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00:00:00 [music]
00:00:10 Preaching last week on the conception of faith. And in it we talked about Hebrews
00:00:18 11 through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed when
00:00:25 she was past childbearing age because because she judged him faithful who had
00:00:36 promised her. Anybody believe God is faithful?
00:00:42 God is faithful. We're gonna start out in Genesis today. This is the second
00:00:52 deposit on the series Genesis 1 11 through 12. There's two verses but they're
00:01:02 very important verses. When you have it say amen. And God said whenever you read
00:01:13 that it's a faith-building life-changing and God said it don't matter what he
00:01:26 said the very fact that he stopped to say it means that he's gonna interrupt
00:01:30 the situation and do something that's never been done before shout amen. And
00:01:35 God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed and the fruit
00:01:43 tree yielding fruit after his kind. The herb God said let the earth bring forth
00:01:49 grass the herb yielding seed the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind whose
00:01:59 seed is in itself. God look at somebody say I got something in me. Upon the earth
00:02:11 and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his
00:02:22 kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind. So the
00:02:31 turnip didn't bring forth pineapple. The grape didn't bring forth beets. So what
00:02:40 God has set in place is a continuum of the creation so that every time you want
00:02:47 grass in the yard God doesn't have to say let there be again. The perpetuation
00:02:53 is brought about through the yielding seed. Look at your neighbor say I got
00:02:59 seed. Oh yeah and everything is going to produce after his circumstances, after
00:03:08 his situation, after his finances, after his education, after its beauty. No after
00:03:17 his kind and God saw that it was good. Can you say amen? We're going to talk
00:03:28 about the conception of faith. We're going to talk about it from the aspect
00:03:33 of seed. We want you to know as we go into this second phase we started out
00:03:38 talking about human conception. But this seed is a serious thing. Say that
00:03:48 with me. Seed is a serious thing. Say it again. Say it like you mean it. If you're
00:04:00 watching online type it on the line seed is a serious thing. This will
00:04:04 perpetuate, penetrate, and saturate all throughout the theology of the Bible
00:04:10 itself is that seed is a serious thing. Let's pray. Spirit of the living God fall
00:04:16 fresh on us today. We thank you in advance for what you're going to do. Moved
00:04:21 by your spirit great God that you are. We thank you in advance because we're
00:04:26 loaded this morning. We came in here packing this morning. We're filled with
00:04:32 your promises. We're filled with your Word. We're filled with expectation. We
00:04:38 recognize that seed is a serious thing. Have your way in this place in Jesus
00:04:46 name. Amen. You can sit down for a while.
00:04:53 Let's go to work. We've often heard the cliche which came first the chicken or
00:05:02 the egg. It is an impossible riddle to solve because if there were no chicken
00:05:08 there would be no egg and if there is no egg there will be no chicken. The
00:05:15 redundancy of the argument suggests that there are two things but in reality the
00:05:20 redundancy is seen in the fact that there is absolutely no difference
00:05:25 between the chicken and the egg. So for all of y'all who have fried chicken and
00:05:34 eggs for breakfast.
00:05:41 I hate to bust your bubble but you eating the same thing. My grandmama
00:05:47 didn't have egg, she fried chicken and rice and biscuits for breakfast. Y'all
00:05:51 don't know nothing about that country kind of stuff. Yeah, yeah that kind of
00:05:55 stuff to keep you going all day long. Yeah and it seemed funny because I grew
00:06:01 up eating eggs, grandma fried chicken. I didn't realize at the time I was eating
00:06:05 the same thing in another form. Everything that is in the chicken is in
00:06:15 the egg. Everything that's in the egg is in the chicken. You must begin then to
00:06:25 understand what squirrels understand. They run through trees eating trees.
00:06:33 They eat trees. You might not recognize they eat trees. You say they eat acorns
00:06:39 but in God's mind the acorn is a tree.
00:06:44 If the squirrel would leave the acorn alone it would become a tree because you
00:06:52 can only produce what you are. You can teach what you know but you can only
00:06:58 produce what you are. Genesis said everything every herb yielding after its
00:07:05 kind. There you go my after its kind. Amen. You produce what you are. God puts
00:07:13 this in motion so that we would begin to understand that seed is a serious thing.
00:07:18 I'm gonna lay some foundation because if we're talking about the conception of
00:07:22 faith, conception requires seed. There can be no conception without seed. The seed
00:07:31 in a marriage the man produces the seed, the woman produces the egg. There is no
00:07:36 conception without seed. In agriculture there is no conception without seed. The
00:07:45 conception or the birthing of faith requires seed. Faith coming by and
00:07:51 hearing by the, yeah it comes by the Word of God because God's Word is God's seed.
00:07:57 Whenever God gets ready to create he opens his mouth and speaks and God said
00:08:03 and God said and God said and it became whatever he said. Are you hearing what
00:08:12 I'm saying to you? Now we must understand then that while we come to church and we
00:08:16 enjoy worship and we are commanded to enter into his gates with
00:08:21 thanksgiving and his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name.
00:08:26 The purpose of our exhilaration and our exuberance and our expression is to
00:08:31 prepare the ground to receive the seed. Through faith also Sarah herself received
00:08:40 strength to conceive seed. You got to be strong to receive seed. Especially in
00:08:46 the seed is strong the ground has got to be strong enough to receive the seed. Are
00:08:53 you hearing what I'm saying to you? In the Bible the the term seed is comes
00:08:58 from the Hebrew word Zerah. It's important that you understand that
00:09:02 because from the very beginning in the book of in the book of Genesis the
00:09:07 Hebrew word for seed is Zerah. When you begin to understand that like in Genesis
00:09:13 3 15 when it talks about that the seed of the woman shall rise up and bruise
00:09:19 the head of the seed of the serpent. God is talking seed stuff. While they are
00:09:26 worried about circumstances God is talking about seed. Their circumstances
00:09:33 were not good. They had tasted of the forbidden fruit. They had lost the
00:09:38 privilege of staying in the Garden of Eden but they were concerned about
00:09:42 circumstances. God is talking about seed. He said never in spite of your
00:09:47 circumstances you will have seed. This is a seed fight. The seed of the woman will
00:09:56 rise up and bruise the head of the seed of the serpent and the serpent will
00:10:01 bruise its heel. Are you hearing what I'm saying to you? So when you begin to talk
00:10:06 about it this is the first messianic prophecy in the Old Testament talking
00:10:12 about Jesus. That Jesus ultimately becomes the seed of the woman. Are you
00:10:20 hearing what I'm saying to you? So you begin to understand that God deals with
00:10:24 seed. Now you need to understand that because if you're going to conceive
00:10:27 faith you are praying about objects and God is answering in seed.
