Magandang Dilag: Make way for Greta V! (Weekly Recap HD)

  • last year
Aired (August 12, 2023): Greta V's (Herlene Budol) charisma and charm had everyone speechless. Will they also be ready for the woman's plans? #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso


00:00 [intro music]
00:04 So I guess,
00:06 you feel that Marcos really has a girlfriend?
00:09 He has had
00:12 so many flings
00:15 before.
00:16 But,
00:18 I don't notice it because I know it's just nothing.
00:21 But this time,
00:23 whoever he's dating, I can feel that
00:28 he's serious about her.
00:29 He's different now.
00:30 My God.
00:32 You know, just be strong.
00:34 You should be beautiful.
00:37 You should be sexy.
00:38 You know what?
00:41 You're right.
00:43 Instead of crying here,
00:46 I need to fight for my marriage.
00:48 Right.
00:50 That's right.
00:51 Thank you, Greta.
00:52 You're welcome.
00:53 I really appreciate it.
00:54 Here you go.
00:55 [music]
00:59 Greta is so sweet.
01:01 She's like a real talker.
01:04 I know.
01:06 Me too.
01:08 Because you can feel that she really cares.
01:11 And she's really kind.
01:12 Not just kind,
01:13 she's really helpful too, you know?
01:15 She's just a guest in your campaign rally.
01:18 She's helpful.
01:20 You guys are so fast.
01:22 Blair,
01:23 I'm not just talking about the campaign rally.
01:25 She gave me advice about life.
01:28 What kind of advice?
01:31 Stuff.
01:33 Because she knows a lot of different things.
01:35 I agree.
01:37 Maybe because she has a lot of experiences.
01:40 And she's willing to share all of it.
01:42 She's so funny.
01:44 I like her so much.
01:46 So did you ask me to come here
01:48 so you can hear my love bomb,
01:51 the wannabe and trying hard Greta?
01:54 The last time I checked, I'm still Queen B.
01:58 I'm the one you should be showering with praises,
02:01 not her.
02:02 And if you feel like you can enjoy the company
02:06 of a woman who was shaved in Zorro,
02:08 then fine!
02:09 Join us.
02:10 Wear a mask too.
02:12 Because right now,
02:13 I don't want to see your faces.
02:15 [music]
02:17 You look beautiful, Iha.
02:44 It's not a big deal, auntie.
02:45 So are you ready?
02:49 This is it, Pansit.
02:54 I'm just a bit nervous, very light.
02:57 But it's okay.
02:58 I'm just fighting.
03:00 [music]
03:04 I'm super hyped.
03:05 Okay.
03:11 Claire, are you still upset with us?
03:15 Well, as a matter of fact, yes.
03:19 But I'm here to support Magnus.
03:22 Claire, stop being so grumpy.
03:26 You know, you're not used to getting mad.
03:29 Yeah.
03:30 Let's be friends.
03:31 Please.
03:33 Okay, I'll give a second chance.
03:35 But promise me that your loyalty belongs to me.
03:40 Of course, you are our one and only Queen Bee.
03:43 No one can ever replace you.
03:45 Good.
03:47 Now, where's Jared?
03:49 He was trafficked, but he's on the way.
03:53 Too bad, I was hoping that we could complete our elite squad now.
03:58 I don't want to miss Jared.
04:01 The destruction that will happen later.
04:04 What are you talking about?
04:07 [music]
04:09 [applause]
04:15 We need to go up to the stage.
04:18 Good luck!
04:19 Let's go.
04:22 Let's give a round of applause to our candidates!
04:33 [applause]
04:36 Thank you so much for coming here.
04:39 The energy of this barangay is really different.
04:42 That's why you are our favorite.
04:44 [applause]
04:46 You know, since you are our favorite,
04:51 we have a surprise for you.
04:55 He's a very famous social media influencer.
05:00 Are you ready to meet him?
05:04 [applause]
05:05 Here he is, the one and only owner and designer of Bellatrix streetwear fashion, Greta Vee!
05:15 [applause]
05:17 [music]
05:20 [applause]
05:22 [crowd chanting]
05:23 Greta Vee!
