• last year
Apex Legends reigns in the latest update to the free-to-play battle royale shooter in the form of Apex Legends: Ressurection. The new update brings a new look and abilities to Revenant, who's unlocked for everyone and able to be permanently unlocked via a set of challenges.
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 Someone new, tinkering in my head.
00:16 [MUSIC]
00:22 Do you know what it's like to be torn apart?
00:26 [MUSIC]
00:29 And stitched back together.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:34 You're lucky I'm here to spare you the agony.
00:40 [MUSIC]
00:47 They just won't let me die.
00:50 [MUSIC]
00:57 Your will to live is fading.
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:03 I can see it.
01:05 [MUSIC]
01:10 Are you scared?
01:13 I'd love a closer look.
01:16 [MUSIC]
01:21 Your death, give me life.
01:24 [MUSIC]
01:42 Tell me, what does my future hold?
01:49 [MUSIC]
01:55 Gonna get right in his guts.
01:58 Great day to die.
02:00 Death keeps chasing me, but I keep him in my rear view.
02:04 [MUSIC]
02:10 This will be fun.
02:13 I feel good.
02:17 Here I go killing again.
02:21 You're going to become a skeleton now.
02:24 Bandit eliminated.
02:26 Death finds a way.
02:29 Small might.
02:33 I'm not finished with you yet.
02:39 [MUSIC]
02:54 Some skin bag out there thinks they're in control.
02:59 Control.
03:04 I'll rip it from their cold, dead hands.
03:09 [MUSIC]
