Niger : Des djihadistes libérés par la France attaquent la Junte militaire

  • last year
La tension monte entre le Niger et la France alors qu'un nouvel incident vient aggraver la situation déjà tendue. Selon un communiqué du Conseil National pour la Sauvegarde de la Patrie (CNSP), une position militaire nigérienne à Bourkou-Bourkou aurait été attaquée ce matin, mais les détails de cette attaque restent encore flous. Les putschistes au pouvoir accusent les forces françaises d'avoir violé l'espace aérien nigérien avec un avion militaire A400M qui aurait décollé du Tchad. Ils vont encore plus loin en accusant la France d'avoir libéré 16 chefs terroristes, qui se seraient rassemblés à Fitili pour planifier des attaques contre les positions militaires dans la zone des trois frontières entre le Niger, le Burkina Faso et le Mali.
La France a immédiatement démenti ces accusations, affirmant n'avoir ni violé l'espace aérien ni libéré des terroristes. La situation est d'autant plus complexe que le Niger fait face à la menace d'une éventuelle attaque militaire de la CEDEAO, qui cherche à rétablir l'ordre constitutionnel en soutenant le président élu Bazoum. Les États-Unis se sont également joints à la demande de libération du président nigérien. Dans ce contexte, le sommet imminent de la CEDEAO au Nigeria ajoute une autre dimension à la crise. Paris semble adopter une approche plus diplomatique dans la résolution de la crise nigérienne, s'éloignant d'une intervention militaire, selon des sources diplomatiques françaises. Bien que la France ait initialement adopté une position ferme envers les putschistes, elle semble maintenant en retrait, surtout avec l'éventualité d'une intervention militaire de la part des pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest qui s'éloigne. Une source diplomatique française a déclaré soutenir pleinement les efforts de la région pour restaurer la démocratie au Niger. La situation reste préoccupante, et il est nécessaire que les autorités compétentes se tournent vers les instances juridiques internationales pour traiter de cette crise alarmante, qui met en jeu la stabilité de la région.
#Niger #France #attaque #nigerfrance #franceniger #ebenemediatv #mgm #putschniger #tension #accusations #CNSP #attaque #espaceaérien #avionmilitaire #chefsterroristes #troisfrontières #CEDEAO #coupdÉtat #présidentélu #libération #sommet #diplomatie #interventionmilitaire #stabilité #instancesjuridiquesinternationales
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00:00 The tension is at its peak between the Nigerian junta and France, while new accusations
00:13 are coming to aggravate the already tense relations between the two countries.
00:16 According to a statement from the National Council for the Preservation of the Country
00:21 (CNSP), a Nigerian military position in Burkuburku would have been attacked early this morning.
00:25 However, the details of this attack remain still blurred, adding an additional dose
00:31 of mystery to this already worrying situation.
00:33 The CNSP, which is currently in power after a coup, accuses the French forces of having
00:39 violated Nigerian airspace.
00:41 According to their report, a French military plane A400M would have taken off from N'Djamena,
00:46 in Chad, and would have intentionally cut off all contact with air control at its
00:50 entry into Nigerian space.
00:52 These allegations are serious and emphasize the level of tension between the two countries.
00:56 But the CNSP goes even further by accusing France of having unilaterally released
01:01 terrorist elements, including 16 terrorist leaders.
01:04 According to the Putschists, these individuals would have grouped in Fithili after their liberation,
01:10 in order to plan attacks against military positions in the three-border area
01:14 between Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali.
01:17 It is important to underline that these terrorist leaders would have been arrested during various
01:21 operations, most of which took place on Nigerian soil.
01:24 France, on its side, categorically denies all these accusations.
01:29 Faced with this alarming situation, the president of the CNSP called on the national defense
01:35 and security forces to raise their alert levels.
01:38 He also exhorted competent authorities to turn to international legal bodies
01:43 to deal with this crisis.
01:44 These accusations come up in a tense context, as Nigeria is threatened by a possible
01:50 military attack by the CNSP, which seeks to restore constitutional order by supporting
01:54 President-elect Bassem.
01:56 The United States has also expressed its request for the release of the Nigerian president,
02:01 who was released yesterday.
02:02 In the background of this crisis, the imminent summit of the Economic Community of the States
02:08 of West Africa, CNAO, in Nigeria adds another dimension to the situation.
02:12 Nigeria has claimed to prefer the diplomatic option, but has not completely excluded the
02:17 military option.
02:18 In this complex context, Paris seems to re-evaluate its position on the Nigerian question.
02:25 According to a diplomatic source cited by the AFP, France is now opting for diplomatic
02:30 means in the resolution of the crisis, rather than a military intervention.
02:34 This strategic evolution of France is notable, especially after adopting an intransigent
02:39 position with regard to the military in power in Nigeria.
02:42 According to experts, France now seems to withdraw while the spectrum of a military
02:47 intervention in West African countries seems to be moving away.
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