the movie
04:40 So Martin Burrow was involved in a horrific accident during a race that killed a spectator
04:45 however, it happened years after his big 24-hour race and
04:50 Here they say they switch the order of events and some have accused this film of fridging the spectator
04:57 You know when you kill a secondary or not just a character, you know for the benefit of
05:02 Personal growth for the main character
05:05 So people are saying, you know
05:06 Some people are saying they fridge that spectator to have a character
05:10 Moment for Martin Burrow within the context of the script all because they change the order of events
05:16 So here's the thing
05:19 First off Hollywood has done this with biographies since they've been doing biographies
05:24 They do this all the time, but as the world becomes more transparent, thanks to technology
05:28 Audiences seem to take more issue with these types of changes
05:32 however
05:32 I think again people are like oh no that's wrong without really thinking of the realities of telling the story and in the bigger picture
05:39 And how you could do it
05:41 And so again, I wouldn't be so quick to make a snap judgment
05:45 So let's so again, let me so let me take this from the filmmaking perspective, right?
05:50 So you the the big race of Martin Burrow's career needs to be the third act, right when you think about it from a storytelling
05:57 Structure you can't move up the big race to the middle of the movie in the second act and then continue the movie for another
06:03 What half hour to 40 minutes have the accident several years later?
06:07 And then that's the note the movie ends on you know
06:11 Like the 24-hour race is to this day the pinnacle of Martin Burrow's career
06:15 It was just kind of like drifting and staying steady and somewhat downhill after that. So that's how your movie ends, right?
06:22 And you might be like well, that's what happened to Martin Burrow
06:24 But you know you have to know the store there's three act structure and character arcs for a reason
06:30 So that's one of the reasons that I think sometimes and that's interesting when you think about some of the changes that are made to real
06:35 Life stories because of the how the structure of the story needs to needs to be told
06:40 Now because the accident happened after the big race, which is the third act of the movie
06:46 They could have just not included it
06:49 They could have just ended as they do after the you know
06:52 Something out there could have been some other
06:54 Personal thing that Martin Burrow had to go through and they could have just opted not to include this accident
07:00 Because they they wouldn't have because it happened after this so the movie just didn't cover that part of his life
07:05 But to Martin Burrow's credit, I also discovered this while looking into this
07:10 Martin Burrow insisted that it be included in the movie. So I think you should get points for that
07:15 So while one could argue I understand the argument that the death of the spectator is being used and you know moved up in time
07:22 for character development
07:24 You could counter that it is what it's really being used to do is to illustrate how truly dangerous
07:30 Racing is not just for the drivers which the movie also illustrates
07:34 But even to the spectators who are watching the sport and even beyond that the drivers even when it's not their fault
07:41 Still feel responsible for everyone on and around that track including the spectators and that they still feel tremendous guilt
07:49 When something like that happens?
07:51 So because yes, it was considered a freak accident and Martin Burrow was totally cleared of any any any responsibility for that spectators death
07:59 Which would have given which we she could have used is another reason not to include it
08:04 But he didn't include it
08:05 He wanted it in the movie because that shows to this day it has affected him and he wanted to show how guilty he felt
08:11 About it that it's a harsh truth and reality of racing and then he did need to find a way around it to continue to
08:17 Race just as every other driver does because every driver once they get behind that wheel is accepting responsibility
08:23 Even when it's not their fault
08:24 even when it's a freak accident they still just even in within their own mind have some culpability for what happens and
08:30 Martin Burrow feels the death of that spectator is a part of him his story
08:34 It's a part of him that will always be there and he wanted it in the movie about himself
08:38 Also to the movie's credit the spectator is not named or depicted in the film whatsoever. So they weren't exploiting the death
08:46 They weren't trying to tug on the heartstrings to show that
08:49 However, I think that so I think from from within the within the context of the film
08:55 I think that they did they handled it appropriately but there are things that they could have done speaking of PR
09:01 Which is covered in the movie you want to be a professional race car driver someday practice your PR red carpet interviews
09:06 Which I think was something else this movie illustrated but from a PR perspective
09:11 I think maybe it would have benefited to show or dead
09:14 I don't know if they would have wanted to show a picture of the spectator the real-life
09:17 Spectator at the end of the movie when they show the real-life pictures of Martin Burrow
09:21 But maybe they could have had the movie dedicated to the spectator just the name or maybe you know something about Martin Burrow
09:28 Always has that spectators name
09:30 Well, I mean he doesn't on his jacket or his race clothes
09:34 But he did insist that the spectators death be included in the film
09:37 And then also maybe part of the proceeds of the film should go to a charity that helps people who are injured by racing
09:44 On or off the track. I think all that maybe would have helped with this conversation
09:49 Which clearly they tried to just avoid but I think they should have gotten out ahead of it because Martin Burrow did insist on it
09:55 Being included but I think at the end of the day, you know
09:58 Should Martin Burrow story be told I think it should be I think it's a good story that deserves to be told
10:04 So that and also I think that they dared to include his darkest moment
10:08 even though they had two outs not to include it that it actually happened outside of the time frame that the movie depicts and
10:15 That he was cleared of any culpability from you know, you know, even though he doesn't emotionally feel that way that you know
10:22 It was decided that it was a freak accident and he is not at all at fault. It could have happened to anybody
10:27 So what would you have done under those circumstances and it doesn't change how you feel the movie handled the situation
10:33 All right. So let's talk about the movie itself. It's a great racing movie. I think it's up there with some other really recent
10:39 Thrilling movies also about racing some of you disagree, but I think it's just as enjoyable
10:45 Now what sets this film apart?