00:10:34 You're saying God give me a tree and then an acorn falls and you say Lord I'm
00:10:43 waiting on you to give me that tree and God says I'm through with it.
00:10:48 When I gave you the seed I had answered your
00:10:56 prayer. Your problem is you don't recognize God's answers because God's
00:11:01 answers don't look like your prayers. Come on talk to me somebody. In
00:11:10 Christianity this scripture is called proto-evangelism. It is very important
00:11:16 that you understand that because it is interpreted as a prophecy of a coming
00:11:21 Jesus. Not here yet but a coming Jesus. Not chicken yet but an egg. Not not not
00:11:28 a tree yet but an acorn. God is talking all the way back in the book of
00:11:33 Genesis chapter 3 verse 15 about a coming Jesus. God is talking about seed.
00:11:42 God is talking about seed. Right now the fight is over seed. The enemy is using
00:11:51 circumstances to fight seed. He always has and he always will. Often the person
00:12:00 who is carrying the seed doesn't feel valuable because the seed has not
00:12:05 germinated. It has not developed. It doesn't look valuable but God is
00:12:12 concerned about seed and the enemy is fighting you not over what you got
00:12:19 materially but what you have potentially. What you have prophetically. What is in
00:12:27 your life in seed form. If you don't get this groundwork you're not going to get
00:12:33 the message today. Look at your neighbor say I got seed. I may not have a company
00:12:39 yet but I got seed. I may not be a wife yet but I got seed. In fact a woman is a
00:12:46 wife before she gets married. If she wasn't a wife before she got married
00:12:51 putting a ring on her finger won't make her a wife. Neither will it make her a
00:12:57 woman. It's just decoration. You might as well put anything on her. The Bible said
00:13:01 whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing. So she was a wife when I found her.
00:13:07 So all I did was acknowledge what she already was before we ever got married.
00:13:13 She was in she was in seed form. I wonder what else you are in seed form.
00:13:23 The enemy is after the seed but God will always honor his seed. Run over to
00:13:30 Genesis 8 22 for a minute. I'm going to show you this principle is consistent and it
00:13:35 stays in the Word of God and perpetuates itself in every area of your life. It is
00:13:41 backed up in how the body is made physiologically. That if I skin my if I
00:13:47 if I cut my skin right here immediately my skin cells begin to reproduce after
00:13:53 its kind and stitch itself back together and mend itself and make skin cells and
00:14:01 replenish itself because God doesn't have to come down and do a creative act
00:14:05 because the body was designed to produce after its kind. Stem cell research
00:14:13 declares that if I get a cell I can potentially make a kidney from a cell
00:14:19 because if I have a kidney cell it will produce after its kind. Follow me now.
00:14:25 That which is spiritually spiritual that which is natural is natural. You are a
00:14:32 seed. You are the result of a seed. You wouldn't be here if you didn't have
00:14:37 seed and if you're receiving this Word you are receiving seed. Genesis 8 22 says
00:14:44 this, "While the earth remaineth"
00:14:48 While the earth, is the earth still here? It's kind of hot but it's here. I don't
00:14:55 know how long it's gonna be here but it's here right now. "While the earth
00:14:58 remaineth seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night
00:15:07 shall not cease." It's never gonna stop. It's never gonna end. It will always
00:15:19 exist. It is about the seed. Look at somebody say it's about the seed.
00:15:24 Psalm said, "He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall
00:15:29 doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him." All of you
00:15:34 people that wrestle with low self-esteem the enemy is trying to talk you out of
00:15:38 your seed. He doesn't want you to believe in your seed because if you know that
00:15:47 you're bearing precious seed, if you know that you're bearing precious seed you
00:15:52 handle yourself differently because you got too much to lose. I can't act like
00:16:00 somebody who doesn't have anything to lose because I'm bearing precious seed.
00:16:06 "He that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come
00:16:10 again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him." All right I may not
00:16:16 have a harvest right now but if I got seed, harvest is on the way. Walk past me
00:16:23 right now while I'm in seed form but be careful who you step over because
00:16:28 there's a harvest coming after my seed. Glory to God. Those of you that have been
00:16:36 through abuse, been through trauma, been through ostracization and criticism, the
00:16:40 enemy started early because he knew you were bearing precious seed. He tried to
00:16:46 dilute you, he tried to pollute you, he tried to annihilate you, he tried to
00:16:51 destroy you but you never stopped to think if you weren't valuable why would
00:16:55 he be fighting you? Keep me hot. If you weren't, if you weren't carrying
00:17:01 something why would you be up under the attack that you're up under? The enemy
00:17:06 knows that you are bearing precious seed. Something is about to happen in your
00:17:14 life. Something is about to happen in your life. Everything you see God saying
00:17:21 throughout the Old Testament and all over into the New Testament centers
00:17:25 around seed. Not just he that goeth forth and bearing precious seed shall doubtless
00:17:29 come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him but it also says they
00:17:33 shall sow in tears, they shall reap in joy. Anybody been doing some crying? Have
00:17:42 you been doing some crying? Your tears aren't doing nothing but watering your
00:17:47 seed. Your tears aren't doing anything but watering seed. The Bible said when
00:17:56 you're in the sowing stage you're in the crying stage. Some of you don't know what
00:18:02 I'm talking about because you never gave anybody anything at any time anyway
00:18:06 including God. But those of you that are sowers he that goeth forth weeping,
00:18:12 weeping, weeping bearing precious seed. See the weeping and the seed, the water
00:18:18 and the seed. They shall sow in tears, they shall reap in joy. Look at somebody
00:18:24 say it won't always be like this. You might be crying in March and you might
00:18:30 be dancing in December, you might be crying in August, you might be dancing in
00:18:37 February. It's not going in like you met me. You might have met me in my crying
00:18:42 stage but I'm coming into harvest. In fact I'm watering my seed while I'm
00:18:50 weeping. They that sow in tears
00:18:56 shall reap in joy. The reason Pharaoh was killing all of the firstborn is that he
00:19:08 knew that a leader was coming and he was trying to kill the seed. The reason the
00:19:14 enemy is after your children is because he's trying to kill the seed. The reason
00:19:19 you're having so much trouble in your house is that he's trying to kill the
00:19:23 seed. I want to talk to some folks in here that are battling for the seed.
00:19:27 You're not even fighting for yourself, you're fighting for the seed. There's a
00:19:33 war out for the seed. The seed of the woman shall rise up and bruise the head
00:19:40 of the seed of the serpent. Somebody say give me my seed back.
