• l’année dernière


00:00:00 [Générique]
00:00:16 Qui était Kurt Cobain ?
00:00:18 Comment est-il devenu une icône ?
00:00:19 Comment est-il mort ?
00:00:20 Pourquoi sa vie a été si tragique ?
00:00:23 C'est ce qu'on va voir aujourd'hui ensemble.
00:00:24 Bonjour à tous.
00:00:25 Installez-vous confortablement parce que là, on touche à du très très lourd.
00:00:30 Kurt Cobain.
00:00:31 Nirvana.
00:00:32 Le bébé qui flotte dans la piscine.
00:00:34 Alors ça fait des mois que je dois la faire.
00:00:36 Vous avez été nombreux à me le proposer sous mon dernier post Instagram.
00:00:39 D'ailleurs, n'hésitez pas à venir me rejoindre là-bas, c'est très cool.
00:00:42 Vous allez voir que Kurt Cobain, c'est quelqu'un qui incarne quelque chose de plus grand que lui.
00:00:46 Ça a toujours été plus grand que ce qu'il a toujours voulu.
00:00:48 Et il incarne toujours.
00:00:49 C'est un mec qui a été dépassé par le succès, par son destin, par son talent.
00:00:52 Kurt Cobain, ça déborde.
00:00:54 Très honnêtement, ça va être très dur de trouver une vie aussi mouvementée que celle de Kurt Cobain.
00:00:58 Et aussi tragique.
00:00:59 Donc petit disclaimer, ça va pas être très très drôle.
00:01:02 Et malgré sa contribution incroyable, son apport au monde de la musique,
00:01:05 vous allez voir quand même qu'il y a une partie qui est très très sombre et très très triste de son histoire.
00:01:09 Et je trouve que l'angle à prendre pour raconter l'histoire de Kurt Cobain,
00:01:12 c'est d'essayer d'être le plus précis possible pour tenter de comprendre pourquoi sa vie a fini telle qu'elle a fini.
00:01:18 Parce que Kurt Cobain, c'est pas le cliché juste du rockeur un peu suicidaire qui fait n'importe quoi.
00:01:22 C'est bien plus triste et bien plus profond que ça.
00:01:27 Avant de commencer, je vais beaucoup parler.
00:01:28 Du coup, il faut que je boive beaucoup.
00:01:31 Mais quelle est cette transition ?
00:01:34 Cette vidéo est sponsorisée par Airup.
00:01:38 C'est une marque de gourdes, mais pas n'importe lesquelles puisque ce ne sont pas de simples gourdes.
00:01:42 Ça maintient au frais genre plus d'une demi-journée je crois.
00:01:45 Démonstration.
00:01:45 Là, je bois.
00:01:47 Ça a le goût fade et terne de l'eau.
00:01:50 Ça me rappelle mes moments les plus plats et les plus ennuyeux de ma misérable vie.
00:01:54 Hop là, je lève le pod.
00:01:57 Et là, j'ai l'impression de boire de l'Iced Tea.
00:01:59 Alors, parce que c'est le goût Iced Tea, ça marche étonnamment bien.
00:02:03 C'est tout le principe de ces gourdes Airup.
00:02:05 T'as des pods interchangeables avec des saveurs différentes.
00:02:07 Comment ça marche ?
00:02:08 Ça a un petit nom.
00:02:09 La rétro-olfaction.
00:02:10 Simplement en levant le pod odorant, ça fait un appel d'air lorsque tu bois.
00:02:14 Et les microbules d'air remplis de l'odeur, ils éclatent dans ta bouche.
00:02:17 Et toi, t'as l'impression que ton eau, elle a du goût.
00:02:19 Alors que non, c'est la même eau quoi.
00:02:21 C'est juste que tu brains ton cerveau.
00:02:23 Parce que le corps est bien fait quoi.
00:02:24 Tout simplement.
00:02:25 Alors, au-delà que le produit soit cool, moi j'ai vraiment envie de réduire ma consommation de soda, etc.
00:02:29 Même de boire juste plus d'eau.
00:02:31 J'ai une offre spéciale pour l'occasion.
00:02:32 Vous aurez 15% de réduction sur toutes les gourdes avec mon code "SEB" en passant par mon lien en description.
00:02:37 A noter qu'il y a une trentaine de saveurs différentes.
00:02:39 Ils ont de nouvelles gourdes en acide inoxydable argenté et un pod.
00:02:42 Ça te dure entre 5 et 10 litres d'eau.
00:02:44 Donc c'est même économique si on compare ça à des boissons aromatisées.
00:02:47 Bref, merci à eux de m'accompagner.
00:02:48 Si ça vous intéresse, vous savez où ça se passe.
00:02:50 Il fait chaud, on parle beaucoup.
00:02:52 Buvez de l'eau et installez-vous tranquillement. C'est parti !
00:02:55 Kurt Donald Cobain, né le 20 février 67 à Aberdeen, dans l'état de Washington.
00:03:20 C'est une toute petite ville de 18 000 habitants qui vit principalement grâce à ses usines et sa scierie.
00:03:24 C'est l'Amérique qu'on voit pas trop dans les films, mais où il fait bon vivre.
00:03:28 Et l'histoire de Kurt, c'est celle de millions d'autres comme lui à cette époque.
00:03:31 Ses parents se rencontrent au lycée, ils passent rapidement d'amis à amoureux, ils se marient et font un enfant.
00:03:36 Tout va très vite, trop vite peut-être, mais c'est pourtant le schéma familial classique dans les années 60.
00:03:41 Du coup, à seulement 19 et 21 ans, Wendy et Don Cobain accueillent Kurt.
00:03:48 [Musique]
00:03:51 Ils sont comblés, leurs familles respectives sont ravies, et le petit Kurt devient un énorme chouchou auprès de tout le monde.
00:03:58 Vers ses 3 ans, il se passionne déjà pour la musique, les instruments.
00:04:01 Il aime tous les instruments de musique qui passent, guitare, piano, batterie.
00:04:05 Et il est dans la reproduction très facilement, très rapidement, dès son plus jeune âge.
00:04:09 Et dans les biographies de légendes de la musique, on aime bien ce genre d'anecdotes,
00:04:12 mais à la maison globalement, ce qui passait c'était les Beatles.
00:04:14 Et ça en fera l'un de ses groupes favoris avec John Lennon en idole numéro 1.
00:04:19 [Musique]
00:04:29 Et quand le petit Kurt n'est pas occupé à s'improviser rockstar, il continue d'être créatif.
00:04:33 Car il dessine aussi énormément.
00:04:35 Nous on faisait des soleils nus ou des bonhommes bâtons, Kurt lui il avait déjà presque un style.
00:04:39 Il a déjà 7 ans, il se met à répéter du AC/DC, et surtout la famille accueille la petite Kimberly.
00:04:44 Le Kurt va adorer.
00:04:45 Il n'y avait pas de rivalité nulle, frères, sœurs, etc.
00:04:48 Lui, il est juste trop content d'avoir une autre petite tête blonde avec qui bien s'entendre.
00:04:51 Et tout va bien !
00:04:53 Pour l'instant, c'est un petit bonheur.
00:04:55 Jusque là, on est dans l'American Dream de la famille parfaite.
00:04:59 Le beau portrait, tout partait si bien.
00:05:01 Mais malheureusement, les soucis vont commencer à partir de là.
00:05:05 On ne sait pas trop pourquoi, mais le père de Kurt, Don, s'agace de le voir courir partout.
00:05:10 De déborder d'énergie, d'être une pile électrique.
00:05:13 Don est de la vieille école, on rencontre sa femme au lycée, on se marie tôt, et un gosse.
00:05:18 Ça doit pas faire de vagues.
00:05:19 C'est l'opposé de Kurt.
00:05:21 Kurt, il a déjà un petit tempérament, il est surexcité, il est créatif, il a une attitude de petite rockstar.
00:05:26 Il vit, quoi, c'est juste un gosse en pleine forme.
00:05:28 Et Don, il en peut plus.
00:05:30 Il va l'emmener chez un pédiatre, qui va avoir un diagnostic simple et efficace, digne de l'époque.
00:05:34 "Écoutez, monsieur, après diagnostic et analyse de votre enfant, il se trouve qu'il a un...
00:05:39 souci."
00:05:40 Voilà, c'est la maladie.
00:05:41 "Souci."
00:05:42 Bon là, je dis ça en rigolant, mais on parle d'une époque où l'hyperactivité, c'est pas bien connu.
00:05:46 Et qui dit pas bien connu, dit encore moins bien pris en charge.
00:05:49 Alors son père, plutôt que de l'aider, en lui disant d'extérioriser, de l'accompagner petit à petit de façon normale,
00:05:54 non non, il fait prescrire au médecin immédiatement de la ritaline, un psychostimulant.
00:05:59 Voilà, à titre indicatif, c'est quelque chose qu'on n'est pas censé distribuer comme des malabars.
00:06:02 Le médecin prend son billet, le papa de Kurt est ravi de savoir qu'il va pouvoir mettre en veille son fils,
00:06:06 et Kurt prend désormais des cachetons tous les jours.
00:06:09 Et pourtant, ça ne va pas l'éteindre.
00:06:11 Kurt déborde toujours autant d'énergie, et ça rend fou son père.
00:06:15 Alors plutôt que de dépendre de médicaments qui, visiblement, ne marchent pas sur Kurt,
00:06:18 son père va utiliser une autre méthode, un petit peu plus vicieuse.
00:06:21 Il va faire un travail psychologique pour faire ressentir de la honte à Kurt.
00:06:25 Il va lui répéter sans cesse qu'il a un problème, qu'un garçon n'a pas à se comporter comme ça,
00:06:29 que quelque chose ne va pas chez lui, et qu'il a une honte.
00:06:31 Et à force de recevoir des réflexions comme ça tous les jours, cette fois Kurt comprend le message.
00:06:35 Il ne rentre pas dans la case où on veut le mettre, il fait honte à son père.
00:06:39 Il va finir petit à petit par arrêter de courir partout et d'aller voir les gens.
00:06:43 Et puis il va même finir par passer ses journées cachées dans un placard, de peur de croiser son père.
