Gods of Food | show | 2019 | Official Clip

  • last year
Dysfunctional personalities and bizarre ideas at culinary shows. | dHNfbUt3bUdMMkF1SWs


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 The earth is my ingredient.
00:08 And I embrace it with all of my heart.
00:13 Never letting human invention or tools
00:17 taint its natural perfection.
00:19 At Farme, I cook in the spirit of the best chef I know.
00:26 My mother.
00:28 (birds chirping)
00:30 Mother nature.
00:32 (dramatic music)
00:35 Everything must be fresh.
00:39 At all costs.
00:45 My restaurant is about something.
00:48 It's not just food.
00:51 It's not just eating.
00:54 In fact, sometimes it's neither of those things.
00:59 - Julia cares about the environment.
01:06 When she started, she would ask questions like,
01:08 where did this food come from?
01:09 How did it get here?
01:10 Why don't you know?
01:11 Why are you sweating?
01:12 Where are you going?
01:13 You think I can't outrun a motorcycle?
01:15 - Have a great day.
01:17 Are these strawberries local?
01:20 - Yeah, they're just grown like 50 miles down the road.
01:23 - Oh, really?
01:25 So to you, using a car to transport strawberries
01:29 dozens of miles is local?
01:31 - Well, I mean--
01:34 - Tell me what you mean.
01:36 Go on.
01:38 I didn't always understand myself.
01:40 That's why my first job was at a salads only.
01:45 Their food was criminal.
01:46 They bought frozen corn.
01:48 They got pears from a store.
01:50 They washed every dish before using it.
01:53 There was too much human interference.
01:56 One time I made her a birthday cake
01:58 and she called poison control.
02:00 Return from whence you came.
02:02 Return from whence you came, my beautiful baby.
02:06 She's always been a (beep) nut.
02:08 At some moments, I wondered if I was losing my zen.
02:12 If I was losing my connection to what the ingredients were.
02:16 Taking the beauties from the lands.
02:20 So that's when I quit.
02:22 (dramatic music)
02:25 When people asked why I started Frechet,
02:28 I said I'm on the hunt for the perfect tomato.
02:31 They laughed, but I wasn't joking.
02:35 Nor have I ever joked.
02:38 Food can only be natural and fresh
02:42 if it is as mother nature intended
02:44 with no middleman interfering with her design.
02:47 Why would you want to tamper with her creation anyway?
02:51 Would you try to interfere when Michelangelo was painting?
02:54 Would you tell Da Vinci that his sculpture
02:57 was too close to a radioactive site?
02:59 But some didn't see my vision.
03:02 The health inspector shut us down.
03:04 And I have no idea why.
03:07 - That place was gross.
03:09 She took that nature thing too far.
03:12 I mean, no one should get bitten by a snake at a restaurant.
03:17 A snake, a (beep) snake.
03:18 - I may never know why we got shut down,
03:20 but the whole ordeal made me see
03:23 that I had a lot of soul searching to do.
03:26 I mean, Frechet still had plates and tables,
03:30 and that just didn't sit right with me.
03:33 - Please leave me alone!
03:35 - Last time I checked, 50 miles is 50 miles.
03:39 Not local, you pervert!
03:41 - Hey, call 911.
03:42 - Don't do it.
03:43 - Call 911.
03:44 (dramatic music)
03:47 (birds chirping)
03:49 - I got the idea for Farme one day when I fell on the ground.
03:52 And as I bled into the dirt,
03:54 I looked around me and I thought,
03:56 this isn't dirt.
03:59 It's a plate.
04:00 And the grass, a vegetable.
04:04 And the buds, a protein.
04:08 And the sticks, utensils.
04:14 And the flowers, garnish.
04:17 And the puddles, a sink.
04:23 And the trees, matri-Ds.
04:27 And the bushes were busboys.
04:29 And the beetles are expediters.
04:31 And the clouds, sommeliers.
04:33 And then a deer walked by.
04:35 She was the food critic.
04:37 And that's when I knew.
04:42 This was a restaurant idea.
04:45 - You couldn't find Farme twice if you tried.
04:48 First time I went there was by accident.
04:50 I was driving on a dirt road and skidded off.
04:52 It was dark, desolate.
04:54 There was nobody around for miles.
04:56 And then I discovered, wait a minute,
04:59 I'm in the middle of a restaurant.
05:01 - Farme connects you to food.
05:04 It's 10,000 acres of field and woods.
05:07 Julia lets her patrons loose on the land
05:09 to fend for themselves.
05:11 - It is illegal, dangerous,
05:14 and the freshest food I have ever tasted.
05:17 - You may think I'm an idiot.
05:19 It's your dessert.
05:20 That I'm some wild woman living in the woods,
05:25 trying to sell you two different types of milk
05:28 from two different teats of the same goat for $150.
05:32 But you know what?
05:33 I'm living my dream.
05:35 - Oh, it is quite sweet.
05:41 Can I at least get a cup?
05:42 - Cups are a middleman.
05:44 Keep sucking.
05:47 - Believe it or not, that's just a taste of "Gods of Food."
05:53 To watch the rest of the series,
05:54 go to dropout.tv and sign up for your free trial today.
05:59 It will be life-changing.
06:02 You don't wanna miss out on this
06:05 because you have missed out on so much in your life.
06:08 - I just wanted a scrambled egg.
06:10 - This is fresher.
06:11 Can you taste that perfection?
