• 2 years ago
Watch on for a rundown on some of the stories featured this week in The Land.
00:00 Hi and welcome to another episode of Getting the Upper Land where we take a look at this
00:12 week's top stories. I'm senior journalist Dennis Howard.
00:16 And I'm livestock editor Rebecca Nudge and we're coming to you from the summit of Mount
00:19 Cannobilis here in Orange. Dennis, back to no hat this week.
00:24 Yeah, after all the positive feedback we got from last week's video my hat doesn't fit
00:28 me anymore but. Yeah, I can see that that would work. Making
00:33 news this week we've got a good story by Jamie Brown on drought preparedness. It takes a
00:37 look at a family who are using supplementary feeding to help their pastures recover.
00:41 It's also a story from Ben Jaffrey on the feral pig issue. A property at Naminga has
00:46 spent years without pigs and that all changed five months ago.
00:50 Over in livestock I take a look at the role of breed societies which was the topic of
00:54 a discussion at a beef production field day at Koota Park recently. The talk centred around
00:59 whether having more than 30 separate societies was in the industry's best interest.
01:03 Yeah, Bec that was an interesting talk. What else is happening in livestock?
01:07 We've also got a story by Queensland country life reporter Brandon Long who takes a look
01:11 at the beef industry's target to be carbon neutral by 2030. Modelling by Meat and Livestock
01:17 Australia shows that at the current rate industry is not on target to meet that.
01:21 We've also got a story from national writer Gregor Hurd on China deciding to drop the
01:25 barley tariffs.
01:27 And keep an eye out too for Fletcher International's Roger Fletcher who gives an address at Sheep
01:32 Vention at Hamilton in Victoria.
01:34 The land's available at all good news agencies.
01:37 And you can jump online at theland.com.au and don't forget to like us on Facebook and
01:42 follow us on Instagram. And we'll see you next week.
01:45 See you next week.
