Es insostenible vivir en este país

  • last year
La activista cubana Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia compartió una directa en sus redes sociales, donde deja saber los mecanismos de represión del régimen con los familiares de presos políticos y activistas cubanos.


00:00 The first thing I want to talk about is the case of the girl who was cited three years ago for the security of the state.
00:14 For those who still find me on social media saying that if it is a lie, that if so, well, apparently there are Cubans who have a very bad memory.
00:29 Because it is not the first case that the security of the state quotes even being a girl.
00:37 Although it seems crazy, it is true. I have had communication with the mother, wife of a political prisoner, a young girl,
00:48 who signs her ideas and does not stop denouncing, as there are many, family members of political prisoners, although I still say they are not enough.
00:59 The girl went to the citation without the girl, the girl's mother did not take her, and when she got there, as many as I expected, they told her that it had been a mistake.
01:13 For those who have bad memories, I will remind you that they have not been the only children cited for the security of the state,
01:23 using them as a mechanism of repression for the relatives who speak out.
01:30 There is the case of Marisol, the girl from Marisol who was cited, they waited for her, they took her to a place and she was used so that Marisol today has to be trying to get to the United States to save her daughter.
01:50 The children of Ty Forever were also cited, do not let me lie, even when Ty was, if I'm not mistaken, out of the country,
02:02 and it is a mechanism of repression, of threatening the relatives.
02:06 So I say to myself, the Cuban is still surprised that these things happen.
02:12 Simply, the dictatorship, the security of the state, are a diabolical mechanism that has remained in power for 64 years,
02:22 precisely because of the mechanism they have to destroy, to threaten with what hurts you the most.
02:29 And for those who are good mothers and mention their children, as is my case, it terrifies us. And not everyone has the courage to face up when they are telling you, as is my case,
02:45 at any time I will take away the children, at any time you will cry for your children.
02:52 It is the case that today my eldest son, the one I gave birth to, because although the others are not my children, they are,
02:59 had to flee to the United States so that they would not threaten me anymore with him because they were going to imprison him.
03:08 It is shameful that there are Cubans who are still blind and say that these things do not happen.
03:15 This happens and much more, but it will continue to happen until we Cubans within the island continue to allow it.
03:24 For those who do not know, that day there were brothers near the police station and I was going to be the first one to be accompanying that girl if something was done.
03:40 Because everyone who knows me knows that Díaz-Niurka Salsedo Verdecia defends people for their rights, but the issue of the children, our children, does not touch.
03:53 So it is crazy that people say, "That's a lie, that can't be." No, no, no, mistake.
04:02 Everyone knows that the security of the state is not wrong. They are wrong in their convenience.
04:10 What happened? What happened with the girl went viral and automatically they had no choice but to gather.
04:18 But they had all night and all afternoon, everyone worried about that situation, because that's how it works.
04:27 It was not a mistake, it is a mechanism of repression, of threat, so that everyone sees what they are capable of doing.
04:38 The other issue I want to talk about is the issue of political prisoners.
04:46 I receive daily calls from different political prisoners, our brothers, those who went out to fight for our freedom and for theirs, without being paid, without being sent, without violence.
05:03 Because everyone knows that the violence that began it was the regime, and then to say that it was us.
05:10 What is happening with the relatives of political prisoners?
05:16 Because there are relatives who speak up.
05:24 But gentlemen, there are 1,100 political prisoners, more than 1,100 political prisoners.
05:32 Where is the rest?
05:34 Where is the rest of the relatives? Because it is not Brenda's mother, it is not Hany's mother, it is not Lechuga's mother, it is not Jorge Bello's mother, it is not just Wilber.
05:50 No, there are 1,100 political prisoners. Where is the rest?
05:55 Two months ago, Dias Nurka had hope that something would happen to political prisoners.
06:05 Today, on August 12, if I'm not mistaken, my hopes are like this, zero.
06:13 But we are also the only ones to blame.
06:17 Because this dictatorship that manipulates, that when we are putting pressure, when the relatives were very united,
06:27 there the State Security itself came in, began to attack the whole group, where the relatives were together,
06:35 and that if that is from the security, and that if this is from the security, and each one on his side denouncing.