00:19:52 It's a seed fight. You've heard of a food fight, you've heard of a pillow fight,
00:19:59 this is a seed fight. When the enemy saw that Moses was coming he started killing
00:20:06 the seed and telling the midwives to abort all of the babies under the age of
00:20:12 two. When the women, when the Hebrew women got ready to deliver and they got on the
00:20:17 birthing stool because back then they birthed on a stool not in stirrups, they
00:20:23 tried to abort the seed because if the enemy knows that he can cut you off in
00:20:28 your early stages he can stop you from becoming what is about to happen in your
00:20:34 life. Look at somebody say this seed is a serious thing. God told Abraham I will
00:20:42 make thy name great, I will bless your seed and out of your seed shall come a
00:20:50 great nation. Oh Rebecca when she was carrying twins the Bible says she had
00:20:57 two nations fighting in her womb because she was bearing precious seed. The enemy
00:21:05 is fighting you over your future. You're frustrated over your now. The enemy's
00:21:12 fighting you over your future. If you can believe that you have a future you can
00:21:17 step over your now and step into your destiny.
00:21:23 The first thing he tries to kill is your hope that there is a future because
00:21:31 faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen
00:21:38 but if you don't hope for anything your faith doesn't have anything.
00:21:45 Somebody holler I still got a hope. I've been to hell and back but I still got a
00:22:01 hope. I lost my car but I still got a hope. I lost my friends but I still got a
00:22:08 hope. I lost my companion but I still got a hope. See hell is after your hope
00:22:15 because if you lose your hope I don't care how much I preach and teach the
00:22:19 Word of God in you your faith will have nothing to do and when faith ceases to
00:22:26 be hungry then feeding ceases to be relevant. So when faith ceases to be
00:22:35 hungry then feeding ceases to be relevant. The only people who have any
00:22:40 hope of receiving anything in this place today are people who are hungry. Are there
00:22:47 any hungry people?
00:22:52 If there's some hungry people in this house today you have not lost your hope.
00:22:59 Stop playing around in the valley of dry bones. Stop playing around in dead places
00:23:08 telling yourself what you cannot be, what you cannot do, what you cannot have, that
00:23:14 you're not getting better, that you're not overcoming, that you're not coming
00:23:17 out of that because the enemy is using your word against you. Whatever you speak
00:23:23 you're going to birth. If you start speaking negativity you're going to
00:23:28 birth negativity. So the first place I want you to stop speaking negativity is
00:23:33 in your own head. The second place I want you to stop it is in your circle of
00:23:39 friends. You got to get away from people who use words like you can't. It's too
00:23:47 late. You're not smart enough. You're not able because you need to have strength
00:23:54 to deliver what God has in you. Throw your hands up and say give me more
00:23:59 strength. I need strength. I need strength because I'm carrying something. I need strength to
00:24:05 resist the enemy. I need strength to put up boundaries in my life. I need strength
00:24:10 so that the enemies of this world cannot come in and destroy what I am carrying.
00:24:17 You could not commit suicide if you had hope. You lose hope, you lose life.
00:24:30 Suicide should never be a result of your past or your present because it cannot
00:24:37 kill either one of them. What you do when you kill yourself you kill your future.
00:24:42 You kill the possibility of better. You kill the hope for tomorrow. You kill the
00:24:48 hope for next year. You kill the hope of what's next. So before the enemy can get
00:24:53 you to kill yourself he tries to deteriorate your vision of what's next.
00:24:59 So you drown in what's now. If you drown in what's now you cannot see what is next.
00:25:07 Faith come by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. How shall they hear without
00:25:13 a preacher and how can you preach save you've been sent? You can have a PhD and
00:25:21 not be sent. You can have a D-min and not be sent. You can speak Greek and Hebrew
00:25:27 and not be sent. You got to be sent to do this.
00:25:32 Are you hearing what I'm saying to you? Let me take you into the Word a little
00:25:45 bit deeper. Are you ready? Let's go. Let's go to the Gospel of St. Luke chapter 8
00:25:49 verse 11 through 15. I like this translation because I believe it
00:25:54 expresses clearly this is the only parable in the New Testament that Jesus
00:25:59 does not leave us to figure out. He exegetes it himself. It is a parable of
00:26:06 the sower and the seed. It was so important that Jesus did not leave it in
00:26:13 parabolic form or mystery form. He explains it so that we do not violate
00:26:19 the integrity of the sower and the seed because everything from Genesis to
00:26:25 Revelations is built on the sower and the seed. Everything that you live in,
00:26:31 drive in, wear is built on the sower and the seed. Everything that you will ever
00:26:37 be is built on the sower and the seed. The principles of salvation are built
00:26:43 on the sower and the seed. You have to understand that if the princes of this
00:26:48 world would have known what they were doing they would not have crucified the
00:26:52 Lord because all they did was crucify the seed. Jesus says, "I am a seed except the
00:27:00 grain of wheat falling to the ground and die it abide alone but if it die it
00:27:05 bringeth for much fruit." So had the princes of this world know what they
00:27:10 were doing they would have never crucified the Lord. When they crucified
00:27:14 him they thought they buried him but in reality they planted him and on the day
00:27:20 of Pentecost he harvests his seed because he is a seed. Y'all don't hear
00:27:26 what I'm saying. There are some people that thought they buried you but in
00:27:31 reality all they did was plant you.
00:27:35 Slap your neighbor and say, "I'm not buried, I'm planted. I'm planted. I'm planted. That
00:27:49 means I'll be back. That means I'm getting up again. That means God is not
00:27:54 through with me yet. That means you haven't seen the oak tree yet. That means
00:27:59 there's a chicken down in this egg. Hallelujah to God. Keep everything warm
00:28:05 because God is hatching me through what is hurting me.
00:28:15 God is hatching me through what is hurting.
00:28:24 It's about the sower and the seed. There is nothing that hell can do to stop the
00:28:40 sower from sowing. The sower went forth, Jesus said, sowing seed. Some fell on good
00:28:52 ground. Some fell on stony ground. Some fell up and started to grow up but had
00:28:59 no root. Some brought forth thorns and thistles and the cares of this world
00:29:04 choked them out. Jesus does not leave this up to any individual preacher to
00:29:09 interpret. This is the parable he interprets himself because the sanctity
00:29:15 of understanding this is critical to understanding life, to understanding
00:29:20 salvation, to understanding the cross, to understanding your predicament, to
00:29:24 understanding what's going on in your life right now, to understand what season
00:29:28 you're in. You're either in a sowing stage, a weeping stage, a buried and
00:29:39 overlooked and people walking over top of you stage, or resurrection stage where
00:29:45 you're coming back up in a form that looks different than how you went in.
