Scared Foster Dog Hid In The Bushes On Walks The Dodo Foster Diaries

  • last year


00:00 He would cower in the back of the crate
00:02 when I would walk in the room.
00:05 Come on, sweet boy.
00:07 Come on.
00:09 You're OK.
00:11 He was so afraid.
00:13 It's OK, buddy.
00:18 If I got too close to him or looked at his direction
00:22 for too long, he would go back in his crate.
00:26 He definitely did not feel comfortable
00:28 with me being near him.
00:31 Hey, bud, look.
00:32 Even if I threw treats in there or food, he would not budge.
00:39 Good job, bud.
00:41 A gentleman had surrendered 30 dogs,
00:45 and Forrest was one of those.
00:47 It's going to be OK, Forrest.
00:50 You OK?
00:53 You want to come out?
00:55 No?
00:55 OK.
00:57 Come on, buddy.
00:59 You want to go outside?
01:02 The first day that I got Forrest outside,
01:05 I had him in the front yard on a leash,
01:07 and he was completely frozen.
01:12 So I did a double leash.
01:14 I knew if he got away from me, it
01:16 would be so hard to catch him.
01:18 He wanted to hide in the bushes.
01:21 He basically found a little spot and laid down
01:24 and curled up in a ball.
01:25 That's pretty.
01:28 That was his go-to move.
01:31 He didn't look stressed.
01:32 He just looked like he wanted to be alone.
01:35 It's OK, buddy.
01:36 I ended up having my dogs outside with me on a leash
01:44 because I saw if he came from a property with other dogs,
01:47 that's probably what he's most comfortable with.
01:50 And I think that he really found confidence with them around.
01:55 Hey, bud.
01:57 You want a little belly rub?
02:00 You laying in the sun?
02:02 My dogs were running around the yard,
02:04 and out of nowhere, Forrest just joined in.
02:09 I was so happy to see him truly just relaxed and having fun.
02:14 As the weeks went on, he would just
02:22 start to get closer and closer.
02:23 Eventually, it just built up to I was sitting on the floor
02:30 working one day, and he just laid down this little ball
02:34 to the right of me.
02:34 And I'm pretty sure I held my breath
02:36 because I couldn't believe that he was relaxing next to me.
02:41 I was just so relieved and happy to know that I
02:44 was getting through to him.
02:46 And once we got to the point that he would let me pet him,
02:49 even a little bit, it's like the rest of his progress
02:51 took off because we had gotten through that trust barrier.
02:56 You can do it.
02:57 Come on.
02:59 Come on.
03:00 What a brave boy you are.
03:05 Are you going to sit with us?
03:08 It's so special.
03:11 Once he is comfortable with you, he
03:14 is the most sweet, loving, docile dog ever.
03:20 The adoption process was one of the longer ones
03:23 because I had to be sure that it was
03:26 a family who understood him.
03:29 Forrest, you want the ball?
03:31 Go get it.
03:32 A few weeks later--
03:33 Good boy.
03:34 --we found him a forever home.
03:37 They had been following his journey all along,
03:39 and they knew that it was absolutely meant to be.
03:48 He has a puppy sister that he loves to play with.
03:55 It has been the most incredible thing
03:57 to see how much he's opened up and continued to thrive
04:00 even more in their care.
04:03 I couldn't be happier to see that Forrest is living
04:05 the happiest life possible.
04:08 Are you a happy boy?
04:10 Forrest.
04:12 There you are.
04:14 You're such a good boy.
04:21 [MUSIC ENDS]