06:41 This is not how family works.
06:43 This is for the relatives of political prisoners.
06:46 You have the obligation to claim for your family.
06:52 And do not even think if two months ago, when you were together, fighting, you achieved nothing,
07:00 because as you are acting, you will fight less.
07:03 Many relatives are being manipulated.
07:08 They are being told that they can present a resource for the review of the cause.
07:15 It is true that there is a review of the cause.
07:20 It is true.
07:21 But I doubt a lot, that is a lie and a way to keep the relatives in silence, as many are.
07:29 And as long as they are in silence, we will not achieve the freedom of political prisoners.
07:40 As long as we are in silence, the only thing we will achieve is that the political prisoners continue to increase.
07:47 Where are the relatives of political prisoners?
07:53 So the only thing I see on social networks is those relatives who have the courage to pronounce themselves,
08:01 how they attack them, how they criticize them.
08:04 No! Stop criticizing us!
08:08 Stop following that division, that fight of ego,
08:14 because I see nothing but that fight of ego and leadership.
08:19 Here nobody is a leader of anything.
08:22 I am my leader, in what I am able to do, to say and in what I am able to believe.
08:31 I care about the freedom of Cuba.
08:34 I care about the freedom of political prisoners.
08:38 I care about the freedom of Cuba, because really what we have to fight for is the freedom of Cuba,
08:46 because with the freedom of Cuba, the freedom of all of us is lost,
08:50 because although it is very difficult for us to recognize it, it is difficult for them,
08:54 because I am clear, I am a prisoner inside the island, under the command of some murderers, liars and criminals.
09:02 If we do not start fighting for the freedom of Cuba, we will continue in the same way.
09:12 The only way to achieve the freedom of Cuba is to go to the streets,
09:18 to leave our differences, that if someone speaks in a certain way,
09:22 that if someone is on the left, that if someone is on the right, that if someone is in the center.
09:26 Gentlemen, it is not that we all want the freedom of Cuba.
09:33 So it is time to leave the differences and fight,
09:37 but fight with the heart, with the conviction that what is at stake is the street,
09:44 and that we are going to sacrifice, ok, we are going to sacrifice, but it will be fair.
09:49 I have my own life, I have my family,
09:54 and I am here fighting, but I cannot spend my whole life fighting.
09:57 The time will come when I have to leave the country,
10:00 because I do not see that absolutely anything is achieved.
10:04 This is not about choosing a president without having,
10:14 well, it seems absurd to me, people who want to choose a president without having freedom.
10:19 Worry about freedom, worry about the freedom of Cuba,
10:24 which is the only thing that is going to be achieved,
10:26 it is the whole people, together with us on the streets,
10:28 with those of us who still remain, but very few,
10:32 that we pronounce and want the freedom of Cuba.
10:36 Because until when is the situation going to be like this,
10:39 we are going to be supporting the situation of the country.
10:43 I am fed up with entertainment.
10:46 Now that if there is no money in the bank,
10:49 if there is no money in the ATM, and tomorrow is another, and the day after tomorrow is another,
10:52 and another comes, and another, and another, and we continue in the same.
10:55 Entertainment after entertainment, while, while a lot of people
11:02 continue to make content with all of us,
11:06 filling their pockets, but they do not get a single peso for a political prisoner.
11:11 One, they do not help, because they do not care,
11:16 because what they care about is their benefit,
11:20 they do not care about the freedom of Cuba.
11:23 Because it is sad that more than a week ago,
11:27 I published the situation of a brother of country and life,
11:31 political prisoner, sorry, brother of struggle,
11:35 Boris, sick, living like an animal,
11:40 that's how I'm going to say it, living in inhuman conditions,
11:44 and that most of them have been, one person,
11:49 one, has donated from exile, one,
11:52 for brother Boris, with a house that fell,
11:56 in inhuman conditions.
12:00 Not even animals live like that.
12:04 And that there have been two relatives of political prisoners,
12:08 and a sister of struggle, there are three, inside the island,
12:12 without being able to say, my sister, 150 pesos.
12:16 How sad, where are the country and life?