00:06:48 C'est globalement le pire exemple d'éducation.
00:06:50 C'est fou qu'un père se soit comporté de la sorte, enfin bref.
00:06:53 Kurt va se renfermer un peu sur lui-même à cause de tout ça,
00:06:56 et il va se créer un ami imaginaire auprès duquel il va pouvoir se confier, Boda.
00:07:00 Mais ça aussi, ça va inquiéter les parents.
00:07:02 Du coup son père, la stratégie pour remédier à ça, c'est d'expliquer à son fils
00:07:06 que Boda, son ami imaginaire, il est plus là.
00:07:08 Il est parti faire la guerre au Vietnam.
00:07:11 C'est fou, c'est ultra violent.
00:07:13 Il a peut-être entre 7 et 10 ans.
00:07:15 Quand t'es enfant, que le chat meurt, tu lui dis je sais pas, il est parti au ciel.
00:07:19 Tu sais, y'a des manières de faire.
00:07:20 Là, son ami imaginaire, pour essayer de lui enlever ça,
00:07:23 il lui explique qu'il est parti faire la guerre.
00:07:25 Y'a rien qui va.
00:07:27 La relation parent-fils, c'est cata quoi.
00:07:29 Et pour ne rien arranger à la maison, c'est au tour de ses parents de se prendre la tête.
00:07:32 L'amour de jeunesse a bel et bien disparu.
00:07:34 Et un peu avant ses 10 ans, ils divorcent.
00:07:36 Et la famille idéale dans laquelle Kurt a grandi est désormais bien derrière lui.
00:07:39 Et c'est vraiment pas un divorce à l'amiable.
00:07:41 Pour vous donner un exemple, alors que son père quitte le foyer familial pour aller vivre ailleurs,
00:07:45 sa mère reçoit encore par erreur des courriers qui sont destinés à son père.
00:07:48 Et un jour, elle va recevoir le permis de conduire du père,
00:07:51 elle va le lui renvoyer...
00:07:52 rempli de caca.
00:07:54 Je trouve que ça nous donne un espèce de petit goût de l'ambiance.
00:07:57 Je suis pas un grand enquêteur, mais ça sent quand même les gens qui ne s'aiment pas trop.
00:08:00 Tu ne chies pas sur les affaires des autres.
00:08:02 Et vous vous en doutez, c'est une ambiance qui va évidemment ruiner Kurt,
00:08:06 qui n'est qu'un petit garçon.
00:08:08 Lui qui ne rentrait déjà pas dans la case du garçon modèle,
00:08:10 imaginez maintenant avec des parents qui sortent de la case couple parfait.
00:08:13 Car un divorce, à la fin des années 60, c'est quelque chose d'assez rare.
00:08:17 Et dans la petite ville d'Aberdeen, tout le monde ne parle que de ça.
00:08:21 Et c'est pour ça qu'on est obligé de remettre un peu dans le contexte du village de l'époque.
00:08:24 Kurt avait déjà une petite estime de lui-même,
00:08:26 maintenant les gosses se moquent de lui parce qu'il a des parents anormaux.
00:08:30 Et vous vous en doutez, comme tous les enfants qui vivent le divorce des parents,
00:08:32 il va finir par croire que tout est de sa faute.
00:08:35 Kurt le petit soleil s'éteint.
00:08:42 Ce gamin qui rigolait et aimait tout le monde devient soudainement violent.
00:08:45 Il s'amuse par exemple à enfermer sa baby-sitter en dehors de la maison,
00:08:49 et quand il est seul, il en profite pour dévisser toutes les ampoules
00:08:51 pour passer la journée dans le noir.
00:08:53 Je pense que j'ai traité des biographies quand même assez tristes,
00:08:55 mais jamais à ce niveau-là.
00:08:57 C'est d'une tristesse sur tous les étages.
00:08:59 C'est pour ça que je suis obligé de faire des disclaimers de temps en temps aussi,
00:09:01 où vous allez voir que pour comprendre l'état suicidaire dans lequel il a pu être,
00:09:05 c'est parce qu'il est passé par plein d'étapes dans sa vie.
00:09:07 On parle même pas encore de musique, qu'il a une base juste ultra fragile.
00:09:10 Mais je suis obligé de vous raconter tout ça parce que ça aide à comprendre son histoire telle qu'elle est.
00:09:14 Sa mère, Wendy, n'a juste pas la force d'affronter tout ça seule.
00:09:17 Et elle va simplement l'envoyer chez son père, plutôt que de le gérer.
00:09:20 Et vous savez ce qui manque pour une bonne enfance de merde, encore un petit peu mieux, tu vois ?
00:09:23 Ce serait de rentrer pile maintenant au collège.
00:09:26 Là, en étant bien déprimé comme il est, là, c'est le moment parfait.
00:09:29 Vous vous en doutez, ça s'est pas très bien passé.
00:09:31 À l'école, impossible pour lui de suivre, vu la situation à la maison.
00:09:34 Il a de très mauvaises notes et plutôt que d'essayer de l'aider ou de comprendre pourquoi il en est là,
00:09:37 on va juste lui dire que c'est un nul, un loser, parce que c'est plus simple.
00:09:41 Alors il va se défendre comme il peut face à tout ça, avec la botte secrète de tout ado déprimé,
00:09:45 la crise d'adolescence.
00:09:47 Il se rebelle, il refuse d'écouter les parents, il glande,
00:09:50 et il sèche les cours pour jouer de la guitare.
00:09:52 C'est donc à ce moment précis que son père, Don, va se réveiller et se dire
00:09:55 "Ok, mon fils va extrêmement mal, peut-être qu'il a juste une grave dépression à cause de toutes les circonstances,
00:10:00 et peut-être que je devrais l'emmener voir un médecin spécialisé en fait."
00:10:03 Eh bien non, il va pas se dire ça.
00:10:06 Et si t'allais plutôt faire du sport ? T'es pas viril, là ?
00:10:08 T'es là avec ta guitare, le pire père.
00:10:10 Avec Durkul, c'est fascinant parce que quand le gosse va très bien, on lui file des médocs,
00:10:13 et quand il va très très mal, bah on lui dit "Va dehors, allez, sois heureux."
00:10:20 Comme si c'était une solution, son père le force à s'inscrire dans une équipe de lutte.
00:10:23 Sûrement car cette fois, la case à cocher, c'est être un ado viril populaire
00:10:27 qui fait un sport viril, et pas de la guitare dans sa chambre.
00:10:30 Sauf que Kurt, bah, il aime pas ça, quoi.
00:10:32 Il aime ni le sport, ni ses coéquipiers, enfin il a vraiment rien à faire là, quoi.
00:10:36 Du coup, pour se réveiller contre son père, il va faire exprès de perdre chaque combat,
00:10:39 tous ses tournois, etc.
00:10:41 Et en faisant ça, cette fois, c'est pas Kurt qui a honte, c'est son père.
00:10:44 Son père a honte que son fils soit nul à la lutte.
00:10:47 Alors vous vous dites "Vous voyez, c'est pas grave, il a dû se dire, c'est pas son truc, etc."
00:10:51 Non, non, non. Son père, il a honte au point où il va le foutre dehors.
00:10:54 Il va l'envoyer chez des oncles, des tantes, qu'il se passe la patate chaude,
00:10:59 en mode "Démerdez-vous avec ce truc-là, je veux plus m'en occuper, c'est la honte."
00:11:03 C'est comme ça que petit à petit, tout le monde lui tourne le dos.
00:11:05 Et c'est à ce moment-là que Kurt va commencer à avoir une obsession pour le morbide.
00:11:08 Ses dessins deviennent de plus en plus glauques, et un événement va particulièrement le marquer.
00:11:12 Sur la route du collège, alors qu'il est avec deux amis,
00:11:14 ils vont tomber sur le cadavre d'un homme qui s'est pendu dans les bois.
00:11:18 C'est le frère d'un de leurs amis.
00:11:20 Mais plutôt que de paniquer, Kurt regarde la scène pendant plus d'une heure,
00:11:24 à regarder ce corps sans vie, se balançant au vent.
00:11:27 Ce sera les secours qui vont finalement écarter Kurt de force, mais le mal était fait.
00:11:32 Ce suicide va marquer Kurt pour le restant de sa vie.
00:11:41 Étonnamment, le lycée va être une sacrée porte de sortie pour Kurt.
00:11:44 Il va y rencontrer d'autres jeunes qui eux aussi sont un peu paumés,
00:11:47 et tous ensemble, ils vont découvrir...
00:11:50 le cannabis.
00:11:51 Et ça va être une sorte de libération pour Kurt,
00:11:52 parce que grâce à ça, il va réussir enfin à pouvoir calmer son anxiété.
00:11:57 En un instant, il a l'impression d'oublier un petit peu ses problèmes,
00:11:59 mais c'est qu'un refuge artificiel.
00:12:01 Car ses problèmes, eux, sont toujours là.
00:12:02 Et ils vont même empirer.
00:12:04 Sa mère va devenir de plus en plus toxique avec lui,
00:12:06 ce qui va le pousser à s'enfoncer encore plus loin dans l'addiction,
00:12:09 et du simple joint, il va passer à l'alcool.
00:12:11 Quitte à dévaliser des magasins pour s'en procurer.
00:12:13 Avec un seul but à chaque fois,
00:12:15 oublier son existence.
00:12:17 Et quand l'alcool et les drogues n'arrivent plus à calmer Kurt,
00:12:20 il pense d'ores et déjà à en finir.
00:12:23 D'autant plus qu'on parle d'un ado un peu paumé à ce moment-là,
00:12:26 et justement, vous allez voir que c'est peut-être ça qui va le sauver.
00:12:28 Quoi de plus adolescent que de ne pas vouloir en finir
00:12:31 pour une seule et bonne raison.
00:12:34 Il est puceau.
00:12:36 C'est ce que Kurt se dit à ce moment-là,
00:12:37 il a envie de mettre fin à ses jours,
00:12:39 mais pas avant d'avoir baisé.
00:12:41 Alors, il va mettre au point une technique de drague extrêmement évoluée.
00:12:45 Il va aller chez une fille de son école,
00:12:47 lui offrir un gâteau,
00:12:48 puis lui dire
00:12:49 "On baise ?"
