Spellbound - Episode 4
00:00 Presbyterian School. Alicia
00:05 Williams. Adidev Rambaran from
00:11 Princestown Aster Primary
00:13 School. Luke Bryan from Reform
00:15 Presbyterian Primary School.
00:18 Matea Santana from Hard
00:20 Bargain St. Paul's RC School.
00:22 Kelisa Williams from Ottawa RC
00:25 Primary. Malik Simmons from
00:28 Suaha Tulsi Manas Primary
00:30 School. And let's meet the team.
00:32 Our judge, Candice Coraya Charles.
00:35 Our hive hosts, Megan Das and
00:38 Stefan Feldman. And our Queen B.
00:43 Hey, Ma.
00:44 Welcome to Spellbound. This isn't
00:54 the Friday spelling tests in
00:56 school. This is a competition
00:58 featuring some of the most
01:00 talented children in Trinidad
01:02 our school children 10 and under.
01:05 Are we all super talented? Are
01:07 we ready to go? I think we can
01:09 tell who's ready to go. Now
01:11 these brave little bees will
01:12 have limited time to spell some
01:15 of the most challenging words.
01:17 To me and you, I can tell you
01:18 I've seen the words. But as
01:20 we're starting things off, we'll
01:22 have a warm-up round. Round one,
01:24 the honeycomb. So let me explain
01:27 what's happening in round one.
01:29 You're going to have to spell
01:30 three words in 30 seconds. But
01:32 I want you to know that this
01:34 is your show. We are proud of
01:37 all of you. So let's give a
01:38 little buzz to shake the nerves
01:39 off. Bees, are you ready?
01:45 Yeah. Judge, are you ready?
01:48 Over to pronouncer Paris.
01:50 Thank you, Hey Ma. Students,
01:54 I will give you each three
01:55 words with 30 seconds maximum
01:58 in which to spell them. You may
02:00 say pass if you so choose.
02:03 Time permitting, I will return
02:05 to past words. Now, if Arion
02:09 could step to the center of the
02:11 arena for me, please. Are you
02:15 ready, sir? Yes. Your first
02:18 word, patient. Patient, p-a-t-i-e-n-t,
02:26 patient. Sincere. Sincere, s-i-n-c-e-r.
02:35 Manual. Manual, m-a-n-u-e-r.
02:43 Thank you very much, Arion.
02:46 Let's welcome Alicia Kan from
02:48 Plummetan to the center of the
02:50 Spellbound arena. Your first
02:53 word, Alicia. Lyric. Lyric, l-y-r-i-c, lyric.
03:01 Parlour. Parlour, p-a-l-l-a, parlour.
03:09 Encourage. Encourage, e-l-c-o-u-r-a-g-e, encourage.
03:19 Thank you very much, Alicia.
03:20 And now it's Adidev's turn.
03:25 To the center of the Spellbound
03:27 arena, please. Are you ready?
03:30 Yes. Your first word, humane.
03:34 Humane, h-u-m-a-n-e. Ordinary.
03:41 Ordinary, o-r-d-i-n-a-r-y.
03:45 Straight. Straight, s-t-r-a-g-h-t.
03:52 Thank you, Adidev. Luke Bryan, it's now your time.
03:58 Your first word, mention.
04:05 M-e-n-t-i-o-n. Fasten. F-a-s-t-e-n.
04:18 Principal. P-r-i-n-c-p-l-e.
04:27 Thank you very much, Luke.
04:30 Mr Santana, now is the time to head to the centre.
04:36 Your first word, Matthias. Option.
04:40 Option, a-o-p-t-i-o-n. Option.
04:52 Seminar. Seminar, s-e-m-a-r.
05:04 Pacify. Pacify, p-a-s-i-n-c-p-l-e.
05:13 I'm sorry, but your time is up. Thank you very much, Matthias.
05:18 Moving on to the Ottawa RC Primary Representative.
05:22 To the centre, please.
05:27 I see that you are eager and ready to go.
05:30 Yeah, I'm ready.
05:32 Your word is purpose.
05:39 P-u-r-p-u-r-p-o-s-e.
05:45 Robotics. R-o-b-o-t-x-i-c-s.
05:54 Pristine. Pristine, p-r-i-n-c-p-l-e.
06:02 Time is up.
06:05 Your time is up, Khalisa.
06:08 And finally, Malik. Proceed, please.
06:17 Your first word, ration.
06:20 Ration, r-r-a-s-h-a-n. Ration.
06:33 Villain. V-i-l-l-a-n. Villain.
06:43 Tactic. Tactic.
06:48 T-a-c-t-i-c.
