Wild Dog Kidnapped In Front of His Family

  • last year
00:00 This pack of wild dogs gathered on the shore of this river to be part of one of the biggest
00:05 takeovers that has ever been witnessed in the Savannah.
00:08 They joined their forces to steal the crocodile's prey in front of their watching eyes.
00:14 How audacious.
00:18 Every jaw and every muscle of the pack members have been deployed to secure themselves a
00:23 fancy meal, a fully grown giraffe that has ended up executed by the ferocious reptiles.
00:33 Some crocodiles were trying to snatch some last bites of the giraffe's corpse before
00:37 they lose it for good.
00:40 But one, one specific crocodile decided to seek the hopes of the wild dogs alongside
00:46 with his prey.
00:47 So he left the water and threatened to use brute force if they wouldn't abort their mission.
00:53 But the sassy predators didn't take him for serious.
00:56 In an unhesitating attack, the crocodile jumped from the water and succeeded to snatch a wild
01:04 dog by biting his leg and dragging him into the river.
01:11 The shock overwhelmed the whole pack and they froze out of fear as they watched their fellow
01:19 about to be torn apart in the depth of the river.
01:25 The vicious reptile jaws kept biting on his body and drowning him in his blood, assisted
01:32 by the other crocodiles.
01:36 The rest of the pack barked and screamed and some tried to enter the water in a kamikaze
01:41 rescue.
01:45 But nothing they could do was able to save their fellow from the jaws of the predator.
01:49 Finally, the crocodile captured the dog by the head and high dragged him.
01:55 And using the sideways movement of his jaws, he succeeded to behead the poor animal.
02:05 His remains will now rest within the stomachs of the float, paying the blood price for trying
02:13 to steal the crocodile's meal.