00:12:51 Alors oui, je vous vois juger, mais écoutez,
00:12:54 ça marche.
00:12:55 Bon, je m'emballe un peu quand je dis que ça marche.
00:12:57 Kurt va lui demander si elle l'a déjà fait,
00:12:59 histoire de se rassurer.
00:13:00 Et ouais, elle l'avait déjà fait, même plein de fois.
00:13:03 Avec son cousin.
00:13:05 Ah, pas ouf.
00:13:07 Bon, je vous passe les détails, mais ça suffit à dégoûter Kurt.
00:13:10 Et finalement à faire demi-tour.
00:13:12 Et le problème, quand tu viens d'une petite ville
00:13:14 comme Aberdeen d'où il vient,
00:13:15 c'est que tout se sait, et que les rumeurs vont très vite.
00:13:17 Tout le monde est au courant de l'affaire.
00:13:19 Kurt a couché avec la consanguine.
00:13:22 Alors que le pauvre, non en plus.
00:13:24 Bref, les gens le harcèlent avec ça, etc.
00:13:26 Ça en devient malsain,
00:13:27 ça tourne presque à l'humiliation, tu vois.
00:13:29 Alors, à ce moment-là, il va décider
00:13:30 d'en finir pour de bon.
00:13:32 Il fume énormément, il se bourre la gueule,
00:13:34 et il part le long d'une voie ferrée en pleine nuit.
00:13:37 Il s'allonge sur les rails,
00:13:38 puis pose deux gros blocs de ciment sur son corps.
00:13:41 Cette fois, plus de marche arrière.
00:13:43 Au loin, un train s'approche à pleine vitesse,
00:13:45 phare allumé, en direction de Kurt.
00:13:47 Puis le train finit par passer sur les rails,
00:14:02 juste d'un côté.
00:14:03 Kurt ne s'est juste pas allongé au bon endroit.
00:14:07 C'est fou de se dire que
00:14:08 ça aurait déjà pu s'arrêter là, en fait.
00:14:09 Vous imaginez bien son moment salatriste, évidemment,
00:14:11 mais lui, il voit ça comme, et un échec,
00:14:13 mais surtout un signe.
00:14:14 Il se dit que c'est peut-être le moment de se ressaisir.
00:14:16 Il faut tenir bon, et justement,
00:14:17 il va avoir un petit peu de lumière dans sa vie,
00:14:19 puisqu'il va rencontrer ce mec.
00:14:21 Roger Osborne, c'est un pote de son lycée
00:14:23 qui va lui faire découvrir un nouveau moyen de s'échapper.
00:14:25 Et cette fois, c'est pas de la drogue,
00:14:27 c'est pas de l'alcool,
00:14:28 c'est le punk rock.
00:14:29 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:14:40 Kurt va s'urkiffer.
00:14:42 C'est un déclic pour lui qui découvre enfin un style
00:14:44 qui semble exprimer sa rage et sa haine.
00:14:47 Des mecs rebelles qui crient dans un micro,
00:14:48 c'est exactement ce qu'il veut dans sa vie.
00:14:51 Déjà parce que ça le défoule,
00:14:52 et puis surtout parce que ça le rassure.
00:14:54 Il se dit "Putain, je suis pas le seul à avoir un mal-être",
00:14:56 et ça fait du bien de pas se sentir seul.
00:14:58 Et c'est alors qu'il va se demander si finalement,
00:15:00 est-ce que ce serait pas ça, sa raison de vivre ?
00:15:02 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:15:07 À partir de ce moment-là, ça y est.
00:15:08 Kurt, il sait ce qu'il a envie de faire de sa vie.
00:15:10 "Putain, le punk rock, c'est trop stylé."
00:15:12 Il est doué en musique déjà, donc il se dit
00:15:13 "Vas-y, la porte, elle est ouverte, c'est pour moi."
00:15:15 Il va faire ça tous les jours.
00:15:17 Il est dans sa chambre, il joue de la guitare,
00:15:19 tous les jours.
00:15:20 Et c'est bien mieux que la drogue, l'alcool, etc.
00:15:22 C'est bien mieux que tout ce qu'il a pu faire jusqu'à présent.
00:15:24 Donc il vit musique, il mange musique, il dort musique.
00:15:26 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:15:32 Et dès qu'il a du temps libre, il part dans des clairs perdus,
00:15:35 et il crie le plus fort possible, et il entraîne ses cordes vocales.
00:15:38 Il va même jusqu'à dire à tous ses camarades de classe
00:15:40 que c'est sûr, un jour, il sera une star.
00:15:41 Et ça tombe plutôt bien, car Roger est lui aussi à fond dans la musique.
00:15:44 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:15:54 Il est chanteur d'un petit groupe de la ville, les Melvins.
00:15:57 Ils enchaînent les bars et ils ont un petit public.
00:15:59 Donc pour lui, c'est déjà énorme de traîner avec eux.
00:16:01 Il les accompagne sur leurs concerts,
00:16:03 il se porte volontaire pour porter du matos,
00:16:04 puis participe même à certaines répétitions.
00:16:06 Et c'est ainsi que petit à petit Kurt découvre tout ce monde de la musique,
00:16:10 et surtout ce milieu punk-rock qu'on appelle l'underground.
00:16:12 Lui qui ne trouve pas sa place depuis des années,
00:16:14 il a enfin l'impression d'avoir son chez lui.
00:16:16 Et à partir de ce moment-là, il se rêve lui aussi à créer de la musique.
00:16:19 En 1985, avec des copains, il fonde Fekal Mater.
00:16:24 Je ne sais pas si j'ai vraiment besoin de traduire.
00:16:26 Bon, il n'y a pas grand-chose d'intéressant à dire sur le groupe.
00:16:28 T'as les membres qui changent tout le temps, c'est un bordel, ils s'entendent pas.
00:16:31 Ils virent un batteur qui fait que boire.
00:16:33 Et ils vont même devoir dissoudre le groupe avant de pouvoir faire le moindre concert.
00:16:36 Très petite carrière, Fekal Mater.
00:16:38 Mais malgré tout, ils ont quand même le temps
00:16:39 de sortir une démo qui est d'ailleurs sur YouTube.
00:16:41 Et ce témoignage de son histoire permet de se rendre compte que mine de rien,
00:17:00 Bakker a un truc.
00:17:01 Et cette fois-ci, pas un truc qui cloche, non.
00:17:03 Un vrai truc musical.
00:17:04 Immédiatement, il fait écouter la démo à un autre pote.
00:17:07 Et ce monsieur, c'est Christ Novoselic, qui lui est bassiste.
00:17:10 Et lorsqu'il entend ce titre, il kiffe.
00:17:12 À partir de ce moment-là, ils cherchent pas à comprendre.
00:17:23 Ensemble, ils se disent, on va faire un groupe.
00:17:25 Du coup, ils se lancent tous les deux.
00:17:26 Kurt à la guitare et à la voix, Christ à la basse.
00:17:28 Et ils prennent un autre pote à la batterie.
00:17:30 Mais là, on en est au stade où ils composent pas encore leur musique
00:17:32 parce qu'ils ont une stratégie bien menée.
00:17:34 Leur stratégie, c'est d'apprendre à la perfection tous les hits d'un groupe
00:17:37 qui s'appelle Credence Clearwater Revival.
00:17:40 Parce qu'à l'époque, savoir jouer les morceaux de ce groupe,
00:17:51 c'était s'assurer de pouvoir jouer dans tous les bars de la ville.
00:17:54 Et de gagner quelques dizaines de dollars par-ci, par-là.
00:17:56 Et c'est ainsi que la stratégie de la débrouille commence.
00:17:59 Bon, tout ça, c'est très cool.
00:18:05 Il y a un groupe de potes.
00:18:06 Ils peuvent faire un peu des connes, c'est cool.
00:18:08 Mais ça ne permet pas d'en vivre pour l'instant.
00:18:09 Parce qu'on le rappelle, Kurt, à ce moment-là, n'a plus de famille.
00:18:12 Là, il vient de quitter définitivement les études
00:18:14 et dormir sur le canapé de potes à droite à gauche, ça ne marche qu'un temps.
00:18:18 Du coup, pour s'en sortir, il s'improvise gardien d'immeuble.
00:18:20 Il fait des heures sup' à nettoyer des cabinets de médecins ou de comptables.
00:18:23 Lui qui est incapable de nettoyer sa propre chambre,
00:18:25 il est payé à ranger celle des autres.
00:18:27 Il se retrouve aussi à squatter des couloirs d'immeubles
00:18:29 dans lesquels il dévisse les ampoules la nuit pour pouvoir dormir
00:18:32 avant de s'éclipser le matin pour esquiver les habitants.
00:18:34 Tout ça, c'est une période de lutte qu'il décrira des années plus tard dans sa chanson
00:18:37 "Something in the way".
00:18:38 Et comme à chaque fois, c'est une rencontre qui va marquer un tournant dans sa vie.
00:18:59 Cette fois, il rencontre Tracy.
00:19:01 Une femme qui va occuper une place extrêmement importante dans sa vie,
00:19:05 à qui il dédiera la chanson "About a girl".
00:19:08 Rapidement, ils s'installent ensemble et c'est l'amour fou.
00:19:25 Mais les travers de coeur te refont surface.
00:19:27 Il perd son emploi, le couple se retrouve dans la sauce financièrement
00:19:30 et c'est elle qui va devoir tenir le tout à flot grâce à un petit boulot dans une cortine.
00:19:34 Et c'était pas évident, elle allait jusqu'à devoir voler par nécessité, tu vois.
00:19:38 Et pendant qu'elle galère à maintenir leur couple, leur vie, tout ça,
00:19:41 Kurt, lui, il passe son temps juste à faire de la guitare.
00:19:43 Il ne fait que de la guitare toute la journée, il compose des musiques, ainsi de suite.
00:19:47 Ah non, il peint aussi.
00:19:49 Il peint des aliens étranges, des guitares explosées,
00:19:51 des horloges qui fondent, des corps mutilés, même des pornos avec des monstres.
