Collector warns about the risk of buying fake dolls

  • last year
The box office hit 'Barbie' has sparked interest in the vintage dolls and an avid collector is warning new fanfare of the risk of buying fake dolls.


00:00 One of the biggest surprises from the movie, the most recent movie that has put Barbie
00:07 into the spotlight, is that Alan has become a superstar. So with Alan, in the movie he's
00:14 a very endearing, very humorous character. Previously, he was a doll that was very much
00:21 overlooked. People kind of glanced sidewards and said, "Oh, he's more of Ken's friend,
00:27 they might have a bit of a relationship there." Very naughty connotations. But really, with
00:34 Alan, now he's the doll that everybody wants in their collection.
00:39 The Barbie movie has really had a very interesting effect on doll collecting. It's brought more
00:45 awareness to Barbie and the story of Barbie and the characters within the Barbie movie.
00:50 What's happening now is that the old original Barbie dolls are being put more into the spotlight.
00:55 There's always been collectors, but recently I saw that one Barbie number one has gone
01:01 for in excess of $40,000 American dollars. There's scamming more often now due to the
01:09 Barbie movie and the incredible popularity of Barbie and Barbie's family. It's really
01:14 important that you know what you're buying, and particularly be careful if you're buying
01:18 online and you can't touch and hold and feel the doll.
01:22 With collectability of dolls, what we're looking for is original clothes. You can see by the
01:28 graphics on the box that that is his original outfit there. So this Ken doll is about as
01:34 mint as a Ken doll can be.
01:37 When I first collected dolls, I thought I was a bit strange. Then you go to a doll club
01:47 and you realise there's a lot of strange people. Then you go online and you realise that there's
01:51 hundreds and hundreds of doll clubs that are all involved in different types of dolls.
01:56 You're really making worldwide friendships out of dolls.
