Revolutionary Breakthroughs Could Pave the Way For Unlimited Energy

  • last year
Revolutionary Breakthroughs , Could Pave the Way For , Unlimited Energy.
'Newsweek' reports that July saw two
scientific breakthroughs that brought us
close to unlocking the secret of fusion energy.
Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the sun. .
It involves smashing two atoms together with enough force to combine them into a single atom, which releases vast amounts of energy. .
Unlike nuclear fission, which powers much of the energy
sector today, fusion does not carry the risk of nuclear
meltdown and does not produce radioactive water.
Unlike nuclear fission, which powers much of the energy
sector today, fusion does not carry the risk of nuclear
meltdown and does not produce radioactive water.
In December of 2022, a team of scientists
at the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory achieved a major breakthrough. .
For the first time ever, the team generated
more energy than was needed to achieve fusion.
In July, the team repeated the experiment
and achieved an even higher energy return. .
However, other researchers caution that
the breakthrough still leaves the technology
far from seeing practical, commercial use.
The recent breakthrough is an impressive
scientific result, but delivering commercial
fusion is much more than getting to Q greater
than one. Our fusion power plants
will need Q to be 20 or 30 or more, David Kingham, Executive vice chairman and
co-founder at Tokamak Energy Ltd., via 'Newsweek'.
Fusion is a transformative global source
of limitless, clean, safe energy and we
welcome all progress in the field to
attract the best people and investment, David Kingham, Executive vice chairman and
co-founder at Tokamak Energy Ltd., via 'Newsweek'