00:29:52 We often say you don't look like what you've been through but it's deeper than
00:29:57 that. You're not going to look like what you started out as when God gets through
00:30:02 with you. You won't look like where you came from. Some preachers, friends of mine
00:30:08 just recently went up to Charleston to do a revival and while they were there
00:30:12 they went to two of the various churches that I pastored and they were sending me
00:30:16 pictures of the churches and they were talking about how astounding it looked
00:30:20 because they didn't know me then. They only know me now and so they sent me
00:30:25 pictures of the storefront and the storefront looks nothing like the
00:30:29 Potter's house.
00:30:32 So they said how can all of this
00:30:40 come out of that? Glory to God. You might not have everything you want, you may not
00:30:53 be driving everything you want, you may not have the relationships you want, your
00:30:57 great-great-grandparents would have fainted over what you call normal.
00:31:04 You talking about how hot it is? They didn't know what air conditioning was.
00:31:08 Most of them didn't have fans in the house, didn't have cook stoves in the
00:31:14 house, didn't have refrigerators in the house, didn't have toilets in the house,
00:31:20 didn't have anything that you walking past like it ain't nothing. And the
00:31:27 reason you think it ain't nothing is that the enemy doesn't want you to think
00:31:31 you're blessed. So he shows you pictures of other people who have other things to
00:31:38 talk you out of recognizing the blessing that you have right now that you are
00:31:43 living in your grandmother's dream. You are living in your great-grandmother's
00:31:48 dream. You are living in the dreams that your ancestors could have never imagined.
00:31:54 They would never understand what you're depressed about. Their babies were
00:31:59 snatched out of their arms and sold on slave tables. Their men were taken and
00:32:05 sold in other plantations and still they stood. And still they stood. And still
00:32:14 they stood. How in the world can you say I can't take it when you came from stuff
00:32:20 that took stuff way worse than what you're going through?
00:32:25 Slap somebody and say I'm stronger than I think I am. I'm stronger than what I look
00:32:39 like. I'm stronger than what I've been through. If I wasn't stronger than what
00:32:44 I've been through I wouldn't have come through it. Greater is he that's in me
00:32:50 than he that's in the world. If you fool with me I'm gonna mess up and preach
00:32:55 this morning. Something's about to happen in this place. I shall not die but live
00:33:02 and declare the works of the Lord. Newsflash I'm coming out of this.
00:33:12 Somebody in the choir help me praise him. Newsflash I'm coming up out of this.
00:33:21 Newsflash I will not die in this situation. Newsflash I got more in me
00:33:28 than what you see. Y'all sit down cause y'all ain't gonna do me like you did last
00:33:41 week. You got the carrying on, I got the carrying on, I didn't get out of my
00:33:48 introduction. My God.
00:33:54 [applause]
00:34:01 The sower and the seed. The sower and the seed. The sower and the seed. I realize
00:34:14 that there are some people who pride themselves on the fact that they don't
00:34:17 sow. They don't give. They watch and they don't give. They come and they don't give.
00:34:22 They get married and they don't give. They have children and they don't give. I
00:34:26 realize that they celebrate that but God has a relationship with the sower, not
00:34:35 the hoarder, not the keeper, not the spender. The sower and the seed. Come on
00:34:46 I'm gonna go deeper. He said I give seed to the sower.
00:34:54 Where are my sowers at? Make some noise. You ain't never got to worry about having
00:35:02 some seed. Cause as long as you a sower you're gonna always have some seed
00:35:07 because God said I give seed to the sower. I don't give it to the hoarder. I
00:35:15 don't give it to the selfish. I don't give it to the narcissistic. I give seed
00:35:21 to the sower. Throw your hands up and say Lord make me a sower. If you become a sower
00:35:28 you don't have to pray for seed because God will always give seed to the sower.
00:35:44 I lived in a little raggedy house down in Dunbar, West Virginia. Two-bedroom
00:35:49 house. Little raggedy house. Success for me was having all my utilities on at the
00:35:56 same time. Used to go to Miss Ann Arori's house to use the phone because our phone
00:36:01 was off. When it was on the bill collectors was calling on it. Still I
00:36:09 entertained. I invited people over for dinner didn't I? I'd go about it down
00:36:17 there and get that bag of chicken legs you could get.
00:36:21 Some brown beans and some rice and fed everybody on a church table that I had
00:36:29 borrowed from the church that you covered with a white tablecloth that was
00:36:34 made out of paper and even then with wick
00:36:40 I was still giving. The reason I'm here right now is because I'm a sower and if
00:36:49 you're a sower God said I'll pass over all of those stingy people and find
00:36:54 somebody that I give seed to the... Somebody holler make me a sower. I'll never
00:37:06 have to pray for seed if I become a sower. I'll never have to beg for bread
00:37:10 if I become a sower. God said I'm not giving anything to anybody that won't do
00:37:16 anything with what I gave them. I give seed to the sower. I give bread to the
00:37:22 eater. We used to go over people's houses they have plastic over their living room
00:37:31 furniture. They tell you don't sit in there.
00:37:37 Anybody know what I'm talking about? It was their cold hard plastic too. It looked
00:37:45 like a museum. Nobody sat in it. You walked past and looked at it because it
00:37:51 was too good to use. They ended up with nothing because God gives bread to the
00:37:57 eater. If you use it he'll give you some more to use. If you teach it he'll give
00:38:05 you more to teach. If you develop it he'll give you more to develop. The more
00:38:11 you give out in ministry the more that comes back to you. If you got revelation
00:38:16 and you won't sow it he won't give it to you. Anything you won't use you will
00:38:26 so all I have to do is talk you into not sowing and not eating and you won't get
00:38:36 bread and you won't get seed because everything throughout the scripture is
00:38:43 about the sower and the seed. The sower and the seed. The sower and the seed are
00:38:53 the stable realities of the parable. The only thing that changes is the ground.
00:39:07 I'm having such a good time this morning. I feel like somebody just put red hot on
00:39:13 my chitlins. Yeah you know why? I'm sowing seed. I'm sowing seed. I'm sowing
00:39:26 seed. It's gonna hit all kind of ground. Stony ground, stubborn ground, indifferent
00:39:34 ground, selfish ground, carnal ground, hungry ground. That ain't none of my
00:39:40 business. I'm just gonna keep on
00:39:44 I'm gonna keep on sowing the seed because as long as I keep sowing I don't
00:39:53 care what kind of ground it hits I'm still gonna get more seed to sow. I got
00:39:59 news flash with somebody you're about to get a download of some more seed to sow.
