Cela ne peut en être autrement ! Disparition d'Émile, 2 ans: les terribles aveux du maire du Vernet

  • last year
Cela ne peut en être autrement ! Disparition d'Émile, 2 ans: les terribles aveux du maire du Vernet
#Aujourd'hui #d'Émile


00:00 This cannot be otherwise.
00:02 Disappearance of Emil, 2 years old, the categorical vice of the mayor of Auvergnet.
00:06 After more than 4 weeks of vain research, the doubt persists in Auvergnet.
00:14 No trace of Emil, a 2 and a half year old boy, has been found.
00:22 A judicial report has been opened for disturbing disappearance and the mayor of Hameau in question has shared his feelings with the CNU micro.
00:30 It's been exactly a month since Emil, a 2 and a half year old boy, disappeared.
00:38 Kept by his maternal grandparents in early summer, he escaped their surveillance on Saturday, July 8, 2023.
00:51 The extensive searches have not given anything.
00:53 The investigation, where all the leads are considered and which has now entered its long phase,
00:58 leaves free rein to all assumptions, while the family has just taken a civil part to be informed of all the progress of the case by the justice.
01:07 If the lawyer chosen by the family does not want to express himself in the media,
01:14 CNU has collected the impressions of François Balique, mayor of Haut-Vernay, Hameau in which Emil was last seen.
01:21 Anger is palpable in François Balique's voice.
01:28 The little village's edile has shared his feelings after a month of vain research,
01:33 "My feeling, if there is anger.
01:39 When we see that we have not found Emil in the commune, it is clear that he has necessarily been moved.
01:45 It can not be otherwise.
01:50 He could only have been moved by adults, by one or more adults.
01:54 Either we are dealing with a madman, or we are dealing with someone Machiavellian.
02:01 Visibly very affected by this case, he goes back to justice hoping the end of this case that hurts a whole family and affects the whole of France.
02:10 A destabilized Hameau, a family in the PNT.
02:17 Haut-Vernay reopened its doors on Monday August 7.
02:20 The prohibition of access to the Hameau des Alpes de Haute-Provence has not been renewed.
02:28 The Hameau was renewed at the end of last week, learned this Monday 7.
02:32 All France Info near the mayor of the village.
02:35 Its access, previously limited to try to find calm, let investigators work and avoid any unhealthy curiosity,
02:45 is therefore again authorized to all since Saturday evening, after nearly a month of closure.
02:51 The mayor reserves the right to restore it if the situation requires it.
02:57 At the same time, the relatives of thousands are trying to continue their daily life.
03:01 The mayor of the Garçonnet, Marie, mother of the family, and her little sister Alaïssa Gédin were seen going to the village pool.
03:12 At the end of July, four members of the clan were seen at the traditional mass in the neighborhood of Seine-les-Alpes.