12:20 Where are they?
12:23 It is that we do not get together to go to the streets,
12:26 but we do not get together to support each other either.
12:29 So that's what we have to deal with to topple the dictatorship.
12:32 If it is a dictatorship,
12:35 it is a dictatorship,
12:38 and as a dictatorship, although many do not like the word "union",
12:42 the only way we are going to achieve the freedom of Cuba
12:46 is to join the people in the street.
12:49 That people who are going through a thousand needs and needs,
12:53 who write me on WhatsApp to tell me,
12:56 a box of chicken, 10,000 pesos,
12:59 how, like this, how do we do it?
13:04 But I know, I am inside the island,
13:07 and I am not one of those who do not ...
13:10 Because then the one who is in exile,
13:13 those who are here say, no, but who hits does not push,
13:16 who pushes does not hit, sorry.
13:19 No, I'm saying it from here,
13:22 with talking about our needs,
13:25 we are not going to topple the dictatorship.
13:28 Needs that I also have,
13:31 because I have a box of chicken and a box of chicken is worth 10,000 pesos here,
13:35 and more.
13:38 Where you can't find anything to feed your family.
13:41 Where they took the milk from the children,
13:44 and the Wednesday they give them, cut,
13:47 it is cut because of the heat,
13:50 because they pour water on it, because it is unusual.
13:53 But the only responsible are us,
13:56 who endured it and I am included.
13:59 When the milk is cut, I grab the milk ponds
14:02 and I plant it to the party secretary and he tells me,
14:05 what are we going to do? Because my children have something to drink.
14:08 Not reinvent myself as I do.
14:11 What you have to do is grab the milk ponds and go there, to the party.
14:14 And when a mother leaves,
14:17 the rest of the mothers are there, because we do care about the future of our children.
14:20 That the school course is going to start,
14:23 and a backpack is worth 3,000, 4,000 pesos.
14:26 A pair of socks is worth 5,000 pesos.
14:29 For those who have more than one child,
14:32 two, three, how are our children going to go to school?
14:35 Mr. Díaz-Canel, that is for you,
14:38 president of another, because mine is not.
14:41 What are the children going to do to go to school?
14:44 What are the children going to do to have a snack,
14:47 Mr. President of another?
14:50 Because mine is not.
14:53 I repeat, you are a world shame.
14:56 You as president are useless,
14:59 because you are not able to demand yourself.
15:02 Because because of you,
15:05 and because of the walking stone,
15:08 the worst liar, liar, thief,
15:11 swindler, this people is submerged in misery.
15:14 Because today, the children do not have to eat.
15:17 Because today there are many children in front of the school,
15:20 because today there are many sick children without medication,
15:23 because today there are many people without food,
15:26 without a breakfast, without basic needs.
15:29 You have to pay someday.
15:32 To all the mothers who hurt us,
15:35 it is time to react,
15:38 because we are all going to die.
15:41 Until when?
15:44 Until when?
15:47 Until when are we going to allow the lack of respect?
15:50 Until when?
15:53 Until when are we going to allow the lack of respect?
15:56 Until when?
15:59 People who have money in the bank
16:02 can not have cash because there is no cash.
16:05 What did they do with the money?
16:08 You are simply thieves who do not get tired
16:11 of stealing from the people and the people of allowing it.
16:14 I am a Cuban,
16:17 I am 41 years old, I am tired.
16:20 And from this moment on,
16:23 every time I feel uncomfortable, I go to protest
16:26 so that they put me in jail,
16:29 and if I am in jail, I am in jail on the island.
16:32 Because until when are we going to allow
16:35 our children not to enjoy
16:38 a vacation with dignity?
16:41 Until when are we going to allow
16:44 our children not to have
16:47 what they need to live like children?
16:50 It is not that children are the hope of the world.
16:53 It is not that you say that children are good priorities, Mr. President.
16:56 We are going to think that as many justify it by saying
16:59 that you cannot reach the base,
17:02 because there are others below you who are responsible.
17:05 For you, and for those in the middle, for those in the center, for those below.
17:08 This Cuban from the base says that she is tired.