10:47 There are some other aspects which we'll discuss but what sets the film apart most of all
10:51 Of course is that it covers how gamers have been turned into real-life drivers?
10:54 Highlighting that because you know, this is a there's a big I think is gaming enters pop culture more, you know
11:00 It's always it's always been big it's good and it's gotten huge, but it's always kind of been in its own space
11:05 You know because it's something that's you know, that takes place and you know largely in people's homes
11:11 It's like it's like a private thing or happens mostly online within online communities that are logged in
11:16 So it's not really out there in the world space. So as it becomes more out into the world space, you know
11:22 There are people who are trying to understand gaming which are depicted here by
11:26 Yon Martin Burroughs father, right?
11:29 And then also just how you come into and you know
11:32 David Harbour's character and also just how some I think some moviegoers like myself come into the movie and
11:38 The movie does a great job highlighting that well sure grand Gran Turismo might not prepare you for the physical
11:43 Aspect of racing it really does train you mentally these gamers learn strategy
11:49 They learn all about the cars their racing and how they work which I thought was very impressive and they log hours upon hours of track
11:57 Time they learn the layouts of the most famous race car tracks across the globe and because of the accuracy of the game
12:04 They truly learn them. It is a true simulation and that not only do they have the experience of driving driving the track
12:11 But they're able to create their own strategies of how to best drive them and there's genuine value in that and I
12:18 Understand that now and I thought the movie did a wonderful job depicting that
12:22 It also highlights something that we've been just talking about this week in the entertainment industry
12:27 But obviously applies to multiple industries including race car driving and that's the incredibly small scope of who can actually get a foot in the door
12:35 Which is often dictated by connections and wealth
12:38 This movie doesn't make it as clear as it should I mean it's there if you look for it
12:43 But Martin burrow finds himself going up against a rival driver who seems to have a bottomless pit of money at his disposable his disposal
12:51 But the person who's sponsoring him it turns out is his father
12:54 That to me is fascinating. So without GT Academy someone from a working-class background like Martin burrow
13:00 Would never be able to be a race car driver right without GT Academy despite being a better driver
13:06 So thankfully there was GT Academy for a period of time
13:10 It's no longer active unfortunately
13:12 But the because I was looking at so how some other drivers because the race car field
13:16 Has become more diverse and changed up who's there and I found out so I was like how did Lewis Hamilton who I've definitely heard
13:23 Of extremely successful driver he got into racing
13:27 I wasn't sure if he maybe got in through connections and wealth
13:29 But it turns out that he got through in a similar program
13:33 And that's the McLaren driver development program if you see a Gran Turismo
13:38 Or you're a good Gran Turismo player you might want to apply to the McLaren driver program
13:42 Which is still active and has many famous graduates who have who have grant who have gotten to professional racing including Lewis Hamilton
13:50 So that's fabulous
13:51 So the point is there should be more programs like this and major industries all across the globe all different kinds of industries
13:58 Searching for raw talent. That's clearly out there who just need the opportunity to break through and I think you know
14:05 I think it's so we've there have been a lot of programs that have focused on racial diversity
14:10 Which I think should continue to be a focus, but I think there should be a focus on gender diversity and economic diversity
14:16 And I think that these programs should cover all three of those
14:20 race gender and economic
14:22 Diversity and then they could really make sure they're getting the best of the best because I think there's clearly a ton of talent
14:27 That's just languishing because they just don't they're not in the right place at the right time
14:32 So how can industries create that and kudos to the racing industry for being I think ahead of the curve on this
14:38 So I think that's one of the great things that this film highlights. I love that
14:41 All right, so now just as a movie at first. I wasn't sure about Neil Blomkamp's approach, right?
14:48 It seemed a little too documentary ish to me and also the visuals were very stark and cold
14:53 I was like, oh, I don't know how I feel about this
14:55 But as the movie progressed the documentary aspect made me feel very much like I was like I was actually there
15:01 So I was like, oh, that's kind of cool
15:02 And I realized the stark and cold visuals are meant to mirror the look of the Gran Turismo game itself
15:08 I've never really played but I am familiar with the graphics package
15:12 I think maybe I bought it once a long time ago, you know, but I never really played it
15:17 I think because it's such a technical game, which is interesting because I was looking to it for fun
15:23 But it since it is so technical it creates that very realistic experience where you're actually seeing real training from a mental perspective
15:30 So that's fascinating, but when they actually got to the racing sequences, I was like, oh, yeah
15:34 This does look a lot like the Gran Turismo game, which was cool
15:37 The racing sequences are excellent
15:40 Ah so good as good as the ones in Ford v Ferrari and rush
15:44 And here Blomkamp uses drones to get some really incredible shots
15:48 I don't like drone shots all the time, but I like using drone shots to kind of plus these action movies and I think that
15:55 Directors are really and cinematographers are really starting to get the hang of them
15:59 Also Ford v Ferrari and rush are both period pieces
16:04 And so what else sets Gran Turismo apart is that it highlights modern racing so to see like the helicopter coverage
16:11 I mean David Harbour didn't want to get in the helicopter, but I was like, that's really cool
16:14 And then also how modern race teams work. I really liked seeing that as well
16:18 The script is also solid despite all the liberties that are taken and brought to life by an excellent cast
16:25 But really bottom line Gran Turismo is a two-hander Archie madquee. I think I'm pronouncing his name, right?
