Oliver Luck

  • last year
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00:00 We're just throwing spitballs at this point as far as what the PAC-12 might do next.
00:05 And I would imagine the PAC-12 is kind of doing the same thing.
00:08 The officials there, including Oliver Luck, now he knows a lot more about the possibilities
00:13 than just about anybody around.
00:16 He knows the workings of conferences, the workings of athletic departments, all that
00:21 kind of stuff.
00:22 And he's probably the best person to know what's possible in this situation.
00:27 But as far as us in the media, or at least me, I'm just throwing spitballs and trying
00:34 to see what sticks.
00:35 The AAC, not the ACC, but the AAC, would seem like the next possible conference to consider.
00:46 The idea that Stanford and Cal would consider going to the ACC and all that travel sort
00:51 of throws away all the kinds of thoughts that travel is a big deal as far as a discouragement
00:59 to join a particular conference.
01:02 So the AAC would certainly fall into that category of acceptable travel, I would think.
01:11 And a lot of this all depends on what Stanford ends up wanting to do.
01:16 If Stanford does X, the other three have to do Y.
01:20 And I think they're all sort of following along what Stanford does.
01:24 If Stanford finds a place to go and leaves by itself without taking Cal along, the three
01:31 other schools are really left high and dry.
01:35 Now it seems like Stanford and Cal are operating in unison, but can't be sure of that these
01:42 days.
01:43 I mean, these schools are really looking for any kind of viable option at this point.
