Life story of Prophet Nuh (AS) | Where is his Boat Where is his grave Nation of Nuh| ISLAMIC HISTORY



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Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will explain you about.Prophet Nuh (AS) was one of the prophets sent from Allah(SWT) and a whole surah, Surah Nuh, has been dedicated to him. Allah(SWT) has praised Nuh (AS) in Quran as

“Grateful Servant of Allah” and “True Messenger of Allah”

Now, as we talk about the story of Prophet Nuh (AS), there are many events that mark till the end of it.

Noah was born 126 year after the death of Adam. There were 10 generations of people between Adam and Moses. God sent Noah as a prophet when idols and false gods began to be worshipped. He was the first messenger sent to the people of the earth

As years went by, people on Earth were practicing idolatry. This act came into practice such that whenever one of the good people died, their statues were made to keep a remembrance and eventually; the coming generations began to worship them, by treating them as gods. They believed that these gods would bring them good, protect them from evil and fulfil all their needs. They gave their idols names such as Waadan, Nasran and so on. Originally these were the names of good people who had lived among them.

It was then, that Allah (SWT) sent Prophet Nuh (AS) to guide his people back on the right path of Allah. He was an excellent speaker and a very patient man. He used to point out to his people the mysteries of life and the wonders of the universe. Prophet Nuh (AS) repeatedly told his people not to worship anyone except Allah. He clarified to them how the devil had deceived them for so long and that the time had come for this deceit to stop. This continued for over 900 years of his life, preaching that there will be punishment of the Hellfire if they disobeyed. However, only the weak and poor people, including the labourers, believed him but not the rich. The rich ones, full of cold mistrust, bargained with the poor and told Prophet Nuh (AS) to back off from his motive. These disbelievers said:

" We do not see you but as a man like ourselves, and we do not see you followed except by those who are the lowest of us [and] at first suggestion. And we do not see in you over us any merit; rather, we think you are liars. (Surah Hud 13:27)

Afterwards, when the water was absorbed, Prophet Noah (AS) was sad and cried for the fact that his son and wife did not obey the words of Allah (SWT). Yet, Prophet Noah(AS) sought Allah’s(SWT) mercy. He released everybody from the Ark and life came back to normal practice on Earth.
The Quran draws the curtain on Noah's story. We do not know how his affairs with his people continued. All we know or can ascertain is that on his deathbed, he requested his son to worship Allah alone.