05:25 Greta Vee!
05:27 Greta Vee!
05:29 Greta Vee!
05:31 Greta Vee!
05:33 Greta Vee!
05:35 Greta Vee!
05:37 Greta Vee!
05:39 Greta Vee!
05:41 Greta Vee!
05:43 Greta Vee!
05:45 Greta Vee!
05:47 Greta Vee!
05:50 Greta Vee!
05:51 Greta Vee!
05:53 Greta Vee!
05:55 Greta Vee!
05:57 Greta Vee!
05:59 Greta Vee!
06:01 Greta Vee!
06:03 [music]
06:05 [applause]
06:07 [music]
06:09 [applause]
06:11 [music]
06:13 [music]
06:15 [music]
06:18 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:21 [applause]
06:23 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:25 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:27 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:29 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:31 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:33 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:35 [applause]
06:37 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:39 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:41 [applause]
06:43 [applause]
06:45 [applause]
06:47 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:48 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:50 [speaking in Tagalog]
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06:56 [speaking in Tagalog]
06:58 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:00 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:02 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:04 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:06 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:08 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:10 [applause]
07:12 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:14 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:16 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:17 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:19 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:21 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:23 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:25 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:27 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:29 [applause]
07:31 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:33 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:35 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:37 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:39 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:41 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:43 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:45 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:46 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:48 [speaking in Tagalog]
07:50 [applause]
07:52 [singing in Tagalog]
07:54 [singing in Tagalog]
07:56 [singing in Tagalog]
07:58 [singing in Tagalog]
08:00 [singing in Tagalog]
08:02 [singing in Tagalog]
08:04 [singing in Tagalog]
08:06 [singing in Tagalog]
08:08 [singing in Tagalog]
08:10 [singing in Tagalog]
08:12 [singing in Tagalog]
08:14 [singing in Tagalog]
08:15 [singing in Tagalog]
08:17 I love your earrings!
08:19 [music]
08:21 [music]
08:23 [speaking in Tagalog]
08:25 [music]
08:27 We are so proud of Greta V.
08:31 Greta V is really brave and strong.
08:34 I admire her.
08:36 We love you, Greta V.
08:38 In fairness,
08:40 all the comments are positive.
08:43 And the video was only posted for less than 24 hours
08:46 but it already has half a million views.
08:48 Damn it!
08:50 This isn't how it was supposed to go.
08:52 Her popularity should be lessened
08:54 because Mr. E is no longer around.
08:56 Well, it seems like people liked her face reveal
09:00 and she doesn't have a mask anymore
09:02 because in fairness, she's pretty.
09:04 She's gorgeous, right?
09:06 Wait, guys, aren't you noticing anything?
09:08 She looks like she has a future.
09:12 Yeah, she does.
09:13 She looks like
09:15 Amber with thunder.
09:17 The one from the movie "Prey".
09:19 It doesn't matter who she looks like
09:23 because it looks like she worked hard
09:26 to make her store's opening hype.
09:29 Bellatrix's opening?
09:31 When is it?
09:33 Next week.
09:35 And she invited us!
09:37 Oh my God!
09:40 [typing]
09:41 I don't like your smile today, it's glaring.
09:50 I still haven't recovered
09:57 from the humiliation she caused at my fashion show.
10:00 So now, it's payback time.
10:04 I will just return the favor to her
10:08 and I will make sure
10:09 that Greta will have
10:11 a ruined and happy moment.
10:14 Chris Magreta.
10:15 Oh my God! There are so many people!
10:42 Chris Magreta is really something else.
10:44 Can you stop that?
10:46 You're embarrassing me.
10:48 Don't lower your level to them.
10:50 Claire,
10:53 don't embarrass your friend.
10:55 Fence, just stop acting like that.
10:58 She's embarrassing us.
11:00 Oh, there she is.
11:08 Oh!
11:10 [applause]
11:11 Oh my God, Greta!
11:30 [applause]
11:31 If Gay is a superstar
11:54 and Vee is a star for all seasons,
11:58 Bellatrix will become
11:59 the super-duper brightest star
12:01 in the fashion world.
