Drake Confronts Male Fan Who Fought Woman for His Towel

  • last year
A male fan sparked Drake’s anger on Saturday, August 12, after he tried to wrestle a woman over a used towel the artist had thrown into the stands as a souvenir, according to Entertainment Weekly.


00:00 [crowd cheering]
00:02 [crowd cheering]
00:05 [crowd cheering]
00:08 [crowd cheering]
00:13 [crowd cheering]
00:30 [crowd cheering]
00:33 - Drake, you're daddy!
00:35 Drake, daddy!
00:36 You're daddy!
00:38 Drake!
00:41 [crowd cheering]
00:46 - I love you, Drake.
00:59 [crowd cheering]
01:02 [crowd cheering]
01:15 - Drake, you're daddy!
01:19 Drake, daddy!
01:20 You're daddy!
01:22 Drake!
01:25 Drake!
01:26 Drake!
01:27 [crowd cheering]
01:30 [crowd cheering]
01:33 [crowd cheering]