00:19:55 Et du coup, c'est à ce moment-là aussi qu'il va découvrir autre chose que le cannabis ou l'alcool,
00:19:58 c'est-à-dire les drogues d'humeur. Et il va commencer par le LSD.
00:20:01 Et avec son groupe, ils vont continuer d'écumer les bars le soir, etc.
00:20:04 Alors bon, vous vous en doutez, les reprises de musique populaire, c'est cool,
00:20:07 mais il est temps pour eux de tenter une vraie aventure.
00:20:10 Kurt passe ses journées à composer de la musique et je crois qu'il est temps.
00:20:13 Il est temps d'avoir ses propres chansons, il est temps d'avoir un vrai groupe avec un nom.
00:20:16 Par exemple, qui pourrait s'appeler...
00:20:18 C'est une idée de Kurt qui, lui, était juste passionné par ce concept bouddhiste.
00:20:26 Le Nirvana, c'est tout simplement un état de sérénité ultime.
00:20:29 Et cet état de sérénité ultime, il peut être atteint qu'en renonçant à tous ses désirs humains.
00:20:34 Et ça, ça lui parle énormément.
00:20:35 Lui qui rêve de transcender ses désirs à travers la musique.
00:20:37 Et dès leur premier concert public dans l'underground, il n'y a aucun doute,
00:20:41 quelque chose de grand est en train de se produire.
00:20:54 Les paroles sonnent justes, la foule danse, les gens sont réceptifs.
00:20:57 Rapidement, on leur propose de jouer dans une autre barre, puis dans une salle.
00:21:00 Et on sent qu'il y a un truc qui se passe.
00:21:01 Mais ça y est, vous avez l'habitude, dès qu'il se passe quelque chose de bien,
00:21:04 il se repasse à un truc pas bien.
00:21:05 C'est aussi à ce moment-là que Kurt va commencer à ressentir d'autres douleurs,
00:21:08 mais cette fois, physiques.
00:21:09 Son estomac le fait énormément souffrir depuis quelques mois.
00:21:12 Et la douleur est si intense qu'il pense mettre encore fin à ses jours.
00:21:15 Il a beau consulter des médecins, ils sont incapables de diagnostiquer ce qu'il se passe.
00:21:20 La plupart des médecins gastro-intestinaux ne connaissent rien à propos des maladies du stomache.
00:21:27 Ils ont juste un PhD, vous savez.
00:21:29 Aucun diagnostic précis, malgré des traces évidentes d'inflammation.
00:21:33 Alors il va tenter de s'auto-médicamenter.
00:21:35 Et vous vous en doutez, c'est jamais une très très bonne idée.
00:21:37 L'histoire raconte que pour se soigner au début, il s'est tué au yaourt.
00:21:41 Tu sais les pubs là, Activia, où tu voyais la flèche dans le ventre,
00:21:44 où ça disait "les maux d'estomac, t'as plus mal, etc."
00:21:46 Lui il se dit "super, je m'encule au yaourt."
00:21:48 Et donc il bouffe du yaourt, etc.
00:21:50 Ça marche pas plus que ça.
00:21:51 Et puis il teste un truc, deux, trois, et ainsi de suite.
00:21:54 Jusqu'à tomber sur quelque chose qui marche plutôt pas mal.
00:21:57 L'héroïne.
00:21:59 C'est effectivement un peu plus efficace qu'un yaourt.
00:22:01 Et malheureusement pour Kurt, contrairement à tous les traitements qu'il a pu essayer,
00:22:05 cette drogue là, ça marche vraiment bien.
00:22:07 Et ça va être un terrible cercle vicieux pour lui.
00:22:09 Lui qui a lutté toute sa vie contre des souffrances mentales,
00:22:11 il doit désormais composer avec un corps qui semble le lâcher.
00:22:14 Pourtant cette douleur, c'est celle qui va l'inspirer à écrire.
00:22:16 Mais d'un autre côté, il serait prêt à tout lâcher pour que cette douleur disparaisse.
00:22:20 Et c'est là où le début des contradictions de Kurt va commencer.
00:22:22 Toute sa vie, il portera cette contradiction dans presque toutes ses chansons.
00:22:26 Mais si la drogue lui permet de calmer ses angoisses et ses douleurs,
00:22:28 ses problèmes eux ne disparaissent pas et continuent de s'empiler.
00:22:31 Son histoire d'amour avec Tracy, qui pensait pourtant solide et sincère,
00:22:34 va brutalement se terminer.
00:22:36 Et au milieu de toutes ces péripéties, on arrive à un moment clé de sa vie.
00:22:45 Si la vie de Kurt est chaotique, celle de Nirvana, elle, va aller de mieux en mieux.
00:22:49 Car à force de se faire remarquer sur toutes les petites scènes de Seattle,
00:22:52 le groupe va se faire approcher par Sub Pop,
00:22:54 un label indépendant phare du milieu punk rock.
00:22:56 Cela leur permet d'enregistrer professionnellement leur tout premier single,
00:22:59 Love Buzz, une reprise de shocking blues qui va absolument cartonner.
00:23:03 Et face à ce succès, le label va leur proposer de faire un EP.
00:23:14 Et ils vont dire "Non, Kurt il leur dit, ça fait depuis 6 piges que je fais de la musique,
00:23:18 je suis prêt depuis genre 15 ans en fait, venez on fait direct un album".
00:23:22 Et le label va finir par dire "Ok".
00:23:24 Alors, c'est quoi la recette magique du premier album de Nirvana ?
00:23:27 600$, 30 heures de studio et une petite pincée de génie.
00:23:31 *Musique*
00:23:33 *Musique*
00:23:35 *Musique*
00:23:37 ..no reason no reason
00:23:42 Is that another reason for your stain
00:23:47 Could you believe in a way that will sustain
00:23:50 It is another world that might be shameful
00:23:57 I need an easy friend
00:24:01 that I'll deliver into tomorrow
00:24:06 I need an easy friend
00:24:08 that I'll deliver into tomorrow
00:24:10 I need an easy friend
00:24:12 that I'll deliver into tomorrow
00:24:15 For the name, it will be Bleach.
00:24:17 And the sounds will be as punk as pop.
00:24:19 Which will surprise hardcore fans of the underground scene.
00:24:22 But Kurt doesn't care about the codes, he only follows his instinct and his pace.
00:24:25 And while the label was ready to sand some shampoo if they sold, I don't know, 1000 sales,
00:24:29 they manage to line up 40,000 sales.
00:24:32 And all the critics are super favorable.
00:24:34 So Nirvana is seriously starting to make a name for itself, and the machine is starting to run.
00:24:38 After all the trouble we just saw, Kurt will finally touch his first interesting check,
00:24:42 coming from the music, 3000 dollars.
00:24:44 He will use them to pay his late rent, and he will spend 1000 bucks at Toys R Us.
00:24:48 He buys a Nintendo, cameras, weapons, fake vomit and cut-off fake hands.
00:24:53 Here, money well spent, in my eyes.
00:24:56 They will even have a small international audience, which will allow them to tour Europe.
00:25:00 In a van a little mythic, but a tour anyway.
00:25:02 And it is on the roads of Europe that we will discover a new fascinating contradiction of Kurt.
00:25:06 He who does not hesitate to breathe aerosol bombs to get off,
00:25:09 he is terrified of having a road accident.
00:25:12 Kurt Cobain, the punk guy we imagine, he drives like a terrified granny.
00:25:18 Kurt Cobain dreamed of living from music, and he finally manages to achieve it.
00:25:28 So technically, that's it, he realizes his dream, and he must be happy.
00:25:32 It's never that simple.
00:25:33 There is something that annoys Kurt, it is that he cannot understand why the critics are so angry.
00:25:38 It annoys him that people make him a mess.
00:25:40 You can make music, like it, but the way you title the band, like the one who will break everything,
00:25:45 it puts pressure, and it's always a little weird.
00:25:47 And Kurt Cobain is not comfortable with that.
00:25:50 He who sings to rebel and express his suffering,
00:25:52 become a pop star like that, after years of being rejected, including by his own family,
00:25:57 the situation makes him terribly uncomfortable.
00:26:00 Because Kurt comes from the underground, and in the underground there is a rule that does not disturb anyone.
00:26:05 If your music is too popular, it is out of date.
00:26:08 And the other members of the band agree with him.
00:26:10 So the band all together will make a pact,
00:26:12 they will swear that if one day they are too famous, they will do everything to sabotage their career.
00:26:17 They nevertheless start to work on a second album, which they intend to call "Sheep" for sheep.
00:26:21 Just to make fun of the people who would buy it,
00:26:23 implied that it's just sheep who follow the opinion of the critics in vogue, etc.
00:26:26 Rather than going to look in the depths of real indie bands, as the real punk spirit would like.
00:26:32 And from there, we will arrive at yet another turn in Kurt's life.
00:26:35 Because already, he will fire his drummer, he did not agree, etc.
00:26:39 But above all, he will meet a guy named Dave Grohl.
00:26:41 It's another friend of his that he met, etc.
00:26:43 Who will replace him and become the drummer of the band.
00:26:45 He is very strong, but in a clean sense.
00:26:47 But above all, Kurt will meet a certain Toby.
00:26:57 A singer of a punk band that will greatly inspire him on the issues of feminism.
00:27:01 To the point where Kurt will reveal throughout his career to be a fervent defender of women's rights.
00:27:06 He will even show up in a skirt on stage to annoy the media at a time when it was understood.
00:27:23 Except that Toby will break his heart.
00:27:29 And she breaks his heart in 6 months.
00:27:31 Sometimes that's enough, you know.
00:27:32 And from this rage of having lost someone so dear, etc.
00:27:35 You know, there are a lot of beautiful things that come out of the ruptures.
00:27:37 There is a different mindset.
00:27:38 Well, it is from this experience that Kurt will be inspired to write a large part of this second album.
00:27:43 And this second album, they will not call it "Sheep", but "Nevermind".
00:27:57 And while Sub Pop is super hot to produce this album,
00:27:59 all the majors around the world end up rolling up the red carpet for Nirvana.
00:28:03 And obviously, the band understands that it is time to go at a higher speed.
00:28:06 In 1991, Nirvana will officially sign with DJC Records, which will buy back their contract.