06:53 Cutting it close. Thank you very much, Malik.
06:58 A round of applause again for all of our students.
07:02 As we do so, let's take a look at the Spellbound statistics so far.
07:07 [♪♪♪]
07:11 From the experts that created the Zinger sandwich
07:31 comes the KFC Crispy Barbecue Zinger.
07:35 [♪♪♪]
07:38 Cheddar cheese, crispy onions,
07:45 the most delicious Kentucky fried chicken,
07:48 and barbecue sauce.
07:50 Get ready for a whole new level of flavor.
07:55 [♪♪♪]
08:00 Come on, Luna. Come on.
08:02 [♪♪♪]
08:04 Your own home is so much more than just four walls, floors, and ceilings.
08:19 It's a lifetime of great memories and stories.
08:22 Come talk to us and start your journey home today.
08:25 Republic Bank. We're the one for you.
08:29 [♪♪♪]
08:32 To be honest, all the years working, kids came to the school.
08:46 It's time for me to give back.
08:48 You know, at my age, you like to give back, coach, you know, give advice,
08:52 see kids grow, minds grow, love, enjoy.
08:58 [♪♪♪]
09:00 It's round two.
09:21 The be-off.
09:22 Now you have to spell four words in 30 seconds.
09:26 Now the trick is that we are now going to have a little bit of movement in the beehive.
09:31 Auntie Megan is going to come on set, and you're going to get to pick from the hive.
09:36 [♪♪♪]
09:38 So we're in the correct order. Are we ready to go?
09:54 Time to start the spelling.
09:56 Pronunciation Paris, back to you.
09:58 Thank you, Queen Bee.
10:00 Now, students, similarly to the last round, I will read your words and you will spell them.
10:06 Keep an eye on the clock, as there are only 30 seconds for you to spell four words in this round.
10:12 You may say pass if you choose.
10:15 Time permitting, I will return to past words.
10:18 But this time, our judge will be tallying silently,
10:22 and you will not know if you get any of the words right or wrong until the end of the round.
10:28 Starting with Bumblebee, please make your way to the centre of the arena.
10:34 It's your turn.
10:36 Are you ready?
10:38 Yes.
10:39 Your first word.
10:41 Architect.
10:43 Architect.
10:45 A-r-c-h-e...
10:50 T-e-c-t. Architect.
10:54 Disastrous.
10:56 Disastrous. D-i-s-a-s-t-r-o-u-s. Disastrous.
11:06 Smudge.
11:08 Smudge. S-m-u-g-e. Smudge.
11:13 Design.
11:15 Design.
11:17 Design.
11:21 So I must thank you, Bumblebee.
11:24 You can make your way back to the podium.
11:27 Carpenter Bee, this is your opportunity to step to the centre of the Spellbound Arena.
11:32 Are you ready?
11:34 Yes.
11:35 Your first word.
11:37 Alternative.
11:39 Alternative. A-l-t-e-r-n-a-t-i-v-e.
11:44 Jealous.
11:46 Jealous.
11:50 Capacity.
11:52 Capacity. C-a-p-i-c-t-y.
11:56 Keyboard.
11:58 Keyboard. K-e-y-b-o-a-r-d.
12:02 Please spell that again.
12:04 K-e-y-b-o-a-r-d.
12:08 Thank you, Carpenter Bee.
12:10 Make way for the Honeybee to the centre of the arena.
12:14 Calm and confident, correct?
12:17 Your first word.
12:21 Beauty.
12:23 Beauty. B-e-a-u-t-y. Beauty.
12:27 Geography.
12:29 Geography.
12:31 J-o-g...
12:33 R-u-r-f-e-e.
12:42 Paragraph.
12:44 Paragraph. P-a-r-a-g-r-a-p-h. Paragraph.
12:49 Evacuate.
12:51 Evacuate.
12:53 Thank you, Megan. And thank you, Honeybee.
13:00 Ivy Bee, it's your turn.
13:02 Come on in to the centre of the arena.
13:07 Your first word, Matthias.
13:09 Volunteer.
13:11 Volunteer.
13:13 V...
13:15 Can I pass on this one?
13:20 You may.
13:22 Trustworthy.
13:24 Trustworthy. T-r-u-s-t-w-o-r-t-h-y.
13:30 Trustworthy.
13:32 Fidget.
13:34 Fidget. F-i-d-g-e-t. Fidget.
13:38 Companion.
13:40 Companion. C-o-m-p-a-n-i-o-n. Companion.
13:46 And that is time. And thank you very much.
13:52 Killer Bee, buzz on in, please.
13:55 Are you ready, Luke? Yes, sir.