17:11 That she is tired of a chicken box costing 10,000 pesos,
17:14 that a milk bag that does not appear
17:17 costs 1,500 pesos and more.
17:20 I am tired that you cannot buy a backpack,
17:23 a pair of shoes, that with my decent work I cannot get
17:26 my children what they need. I am tired.
17:29 And since I am tired, I will be protesting, I will be calling
17:32 until they put me in jail, until they kill me or disappear me.
17:35 Because everything has a limit.
17:38 I am tired of seeing mothers complaining,
17:41 of asking for help for a photo, for the 15th, for the year,
17:44 and not being able to say where to go.
17:47 Where to go? To the party, to the government,
17:50 wherever.
17:53 But you cannot bear it anymore.
17:56 And I always say this,
17:59 you can play with any monkey, with any goat,
18:02 but with the mother, with Idelisa, with Diane Urca,
18:05 with Salcedo Verde, as a mother, do not play.
18:08 Do not play. I give my children my life.
18:11 And it is unsustainable to live in this country.
18:14 You have two options.
18:17 Either you speak up and go out to the streets,
18:20 or you leave the country. Because there is no other.
18:23 Do not criticize those who leave.
18:26 Because I am in the same situation.
18:29 I love my country. I love Cuba.
18:32 Gentlemen, I was in prison for 18 months,
18:35 and they could not change my political convictions,
18:38 my political ideas, my freedom.
18:41 Because I feel that I love Cuba, my land, my farm,
18:44 as I love myself.
18:47 As I love my children.
18:50 And I am not crazy. Are you crazy? No, I am not crazy.
18:53 When you have ideas from the heart, from the soul,
18:56 when you fight for something with principles,
18:59 you do not give up at the first.
19:02 And I do not want to see myself in the need to leave the country
19:05 to save my children. And you have to leave it,
19:08 because I will not be able to take them all.
19:11 Because unfortunately, those who have money leave here,
19:14 those who have families abroad, those who have business,
19:17 and none of that. And you know why?
19:20 Because as a hairdresser I set up my business and I had to close it.
19:23 Why? Because I think differently.
19:26 Because I speak for those who do not speak, because I speak for myself,
19:29 but I speak for those who do not speak.
19:32 And where are they? For all those I have spoken?
19:35 Where are they?
19:38 I am 41 years old, I turn 28.
19:41 How long do I have to endure?
19:44 For loving my land, my country, my farm.
19:47 Until when?
19:50 I have the right to live.
19:53 I have the right to have a dignified life,
19:56 but like me, my children.
19:59 But I am willing to sacrifice my life for the future of my children.
20:02 But who is with me?
20:05 Who is with me? I alone cannot.
20:08 I alone cannot.
20:11 Where are the relatives of the 1,100 political prisoners?
20:14 Where are they?
20:17 A relative?
20:20 One?
20:23 So, the day I can no longer go,
20:26 why did I leave?
20:29 Because I was in the struggle to say,
20:32 "No, sir, I am fighting for Cuba to be free."
20:35 But a single orrion does not make up the summer.
20:38 We need to be free, but now.
20:41 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
20:44 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
20:47 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
20:50 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
20:53 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
20:56 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
20:59 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:02 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:05 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:08 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:11 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:14 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:17 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:20 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:23 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:26 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:29 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:32 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:35 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:38 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:41 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:44 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:47 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:50 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:53 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:56 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
21:59 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
22:02 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
22:05 Now, because they are fighting for freedom.
22:08 Because I care about Cuba's freedom.
22:11 Because I care about Cuba's freedom.
22:14 I care about being free.
22:17 But what is happening hurts me.
22:20 And although I am one of those who say that the aid does not solve everything,
22:23 right now it hurts me to see the situation of my brother Boris,
22:26 and to see that it is not pronounced,
22:29 that nevertheless 15, 16, 18, 20 houses are distributed to people
22:32 that it is not pronounced where the Patribidas are.
22:35 It is not that we are a few,
22:38 we cannot change the situation of that brother.
22:41 we cannot change the situation of that brother.
