• last year
A morgue technician successfully reanimates the body of a little girl, but to keep her breathing, she will need to harve | dG1fQUM4Q2RBWE9QRHc
00:00 (phone buzzing)
00:02 - Dr. Casper?
00:06 Who are you?
00:07 - You don't know?
00:08 You ran away from me the other day.
00:12 - There's a complete chain of custody
00:18 for the entire time your daughter was in the hospital's care.
00:20 - Look, things got fucked up.
00:22 I'm not gonna sue.
00:23 I don't want any trouble.
00:24 I just need to know what happened.
00:28 - I can't.
00:29 - Can't what?
00:32 - I can't help you.
00:34 I need to get inside.
00:40 - I'd like to come in.
00:41 - I don't think that's appropriate.
00:42 - Excuse me, please.
00:43 - What's in there?
00:44 - Will you let me into my house?
00:45 - Okay, okay.
00:47 (grunting)
00:55 (ominous music)
00:58 - I can explain.
01:13 If you'll just--
01:18 (thudding)
01:19 - Don't you fucking touch her!
01:20 - I have to examine her or she'll die!
01:23 (gasping)
01:25 She's alive.
01:27 (ominous music)
01:30 (ominous music)
01:33 (ominous music)
01:35 (ominous music)
01:38 (gentle music)