13:58 Your first word, Contemplate.
14:01 C-o...
14:04 Wait, can you repeat the word?
14:06 Contemplate.
14:08 Can I pass on this one?
14:10 Certainly.
14:12 Atomic.
14:14 O-t-o-m-i-c.
14:17 Substitute.
14:20 S-u-b-s-t-u...
14:24 T-e.
14:26 Dismal.
14:28 D-i-s-m-a-l.
14:32 Thank you very much, Killer Bee.
14:37 It's time for the Mining Bee to step forward.
14:40 Are you ready?
14:42 Your first word, Calissa.
14:44 Primitive.
14:47 Can you repeat the word, please?
14:49 Primitive.
14:51 P-r-i...
14:53 I can pass on this one, please?
14:56 You may.
14:58 Explosion.
15:00 Explosion.
15:02 E-xplos...
15:04 S-p-o-sion.
15:07 E...
15:09 Can you please repeat that?
15:11 E-xplos...
15:16 S-p-o-sion.
15:22 And thank you, Mining Bee,
15:24 as Stingless Bee makes his way to the centre of the arena.
15:28 Are you ready?
15:30 Yes, sir.
15:32 Your first word.
15:35 Retainer.
15:37 Retainer. R-e-t-a-i-n-e-r.
15:42 Stealthy.
15:44 Stealthy. S-t-e-a-i-t-h-y.
15:49 Tapestry.
15:51 Tapestry. T-a-p-e-s-t-r-y.
15:55 Virtue.
15:57 Virtue. V-e-r-t-u-e. Virtue.
16:02 Thank you very much, Stingless Bee.
16:06 Great job, spellers.
16:08 Now, while the judge tallies up the results,
16:10 let's see if the big people on the streets of TNT
16:13 can spell some of these tough words
16:15 that we've been seeing in this competition.
16:17 Sawa, sawa, yeah!
16:20 Spell the word. Capacity.
16:22 You have to have the capacity to work some way.
16:25 That mean the brains.
16:27 Spell capacity. Show them, Nama.
16:29 C-a-p...
16:32 S-i-t-i-t-y.
16:36 Chang.
16:38 Awa, you spell invertebrate for me.
16:45 I-n-v-e-r-t-i-t-i.
16:55 Grit.
16:57 Grit.
16:59 G-r-a-t-e.
17:01 Thank you so much.
17:03 All right, it's time to find out
17:05 which of our starting seven will qualify for Round Three.
17:10 The four students who have qualified are...
17:13 Adidev, Mateus, Arion and Malik.
17:21 MUSIC
17:24 Well, just to show what a fantastic job you guys did here today,
17:38 we have some really fun goodie bags for you kids to see Sunshine Snacks.
17:42 So let's say thank you to Sunshine Snacks and give them a little buzz.
17:45 Sunshine Snacks!
17:47 Great.
17:48 Here you go, grab it, grab it, grab it.
17:50 All right, bees, let's buzz on out of here.
17:52 Let's go. Come on, let's go.
17:56 From the experts that created the Singer Sandwich
18:05 comes the KFC Crispy Barbecue Singer.
18:15 Cheddar cheese, crispy onions,
18:18 the most delicious Kentucky fried chicken
18:22 and barbecue sauce.
18:24 Get ready for a whole new level of flavour.
18:28 To the right.
18:35 Mila, you go to your left.
18:37 Thank you for the rejections.
18:42 That taught me to keep striving.
18:45 Thank you for the long hours.
18:50 That taught me discipline.
18:52 Fight, fight, fight!
18:54 Keep up!
18:56 Go!
18:57 Thank you for the knockdowns.
19:00 That taught me to bounce back.
19:06 And for the unexpected victories.
19:09 That taught me to never give up.
19:14 Please welcome the Art of Succeed.
19:17 Thank you for making me who I am.
19:22 Thank you for making me who I am.
19:26 Thank you.
19:29 # #
19:33 # #
19:36 # #
19:39 # #
19:43 # #
19:47 # #
19:51 # #
19:55 # #
19:58 # #
20:01 # #
20:04 Four more words to spell, but only 20 seconds to do it.
20:13 Round three is known as...
20:15 BUZZED UP!
20:16 Stefan, explain the wheel to the audience.
20:18 So, we have four categories, right?
20:21 Normal nouns.
20:23 We are talking verb, we're not talking adjective.
20:26 Noun, person, place, animal, thing.
20:29 Right? Good.
20:30 Seven letters or more, self-explanatory.
20:33 The word is either seven letters or more.
20:36 You all understand, right? Good.
