• 2 years ago
Spellbound - Episode 5


00:00 Samia Mohammed from Exchange Presbyterian Primary School.
00:04 Jaziri Mercer from Princestown Aster Primary School.
00:09 Alia Ali from McAlay Government Primary School.
00:13 Liam Rajaram from Coover South Government Primary School.
00:17 Zahra Daniel from Tortuga Government Primary School.
00:21 Jeevan Sanish from Five Rivers Hindu Primary School.
00:25 Amara Clark from Davidee Government Primary School.
00:30 And let's meet the team.
00:32 Our pronouncer, Conrad Paris.
00:35 Our judge, Candice Coria Charles.
00:38 Our hive hosts, Megan Das and Stefan Fellman.
00:42 And our Queen Bee,
00:46 Hema Ramkissum!
00:53 Welcome to Spellbound.
00:55 This is a spelling competition like nothing you've seen before.
00:59 All of our superstar children are here
01:01 and they're ready to compete for two positions in our final round.
01:06 So these brave little bees will have limited time
01:09 to spell some very challenging words.
01:11 But we're starting things off with a warm up round.
01:14 Round one, the honeycomb.
01:17 You're going to have to spell three words in 30 seconds.
01:22 Now, Judge Candice Coria is going to let you know
01:25 if you get it correctly when she does.
01:29 And judge, if they spelt it incorrectly, what's going to happen?
01:33 Now, before we start, this is really for the parents
01:36 because I know you are all superstar spellers and ready to go.
01:40 So let's do a little buzz. One, two, three, let's do...
01:42 -Buzz! -Off to Pronounce-a-Paris.
01:59 Thank you, Hema.
02:01 Students, I will give you each three words
02:04 with 30 seconds maximum in which to spell them.
02:08 You may say pass if you choose.
02:10 Let's give a round of applause for Samir.
02:13 -Are you ready? -Yes.
02:16 Excellent.
02:17 Your first word, inspire.
02:21 Inspire, I-N-S-P-I-R-E, inspire.
02:27 -Official. -Official, O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L, official.
02:34 -Principal. -Principal,
02:37 I-N-C-I-P-A-L, principal.
02:42 Thank you, Samir.
02:45 Which brings us to Jaziri. Step to the podium, please.
02:50 -Mr Mirza. -Yes.
02:52 Your first word is...
02:55 -Ledge. -Ledge, L-E-D-G-E, ledge.
03:02 -Clarinet. -Pass.
03:06 -Your second word is... -Yoghurt.
03:10 Yogurt, Y-O-G-U-R-T, yogurt.
03:15 We still have time. Clarinet.
03:19 Clarinet, C-L-A-R-R-A-N-E-T, clarinet.
03:26 Thank you, Jaziri.
03:28 Which means it's now Alia's turn to step to the centre.
03:33 -Am I right or am I right? -You are right.
03:38 Then your first word is...
03:40 -Citizen. -C-I-T-I-Z-E-N, citizen.
03:46 -Delicious. -D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S, delicious.
03:52 -Broaden. -B-R-O-A-D-E-N?
03:57 Thank you, Alia.
04:00 Liam is in the centre podium and now he is in front.
04:06 And ready to deliver his first word.
04:09 -Incident. -Incident, I-N-C-I-D-E-N-T.
04:16 -Battery. -Pass.
04:21 -Pasture. -P-A-S-T-U-R-E, pasture.
04:27 -We're still inside. Battery. -B-A-T-T-E-R-Y.
04:35 Thank you, Liam.
04:37 Now on to Zara as she makes her way to the Spellbound Arena.
04:42 -You ready? -Yes.
04:45 Your first word.
04:47 -Navigate. -Navigate, N-A-V-I-G-A-T-E, navigate.
04:57 -Pledge. -Pledge, P-L-E-D-G-E, pledge.
05:04 -Delete. -Delete, D-E-L-E-T-E, delete.
05:11 Thank you, Zara.
05:13 Moving on to Jiwon. Step to the centre, please.
05:19 Your first word.
05:20 -Opening. -O-P-E-N-I-N-G.
05:26 -Method. -M-E-T-H-O-D.
05:31 -Ordeal. -Can you repeat that?
05:34 -Ordeal. -O-R-D-E-A-L.
05:39 Thank you very much, Jiwon.
05:41 Rounding out our contestants is Amara, who steps to the centre.