00:40:07 If you got a song you better sing it. If you got a story you better write it. If
00:40:14 you got a gift you better give. If you got a talent you better use it because
00:40:20 when you start using it God will develop it. That's why the two fish and five
00:40:25 loaves of bread could only be counted as long as it was in the bag. The moment you
00:40:31 got it out of the bag and Jesus started using it, it started multiplying because
00:40:39 God gives seed.
00:40:42 Little boy walks up gives his lunch. What you got? I got two fish and five loaves
00:40:52 of bread. Inventory, counting has been done. Audit has been done. He knows
00:40:56 exactly what he's got. Do you know what you got?
00:41:00 Jesus said you're about to eat your harvest. If you go over in the corner and
00:41:09 eat those two fish and five loaves of bread that's it. If you give it away I'll
00:41:16 show you what you really got. Not only will I feed the 5,000 men not to mention
00:41:23 the women and children, I will bless it so that you have 12 baskets full left.
00:41:30 If you sow it, give it to me and I'm gonna give it to them and every time we
00:41:38 give it, it increases and you sitting on your tower asking God to bless a hoarder.
00:41:50 I don't have time to sing, I don't have time to serve, I don't have time to teach,
00:41:55 I don't have time to do till the church, I don't have time to do the work, I don't
00:41:59 have time to draw, I don't have time to write, I don't have, the more you say I don't
00:42:03 have time, you're saying I don't have seed. Why would God give seed to somebody
00:42:11 who's just gonna brag about having it and not gonna use it? Okay, let me get to
00:42:18 this text. I'm talking to somebody I don't know who it is. The seed is good.
00:42:26 It's the ground we got to check out. What kind of ground are you? Ask three people
00:42:33 around you. What kind of ground are you?
00:42:36 Sleepy ground, distracted ground, fearful ground, depressed ground, frightened ground,
00:42:47 angry ground, jealous ground. All of that stuff will stop you from harvesting in
00:42:54 your life. That's why I forgive everybody. I had somebody come see me about something
00:42:59 happened four years ago, wasn't no, was I mad, I said Lord no, I don't have time to be mad
00:43:04 over something happened four years ago. I had to get that out of my spirit. I can't
00:43:09 let you mess up my blessing. I'm on the verge of a blessing. Be at peace. You
00:43:17 might have meant it for evil, but God,
00:43:24 talk to me somebody. I feel a praise about to hit this house. I feel a
00:43:31 breakthrough about to hit this house. I feel a spirit of increase about to hit
00:43:37 this house right now. Glory to God. Somebody that's got some faith, say I'm
00:43:42 walking in abundance. I'm gonna have 12 baskets full left. I'm gonna have so much
00:43:49 left, I'm gonna have to figure out where to put it. When God gets to blessing and
00:43:55 breaking what I got, I'm going into overload. I'm going into overdrive. I'm
00:44:01 going into increase. Your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard, neither
00:44:08 have they been in your heart the things that God has in store for them that love
00:44:13 them because you're looking at the seed. God's looking at the harvest. Just 10
00:44:23 people say it's coming, it's coming, it's coming. Yeah, it's coming, it's coming.
00:44:27 Come on, sow something. It's coming, it's coming. Type it online. It's coming, it's
00:44:32 coming, it's coming. Type it online. It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. Type it.
00:44:38 It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. Let your spirit hear you say it's coming, it's
00:44:43 coming, it's coming. Let your emotions hear you say it's coming, it's coming, it's
00:44:47 coming. Let your circumstance hear you say it's coming, it's coming, it's coming.
00:44:54 It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. Sir, I know you don't have but a few seats
00:45:08 left but I believe that there won't be a seat left at Woman Evolved. Don't settle
00:45:15 for less than what God has promised. God said it's coming, it's coming, it's coming.
00:45:19 It's coming, it's coming, it's coming. And when they come, they're gonna have 12
00:45:25 baskets full left overload in the airport, in the mall, in the hotel, in the
00:45:32 restaurants. Maids getting saved. People getting saved while they're making their
00:45:37 bed. The power of the Holy Ghost is kicking in the overdrive. Let me get to
00:45:45 this text. Come on, come on, come on. I got to get to this next verse. I got to get to
00:45:48 this. I got to get to this before it explode in here. I got to get in here
00:45:52 before we go into harvest. I see a bud and a blossom and a fruit about to come
00:45:58 out of this situation. If I don't hurry, we're gonna be in harvest and I don't
00:46:02 want anybody to be left out. The Lord just spoke to you and told you to sow.
00:46:07 You better hurry, don't get left out because when we go into harvest, it's
00:46:12 gonna be too late to plant. There is seed time and...
00:46:20 Watch this. Sit down, sit down, sit down. Chill out.
00:46:30 His seed is a serious thing. His seed is a serious thing. This seed is a serious
00:46:42 thing. This seed is a serious thing. One preacher texted me and said, "I can't believe it.
00:46:47 Look at where you came from. I can't believe. Nobody knew you, nobody
00:46:51 heard of you, nobody saw you. This seed is a serious thing." They rushed past me, they
00:46:56 pushed past me. Gee, I come in a place like this, they knocked me down trying to
00:47:01 get to the important people. They were looking for trees, I was carrying acorns.
00:47:05 They were looking for chickens, I was in the egg stage. Hallelujah. Somebody that's
00:47:11 getting walked past right now, God is getting ready to blow your mind with
00:47:15 what he's about to do in your life.
00:47:23 Something is about to happen. How many people been feeling in your spirit
00:47:29 something's about to happen? I know it don't look like it, it don't sound like
00:47:33 it, they're not talking about it on the news, the New York Times isn't writing
00:47:37 about it, Wall Street Journal isn't writing about it, but the stone that the builders
00:47:41 rejected is about to be the chief cornerstone. God's getting ready to use
00:47:46 the unlikely people in the world to do the most amazing thing. Who am I
00:47:51 preaching to?
00:47:54 Give me Luke 8, 11, 15. I got to get this seed right. I got to get this ground ready.
00:48:06 This is what the story illustrates, this is what Jesus says, this is what the
00:48:11 story illustrates. The seed is God's Word and God said. Some people are like seeds
00:48:21 that were planted along the road. They hear the Word but then the devil comes.
