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Borsalino (TF1 Séries Films) : pourquoi le film avec Alain Delon et Jean-Paul Belmondo n’a pas pu être diffusé à la télévision pendant 12 ans ?

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00:00 This Monday, August 17, TF1 Series Films broadcasts a classic of French cinema, Borsalino.
00:14 Film in which Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo give each other the line for a meeting at the top.
00:22 However, for 12 years, the feature film could not be broadcast on French television.
00:30 The reason? A question of rights. There are in the history of French cinema, films that have marked entire generations of spectators.
00:42 In 1970, the film Borsalino released by Jacques Deray.
00:52 A feature film that features two of the most emblematic actors in French cinema, Alain Delon and Jean-Paul Belmondo.
01:02 The two legends embody bandits who fight to take possession of Marseille in the 1930s.
01:12 A cult film, to which the two sons of the stars had paid tribute by reproducing a well-known photograph.
01:22 A film that also has the second meeting on the big screen of the two icons, and that also almost cost them their friendship.
01:32 Because if the shooting went rather well, despite some concerns with the middle of the Marseille crime, it is the poster of the film that made Jean-Paul Belmondo angry.
01:44 Alain Delon, also producer of Borsalino, promised his comrade to appear only once on the poster to clear his partner's ego.
01:54 A promise that the actor did not keep and pushed Bebel to pursue him to justice.
02:02 Despite everything, the film has become a cult for many generations of spectators, who unfortunately could not see it on television between 1995 and 2007, for legal reasons.
02:16 Huge success, invisible for years at the time of its release in dark rooms, Borsalino achieves a very good score at the box office by bringing together almost 5 million viewers.
02:30 A score that remains still today one of the most important in the careers of the two actors.
02:38 A success such that Alain Delon will even shoot a sequel to the film called Borsalino Echo, which did not have the same success as the first opus.
02:49 A first opus, which was unfortunately hindered by the legal conflict between Jean-Paul Belmondo and Alain Delon, and whose audience was deprived for 12 years.
03:01 The reason? The film was partly produced by the Paramount studio, which blocked its rights to broadcast in France due to disagreements.
03:12 So from 1995 to 2007, the film did not have any broadcast on television.
03:21 Despite this absence noticed on the small screen, Jacques Doré's feature film still had a stunning success at the time of its DVD release in 2009, and brought together many viewers to each of its broadcasts, proving that it is really what can be called a cult film.
03:42 In the end, the film was a success, but it was not the end of the story.
03:49 The film was a success, but it was not the end of the story.
04:13 Thank you for watching!