05:47 Your first word.
05:49 -Patron. -Can you repeat that word again, please?
05:54 -Patron. -Pass.
05:59 -Impulse. -I-N-P-E-L-C, impulse.
06:06 -Extended. -E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D, extended.
06:14 And we go back to patron.
06:23 Thank you very much, Amara.
06:25 A round of applause to all of the Bs.
06:28 Let's take a look at the spellbound statistic board
06:31 to find out what's happening so far.
06:33 [laughter]
06:35 [theme music]
06:38 ♪ ♪
06:41 ♪ ♪
06:44 ♪ ♪
06:47 ♪ ♪
06:50 ♪ ♪
06:53 ♪ ♪
06:56 ♪ ♪
06:59 ♪ ♪
07:02 ♪ ♪
07:05 To be honest, all the years working, kids came to this school.
07:10 It's time for me to give back.
07:12 At my age, you like to give back, coach, give advice,
07:16 see kids grow, minds grow.
07:19 Love, enjoy.
07:21 [theme music]
07:24 ♪ ♪
07:27 ♪ ♪
07:30 ♪ ♪
07:33 ♪ ♪
07:36 ♪ ♪
07:39 ♪ ♪
07:42 From the experts that created the Singer Sandwich
07:45 comes the KFC Crispy Barbecue Singer.
07:49 ♪ ♪
07:51 ♪ The only one I see is you ♪
07:56 Cheddar cheese, crispy onions,
07:59 the most delicious Kentucky fried chicken,
08:03 and barbecue sauce.
08:05 Get ready for a whole new level of flavor.
08:09 ♪ ♪
08:11 ♪ ♪
08:13 Whatever your dream is,
08:15 Republic Bank can help you make it happen.
08:17 ♪ ♪
08:20 [tires screeching]
08:22 ♪ ♪
08:27 [cheers and applause]
08:30 ♪ ♪
08:37 You can make it happen.
08:39 Let's help you get there with a Make It Happen Loan.
08:42 Republic Bank, we're the one for you.
08:45 ♪ ♪
08:46 ♪ Get ready for nonstop play ♪
08:48 ♪ Win a trip to Stevie and say ♪
08:50 ♪ Carnival costumes, movie lines ♪
08:52 ♪ And lunch tickets and PS5s ♪
08:55 ♪ Take a plan, sign up, or switch over ♪
08:57 ♪ Pay your bill, feel like a winner ♪
08:59 ♪ Never on pause, there's nonstop data ♪
09:02 ♪ B-Mobile coming out like lava ♪
09:04 ♪ Java, we come out to play all day ♪
09:06 ♪ Play all day, play all day ♪
09:08 ♪ Win a trip to Stevie and say, yeah, yeah ♪
09:10 This Java, play all day with B-Mobile.
09:13 Life is on.
09:15 Start your day with hard-hitting interviews
09:18 and news with "The Morning Rumble."
09:20 Rumble weekdays, 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.
09:22 on Freedom 106.5 FM.
09:25 Join Satheesh Mehabe as he tackles the issues
09:27 and controversial topics.
09:29 You'll hear from the experts
09:30 and have the chance to speak your mind
09:32 on the topics of the day.
09:34 Non-topic is off-limits on "The Morning Rumble."
09:36 So whether you're just starting your day
09:38 or stuck in traffic,
09:39 join us weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.
09:41 for a morning show that will leave you informed,
09:44 fired up, and ready to take on the world.
09:47 "The Morning Rumble" with Satheesh Mehabe
09:49 only on Freedom 106.5 FM.
09:52 - This is "Spellbound,"
09:57 where we have some truly extraordinary children.
10:00 It's now round two.
10:01 - Be off!
10:03 - This time, Auntie Megan is gonna come
10:05 and bring the hive box,
10:07 and you're going to get to choose the category,
10:10 and then we'll move from there.
10:12 ♪♪
10:19 - Everybody's in their new positions.
10:21 Now I hand you over to Pronouncer Paris.
10:24 - Thank you very much, Queen B.
10:26 Students, similarly to the last round,
10:29 I will read your words, and you will spell them.
10:32 Keep an eye on the clock,
10:34 as there are only 30 seconds
10:36 for you to spell four words in this round.
10:39 You may say "pass" if you choose.
10:42 Time permitting, I will return to past words.