16:31 I looked up an interview where he said it himself. So I'm hope I'm getting it, right? He said it very quickly
16:35 So I think it's madquee
16:38 As Martin Borough and then David Harbour as his coach trainer, you know, it's funny
16:43 David Harbour was recently quoted saying he doesn't want to be
16:45 You know his Stranger Things character for the rest of his life Hopper and I'm like, but that's who you're always playing
16:51 I mean, he's so Hopper here
16:53 But who doesn't love Hopper and also it's like the same thing with David Schwimmer from friends
16:58 How'd you like not to be known at all David Harbour?
17:00 At least you're known for something a lot of actors would really be so grateful to be in your position
17:05 But anyway, I'm not surprised that one of the screenwriters here worked on Creed 3 as well because this is very similar
17:11 To what we see in boxing movies of the relationship between athlete and coach with that coach
17:16 Often a former athlete themselves so they can talk about what never was and what could have been and there of course their own experiences
17:22 Madquee and Harbour are full-blown charisma here. Just so charismatic and a joy to watch such a great duo
17:31 Orlando bloom also manages to make a cutthroat executive still seem semi-human at least right?
17:36 Well, John Honsu has some really touching moments as a Martin Burroughs father
17:41 He was great who just doesn't understand his son or gaming and that's Jerry
17:47 Halliwell as Martin Burroughs mother you think a Spice Girl would have a bigger part. Oh, well
17:51 But also a Daniel Pui, I believe Daniel Pui has a small role as Martin Burroughs brother
17:57 But I thought also managed to make a very strong impression
18:00 I thought he was very he really popped on screen
18:02 Gran Turismo definitely has a lot of modern twists, but at its core
18:06 It's an old-school Hollywood sports movie and those have been around for so long because they work and this one works
18:13 It's about an underdog who manages to shine
18:16 So if you enjoy that type of film as many do because they keep making them
18:21 You will really enjoy Gran Turismo as I did. I loved it. I had a great time watching it
18:26 I saw it at a Dolby Theatre and had great sound of course and gorgeous visuals with the racing up there on this really big screen
18:33 But I gotta say a lot of people come to the movies late these days
18:37 Because there's so many trailers and then they come sometimes even later
18:40 I had a lot of people walk into my screening maybe 20 to 30 minutes into the film
18:45 This one guy came in he had a lot of texts. He apparently had to send
18:49 He apparently wasn't totally into the film when it started and he thought he turned the screen all the way down
18:54 But that doesn't do anything so it took me out of the film several times
18:57 And I was like when is he gonna get off his phone?
19:00 And then luckily he brought his own snacks and got into that after a while so he stopped being on the phone
19:05 Thank goodness, but until movie theaters get a handle on this kind of behavior
19:09 You know it's gonna
19:10 Just they're just gonna keep bleeding customers to the home viewing experience because it was really it
19:14 Detracted from what should have been would have been an even better experience if that hadn't happened
19:18 I mean, it's like an Alamo Draft House is a cool theater
19:23 Cool theater chain, but they don't have the big screens
19:26 They don't have the IMAX is in the Dolby's
19:27 But you shouldn't be able to come in once the movie has started and they really got to find a way to take care of
19:32 This phone situation and you know you shouldn't have to say anything yourself
19:35 Especially because some of the horrible things that have happened. I mean it's horrible. It's horrific
19:39 I don't know if you've seen some of the recent headlines don't tell someone how to behave in a theater
19:43 I would say go get an usher
19:45 But you know I don't think the usher wants to do anything either and so there should be security
19:49 But they don't really want to do anything either so
19:53 I don't know. It's crazy
19:55 I left my water bottle in the theater, and I had to run back in and get it and the ticket taker didn't even stop
20:00 Me you know
20:02 It was crazy all right, so come on theaters get your act together right it should be a safe wonderful space all right
20:09 So that's my review of Gran Turismo
20:11 There are a few few a few fan screenings over the next couple of weeks or so so check your local theater to see if there
20:17 Is one but now because of the strike it has been pushed to the end of August and will open wide on August 25th
20:23 And I really enjoyed it all right, so that's my review of Gran Turismo share your thoughts down below subscribe today
20:29 And of course as always you can check out some more videos right now
20:32 *Outro Music*
