NBA Spotlight: James Harden - The Beard blows up Philly relationship

  • last year
James Harden said Philadelphia 76ers GM Daryl Morey 'is a liar and I will never be a part of an organisation that he’s a part of.'
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:29 - I think we were all surprised with
00:30 is when he went to Houston,
00:32 that he could score the way he scores
00:34 because he came in the league more as a passing.
00:38 You know, I think what he surprised all of us
00:41 is when he went to Houston,
00:42 scoring 40 every night and no one knew he could do that.
00:56 - An elite player, an elite teammate, an elite leader,
01:00 and just a guy that's willing to do whatever it takes
01:06 to rack up as many wins as we can.
01:11 Sacrifice.
01:14 (upbeat music)
01:17 (upbeat music)
01:20 (upbeat music)
01:22 (upbeat music)
01:25 (upbeat music)