10:45 But this time, our judge will be tallying silently,
10:48 which means you will not know
10:50 if you got any of your words right or wrong
10:53 until the end of the round.
10:55 Understood?
10:57 Starting with Bumblebee.
11:00 Step into the arena, please.
11:02 [applause]
11:03 You seem ready. Are you ready?
11:05 - Yes.
11:06 - Good, Jiwan.
11:08 Your first word.
11:10 Memorable.
11:12 - M-E-M-O-R-A-B-L-E.
11:17 - Knuckle.
11:19 - K-N-U-C-K-L-E.
11:22 - Abandonment.
11:24 - A-B-A-N-D-O-N-M-E-N-T.
11:29 - Culminate.
11:31 - T-O-L-O-U-R-N-M-A-T-E.
11:37 - Thank you, Bumblebee.
11:39 [applause]
11:41 It's now Carpenter Bee's turn to step to the podium.
11:44 [applause]
11:46 Hello, Leah.
11:47 - Hello.
11:49 - Your first word.
11:51 Incident.
11:53 - Incident. I-N-C-I-D-E-N-T.
11:58 - Luncheon.
12:00 - Pass.
12:02 - Hostility.
12:04 - Hostility. H-O-S-T-I-L-T-Y.
12:10 - Accuse.
12:12 - Accuse. A-C-C-U-S-E.
12:16 - Back to luncheon.
12:19 - L-U-C-H-O-N.
12:23 - Thank you, Carpenter Bee.
12:25 [applause]
12:27 It's Honeybee's turn. Step to the centre, please.
12:31 [applause]
12:32 Ready? - Yes.
12:34 - Your first word is...
12:36 Merciful.
12:38 - Merciful. M-E-R-C-I-F-U-L.
12:43 - Psychic.
12:45 - May I repeat?
12:47 - Psychic.
12:49 - Sidekick. S-I-D-E-K-I-C...
12:55 K?
12:57 - Overwhelming.
12:59 - Overwhelming.
13:02 - O-V-E-R-W-H-E-L-M-I-N-G.
13:11 - Electric.
13:13 [ding]
13:15 Thank you very much, Honeybee.
13:17 [applause]
13:18 Ivy Bee is now in the limelight.
13:21 Step into the arena, please.
13:23 Your first word, Samia.
13:25 Meditation.
13:27 - M-E-D...
13:30 I-D-A-T-I-O-N.
13:35 - Lodge.
13:37 - Can you repeat the word, please?
13:41 - Lodge.
13:43 - L-O-D-G-E.
13:46 - Pilgrimage.
13:48 - Pilgrimage.
13:52 - P-I-L-G-R-I-M-A-G-E.
13:58 - Thank you very much, Ivy Bee.
14:03 [applause]
14:04 It's Killer Bee's turn.
14:06 [applause]
14:08 You all buzzed in?
14:10 Here we go.
14:12 Expected.
14:14 - E-X-P-E-C-T-E-D. Expected.
14:18 - Preservation.
14:20 - P-E-S-E-R...
14:23 V-A-T-I-O-N. Preservation.
14:27 - Novice.
14:29 - N-O-V-I-S-T. Novice.
14:32 - Mahogany.
14:34 - M-O-H-A-G-O-N-Y. Mahogany.
14:38 - Thank you, Killer Bee.
14:40 [applause]
14:42 And now it's Mining Bee's turn to zoom on in.
14:45 [applause]
14:46 Ready?
14:47 - Yes, sir.
14:48 - Conqueror.
14:50 - Conqueror.
14:52 C-O-N-C-K-O-R-E-R. Conqueror.
14:57 - Stranger.
14:59 - Stranger.
15:00 S-T-R-A-N-G-E-R.
15:04 - Dreadful.
15:06 - Dreadful.
15:07 D-R-E-A-D-F-U-L.
15:11 - Nuisance.
15:12 - Nuisance.
15:13 N-U-I-S-A-N-C-E.
15:17 - Nuisance.
15:18 - Nuisance.
15:19 - Nuisance.
15:20 - Thank you, Kiri.
15:21 [applause]
15:22 And finally, Stingless Bee is in the arena.
15:26 [applause]
15:28 Are you ready, Amara?
15:29 - Yes, I am.
15:31 - Your first word.
15:33 Binoculars.
15:35 - B-I-N-O-C-K-U-L-E-S.
15:41 - Charismatic.
15:44 - Pass.
15:46 - A-R-R-A-S-S.
