Un homme meilleur ami d'un ours polaire - ZAPPING SAUVAGE

  • last year
00:25 Her name is Aggie.
00:26 She's 18 years old.
00:28 And she weighs around 360 stone or so.
00:52 And apparently, with another person than Mark or his wife Dawn,
00:57 Aggie becomes grumpy.
00:58 What do I know, Dawn?
01:00 She's jealous of the other women.
01:02 Really?
01:04 Really.
01:05 When someone starts talking to me and turns her attention away, it upsets her.
01:10 Dawn can use my attention because Aggie doesn't want to be hindered by her.
01:15 She's used to my talking all the time.
01:18 You think she's protective of you? Is that where her behavior comes from?
01:22 She's mostly possessive.
01:23 Possessive. I need to see that in her eyes.
01:26 Getting close to a jealous polar bear is potentially dangerous and somewhat disconcerting.
01:32 But Dawn tells me I'm not risking anything as long as Aggie pays all the attention to Mark.
01:37 Let's leave him some time to enter.
01:40 She's already very curious.
01:43 Hello, my beautiful.
01:44 Let's stay a few meters away.
01:46 The gate is open.
01:49 It's open. We can go.
01:52 All right, so Aggie is not behind a closed fence.
01:56 Yeah, come on in. Are you sure?
01:58 I'm positive. Come on in.
02:00 This thing is not doing my job.
02:03 She's right behind you, Dawn.
02:04 Hi!
02:05 Hi!
02:06 That's her fence. She knows that's her fence.
02:08 Hi, big girl.
02:10 Let's just take a shot of what's going on.
02:14 I didn't realize you were behind a fence.
02:17 And I'm staring at a polar bear.
02:20 It's smelling the air and trying to see who we are.
02:23 Are you absolutely confident that you can predict her behavior?
02:28 Absolutely.
02:29 We've known her since she was a baby.
02:31 And we also know that bears do not see electricity the way we do.
02:36 They don't possibly think, "Oh, I can step over it."
02:39 It's a wall for them.
02:41 Can you hear it?
02:44 What's that?
02:45 Her nose.
02:46 If you don't make a noise, you can hear it.
02:50 Oh.
02:51 Is that a growling moan?
02:52 Yes.
02:53 What is that?
02:54 That's her...
02:55 It sounds like a purring noise from the cat, but it's her...
02:58 She does that when she's super content and she's sucking on her tongue right now.
03:05 I thought it was a motor, but that's coming from her.
03:08 Oh, that's coming from her.
03:10 She's clearly really close to Mark.
03:16 How do you think Aggie sees him?
03:19 Aggie sees him as a mother, a father, and a companion.
03:24 So this is all about Aggie being a member of her family since eight weeks.
03:29 That's right.
03:30 He'll never be as long-term for her.
03:33 Listen to that.
03:34 Is that your daddy? Are you happy?
03:36 Oh, Aggie girl.
03:38 Mark is an animal trainer for the cinema.
03:43 Eighteen years ago, he was asked to find a polar bear for a film.
03:48 He had heard of a bear raised by man in a zoo because his mother was too old.
03:53 Aggie was the eleventh baby of her mother, so this mother couldn't take care of her.
04:00 Mark took her and trained her for the film, but he didn't think their relationship would develop like that.
04:07 It's my job.
04:09 It's what I had to do, and as I got older, I became more and more attached to her.
04:14 So tell me, how would you describe your relationship with Aggie?
04:18 It's just a really special bond.
04:21 I love her a lot.
04:23 I can't say she loves me.
04:25 She's really attached to me.
04:28 She loves me.
04:30 There you go.
04:32 There you go.
04:33 We have a wonderful relationship, and I'm sure we'll never be apart.
04:38 And I wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
04:41 We knew when we got her that we were going to be together for the rest of her life.
04:45 Mark became a parent figure for Aggie from a very young age.
04:50 When she's two months old, she could barely walk.
04:53 And I'd be crying in the middle of the night.
04:56 I'd wake up, because she's yelling around and I'd spend her with her before she'd go back to sleep.
05:01 And I'd go back to sleep, and I'd wake up in the morning to do the same thing over and over again.
05:06 So I spent a lot of time with her.
05:08 And do you think that was the key to having her bond with you?
05:13 Oh, absolutely.
05:14 The more time you spend with her, the closer the relationship is.
05:17 What would you say to her?
05:19 Could she not be better in the wild?
05:21 She couldn't be in the wild.
05:23 She was born in a captivity.
05:26 You can't take a baby back in captivity and put her in a wild.
05:31 It doesn't work very well.
05:34 [Music]
05:37 Whatever you think, Mark has a very strong bond with Aggie.
05:42 And even if it's an adult polar bear that can kill you in one shot, Mark has never felt in danger near her.
05:49 [Music]
05:52 Everything seems to come from the fact that he picked her up very young.
05:56 [Music]
06:01 (electronic music)
06:04 [BURP]
