BSGcast: 4.17 - "No Exit"

  • 15 years ago
Word Salad. No other term quite sums up this exposition-heavy BEAST of an episode. With many long-standing questions answered and a few more posed, Ellen's return and Anders' brain-bullet managed to cause a virtual deluge of mythos from the origin and travels of the final five to the end of the first cylon war, the source of resurrection technology and skin jobs... the list goes on. Needless to say, if you've not seen the episode yet, GO WATCH IT! We had an awesome time in San Francisco at a random BSG/Dollhouse viewing in Presidio with Autumn from the Pasadena Auction/Frak-Party and her AMAZING group of fellow BSG fans. We even got to make Battlestar Cookie Characters. Big win. Thanks SO MUCH for embracing these two Toronto Nomads into your Friday night festivities! ~Matt + Nat