15:49 Embarrass.
15:50 - Rustic.
15:54 - R-O-S-T-I-C-K.
15:57 Rustic.
15:58 - Back to charismatic.
16:02 - C-A-R-I-S-M-A-T-I-C-K.
16:08 - Thank you very much, Stingless Bee.
16:10 [applause]
16:11 You can head back to the podium.
16:15 - Queen bee.
16:16 - Now, while the judges tally up the results,
16:18 let's see whether the big people in Trinidad and Tobago
16:22 out on the streets can spell the words we just saw in the competition.
16:26 - Your word is hypothesis.
16:32 Mahogany.
16:34 - Mahogany.
16:35 - Spell mahogany.
16:36 - M-A-H-O-G-A-N-Y.
16:41 - Excellent.
16:42 I have our next one for you.
16:43 Real simple.
16:45 Conqueror.
16:47 - That's not simple.
16:48 - Hypothesis.
16:50 - Hypothesis?
16:51 - Yes.
16:54 - H-Y-P-O-T-H-I--T-H-S-I-S?
17:01 - I don't know.
17:02 - Okay.
17:03 What's a conqueror in your brain?
17:04 What's a conqueror?
17:06 - That's me right now.
17:09 - All right.
17:10 It's now time to find out which of our starting seven Bs
17:15 will qualify for round three of this episode.
17:18 Now, the four students who have qualified are
17:22 Jazari, Aliyah, Liam, and Jiwon.
17:27 A round of applause.
17:33 And let's head back to the Spellbound Statistics Board
17:36 so you at home can see the specifics.
17:40 ♪♪♪
17:53 - All right, my little bees.
17:54 Oh, my goodness.
17:55 I can tell you my heart was pounding for that round.
17:57 How did you guys find Spellbound?
17:59 - I found it really exciting.
18:02 - Nice, nice.
18:03 - It's nice to have an experience of being on TV.
18:07 - Oh, that's amazing.
18:09 - I found it interesting.
18:11 - Interesting.
18:12 How did you guys prepare for Spellbound?
18:14 How did you learn to, you know, spell all these words?
18:17 - Um, well, well, um, I went on the internet,
18:21 and my mom helped me pick up, and also my sister.
18:28 - Oh, shout out to sis right there.
18:30 That's lovely.
18:31 Zara?
18:32 - Well, our school gave us some list of words,
18:35 so I learned that, and my mom and dad
18:37 and others in my school helped.
18:40 Just gave me random words to help me.
18:42 - Oh, nice.
18:43 A lot of teamwork there, so your friends helped you out too.
18:45 - Yeah.
18:46 - And Amara?
18:47 - My teacher sent some words for my mommy,
18:50 and after my mommy sent it to my phone
18:52 after I started to learn them.
18:54 - Yeah, so it was a really, really fun process
18:56 for you guys to learn those words, huh?
18:58 Yeah? Yeah?
19:00 Are we excited?
19:01 Feeling good?
19:02 You want to give a big buzz to the camera?
19:04 To everybody watching at home?
19:06 Three, two, one, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
19:09 All right, well, we just want to say thank you
19:11 to Sunshine Snacks, our sponsor,
19:13 who put together these lovely goodie bags for you guys.
19:15 So I want you all to grab one.
19:18 Yeah, we good, yeah.
19:19 Oh, big grabs, there we go.
19:21 All right, that's all bees today, guys.
19:23 [upbeat music]
19:26 ♪ ♪
19:29 - From the experts that created the Singer Sandwich
19:33 comes the KFC Crispy Barbecue Singer.
19:37 ♪ ♪
19:39 - ♪ The only one I see is you ♪
19:43 - Cheddar cheese, crispy onions,
19:46 the most delicious Kentucky fried chicken,
19:50 and barbecue sauce.
19:52 Get ready for a whole new level of flavor.
19:56 ♪ ♪
19:59 - WellKid Multivitamins are great tasting,
20:02 supports rapid development,
20:04 contributes to strong bones,
20:06 includes vitamins A, C, D, and so much more.
20:10 Be a Super Kid.
20:12 Trust the WellKid range.
20:14 ♪ ♪
20:15 - ♪ For your day with love ♪
20:18 ♪ ♪
20:20 - Baked fresh for you every day
20:22 and delivered nationwide.
20:24 Kissed and rich bread.