00:28:11 DJC is a branch of the label Geffen Records, which produces among other things,
00:28:14 Gun N' Roses, Elton John or Nelly Ong.
00:28:17 So it's a lot.
00:28:18 They promise them important means and above all, total artistic freedom.
00:28:21 And with all that, the little guys who come from the bottom of America are on their way to conquer it.
00:28:27 The band locks themselves in a mythical studio, Sound City, and they get to work.
00:28:31 In the sounds, we find the very pop beat of the Beatles, which Kurt loves,
00:28:34 but all on extremely dark lyrics.
00:28:36 And it's all this contradiction between the punk and the pop, a little sweet, etc.
00:28:41 that will create all this color of Nirvana.
00:28:43 If we think, for example, of lithium,
00:28:45 he talks about a drug that is made to treat bipolar disorders,
00:28:49 but on a rhythm where you can dance it.
00:28:51 Yet it's not ...
00:28:53 [Music]
00:29:17 And that's how the mythical album Nevermind will be born,
00:29:20 which will contain legendary titles such as
00:29:22 "Come As You Are", "Lithium", "Something In The Way" and of course ...
00:29:26 [Music]
00:29:47 [Music]
00:30:00 Nothing predestined this title to be so powerful.
00:30:03 Kurt had to convince the whole band that it was a good idea to keep it,
00:30:06 while everyone hated him.
00:30:08 And I think he did well.
00:30:10 But in the studio, it's vinyl, everyone hates and everything,
00:30:12 and his ingestion, not convinced either, he imposes only one condition.
00:30:15 He says to him, "Ok, but only if you double your voice in the chorus.
00:30:18 We're going to do Dave's chorus.
00:30:20 On your voice. "
00:30:22 Kurt is like, "It's horrible to do that. Why do it?"
00:30:26 But the sound engineer insists, he says, "Yes, it will raise the song and everything,
00:30:29 the chorus will be more powerful, we have to do that."
00:30:31 That's what John Lennon was doing.
00:30:33 "Ah, well, come on, ok, we do it then.
00:30:35 If John Lennon does it, well, I'll do it. "
00:30:37 And what's funny about this story is that John Lennon, too,
00:30:39 he hated the idea of having to double his voices.
00:30:41 And this sound engineer, it was he who invented this technique.
00:30:44 And today, even in music, the voices are doubled
00:30:47 just to give a little more chest, more depth.
00:30:49 It's stupid, but you had to think about it at the beginning.
00:30:51 It's normal.
00:30:53 [Musique]
00:30:57 [Musique]
00:31:01 [Musique]
00:31:28 After recording the first raw mix of the album,
00:31:31 the whole band gathers for a first listen.
00:31:33 They're going to listen to it once, then two, then three, and never stop.
00:31:36 They're on their asses and can't get enough of having done such a masterclass.
00:31:40 At DJC Records, too, the album is going around in the offices,
00:31:42 everyone is absolutely conquered, but the game is not won yet.
00:31:45 [Musique]
00:31:48 [Musique]
00:31:51 [Musique]
00:31:54 [Musique]
00:31:57 [Musique]
00:32:00 [Musique]
00:32:03 [Musique]
00:32:06 [Musique]
00:32:09 [Musique]
00:32:12 The band still has to stay together to ensure the promo,
00:32:15 make amazing music videos, and do the concerts that go with it.
00:32:17 And if all the stars align, according to the label,
00:32:19 they could sell up to 500,000 albums.
00:32:21 And for Kurt, selling 500,000 albums
00:32:23 is 500,000 good reasons not to worry about the future.
00:32:26 To prepare the release of the album, they organize a small committee concert
00:32:28 to get the public's raw opinion.
00:32:30 We're talking about a small room, quite intimate, you know, 500 seats.
00:32:33 [Musique]
00:32:42 The band plays all its tracks, and Kurt is absolutely delighted.
00:32:45 He, who was afraid of sounding too pop,
00:32:47 he loved to see big angry pogo in the crowd, etc.
00:32:50 And it's almost embarrassing that Kurt is going to ask this audience,
00:32:53 it's a bit of a release party, you know.
00:32:55 If they're hot, come for the video, actually.
00:32:58 Because they have to make a video.
00:33:00 So, I'll let you imagine the organization of such a video,
00:33:02 of a group of totally fucked up punks,
00:33:04 but overall, it's catastrophic.
00:33:06 [Musique]
00:33:08 The extras wait for hours, they wait, they wait, and then, well,
00:33:11 you gather dozens of anarchists and punks in the same room,
00:33:14 who are bored, and inevitably, at some point, it ends up shaking.
00:33:17 And what you need to know is that all the footage of the video
00:33:19 where the extras play guitars, drums,
00:33:22 they're fucking up, etc.
00:33:24 It's just true.
00:33:26 At no time was it planned for the audience to do that.
00:33:29 And so, well, it's great, actually.
00:33:31 [Musique]
00:33:39 On August 27, 1991, the song is offered on the radio of the country.
00:33:43 But the broadcasters hesitate to pass it.
00:33:45 They don't understand Kurt's words.
00:33:47 Not because they're too difficult, no.
00:33:49 Just because he's mumbling and we don't understand anything.
00:33:51 It's great, you've done a good job, guys.
00:33:53 What is he saying?
00:33:54 But when the album finally comes out on September 24,
00:33:56 he's a total mess.
00:33:58 In two weeks, he's in the charts,
00:34:00 very few bands have managed to climb so fast,
00:34:02 and then, in the process, the famous video comes out,
00:34:04 a week after the album.
00:34:06 It's going to pass, and the video, by the way,
00:34:08 will still manage to get on MTV, thanks to small hands
00:34:10 who will strike within the channel if it doesn't pass.
00:34:14 Like, right up to the promo, people follow the move by being punks.
00:34:18 I don't know if you realize how much hype it is.
00:34:20 And here, there's another problem.
00:34:22 MTV, all the small hands put a bit of pressure on them.
00:34:24 They say, "Okay, we're going to pass the video,
00:34:26 but we don't understand a word of it."
00:34:28 Same problem as the radios.
00:34:30 And it's the first time in the history of, I don't know,
00:34:32 of MTV videos, that a video is forced to be subtitled.
00:34:35 "Smells Like Teen Spirit" will be subtitled when it comes out,
00:34:37 because just Kurt mumbles.
00:34:39 And listen, it works.
00:34:41 Well, it's not that it works, it's a real mess.
00:34:43 It's a real mess.
00:34:45 To the point where the video is broadcast more than 20 times a day on MTV
00:34:48 for more than 9 weeks.
00:34:50 All the young people of the time, seeing this video,
00:34:52 identified with the group.
00:34:53 It's a breath of fresh air for the whole generation.
00:34:55 And in the face of this success,
00:34:57 Kurt will send each member of the video a dedicated album,
00:34:59 a bit classy, with a little letter that says,
00:35:02 "Thanks for the shoot.
00:35:04 Just the fumigenes we breathed are carcinogenic."
00:35:08 Sorry, Kurt Cobain.
00:35:10 At the time, they must have thought, "Well, it's okay."
00:35:13 In short, the group starts again from "Plus Belle" on tour,
00:35:15 sales explode as the dates go by,
00:35:17 they go up to 100,000 when they reach San Diego,
00:35:19 200,000 when they go through LA,
00:35:21 then the gold record and its 500,000 sales a few days later.
00:35:24 The album "Nevermind" becomes a cultural phenomenon,
00:35:26 propelling the group and its leader Kurt Cobain
00:35:28 to the top of the world music scene.
00:35:30 But deep down, he's just a music nerd.
00:35:33 And when he's scheduled to go to a festival somewhere
00:35:35 and he's done with his show,
00:35:37 he undresses, puts on a wig, and goes out to have fun with the crowd,
00:35:40 with everyone else, because that's punk,
00:35:42 and that's what we like.
00:35:44 (Music)
00:35:48 (Music)
00:35:51 (Music)
00:36:14 (Music)
00:36:17 As usual, Kurt hates this show and this success.
00:36:20 Seeing the video go through 20 times a day for 9 weeks,
00:36:24 for him, that's becoming the ultimate consumer product.
00:36:27 In other words, the least punk thing possible.
00:36:30 And then, in any case, such a sudden celebrity,
00:36:32 it's going to traumatize all three of them in their own way,
00:36:35 because it's just not normal to explode so quickly,
00:36:38 no matter the musical style, in any case.
00:36:40 Christ, the bassist, will take refuge in alcohol,
00:36:42 and to Kurt's surprise, he's increasing his heroin consumption a lot.
00:36:45 And then Dave, well...
00:36:47 (Music)
00:36:50 On stage, we can see that he's clearly diminished,
00:36:56 or even exhausted by this whole situation,
00:36:58 but it's not the scene that's going to put an end to it,
00:37:00 it's the media.
00:37:01 The over-media makes him crazy,
00:37:03 and the interviews bore him deeply.
00:37:05 - What do you think about interviews?
00:37:06 - It's a pretty good magazine.
00:37:08 - Did you hear my reaction when he asked me if I wanted to do one?
00:37:10 - Yeah.
00:37:11 - I said f*** no.
00:37:13 I said heck no.
00:37:15 But, in the middle of all this mess, he finds a light,
00:37:17 and this light is called Courtney Love.
00:37:20 And Courtney is going to become the woman of his life.
00:37:22 Courtney is an icon of the punk and feminist movement of the time,
00:37:25 the guitarist and singer of the band Hole.
00:37:28 (Music)
00:37:31 And then, beyond music, rock, rebellion,
00:37:36 both come from a broken family,
00:37:38 and they both dream of starting a solid and loving family.
00:37:41 So, obviously, it's a perfect match.
00:37:43 Very, very good.
00:37:45 Maybe too good.
00:37:46 There's a shadow on the table.
00:37:47 Let's say that their lives are a tad too compatible.
00:37:50 Simply because they're both addicted to heroin.
00:37:52 (Ocean, Ocean, Ocean)
00:37:57 And sometimes, they even talk about the fact that when they were young,
00:37:59 they both underwent a treatment for Ritalin.
00:38:02 And that, precisely, both of them were haunted by it too.
00:38:04 A funny thing in common.