00:48:29 He takes the Word away from them so that they don't believe and become saved. Have
00:48:39 you ever noticed some of the best services you come out of the service and
00:48:43 something crazy always happens to get on your nerves and upset you. That's nothing
00:48:49 but the enemy trying to steal your seed. Resist the enemy and he'll flee. Some
00:48:58 people are like seeds on rocky soil. They welcome the Word emotionally with joy
00:49:07 whenever they hear it, but they don't develop any roots. They got feelings but
00:49:16 no roots. You know you got roots by staying power. I don't care how much joy
00:49:26 you got if you don't have no staying power. You don't have no roots. You need a
00:49:32 rooting system. They welcome the Word with joy whenever they hear it. While
00:49:38 they're in church or watching church they feel the feeling, but they don't
00:49:45 develop any roots. They believe for a while, but when their faith is tested
00:49:59 they abandon it. Every time a storm comes through I got trees in the backyard and
00:50:08 I forbid anybody cut any of my trees. I want all my trees, but when the
00:50:15 hurricane or a big storm comes through if a tree is not rooted correctly the
00:50:21 wind will knock it over. We'll have to cut it up in the firewood because the
00:50:27 rooting system wasn't right. If your roots run deep enough you're exposed to
00:50:35 the same wind. You may even lose some leaves. You may even lose some branches,
00:50:42 but when the storm is over you're gonna stand right back up again because you're
00:50:49 not counting on your leaf. You're not counting on your fruit. You're counting on your
00:50:54 root. Anybody got good roots in here?
00:51:00 The seeds that were planted among foreign bushes are people who hear the
00:51:08 Word, but as life goes on, watch this, this, this, this, Trinity, a thing that gets
00:51:17 them as life goes on. They were planted among the thorn bushes. It's not the dirt,
00:51:24 it's the environment. They hear the Word, but as life goes on the worries, comma,
00:51:36 worry is a seed killer. The richest, how can you go after purpose when all you
00:51:49 care about is profit?
00:51:52 Uh-oh, I lost them on that. The dance just all stopped. That's how you know you got
00:52:03 a harling because you don't care about purpose, all you care about is profit. The
00:52:11 real test of riches is not having it, but giving it. That's why we tithe, to break
00:52:23 the curse of riches. Every time I bring my money, I let my money know I'm not
00:52:30 worshiping you, I'm worshiping God. No matter how much you give me, God, you can
00:52:39 trust me. That's what my tithes say, you can trust me. I'll let nothing separate
00:52:45 me from the love of God, you can trust me. And I got to give, lest the richest
00:52:53 choke me. And the pleasures of life, this demonic Trinity, the pleasures of life, I
00:53:03 don't have time to go to church on Sunday, that's my golfing day. On game day?
00:53:11 Are you serious? Are you serious, man? It's a game today. See if the game can save you.
00:53:24 See if the game can heal you. See if the game can give you a right mind. The
00:53:30 pleasure, nothing wrong with the game, go to the game, T-boy, do whatever you want to,
00:53:34 but if you allow the pleasures of this life to become more important than the
00:53:40 one who gave it to you, then you are worshiping the creation and not the
00:53:47 creator, the healing and not the healer, the blessing and not the blesser. This
00:53:52 part's for people who are really blessed. Your test is your blessing. Oh, you
00:54:02 blessed me when you were down low, but can you bless me up high? I ain't got time to go
00:54:09 to church. I got a man to take care of. When you were single, you were laying
00:54:15 prostrate on the floor.
00:54:18 No, I'm not gonna say that. I'm not gonna say that. I made a decision not to say that.
00:54:26 I'm gonna let you finish it. So they don't produce anything good because it got
00:54:36 choked. The seeds that were planted on good ground are people who also hear the
00:54:44 Word. All of heard it, but they keep it in their good and honest hearts and produce
00:54:53 what is good despite,
00:55:00 despite what life may bring. Some of y'all are producing good stuff and
00:55:07 people think you're in the middle of a good time, but the truth of the matter is
00:55:12 all hell is breaking loose, but you still produce.
00:55:19 I want a production praise that says despite what I'm going through, despite
00:55:29 what I'm facing, despite what I heard, despite what you think, I'm gonna praise
00:55:38 the Lord anyhow. 30 seconds for a stubborn praise, a radical praise, a
00:55:48 break-loose praise, a crazy praise.
00:55:54 15 seconds left for a despite praise, the sacrifice of praise.
00:56:18 Tell your neighbor, "I'm still gonna praise it. I'm still gonna serve it. I'm still gonna love it.
00:56:25 I'm still gonna be on my post. I'm still gonna stand on the wall. I'm still gonna
00:56:32 read my Word. I'm still gonna pray it fast despite of what I'm going through.
00:56:39 I will bless the Lord."
00:56:43 [applause]
00:57:05 I listen to people all the time. There are four, there are four classes of people.
00:57:11 I'm almost done, sort of.
00:57:16 You know, you get to close three times when you're preaching. There are four
00:57:23 classes of people. I want you to get this good so you can figure out which one are
00:57:26 you, because it tells the kind of ground you are. The first class, the enemy
00:57:32 stole it before they could flourish even to the point of salvation. You hear it,
00:57:37 but it never stays. I listen to you all the time, but is it doing you any good?
00:57:47 Did you let somebody steal it before it could flourish? That's the first group.
00:57:56 Put that up so they can see it. The second group, the second group is important too.
00:58:04 They are most deceptive. They fit in the service real good because they react to
00:58:11 the Word just like anybody else. The second group received the Word with joy.
00:58:16 Oh, you couldn't even have church. They jumped up and down, stepped on your shoe,
00:58:20 danced on your pocketbook, ran all up and down the aisles of the church. They received the
00:58:25 Word with joy, but don't let the joy fool you. They have no root. You know how you
00:58:35 have root? You know how to test whether you have root? By how you react to the
00:58:42 storm. If the test can fill your faith, can destroy your faith, you might have
00:58:54 had joy, but you don't have no root. I'm in a season in my life I cannot deal
00:59:03 with people that have no root.