20:26 ♪ ♪
20:29 - ♪ For your day with love ♪
20:31 ♪ ♪
20:33 - Baked fresh for you every day
20:35 and delivered nationwide.
20:37 Kissed and rich bread.
20:39 ♪ ♪
20:40 - ♪ For your day with love ♪
20:42 ♪ ♪
20:44 - D-Best birthday gifts are dbestoys.com.
20:47 Shop from the best brands you love at D-Best prices.
20:51 Like VTech, LeapFrog, Fisher Products,
20:54 VTech, LeapFrog, Fisher Price,
20:56 Play-Doh, Hot Wheels, Barbie,
20:58 Coco Melon, LOL, Baby Alive, and Crayola.
21:02 Visit us in-store at 1st Floor,
21:04 Movietown, Port of Spain,
21:05 Fortis Flagship, Mac Bean,
21:06 Eastgate Mall, TrinCity,
21:08 or shop online now.
21:10 And remember, we have the best toys for the best prices.
21:13 ♪ ♪
21:16 [upbeat music]
21:21 - [speaking in foreign language]
21:23 ♪ ♪
21:30 - Four more words to go,
21:50 but this time around, you only have 20 seconds to do it.
21:55 And round three is known as...
21:57 - Buzz off!
21:58 - Interesting wheel there.
21:59 Stephan, tell us what's happening with the wheel.
22:01 - We have four categories, right?
22:03 Normal nouns, simply nouns,
22:06 person, place, animal, thing, right?
22:09 They can't give you no verb, no adjectives.
22:11 Seven letters or more?
22:13 Simply seven letters or more?
22:16 Does it double?
22:18 Question mark.
22:19 Is there two letters that may be side by side?
22:22 Who knows? We don't even know, right?
22:24 And start with a vowel.
22:26 Hey, Ma, you know your vowels?
22:27 - A-E-I-O-U? - Excellent.
22:29 - Moving on to the head of the class.
22:31 - Those are the four categories, simple as it is, right?
22:33 - So, Jaziri, you want to make your way to Uncle Stephan.
22:36 [wheel spinning]
22:39 Stephan, what is it?
22:43 - Seven letters or more?
22:45 - Okay, make your way into the spelling arena.
22:49 - Jaziri, your first word is...
22:52 characteristic.
22:55 - Characteristic.
22:56 C-H-A-R-A
23:00 T-A-R-I-S-T-I-C
23:05 - Feature.
23:06 - Feature.
23:09 F-E-A-T-U-R-E
23:12 - Metaphor.
23:14 - Metaphor. M-E-T-H-A-F-O-R-E
23:19 - Ringlet.
23:20 - Ringlet.
23:21 R-I-N-G-L-E-T
23:25 - Thank you, Jaziri.
23:26 - Thank you.
23:27 [applause]
23:28 - Aliyah, are you ready?
23:29 Let's go to the wheel.
23:31 [wheel spinning]
23:34 - Seven letters or more.
23:39 - Let's make our way into the spelling arena, Aliyah.
23:42 - Hello.
23:43 - Hi.
23:44 - Your first word.
23:46 Motivation.
23:48 - M-O-T-I-V-A-T-I-O-N
23:52 Motivation.
23:53 - Burglary.
23:54 - B-U-R-G-L-A-R-Y
23:58 Burglary.
23:59 - Optimistic.
24:01 - O-P-T-I-M-I-S-T-I-C
24:06 Optimistic.
24:07 - Scandalize.
24:08 - S-C-A-N-D-A-L-I-Z-E
24:12 - Thank you very much.
24:13 - Thank you very much.
24:14 [applause]
24:15 - Liam, are you ready?
24:16 Let's go.
24:17 [wheel spinning]
24:20 - Starts with a vowel.
24:26 Make your way into the arena.
24:28 - All right.
24:29 Liam, your word is...
24:32 Obsess.
24:34 - Obsess.
24:35 O-B-B-E-S-E-D
24:39 - Entrance.
24:41 - Entrance.
24:42 E-N-T-R-A-N-C-E
24:46 - Ulterior.
24:48 - Ul...pass.
24:50 - Important.
24:52 - Important.
24:53 I-M-P-O-R-T-A-N-T
24:57 [bell dings]
24:59 - Thank you very much, Liam.
25:01 [applause]
25:03 - And you are the final one to go to the wheel today.
25:06 [wheel spinning]
25:10 - Normal nouns.
