Leopard Brutally Killed Zebra To Teach its Youngster

  • last year
00:05 It may appear to be an ideal chance
00:09 for the mother and her cub.
00:12 The leopards creep closer, trying
00:14 to get as close as possible without being noticed.
00:22 As the leopards get closer, they start to hesitate.
00:27 The mother leopard knew when to retreat.
00:31 But her cub was caught in the heat of the moment
00:36 and ended up being chased by the zebra.
00:42 The mother leopard waited patiently in the tree,
00:54 her eyes fixed on the young zebra foal grazing below.
00:58 In a flash, the mother leopard leaped from the tree
01:03 and landed on the unsuspecting zebra foal
01:06 with a swift bite to the neck.
01:10 The foal was easily killed.
01:14 With their strong legs and claws,
01:17 leopards are able to easily scale trees
01:20 and drag their prey to the safety of the branches.
01:22 It's a skill that helps them protect
01:28 their kills from scavengers.
01:33 As a teaching moment, the mother leopard
01:36 left a zebra kill on the top of the tree for her cub to feed on.
01:42 However, the cub was unable to keep a grip
01:45 on the slippery prey.
01:47 Hyenas are watching, perhaps sensing
01:50 that the maneuver has a good chance of going wrong.
01:53 It tumbled to the ground.
01:59 The mother leopard was not about to let her hard-earned meal go
02:02 to waste.
02:04 In a split-second decision, the mother
02:06 knew she had to act fast.
02:08 She quickly retrieved the prey and lugged it back up
02:11 to the safety of the branches.
02:13 This kind of mistake often leads to reprimands from the mother.
02:19 The mother leopard was disappointed
02:21 in her cub's inability to handle such a task.
02:25 She knew that the cub still had much
02:27 to learn before it could be trusted
02:29 with important responsibilities.