00:59:07 You know those people that you got to call every day to see if they steal who
00:59:13 they were yesterday because they change like the weather back and forth? I don't
00:59:18 have time to take your temperature every morning to see who you are. You have no
00:59:22 root. I can't build off of you. I can pray for you. I can love you. I can like you. I
00:59:27 can even have feelings for you, but I can't build off you because you don't
00:59:33 have no root. Where I'm going, there's going to be some storms. Where I'm going,
00:59:38 there's going to be some wind. Where I'm going, there's going to be some haters. Oh,
00:59:41 yeah, it's got to be some haters to indicate I have arrived. You got to have
00:59:48 some root. If you only stay with me in the sunshine and run in the rain, you
00:59:55 can't be my friend. A friend is the person who runs in when everybody else
01:00:04 runs out. Are you hearing what I'm saying? Oh my God, I'm preaching something this
01:00:10 morning. So we covered two, we got, give me number three. The third group allows
01:00:16 external circumstances to abort the promise. The three you got to watch out
01:00:23 for is worry. I want to talk about each one of them. Can I take a minute? Worry is
01:00:30 negative faith. Worry is negative faith. Worry is to have faith in what you don't
01:00:41 want to happen. Worry is faith turned inside out. Over and over in the Gospel of
01:00:52 St. Matthew, Jesus says it over and over again, "Do not worry. Do not worry." This is
01:01:01 not a request, children. It's a commandment because worry is a seed
01:01:07 killer. Oh, y'all got quiet. How do I know what I'm worrying? When you keep thinking
01:01:19 the same thought over and over again, that's worry. The first time it might be
01:01:27 reality, but once you know it, why are you rehearsing it? The more you rehearse it,
01:01:33 the more you magnify it. I don't want to keep talking about what we already
01:01:38 talked about because worry is a seed killer. Many of us lose out in the third
01:01:48 category because of worry. Worry chokes faith. Worry is a faith choker. The next
01:02:09 test that's hard to pass is riches. You pray for success and then when it comes,
01:02:18 you can't handle the success you got because it has distracted you from the
01:02:24 one who gave it to you. So the hardest test to pass, I've been broke. It is not
01:02:31 poverty. The hardest test to pass is profitability because if you are not
01:02:42 intentional about showing God that he can trust you, that you will not idolize
01:02:50 what he gave you, you can pass the test. If you don't, what he gave you will choke
01:02:57 you. You're thinking about it, you're worrying about it, you're trying to
01:03:01 manage it, you're trying to control it, you got rich people's problems. With
01:03:08 nobody to talk to, it's choking you and God will take it from you and give it to
01:03:17 someone else who will not allow their success to distract them from their
01:03:24 service. Ain't many shouters on that one.
01:03:31 By the way, rich is a relative term. So all of you who think I'm not talking to
01:03:39 you, it depends on who you talk to because you're normal if somebody else
01:03:45 is rich. So be careful about talking about rich people because rich is
01:03:49 relative. They didn't get nothing I said, they didn't get the words that were
01:03:57 coming out of my mouth. If you're rich self with a car, you're rich self with a
01:04:08 dishwasher. When I was a boy, rich was a doorbell. People that had doorbells was
01:04:15 rich people. Window units in the living room was rich people. You know what your
01:04:23 problem is? You don't know how blessed you are. You don't know how
01:04:28 blessed you are. You watch too much TV.
01:04:32 When you get any amount of stuff at all, everything you got will bring the
01:04:43 temptation to worry about it. If you didn't have a car, you wouldn't need no
01:04:50 gas. You wouldn't have to check the tires. You wouldn't need no oil. If you didn't
01:04:56 have a car, you wouldn't have to plug it up.
01:04:59 I got to cover everybody now because I plugs mine. Yeah, but getting an electric
01:05:11 car meant I had to get an electrician to put in a plug that I wouldn't have needed.
01:05:19 Everything you get causes the need and if you become distracted by it, having it
01:05:30 might take you out of the opportunity to have faith. Pleasures of life.
01:05:40 He chokes you with pleasure. If I said I was gonna choke you, you would not come
01:05:47 up here. Nobody, she said I wouldn't. No, if I told you I was gonna choke you, you
01:05:54 wouldn't come. Pleasure does not announce itself as a choker.
01:06:06 The pleasures of life can choke you. You can have such a good time, you can't go
01:06:14 to work. You can have such a good time, you're not worried about being a father.
01:06:18 You can have such a good time that you're a bad mother. You can have such a
01:06:23 good time, pleasures of life will put you in a choke house, chokehold, and all of a
01:06:30 sudden you can't get loose because you're living for a feeling.
01:06:36 You're making decisions based on a feeling and watch and see if it don't
01:06:45 choke you. Watch and see if it don't choke you. Watch and see if it don't choke you.
01:06:54 Every now and then you got to cast stuff down that you like.
01:06:59 No, no, no. You praying, "Lord, make me not like it. Take it away from me so I
01:07:10 don't want it." No, that wouldn't be a test. The enemy will never test you with
01:07:19 something you don't want. You can't be tempted with what you don't like.
01:07:27 Not producing anything good for, and then I'm gonna get to it, good soil plus good
01:07:40 seed produces in spite of what life may bring. Good soil plus good seed produces
01:07:55 in spite of ... Good God. It produces in spite of what life may bring. If there's
01:08:07 anybody in here whose end doesn't line up with your beginning, if anybody knew
01:08:15 where you came from and what you've been through, they would never believe that
01:08:20 you ended up where you are right now. If there ... Is there anybody in here that
01:08:27 you can't even connect the dots between where you started and where you
01:08:32 ended up? That means you got good seed and you got good soil and you develop
01:08:40 good roots and all you got to do is shout because you still here.
01:08:59 I've been through hell but I'm still here. I've been in a storm but I'm still
01:09:05 here. I've been in a test but I'm still here. Somebody shout like you glad about
01:09:11 it.
01:09:14 In my last seven minutes, I'm gonna tell you this. I started talking about Sarah
01:09:28 last week. I talked about Sarah because Sarah is the first woman in the Bible
01:09:36 who made it all the way into the Hall of Fame for her faith. It does not credit
01:09:46 Abraham with Isaac. It credits Sarah with Isaac because Sarah is good soil.
01:10:04 God waited until Abraham's body was dead and he could not produce a seed and then
01:10:27 he gave him a seed. Now when he gave him a seed and it hit Sarah's dead womb, it
01:10:36 quickened it and brought it back to life. Y'all don't hear what I'm saying. I'm
01:10:43 gonna prove it. I'm gonna prove it. I'm gonna preach Jesus. I'm gonna get in Sarah's
01:10:48 belly and preach Jesus. Her dead womb is Mary not knowing a man.
01:11:02 Mary is barren because she's never known a man. Sarah is barren because she's
01:11:14 never known a man that could impregnate her. So when Abraham's seed hit Sarah's
01:11:22 dead womb, he brought it back to life again. Roll forward 42 generations and
01:11:30 Jesus says, "I am the seed of Abraham. I am what hit Sarah's womb and brought it
01:11:46 back to life." And then he says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that
01:11:55 believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." Sarah's womb was dead but
01:12:05 she believed God and God brought it back to life again through faith.