25:12 Ready for the arena?
25:13 Yep, let's go.
25:15 - All right.
25:17 Your first word.
25:19 Plumber.
25:21 - P-L-U-M-B-E-R
25:25 - Treadmill.
25:26 - T-R-E-A-D
25:30 ♪ ♪
25:33 M-I-L-E
25:35 - Ambulance.
25:37 - A-M-B-U-L-A-N-C-E
25:41 - Bakery.
25:42 - B-A-K-E-R-Y
25:45 - Thank you very much, Jiwon.
25:47 [applause]
25:48 - A round of applause again to all of our Bs
25:50 who continue to do us proud.
25:52 [cheers and applause]
25:54 - We have the results.
25:56 - It's that time, ladies and gentlemen.
25:59 ♪ ♪
26:04 - So while all of our Bs have been truly phenomenal,
26:09 the two to finish the fastest
26:11 and with the most words spelt correctly
26:15 are Aaliyah and Jiwon.
26:18 A round of applause to all of our Bs.
26:21 [applause]
26:24 ♪ ♪
26:31 - Thank you to Sunshine Snacks
26:32 for these goodie bags.
26:34 Liam?
26:36 Jaziri?
26:37 [buzzing]
26:38 I want to ask you to spell one more word for me.
26:41 Can you spell illusion?
26:43 - Illusion. I-L-L-U-S-I-O-N.
26:46 - Fantastic.
26:47 And the reason I asked Jaziri to spell illusion for us
26:49 is because what?
26:50 We have none other than Kesley Illusionist on set, guys.
26:53 Let's get ready for Kesley Illusionist.
26:55 [cheers and applause]
26:57 - What's buzzing, guys?
26:58 This is your boy Kesley Illusionist,
27:00 and today I'm gonna teach you guys
27:02 two meanings of two important words.
27:05 Let's start with magic.
27:07 A lot of people always ask me,
27:09 "What is the difference between magic and illusion?"
27:12 Funny thing is, I don't do magic.
27:14 What I do is illusions,
27:16 and illusion is making you see things that isn't there.
27:20 Like right now, everybody here get catch
27:23 'cause their eyes went up here.
27:25 But I know that my hand is completely empty.
27:29 It is.
27:30 If you think you're seeing something, right,
27:33 then do me a favor.
27:34 Then don't blink.
27:36 But that's the thing.
27:38 Was it there in the first place to be missed?
27:43 And that, ladies and gentlemen, is an illusion, right?
27:47 So now let's talk about magic,
27:49 and to do that, I'd like you guys to make some noise
27:52 for Stefan.
27:53 Can you join me, please, sir?
27:55 [applause]
27:56 - Yes, a piece of notes.
27:57 We had another eight.
27:59 - That's the job.
28:00 Good day.
28:01 You good?
28:02 - Very good, sir.
28:03 - All right, nice, man.
28:04 So listen to this.
28:05 We talk about illusion, right?
28:06 Now let's talk about magic.
28:07 Magic is the ability to actually making things happen, right?
28:11 So tell me, if you, Stefan, had magic powers, right?
28:16 Picture this.
28:17 You could do anything you want in the entire world.
28:20 What's the first thing come to your mind?
28:23 As a matter of fact, spell it out for us.
28:26 - Well, for me, if I could do magic, yes, I want money.
28:31 I want money, M-O-N-E-Y, money, unlimited money.
28:35 I have things to buy.
28:36 - Well, I am pretty sure every adult here, some kids,
28:41 and even the ones watching at home,
28:43 that's the first thing come to people's mind, right?
28:45 The safe magic wheel.
28:46 When magicians don't take a dollar
28:48 and turn it into $100 and go and spend, right?
28:50 You see, the thing is, it's against the magic rules, sir.
28:54 We're not allowed to take a dollar
28:56 and turn it into $100, right?
28:57 But see, now, I find you doing such a good job.
28:59 You know what? I have a gift for you, man.
29:01 Only thing is you're a gaga.
29:03 I changed so, too. You know what?
29:05 I have a cool gift for you inside of this.
29:08 What is this?
29:09 - A wallet.
29:10 - This is no ordinary wallet.
29:12 This is my wallet.
29:13 You know what that means?
29:15 There's no money in it.
29:17 [laughter]
29:18 Right?
29:19 But I do have something in it pretty cool for you, all right?
29:23 Don't worry, Stefan, watch me.