22:44 While Cuba's freedom is achieved,
22:47 because it is not achieved only behind a phone,
22:50 doing this, it is achieved on the street,
22:53 and I am willing to go to the street when all the mothers come together,
22:56 which are my hope,
22:59 those who fight like animals for the future of our children,
23:02 those who get up with tears in their eyes
23:05 because they do not have a glass of milk to give them.
23:08 For those mothers, I am and I will be at any time,
23:13 as long as I can.
23:16 But wake up women, time is running out,
23:19 and with time, life is running out.
23:22 Wake up family members of political prisoners,
23:27 do not let yourself be deceived anymore,
23:30 do not let yourself be threatened, do not let yourself be penetrated.
23:33 Join us.
23:36 Join us. You do not realize that every time a group is created
23:39 by political prisoners,
23:42 they are terrified. Do you know why?
23:45 Because what we do not realize is that in the word that bothers,
23:48 the union is what they are afraid of,
23:51 the union is what they are afraid of,
23:54 and it is not achieved because they always make
23:57 themselves distrustful, defamed.
24:00 I can't stand it when no one tells me,
24:03 "Be careful with that guy, if he goes to your house, he is from the security."
24:06 I can't stand it. I swear.
24:09 Let me be hit.
24:12 Let life show me that this guy is from the security.
24:15 Because that way we don't even get to the corner,
24:18 believing that we are all from the security.
24:21 Because that is the mechanism for 64 years
24:24 that this dictatorship has used
24:27 to keep a people separated
24:30 and divided between us,
24:33 who prefer to kill, steal, murder
24:36 to live as a person. It is not like that.
24:39 It is unity,
24:42 a word that bothers many of our own side,
24:45 but it bothers the dictatorship more.
24:48 If we don't support each other,
24:51 we are lost.
24:54 This war is won together, all of us on the streets,
24:57 whatever the cost. I am willing
25:00 to sacrifice my life
25:03 for the future of my children
25:06 and for the future of all the children
25:09 who today do not live as a person.
25:12 But a single person cannot.
25:15 From this moment on,
25:18 everything that bothers me,
25:21 I will go to the government, to the PCC,
25:24 wherever I have to go. No more hunger,
25:27 no more need, no more misery.
25:30 Everyone who knows me knows that I have been in the opposition for years,
25:33 but I have reached the limit.
25:36 I have reached the limit, and it is not a threat,
25:39 it is a fact. I am more of a doer
25:42 than a speaker. But I am tired.
25:45 I am tired.
25:48 And I know that many are as tired as I am.
25:51 How does this work? When a mother
25:54 protested, we all went there.
25:57 And we don't move from there until this dictatorship
26:00 is over at once.
26:03 There should be no day, no date, no schedule.
26:06 Dias Niurka went out on the street.
26:09 I am talking about people like Dias Niurka who want a change.
26:12 And don't tell me that there is no transport to get to the Quizar.
26:15 Because if from Elisa, Dias Niurka, you pronounce the Quizar,
26:18 you pronounce it where you live.
26:21 Simply like that. No date, no schedule,
26:24 no moment. It is what it is. Street.
26:27 Street. Don't let yourself be deceived.
26:30 Don't let yourself be threatened.
26:33 They will not let anyone go if we
26:36 put pressure on them. Because this is a dictatorship.
26:39 But more than the freedom of political prisoners,
26:42 Cuba has the freedom
26:45 of the people of Cuba. Out of power.
26:48 All these communists, murderers,
26:51 criminals and liars.
26:54 Freedom for all political prisoners, but above all,
26:57 freedom for the people of Cuba.
27:00 And my last message is for
27:03 the president of another country,
27:06 because mine is not.
27:09 I am fed up.
27:12 I am fed up of his bread and circus.
27:15 I am fed up that my children
27:18 cannot be happy. And as a mother,
27:21 I will not allow it.
27:24 God, homeland and freedom. It is unsustainable
27:27 to live in a country where the minimum wage
27:30 does not even allow you to pay
27:33 water and electricity.
27:36 It is not possible.
27:39 While you live as a millionaire,
27:42 which is under the dictatorship,
27:45 under the Castro's,
27:48 under Díaz-Canel, and
27:51 freedom for the people of Cuba.