00:38:05 And so, because we love anecdotes,
00:38:06 from the first date, we understood that it was an unusual couple.
00:38:09 According to Courtney,
00:38:10 they would go to a park to inject themselves with heroin.
00:38:13 Then, Kurt would see a dead pigeon.
00:38:15 He would take it in his hands,
00:38:17 and start pulling out three feathers.
00:38:19 One for Courtney, one for him,
00:38:21 and one for the child they will have one day.
00:38:23 And it's so romantic.
00:38:24 Wouldn't the team ship them?
00:38:26 (Yes!)
00:38:27 And with this new tour,
00:38:28 Kurt will simply cancel his tour.
00:38:30 He said, "I just want to be with my girl,
00:38:32 to break my face with heroin,
00:38:33 I'm fed up with the media, interviews, success, etc.
00:38:37 I just want to have fun with my girl."
00:38:39 And it's at the same time, ultra-contradictory,
00:38:40 because he was rejected all his life.
00:38:42 Now, he's trying to escape the too much love
00:38:44 he receives from his audience,
00:38:45 because for him, it's too artificial.
00:38:47 He says to himself, "But it has no value."
00:38:49 He will spend his days with his girl,
00:39:01 playing the guitar,
00:39:02 getting high,
00:39:03 and painting.
00:39:04 And all of this, even if it's not the ideal scheme,
00:39:05 it's very convenient to keep,
00:39:06 because it's on the same wavelength.
00:39:08 And in just one year,
00:39:09 just like his own parents,
00:39:10 they will end up getting married.
00:39:11 Kurt will be in pajamas during the ceremony.
00:39:14 But hey, you can imagine,
00:39:15 even trying to live hidden and live happy,
00:39:17 the media don't give a shit.
00:39:18 They will harass them.
00:39:19 Article after article,
00:39:21 they track them down in the street
00:39:22 and scrutinize their every move.
00:39:23 Some paparazzi even come to search their trash
00:39:26 in search of syringes and other elements
00:39:27 that could be compromising.
00:39:28 And when they find something,
00:39:29 they take the opportunity to say that Kurt and Courtney
00:39:31 are the perfect example of the couple of lost toxico
00:39:34 with destructive behavior.
00:39:35 And that, you know how much Kurt loves the media now,
00:39:38 it will destroy him even more,
00:39:39 and even more,
00:39:40 and even more.
00:39:41 So Kurt will increase the dosage of heroin,
00:39:43 except that there is a point of no return,
00:39:45 it's because he will start to become paranoid.
00:39:47 Yes, it can trigger this kind of thing.
00:39:49 And with the accumulation of everything that happens in his life,
00:39:51 he even has more and more pronounced morbid obsessions.
00:39:54 It is said that once,
00:39:55 he will spend more than two whole days
00:39:56 watching the same video in a row
00:39:58 on his magnetoscope.
00:39:59 The one of an American senator
00:40:01 shooting a bullet in the head
00:40:02 in front of journalists.
00:40:03 And every time this skull explodes,
00:40:05 Kurt rewinds the tape
00:40:06 and presses play.
00:40:07 Courtney, who is also very addicted
00:40:10 and far in addiction,
00:40:11 starts to be afraid for him.
00:40:13 When she asks him what he is now aspiring to,
00:40:15 he answers in a very simple way,
00:40:16 "I'm going to make a few million more
00:40:18 and then I'm going to become a junkie
00:40:19 for the rest of my life."
00:40:20 He does not mention glory,
00:40:21 nor love,
00:40:22 none of that.
00:40:23 Kurt no longer has dreams,
00:40:24 except for his next heroin shoot.
00:40:28 Ce matin, à 6h,
00:40:30 j'ai été sédéqué dans l'arme.
00:40:34 Hum, tu as perdu la vie,
00:40:37 on sait tous de tes petits problèmes.
00:40:39 Oh, les fesses, les fesses,
00:40:41 je les garde en vie.
00:40:43 And I must tell you that his consumption
00:40:45 is very serious.
00:40:46 We are talking about more than 400 bucks
00:40:47 per day of consumption.
00:40:48 Well, 400 bucks is a bit of a fuzzy number like that,
00:40:50 but partly because people have understood
00:40:52 that it's Kurt Cobain,
00:40:53 he is super rich,
00:40:54 he is the number one Yankley,
00:40:55 that is to say that they will not hesitate
00:40:56 at all to make him pay
00:40:57 so much for his doses.
00:40:58 In short, with all this,
00:40:59 obviously his relatives begin to worry,
00:41:00 but very seriously for him.
00:41:02 And when he tells him,
00:41:03 he says to him,
00:41:04 "Do not worry, the heroin will not kill me,
00:41:05 it will be a bullet in the head."
00:41:06 And yet it is in this absolutely chaotic context
00:41:08 that our two turtles
00:41:09 will try a new adventure,
00:41:10 that of having a child.
00:41:12 On August 18, 1992,
00:41:19 Kurt and Courtney welcome in their life
00:41:21 little Frances Cobain.
00:41:23 And it's a real ray of sunshine in their life.
00:41:25 Kurt loves her more than anything in the world,
00:41:27 and he is ready for anything
00:41:28 to make her an exemplary life.
00:41:30 But as she has just given birth,
00:41:46 Courtney will receive a fax.
00:41:48 At the time, there were faxes.
00:41:50 And this fax is a vanity fair article
00:41:52 that must be released in a few days.
00:41:54 In this article, it talks about Courtney.
00:41:55 Except that in this article,
00:41:56 the journalists focus on Courtney,
00:41:58 her relationship with Kurt,
00:41:59 her heroin consumption,
00:42:00 and they really emphasize the fact
00:42:02 that she took a lot of heroin during her pregnancy.
00:42:04 Which is unfortunately true,
00:42:06 but Frances got out of it without sequelae.
00:42:08 For the couple, it's an absolute shock.
00:42:10 The next day,
00:42:11 Kurt returns to the hospital room
00:42:12 armed with a gun.
00:42:14 And he reminds Courtney
00:42:15 that he had made a promise one day.
00:42:16 That of killing each other
00:42:18 if ever the guard of their child
00:42:19 risked escaping them.
00:42:20 Because Kurt knows that with such an article,
00:42:22 social services will come to get his little angel.
00:42:24 Fortunately, Courtney will have a flash of lucidity
00:42:27 and play the game.
00:42:28 She will take the gun from her hands
00:42:29 telling her that she wants to shoot first.
00:42:30 And once she had the gun,
00:42:32 she started to scream very loudly.
00:42:33 A friend who was not far could intervene
00:42:35 and no one will be dead that day.
00:42:37 And even if Courtney is still afraid,
00:42:39 she too, of the consequences of such an article,
00:42:41 she still refuses to imagine Frances
00:42:43 growing up without her parents.
00:42:44 Not after all that they said to each other,
00:42:45 not after their promise,
00:42:46 not after being told that their biggest dream
00:42:48 is really to have a solid and loving home.
00:42:50 But no surprise, they will not keep the baby.
00:42:52 The article comes out a few days later
00:42:54 and a judge for children forces them
00:42:55 to entrust the child to a nanny of their choice.
00:42:57 As for them, they will have to be examined regularly
00:42:59 for several months
00:43:00 and prove that they remain clean
00:43:01 to be able to recover it.
00:43:02 And you know what?
00:43:03 Well, it works!
00:43:04 The couple accepts the judgment without wavering
00:43:06 and resume their respective careers.
00:43:08 Kurt, he will fly away immediately
00:43:09 for the Reading Festival in England.
00:43:11 And he's not stupid,
00:43:12 to make fun of the media he hates so much,
00:43:14 who are convinced that he will be too screwed
00:43:16 to come and play,
00:43:17 he will appear on stage in a wheelchair,
00:43:18 disguised in medical gear,
00:43:20 pretending to fall into the bars.
00:43:22 Nirvana will surely give one of its most mythical performances
00:43:39 of their career.
00:43:40 [Nirvana - "Dangerous" playing]
00:44:04 Two months without ever having rehearsed,
00:44:06 they will chain 25 sounds in front of a crowd on time.
00:44:09 And Kurt, a great romantic,
00:44:10 will ask the audience to chant "Courtney, we love you",
00:44:13 he who is terrified of the idea that the press hates her.
00:44:15 Cette chanson est dédiée à ma fille de 12 ans et à ma femme.
00:44:20 Il y a des choses assez extrêmes écrites sur nous,
00:44:23 surtout ma femme,
00:44:24 et elle pense que tout le monde la déteste maintenant.
00:44:27 C'est en train de s'enregistrer,
00:44:28 alors pourquoi ne pas lui donner un message
00:44:30 et lui dire "Courtney, nous t'aimons".
00:44:32 Ok, prêts?
00:44:34 Au count de 3.
00:44:35 1, 2, 3.
00:44:37 "Courtney, nous t'aimons".
00:44:40 Merci.
00:44:41 And you know what's crazy about all this?
00:44:44 This mythical performance, so powerful,
00:44:46 was made with a sober Kurt.
00:44:48 He went on stage without drugs,
00:44:49 he was just carried away by his daughter's love
00:44:51 and his desire to see her again.
00:44:53 That's beautiful.
00:44:54 But this euphoria will soon fall back.
00:44:55 It's only that, right?
00:44:56 Because Kurt, even if he manages to stay clean for his daughter,
00:44:59 he's just starting to realize how much he hates
00:45:01 going on stage sober.
00:45:03 And that's another problem.
00:45:04 The flash, the noise, the crowd, it haunts him.
00:45:07 He hated it.
00:45:08 You get it, his paranoia catches up with him
00:45:10 and he's going to start chaining the shows.
00:45:11 Disaster.
00:45:12 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:45:17 Fortunately, this desert crossing will end up paying off.
00:45:19 In March 1993, the couple gets back Frances's custody.
00:45:22 Kurt is so happy.
00:45:23 He feels like he's witnessing his birth again.
00:45:26 And we could hope that he'll finally get to get rid of the drug of his life,
00:45:29 but a few weeks later,
00:45:30 the emergency services receive a call from the Cobain's house.
00:45:33 Kurt is in a full overdose.
