Teething baby turns into a mini dinosaur and gives his dad's leg a toothy kiss

  • last year
Babies can be a menace when they are teething, and an adorable example of it is highlighted in this video.

"Our little boy is currently teething and has started doing what we call the 'dinosaur impression,' where he 'roars' and then tries to bite," the filmer, Courtney Peel, told WooGlobe. "He then finds it hilarious."

In this amusing clip, the mischievous lad welcomes his dad, Liam Tyrie, to his mini Jurassic Park.

His excitement for his teeth to come out is sky-high, and he seems to have a full bucket list of 'things to do with teeth' ready in his head.
Location: South Shields, England
WooGlobe Ref : WGA345021
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00:00 (baby cooing)
00:03 (baby cooing)
00:05 (baby babbling)
