Michael Morrison

  • last year
Elgin City FC women’s football team manager Michael Morrison is disappointed that the club’s first-ever match against Forfar Farmington development team at Borough Briggs has been cancelled.


00:00 Yeah, obviously hugely disappointing.
00:02 You're always disappointed when games get postponed,
00:07 whether it be for weather or whatnot.
00:09 But under the circumstances,
00:11 we've been preparing for this Sunday's game for about six months
00:15 when we first initiated the trials for the women's team.
00:17 Everything's been focused on that big moment where we play our first competitive game.
00:22 The circumstances around it not going ahead is even more disappointing.
00:27 We'll be then waiting for another three weeks till we play our first home game,
00:31 so we've got two away games to follow.
00:33 So yeah, a lot of disappointed faces tonight.
00:37 We've been speaking to the various people throughout the last day and a half
00:41 and seeing what can be done.
00:42 There's a lot of work going on behind the scenes,
00:43 not just by us on the pitch.
00:45 Chris, the director, who's been backing us in the boardroom.
00:50 G, the kit man, who's been doing a lot of work for us.
00:53 Mark Cooper, the general manager.
00:54 Kieran before him.
00:56 Every one of their efforts has been focused on this one moment this Sunday.
01:02 It's massively disappointing for the whole club.
01:04 Yeah, I mean, they've been really good.
01:07 They've worked hard.
01:09 We've had a really difficult pre-season.
01:11 I told them that was going to be the case.
01:12 We need our fitness to be at a level that I think will be better than anybody else.
01:19 And we'll be able to, if we need to get into games with 20 minutes to go
01:23 and our fitness comes out and gets us out on top, then that's the condition I want the players to be in.
01:28 And they've been really good.
01:29 They've worked hard for three or four weeks before we even started playing games.
01:34 We didn't see a ball in some of the sessions.
01:37 So they've really worked their socks off and they deserved a little moment in the spotlight on Sunday.
01:42 It'll be devastating for them.
01:43 And it'll be our job as a club and me as a manager to make sure we don't let the heads drop
01:49 because we've been training well.
01:51 Last two results against Alou and Huntley have been really good performances.
01:54 And it's all still a little bit unknown on whether the results are good, bad or indifferent.
02:00 So the pleasing thing for me has been the performances rather than the results.
02:06 Because the process has been, you've had to recruit players, you've had to advertise to recruit players.
02:11 And it's still a very, very early stage, the Elgin City Football Club ladies team.
02:17 Yes, absolutely.
02:18 It's a work in progress.
02:19 It's still a work in progress.
02:21 Any team at any level is a work in progress because things change dramatically in football and very quickly.
02:27 And when you're at a certain stage one season, you could need to be at another stage the next season.
02:32 So no football clubs are finished.
02:35 Article, we've had around 50 plus people being at training sessions since March time.
02:45 You know, trialing and trying to get involved in the team.
02:50 And we've had to make some tough decisions and tell people it's at the moment it's not for them, which has been difficult as well.
02:58 So it's not an easy role.
03:00 It's not an easy job to do that when you're speaking to people.
03:02 But, you know, it's something we've got to do to try and get the best squad of people involved.
03:08 And then, you know, it won't stop there because there'll come a time where we'll have to improve again.
03:12 Players come and go for whatever reason.
03:14 But we're in a good place at the moment.
03:16 Very happy with where we are as far as this season goes.
03:20 And we'll see what transpires in the coming months and seasons.