12:03 This was just my dream.
12:05 It was almost impossible
12:07 because of the people I pulled down.
12:10 That's why I didn't give up.
12:12 I tried my best and proved
12:14 that I'm a beauty, body, and brains
12:17 as in a complete package.
12:19 From head to toe.
12:21 Because I want to be an inspiration
12:23 to the people who are trying to stop their dreams.
12:27 Because my transformation
12:28 will give them inspiration.
12:30 Because I know for myself
12:32 that I am uniquely beautiful
12:34 with a mission.
12:36 [applause]
12:38 Okay, well, that's it for today.
12:48 Yes.
12:50 Update me about Mr. Tan's case, okay?
12:56 Good morning.
12:57 Hello, good morning.
12:59 Bro.
13:01 Cyrus.
13:02 Mr. Ong talked to me.
13:04 The shipping magnate.
13:06 He wants to hire the firm
13:08 to do the inventory of his estate
13:10 and wants us to draft
13:12 a business succession plan.
13:14 And since you are our top estate lawyer here,
13:16 you will be my client.
13:18 Glad to.
13:20 I plan to take the responsibility
13:22 and I won't let you down.
13:25 Alright, man.
13:26 Bro, I just remembered.
13:31 Didn't you become Ms. Sofia Robles' client?
13:34 I didn't know she came back from the Philippines.
13:36 We lost contact
13:38 ever since she went to the States
13:40 more than a year ago.
13:41 I saw her the other night at the opera
13:43 and I was thinking
13:45 why don't you talk to her again?
13:47 Maybe she will become a client of our firm again.
13:49 Sure.
13:51 I'll pay her a visit.
13:54 Alright.
13:55 Thank you so much for coming.
14:03 Bomb!
14:08 There's a bomb?
14:10 What are you waiting for?
14:13 Run!
14:14 What's the bomb?
14:16 Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!
14:18 Babe! What are you doing?
14:33 Do you want to get hurt?
14:35 Go ahead, I'll just save yourself.
14:38 Babe, just go!
14:40 Babe!
14:42 Babe!
14:44 Babe!
14:45 [♪♪♪]
15:14 Wow!
15:15 Ma'am Sofia!
15:17 Attorney!
15:19 Welcome back!
15:20 Wow!
15:26 Lesson surprised!
15:28 Please.
15:29 You look great!
15:31 Thank you!
15:33 Ma'am Sofia, I heard you're back here in the Philippines.
15:36 So, I thought I'd pay you a visit.
15:38 How long have you been back?
15:40 Been quite a while.
15:43 I had to go home because I have a case to attend to.
15:46 Ma'am Sofia, I might have a way to help you.
15:50 Just let me know.
15:52 Oh, look.
15:54 It's a personal matter.
15:57 I'd rather take care of it myself.
15:59 But, thank you for the offer.
16:01 You're welcome.
16:03 Just let me know.
16:04 Sure.
16:05 Ma'am Sofia, I already gave him his medication.
16:09 [♪♪♪]
16:10 Thank you.
16:14 Medication?
16:17 Ma'am Sofia, do you have a patient?
16:21 Or, do you have someone else here with you?
16:24 Uh...
16:29 There.
16:30 Careful.
16:31 Let's sit here.
16:33 It hurts.
16:38 There.
16:39 Ouch.
16:40 Let's check your hand.
16:44 You might have been hit by a bullet.
16:46 Actually, it hurts here.
16:48 Where?
16:51 Here.
16:53 On your knee?
16:54 It hurts a bit.
17:07 Sorry.
17:08 [♪♪♪]
17:10 [♪♪♪]
17:11 [♪♪♪]
17:19 [♪♪♪]
17:20 [♪♪♪]
17:22 [♪♪♪]
17:24 [♪♪♪]
17:26 [♪♪♪]
17:28 [♪♪♪]
17:30 [♪♪♪]
17:31 [♪♪♪]
17:32 [♪♪♪]
17:34 [♪♪♪]
17:36 [♪♪♪]
17:38 [♪♪♪]
17:39 (upbeat music)
17:41 (upbeat music)