01:12:17 How did you do it old woman? I did it through faith. It took her years to get
01:12:31 the kind of faith that produces. She had been barren when she wasn't past
01:12:38 childbearing age. Now she has two problems. Even if she wasn't barren, she
01:12:45 had already gone through the change. There is no way in the world that she
01:12:50 ought to be able to have a baby. She is barren, she is past childbearing age. When
01:12:58 she hears the promise, she laughs inside of herself. But from the same place she
01:13:08 laughed, in the same place that she did not believe, in the same place where
01:13:21 she doubted God, God allowed her to conceive seed when she was past
01:13:28 childbearing age because she finally stopped laughing. Let me tell you this
01:13:34 right quick, whatever God said that you've been laughing at, God says stop
01:13:41 laughing before the year is out, you're gonna see God do that thing.
01:13:50 They don't believe it.
01:13:57 I said before the year is out, you're gonna see God do that thing in your life
01:14:07 because you believe God is still going to happen. All I'm supposed to do is sow
01:14:15 the seed. It's up to you to receive it. I wish I had a hundred people that would
01:14:23 receive that seed. I just...
01:14:48 Stand to your feet. This is my clothes. Sarah, I'm the only one in the Bible.
01:15:01 When she found out that she couldn't have a baby, she decided to get her maid,
01:15:14 Hagar, to have a baby for her because she's trying to cover for God that she, it's not
01:15:23 just Abraham not able because at this point Abraham was able but believing in
01:15:31 Abraham's ableness did not get her pregnant. I know he was able because he
01:15:40 got Hagar pregnant. I know he was able because he is the progenitor of
01:15:47 three major religions. Christianity, Judaism through Isaac, Islam through
01:16:01 Ishmael. In the Quran they call him Abraham but it's the same man. All
01:16:13 nations of the earth are blessed through this man. It happened for Hagar in time.
01:16:24 It happened for Sarah out of time. Check this, somebody in this room, it's gonna
01:16:39 happen out of time.
01:16:50 She laughs at it. She gets a surrogate because of it. Now she's old and even if
01:17:01 she wasn't, Abraham's body is dead. It is totally impossible. It is not judging
01:17:12 Abraham faithful that gets her pregnant. It is because she judged God faithful.
01:17:24 It's not gonna come through your job. It's not gonna come through your gift.
01:17:29 It's not gonna come through your talent. It's gonna come through your faith in God.
01:17:40 When she judged God faithful, God strengthened Abraham. Good God Almighty.
01:17:50 He so strengthened Abraham. Abraham got Hagar pregnant while he was still strong.
01:18:00 He got Sarah pregnant when he was impotent. But it wasn't a one-off because
01:18:12 after Sarah is dead, he marries a woman named Keturah and has five more children.
01:18:21 God said don't think what he's about to give you is temporary. Your fruit shall
01:18:29 remain and whatever God promised you, he's going to bring it to pass.
01:18:38 My question to you, the sower has gone forth this morning sowing seed. What kind
01:18:51 of ground are you? Do you hear it and forget it? Do you receive it with joy but
01:19:01 have no root? Do you receive it but your situations, and this is where most of us
01:19:10 are, we're in the third dimension, most of us are in the third dimension where we
01:19:15 are letting worry, success, and pleasure choke our belief system. In fact, the
01:19:28 culture says you should change your belief system to adjust to the culture.
01:19:38 So you're trying to develop a theology that fits your fun. Theology has to
01:19:51 remain the same. I am the Lord thy God, I change not.
01:19:56 Oh my God, I'm back to my first point. She judged him faithful. That's not a
01:20:07 womb thing, that's a head thing. I'm back to the fallopian tube. In your ear, she
01:20:18 heard the Word. It stuck. It changed her entire marriage and her house. The Word,
01:20:29 the engrafted Word of God saved her soul. Do you know how many people come in this
01:20:36 church and visit it and hear the Word and shake it off and go back to being
01:20:42 who they were? And the reason it doesn't discourage me, I know the Word is good
01:20:50 by who stays. I know the Word is good by who grows, so there's no problem with the
01:21:01 seed, the problem has to be the soil. There are two types of people I want to
01:21:11 be honest in this room. You didn't come from money, you broke into a little
01:21:20 something, and your success and the worry thereof is choking out your walk with
01:21:30 God. You would never admit it to anybody, but fitting in with them has become more
01:21:38 important than fitting in with Him. And you will change everything about
01:21:46 yourself to be acceptable at the water cooler and not a daughter.
01:21:56 And now that you got two little quarters to rub together, you've forgotten the God
01:22:02 who gave it to you. You don't tithe, you don't sow, you don't give, you don't help.
01:22:10 You know why? You can't give up that money because it's your God. It's an idol
01:22:19 in your life. The other person I want to hear me good. Every time you're about to
01:22:26 be happy, a spirit of worry comes on you, and it can stay on you for weeks. The same
01:22:34 problem going over and over and over in your mind. You talk about it, you talk to
01:22:37 all your friends about it, you talk to all your relatives about it. When you don't
01:22:40 have nobody to talk to about it, you talk to yourself about it. You talk about it at
01:22:43 night, you're laying in the bed, you're rolling your hair, talking about it, you're
01:22:46 worried about it. You get up in the morning, first thing you think about in the morning,
01:22:49 you're worried about it. It's choking the word from being productive in your life.
01:22:55 Third class of people, you're so into what feels good, what looks good, what's
01:23:03 fun. Didn't you learn something from Eve?
01:23:07 The pleasures of this world have cut off the person you were created to be.
01:23:17 One of the saddest scriptures I ever read says, "This is a day of rebuke and of
01:23:27 trouble, for the children have come to birth and there is no strength to
01:23:35 deliver." The worst place to go to hell from is in a church where the
01:23:43 word is being preached. To come to it, to be around it, to be exposed to it, and to
01:23:50 walk away from it and die is worse than going from a strip club or a crack house
01:23:57 or a dealer. You know why? There was nothing wrong with the seed. You just
01:24:04 turned a deaf ear to it and you think you have an exemption rather than an
01:24:11 opportunity. In the final moments of this service, I'm gonna test your ground. The
01:24:18 sower and the seed are good. The test is the soil.
01:24:32 What kind of soil are you? What kind of soil are you? Do you have an emotional
01:24:42 reaction to the word? You stand up, you clap, you jump, but then when the care of
01:24:46 this life come along, you have no root. You have emotions, no root. Your roots are
01:24:54 being tested by what you're going through right now. You about to let what
01:24:59 you're going through pull you out of what God has designed you to be. I'm talking
01:25:10 about the conception of faith.
01:25:15 [Music]
01:25:25 [Music]
01:25:27 [BLANK_AUDIO]