00:45:35 And he's completely immersed in the heroine.
00:45:38 But paradoxically, it gives him back a taste for life, music, etc.
00:45:41 Because he needs that too for music.
00:45:43 But at the same time, for his family, he hates it.
00:45:45 You get how complicated it gets.
00:45:48 Because if he doesn't like the music industry or the celebrity he's going with,
00:45:51 he continues to have an eternal love for composing music,
00:45:54 creating songs.
00:45:55 It's his first love, really.
00:45:56 But the nuance is that he has to be...
00:45:58 Well, he's going to be smashed.
00:45:59 So he's going to smash himself and get the energy back.
00:46:02 And that's when the band will be motivated to make a third album.
00:46:04 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:46:06 This time, it will be at the height of the underground.
00:46:08 With raw, abrasive sounds,
00:46:10 far from Nevermind.
00:46:11 They don't want to make a hit album again.
00:46:13 They want something rock,
00:46:14 even unheard of,
00:46:16 only to lose their audience.
00:46:19 When they said they'd sabotage their career in the event of success,
00:46:21 they weren't lying.
00:46:22 But...
00:46:23 In fact, they're still musical geniuses.
00:46:25 They tried to suck,
00:46:26 well...
00:46:27 They failed.
00:46:28 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:46:35 Yes, it's super dark.
00:46:36 Yes, it's a lot less pop.
00:46:38 Yes, it's mainly about Kurt's dark thoughts, etc.
00:46:41 But they still managed to make a classic.
00:46:43 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:47:10 So they don't really manage to sabotage the music.
00:47:12 Shit !
00:47:13 So what do you do ?
00:47:14 You sabotage the promo.
00:47:15 They have to do almost nothing to highlight the release.
00:47:18 Which won't prevent In Utero, their third album,
00:47:20 from quickly getting to the top of the charts.
00:47:22 The critics are good,
00:47:23 the fans are there.
00:47:24 It's unbearable for them.
00:47:25 And in fact, what I'm saying is that the industry
00:47:27 and the punk aspect they had
00:47:28 could have justified all their choices.
00:47:30 They could have even made a silent album.
00:47:32 People would have said,
00:47:33 "But it's genius, guys are always against the trend.
00:47:36 There are live extracts where they sabotage themselves,
00:47:38 they do it on purpose to sing badly
00:47:40 because they thought the shows were shit."
00:47:42 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:47:59 And even there, it's a bit good.
00:48:00 Well, even if it's good.
00:48:01 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:48:07 That's why the guys are stuck.
00:48:08 It's not the best metaphor,
00:48:09 but you see a guy who makes jokes all the time,
00:48:10 the day he says something for real,
00:48:11 you don't believe him.
00:48:12 Well, yes, they have a bit of this syndrome
00:48:13 where they are just so loved
00:48:14 and idolatry makes you...
00:48:16 [whistles]
00:48:17 that in fact, you could justify almost all their choices.
00:48:18 After that said, musically,
00:48:19 the album remains a classic.
00:48:20 Or just, they were very badly advised in sabotage.
00:48:22 But...
00:48:23 You have to do something, guys.
00:48:24 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:48:25 In parallel, we go back home,
00:48:27 Courtney, she, is really trying to get out of addiction.
00:48:30 Which is obviously hard with a Kurt
00:48:31 who consumes H24 under his nose.
00:48:33 And to show you how cynical Kurt was with her
00:48:35 and how much the drug had taken its place,
00:48:37 it's because he encouraged her to join support groups,
00:48:40 a group called Narcotics Anonymous,
00:48:42 crazy name.
00:48:43 And appearance and everything,
00:48:44 it's a good thing normally,
00:48:45 except that for him,
00:48:46 it was just a good opportunity
00:48:47 that she is not at home
00:48:48 so that he can consume and be quiet.
00:48:50 A concern hides another.
00:48:52 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:48:58 In Utero, the new Nirvana album
00:49:00 that you can listen to on CD,
00:49:01 the nice trio Grunge Nirvana,
00:49:04 in preview of the concerts they will give this month
00:49:06 here in the eight corners of the hexagon.
00:49:07 On March 1, 1994,
00:49:09 while the group is touring in Europe,
00:49:11 Kurt breaks the record again.
00:49:12 You understood the chorus,
00:49:13 the celebrity, the fame,
00:49:14 all that, he can not take it anymore.
00:49:16 Not to mention his stomach aches
00:49:17 which he still can not get rid of.
00:49:19 He has consulted the most famous doctors in the world,
00:49:22 nothing is done.
00:49:23 Even the heroine begins to show her limits.
00:49:26 So, in Germany, he cracks.
00:49:28 He asks a doctor to sign him papers
00:49:30 to cancel all his next concerts.
00:49:32 He will take advantage of his little sick break
00:49:34 to go to Rome,
00:49:35 just to have a good time,
00:49:36 to have a good time,
00:49:37 and keep in mind that she is in the middle of preparing her next album,
00:49:40 she will join him on March 3
00:49:41 to spend a night in a hotel and comfort him a little.
00:49:43 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:49:46 And yet, the next morning,
00:49:48 she will discover Kurt
00:49:49 completely livid
00:49:51 next to her.
00:49:52 [♫ Musique ♫]
00:50:00 At first, it sounds like an overdose.
00:50:02 She takes him to the hospital in an emergency
00:50:04 where the doctors discover that he has ingested
00:50:06 a quasi-fatal dose of rohypnol,
00:50:08 a sedative mixed with opiates and alcohol.
00:50:11 For the media of the whole world, no doubt,
00:50:13 it's an overdose.
00:50:14 Enough to make a good title,
00:50:15 Kurt Cobain, the mega-toxic,
00:50:17 blah blah blah.
00:50:18 But short,
00:50:19 she has a secret.
00:50:20 It was not an overdose,
00:50:22 but indeed,
00:50:23 an attempt to commit suicide.
00:50:25 In his left hand,
00:50:26 he firmly held a letter,
00:50:27 three pages in which he writes that death
00:50:30 is the only thing that can free him from his sufferings.
00:50:32 That he doesn't want to make music anymore anyway,
00:50:34 that he feels that Courtney doesn't like him anymore,
00:50:36 so rather die than divorce.
00:50:39 Kurt miraculously gets out of it
00:50:41 and returns home,
00:50:42 in Seattle.
00:50:43 And there, his addiction will again take
00:50:45 disproportionate proportions.
00:50:46 Suddenly, Courtney will give him an ultimatum,
00:50:48 no more drugs at home,
00:50:49 or she divorces.
00:50:51 No problem for Kurt,
00:50:53 who will spend his nights outside his villa
00:50:55 for several million dollars,
00:50:57 just to inject doses
00:50:58 in a mythic motel.
00:51:01 And to show you how absurd
00:51:02 Kurt's life is at that moment in his life,
00:51:04 the doctor,
00:51:05 who was following him
00:51:06 precisely to treat his addiction, etc.
00:51:08 dies of an overdose.
00:51:10 On March 18th,
00:51:15 Courtney calls the police in panic.
00:51:16 Kurt has just locked himself in a room
00:51:18 armed with a hunting rifle.
00:51:19 He refuses to open the door.
00:51:21 Agents intervene
00:51:22 and have all the weapons removed from the house
00:51:24 before a drama occurs.
00:51:26 And Kurt, he plays the idiot
00:51:27 and says he just wanted to isolate himself
00:51:29 a little bit from his wife.
00:51:30 And to show you how chaotic it is,
00:51:31 it's that Courtney, his wife,
00:51:32 will give exactly the same version
00:51:34 as Kurt to defend him.
00:51:36 When the agents, the police, etc.
00:51:37 will ask him if Kurt is suicidal or what,
00:51:39 she will deny it in a block.
00:51:40 While, you know,
00:51:41 he has blacked out entire suicide notes
00:51:44 and he is not at his first try.
00:51:46 A week later, on March 25th,
00:51:51 afraid that their whole world will collapse,
00:51:53 she will call a dozen of Kurt's relatives
00:51:55 to put him in front of his responsibilities.
00:51:58 All together, they make him understand
00:51:59 that he absolutely must follow a cure for detox
00:52:02 and hold on to it.
00:52:03 And to be taken seriously,
00:52:04 they threaten him.
00:52:05 For example, Courtney threatens to divorce
00:52:07 if he does not accept
00:52:08 and Christ, his most faithful friend,
00:52:10 will leave Nirvana if he refuses.
00:52:13 It is therefore an extremely hard moment
00:52:15 but also a kind of ultimatum
00:52:16 to wake Kurt up.
00:52:17 We are talking about people who sincerely love him
00:52:19 and who are just at the end
00:52:21 and who try everything for everything.
00:52:23 Kurt will defend himself by saying
00:52:24 that if he survived so far,
00:52:26 it is precisely thanks to the drug
00:52:27 and that without it,
00:52:28 it would be a long time that he would have died.
00:52:30 And while he is going to give his speech
00:52:31 to the loved ones,
00:52:33 he will feel a deep sadness in him.
00:52:35 Because he is afraid of abandonment, etc.
00:52:37 He will feel rejected once again
00:52:39 by his family, his friends,
00:52:40 by the people who love him
00:52:41 and once again, not to be understood.
00:52:43 And suddenly, even if it is almost psychological
00:52:45 or perhaps linked to a trauma, etc.
00:52:47 he lives it as an ultimate betrayal.
00:52:49 So he refuses.
00:52:50 No, he will not go to the detox cure.
00:52:53 He will not heal.
00:52:54 Too bad for his group,
00:52:55 too bad for the couple,
00:52:56 too bad for everything else.
00:52:58 Faced with his obstinacy,
00:52:59 all his relatives will end up leaving the room,
00:53:01 tears in their eyes.
00:53:03 Kurt will simply go back to see his dealer.
00:53:06 Yet in his notebooks,
00:53:07 he too dreams of being sober
00:53:08 and hates not to be able to do so.
00:53:11 And the situation will be so improbable
00:53:13 that even his dealers will start to worry.
00:53:16 To the point where they will even end up
00:53:17 refusing to sell him drugs
00:53:19 because they are so afraid for his health.
