Dr. Shiv Dulare Mishra reached village to village to fulfill the dream

  • last year


00:00 British police used to catch the citizens,
00:05 and most of the time, they used to put them in jail and take them to the far off jungles.
00:10 Like Achana Kumar and the jungles on the other side of Ratanpur.
00:16 They used to take them there.
00:18 There was a man named Billy Moria, who used to have a gas station.
00:25 He used to have two trucks.
00:30 He used to send those trucks and call the citizens back.
00:35 So that they don't lose their courage, and they don't get scared.
00:40 So this way, the movement for freedom kept going.
00:45 This was the effort of Dr. Shivuduvar Mishra.
00:49 And he was a very righteous person.
00:54 He never compromised with his principles.
00:57 He lived a simple life, with a lot of pride.
01:00 He was the first MLA of Bilaspur.
01:03 And when Pravin Shankar Shuklaji proposed him to be a minister,
01:10 he directly refused, saying that he doesn't want to be a minister.
01:14 He said that he was serving the people of his area, while remaining a MLA.
01:20 And that if he becomes a minister, he will be away from the people of his area.
01:25 So he didn't want to be a minister.
01:27 So this way, the people who had principles,
01:31 who went to the second assembly after the second election,
01:35 there was something in the assembly that they didn't like.
01:42 And they said in their speech that they will not come here for the third time.
01:48 They said that they will come here to serve the people.
01:51 They said that they will not come here to discuss issues that have no interest of the people.
02:00 So they announced themselves and then they left politics.