29:25 This is mine, right?
29:27 And this is for...
29:31 you.
29:34 Ta-da!
29:35 - What is this?
29:36 - You tell me.
29:37 - Nothing.
29:38 - Watch it.
29:39 This can be absolutely anything you want it to be.
29:41 - This is a piece of old tissue paper you get in the toilet.
29:43 [laughter]
29:44 - Don't sell me out now, man.
29:46 Right?
29:47 This can be absolutely anything you want it to be, right?
29:49 That's why I named my show "Believe,"
29:51 because I believe that anything is possible once you believe, right?
29:55 Watch.
29:56 - I'm finding you a little sweaty now.
29:58 - Yeah.
29:59 But before I forget to mention,
30:01 kids, do not try this at...
30:04 - Home.
30:05 - Very good.
30:06 Stefan?
30:07 - Mm-hmm.
30:08 - Same thing to you.
30:09 Do not try this at home.
30:10 Right, very good.
30:11 Just like one, two, three.
30:16 And of course, watch me for your hard work.
30:18 Nice work.
30:19 [applause]
30:20 - Thank you, "Solutionists," and you guys, stay tuned.
30:23 We have a lot more.
30:24 - I was so wrong!
30:25 Oh, God!
30:26 [upbeat music]
30:29 ♪ ♪
30:35 - It's the final round, the sting.
30:38 It's time for the fastest finger.
30:40 Once Pronouncer Paris has read out the word, you're on.
30:45 Pronouncer Paris, over to you.
30:47 - Thank you, Queen Bee.
30:49 Students, remember, the person who hits the buzzer first
30:54 has the opportunity to either spell the word that I give
31:00 or to pass.
31:01 Your word is...
31:04 Blanchichez.
31:06 - [laughs]
31:07 - Jiwon, that is up to you.
31:10 Do you want to spell the word or to pass?
31:16 - Pass.
31:18 - Okay.
31:19 That means it's up to Aaliyah.
31:22 - B-L-A-N-C-H-U...
31:29 S-E-T-S?
31:32 - That is not correct.
31:35 We go to Jiwon.
31:37 Your new word...
31:40 is metamorphosis.
31:44 Jiwon, would you like to spell or pass?
31:51 - Spell.
31:54 M-E-T-A-M-O-R-P-H-E-S?
32:01 - That is incorrect.
32:03 Which now gives us the opportunity for Aaliyah to spell.
32:08 - P-E-T-A-M-O-R-P-H-O-S-I-S?
32:15 - Aaliyah, that is correct.
32:19 Which now means that you have to use the word metamorphosis
32:25 in a sentence.
32:27 - In science class, we learned about metamorphosis.
32:32 - That is a good sentence.
32:37 You, Aaliyah, are this episode's of Spellbound's champion.
32:43 [cheers and applause]
32:46 Our winner today receives their trophy, sponsored by KFC,
32:50 and a KFC gift card, a $500 voucher from thebesttoys.com,
32:55 and the chance to compete for the cup in the season finale.
32:59 Our runner-up also received a $300 voucher from thebesttoys.com.
33:04 - And thanks to you at home for watching
33:07 and to all our students for keeping us spellbound.
33:11 - So let's take it from the fastest finger around, Blanchey Shares.
33:14 You ever been to Blanchey Shares, B?
33:16 - No. - No.
33:17 All right, so you see, Mommy, Daddy,
33:19 we need to take G1 to Blanchey Shares, right?
33:21 Yeah? You want to go to Blanchey Shares?
33:23 - I'd like to see it. - You'd like to see it.
33:25 There we go. And then you can tell them, say,
33:27 "Hey, I have been to Blanchey Shares."
33:29 Yeah? - Yeah.
33:30 - All right, G1, congratulations on a fantastic job.
33:33 And to show you what a good job you did here today,
33:36 we have some goodies here to see KFC and Sunshine Snacks for you.
33:40 Here you go. Congratulations again.
33:43 Yay! [cheers and applause]
33:47 - "Spellbound" is brought to you by title sponsor KFC,
33:51 thebesttoys.com, Shell, Trinidad & Tobago, Milo,
33:55 RBL, Kiss, and Art Concepts Limited.
33:59 [upbeat music]
34:02 ♪ ♪
34:03 ♪ ♪
34:05 ♪ ♪
34:06 (upbeat music)
34:09 (upbeat music)