00:53:21 And when even your own dealers
00:53:23 worry about your health
00:53:24 and refuse to sell you,
00:53:25 I let you imagine the state in which he could be.
00:53:28 So he will end up paying drug dealers
00:53:30 to be able to get doses.
00:53:32 And there it is even sadder,
00:53:33 he will end up in mythic squats,
00:53:35 sharing syringes.
00:53:36 He will overdose on it,
00:53:38 except that,
00:53:39 afraid of drawing the attention of the police
00:53:40 on the squat and all the other drugs,
00:53:42 all the drugs around him
00:53:43 prefer to throw him outside
00:53:45 and throw him on a parking lot
00:53:46 while he is convulsing.
00:53:48 The world star of punk.
00:53:50 Alone, on the verge of death,
00:53:52 rejected by the whole universe.
00:53:55 Faced with the sadness of the situation,
00:54:02 Kurt at some point
00:54:03 will still try to get a grip
00:54:05 and he will go to the detoxification cure.
00:54:07 And it is Christ, his best friend,
00:54:08 who will voluntarily carry him
00:54:10 to take him directly to the airport.
00:54:12 But on the road,
00:54:13 Kurt opens the car door
00:54:15 and tries to jump
00:54:16 in the middle of the highway.
00:54:17 Christ manages despite everything
00:54:19 to get to the airport
00:54:20 and it is in the middle of a terminal
00:54:22 that the two men
00:54:23 will suddenly fight.
00:54:25 Yes, Kurt is so scared
00:54:27 of the idea of ​​going to the detoxification cure
00:54:29 that he will start fighting
00:54:30 with his best friend
00:54:31 not to go there.
00:54:32 I don't know if you realize
00:54:33 the distress of the scene.
00:54:35 He will hit Christ's face,
00:54:37 his best friend,
00:54:38 childhood friend,
00:54:39 and he will try to escape.
00:54:40 They will both end up on the ground
00:54:42 fighting.
00:54:43 Kurt will end up
00:54:44 managing to escape
00:54:45 by shouting "Fuck you".
00:54:47 Christ, he leaves from there
00:54:48 crying.
00:54:49 The Kurt he knows
00:54:51 simply no longer exists.
00:54:53 And deep down,
00:54:54 he already knows
00:54:55 that this may be the last time
00:54:56 he will see him alive.
00:54:58 Returning home,
00:54:59 Kurt realizes the absurdity
00:55:00 of the situation,
00:55:01 of what just happened, etc.
00:55:02 And it will be another shock for him.
00:55:04 That's it,
00:55:05 in fact, he is completely lost.
00:55:06 It's a real point of no return.
00:55:07 So he derealizes a little.
00:55:08 He knows that detoxification
00:55:09 is one of the last solutions.
00:55:10 It's even the last solution
00:55:11 he has left.
00:55:12 He thinks about his wife,
00:55:13 he thinks about his daughter, etc.
00:55:15 He says to himself,
00:55:16 "Ok, maybe I have to go
00:55:17 to the detoxification center,
00:55:18 but before that,
00:55:19 I have something to do.
00:55:20 What if I took a huge dose of..."
00:55:22 On March 30,
00:55:25 he finally arrives in Los Angeles
00:55:27 and registers near the Exodus Recovery Center.
00:55:29 And everything goes very well
00:55:30 the first few hours
00:55:31 before he decides
00:55:32 to escape in the middle of the night.
00:55:34 He climbs a wall of the house
00:55:35 and heads for the airport.
00:55:37 Despite everything,
00:55:39 he takes the time to call his wife
00:55:40 to tell her this,
00:55:41 "No matter what happens,
00:55:43 know that I love you."
00:55:45 It will be the last time
00:55:46 that Courtney will hear his voice.
00:55:48 A few hours later,
00:55:53 the center contacts him
00:55:54 to tell him that Kurt has disappeared.
00:55:56 It immediately contacts the police
00:55:58 and a private detective
00:55:59 to increase his chances of finding him.
00:56:01 The police will obviously
00:56:02 go search his house,
00:56:03 but without forcing it too much.
00:56:04 What happened
00:56:05 is that they just asked
00:56:06 workers who worked in the house
00:56:08 if they hadn't seen Kurt.
00:56:09 And overall,
00:56:10 the workers said no.
00:56:11 I know it's afflicting to say it like that,
00:56:13 but that's what happened.
00:56:14 They said,
00:56:15 "You haven't seen Kurt?"
00:56:16 "No."
00:56:17 "OK."
00:56:18 And if I told you
00:56:19 that there is a reason
00:56:20 that makes sense.
00:56:21 At Kurt's,
00:56:22 Kali lives full time.
00:56:23 A man who served as a nanny
00:56:24 in Frances
00:56:25 and now guards the house.
00:56:26 Obviously,
00:56:27 Courtney and the police
00:56:28 are convinced that
00:56:29 if Kurt went home,
00:56:30 Kali would have warned them.
00:56:31 That's what makes sense.
00:56:32 The only problem
00:56:33 is that Kali
00:56:34 is also a huge
00:56:35 drug addict.
00:56:36 And Kali is the last guy
00:56:37 who will meet Kurt.
00:56:38 And when he meets Kurt
00:56:39 back at the center,
00:56:40 he is so pissed off
00:56:41 that he just feels
00:56:42 like he's having a bad dream.
00:56:43 So,
00:56:44 he will warn no one.
00:56:45 Courtney will call home
00:56:46 in panic a few hours later
00:56:47 and she will just
00:56:48 come across Kali
00:56:49 who is still so pissed off
00:56:50 and who will confirm to her
00:56:51 that no,
00:56:52 Kurt is not at home.
00:56:53 No, no,
00:56:54 there is no noise.
00:56:55 He is pissed off.
00:56:56 The guy is useless.
00:56:57 And it's only the next day
00:56:58 when he wakes up
00:56:59 that he will realize
00:57:00 that it was maybe
00:57:01 not just a dream
00:57:02 and so he will call Courtney
00:57:03 and warn her.
00:57:04 Courtney, of course,
00:57:05 is furious
00:57:06 and she will ask
00:57:07 a trusted friend
00:57:08 to go search the house.
00:57:09 He goes back
00:57:10 all the steps
00:57:11 one by one
00:57:12 looking for a trace
00:57:13 of Kurt
00:57:14 in every corner
00:57:15 but in vain.
00:57:16 And while searching,
00:57:17 he will just forget
00:57:18 to check a place
00:57:19 on the property.
00:57:20 The greenhouse
00:57:21 which is located
00:57:22 at the bottom of the garden.
00:57:23 Where is exactly
00:57:24 Kurt
00:57:25 armed with a shotgun
00:57:26 plunged in the darkness
00:57:27 of a small place.
00:57:28 This gun
00:57:29 is a weapon
00:57:30 that a friend bought him.
00:57:31 Kurt simply made him believe
00:57:32 that crazy people
00:57:33 were walking around
00:57:34 near his house
00:57:35 and that he needed it
00:57:36 to defend himself.
00:57:37 He who no longer had the right
00:57:38 to have a gun at home,
00:57:39 it was one of the only
00:57:40 people who could
00:57:41 have a gun.
00:57:42 And he was right.
00:57:43 He was right
00:57:44 to have a gun
00:57:45 at home.
00:57:46 He was right
00:57:47 to have a gun
00:57:48 at home.
00:57:49 He was right
00:57:50 to have a gun
00:57:51 at home.
00:57:52 He was right
00:57:53 to have a gun
00:57:54 at home.
00:57:55 He was right
00:57:56 to have a gun
00:57:57 at home.
00:57:58 He was right
00:57:59 to have a gun
00:58:00 at home.
00:58:01 He was right
00:58:02 to have a gun
00:58:03 at home.
00:58:04 He was right
00:58:05 to have a gun
00:58:06 at home.
00:58:07 He was right
00:58:08 to have a gun
00:58:09 at home.
00:58:10 He was right
00:58:11 to have a gun
00:58:12 at home.
00:58:13 He was right
00:58:14 to have a gun
00:58:15 at home.
00:58:16 He was right
00:58:17 to have a gun
00:58:18 at home.
00:58:19 He was right
00:58:20 to have a gun
00:58:21 at home.
00:58:22 He was right
00:58:23 to have a gun
00:58:24 at home.
00:58:25 He was right
00:58:26 to have a gun
00:58:27 at home.
00:58:28 He was right
00:58:29 to have a gun
00:58:30 at home.
00:58:31 He was right
00:58:32 to have a gun
00:58:33 at home.
00:58:34 He was right
00:58:35 to have a gun
00:58:36 at home.
00:58:37 He was right
00:58:38 to have a gun
00:58:39 at home.
00:58:40 He was right
00:58:41 to have a gun
00:58:42 at home.
00:58:43 He was right
00:58:44 to have a gun
00:58:45 at home.
00:58:46 He was right
00:58:47 to have a gun
00:58:48 at home.
00:58:49 He was right
00:58:50 to have a gun
00:58:51 at home.
00:58:52 He was right
00:58:53 to have a gun
00:58:54 at home.
00:58:55 He was right
00:58:56 to have a gun
00:58:57 at home.
00:58:58 He was right
00:58:59 to have a gun
00:59:00 at home.
00:59:01 He was right
00:59:02 to have a gun
00:59:03 at home.
00:59:04 He was right
00:59:05 to have a gun
00:59:06 at home.
00:59:07 He was right
00:59:08 to have a gun
00:59:09 at home.
00:59:10 He was right
00:59:11 to have a gun
00:59:12 at home.
00:59:13 He was right
00:59:14 to have a gun
00:59:15 at home.
00:59:16 He was right
00:59:17 to have a gun
00:59:18 at home.
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00:59:21 at home.
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00:59:36 at home.
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00:59:39 at home.
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00:59:47 to have a gun
00:59:48 at home.
00:59:49 He was right
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00:59:51 at home.
00:59:52 He was right
00:59:53 to have a gun
00:59:54 at home.
00:59:55 He was right
00:59:56 to have a gun
00:59:57 at home.
00:59:58 He was right
00:59:59 to have a gun
01:00:00 at home.
01:00:01 He was right
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01:00:03 at home.
01:00:04 He was right
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01:03:10 He was right