20:38 Does it double?
20:40 Some words tend to, or maybe, have two letters
20:46 that may be similar or the exact same letters.
20:49 Next state.
20:51 It may be there, it may not be there.
20:53 And last category starts with a vowel.
20:58 We all know the vowels.
20:59 Hames, I think that was self-explanatory,
21:01 as I said before, right?
21:03 B's understood?
21:04 Yeah.
21:05 Time to go for the next round of this competition.
21:08 Let's make your way to the real arrow.
21:10 Let's start with you.
21:11 Come on.
21:12 This way.
21:13 Be careful.
21:14 And it starts with a vowel.
21:19 Arion, are you ready?
21:20 So, now you go back into the spelling arena.
21:23 To the mic.
21:24 Thank you, Hema.
21:26 Arion, are you ready?
21:28 Yes, sir.
21:29 Your first word is...
21:31 Arctic.
21:33 Arctic.
21:34 A-R-C-T-I-C, Arctic.
21:39 Uncanny.
21:40 Uncanny.
21:42 U-N-C-A-N-N-Y, uncanny.
21:47 Anticipate.
21:48 Anticipate.
21:50 A-N-T-I-C-A-T-I-P-A-T.
21:58 Thank you very much, Arion.
22:00 Thank you.
22:02 Mathias, are you ready?
22:03 Let's go to the wheel.
22:05 Starts with a vowel.
22:13 Make your way into the arena.
22:15 All right.
22:16 Skippy.
22:19 Your first word, Mathias.
22:21 Education.
22:23 Education.
22:24 E-D-U-C-A-T-I-O-N, education.
22:28 Ostrich.
22:29 Ostrich.
22:30 A-S-T-R-I-C-H, ostrich.
22:34 Umbrella.
22:35 Umbrella.
22:36 U-M-B-R-E-L-L-A, umbrella.
22:39 Aurora.
22:41 That is time.
22:47 Thank you very much.
22:48 Thank you.
22:49 Malik, are you ready?
22:51 Make your way to the wheel with Uncle Stefan.
22:54 And again, starts with a vowel.
23:02 Are you ready?
23:03 Into the spelling arena.
23:05 All right then, Malik.
23:07 You ready?
23:08 Your first word, offering.
23:12 Offering.
23:13 O-F-F-E-R-I-N-G, offering.
23:17 Illusion.
23:19 Illusion.
23:20 I-L-L-U-S-I-O-N, illusion.
23:27 Equip.
23:28 Equip.
23:29 E-Q-U-I-P, equip.
23:32 Thank you very much, Malik.
23:34 Thank you, Malik.
23:35 Back to the beehive.
23:36 And Adidev, you are making your way to the wheel.
23:39 Woo!
23:43 Big spin.
23:46 Big spin.
23:47 Starts with a vowel.
23:50 Let's go.
23:51 Are you ready?
23:52 Into the arena.
23:53 Your first word, instinct.
23:57 Instinct.
23:58 I-N-S-T-I-C-T.
24:01 Elevation.
24:03 Elevation.
24:04 E-L-A-V-A-T-I-O-N.
24:07 Insulate.
24:09 Insulate.
24:10 I-N-S-U-L-A-T-E.
24:13 Explosion.
24:14 Explosion.
24:15 E-X-P-L-O-S-I-O-N.
24:19 Thank you very much, Adidev.
24:20 While the judge tallies the results to get to the final two,
24:25 I would just like to say a special thank you to all of the teachers,
24:29 parents, guardians, aunties, uncles, loved ones,
24:33 who continue to invest their time and their love
24:36 into creating the next generation of superstars
24:39 like the ones that we see here today.
24:41 We have the results, Queen Bee.
24:43 It is that time.
24:45 While all of our Bs have been phenomenal,
24:56 the two to finish fastest
24:58 and with the most words spelled correctly are...
25:03 Malik and Adidev.
25:06 A round of applause to all of our participants.
25:12 And for those of you at home,
25:14 let's take a look at the Spellbound Statistics Board one more time.
25:19 All right, guys, thank you so much for being here.
25:32 We just want to say thank you to Sunshine Snacks
25:34 for giving us these lovely goodie bags for Matthias and Arion.
25:37 So thank you, guys.
25:38 We have been enchanted by these lovely little ones here all day
25:41 and now it's time for us to get enchanted by...
25:43 Kes The Illusionist!
25:48 What's up, guys? This is your boy Kes The Illusionist
25:53 and this is all about spells on Spellbound.
25:57 So you know what?
25:58 To pay tribute to how my legacy began,
26:00 I'd like to show you guys a card trick.
26:02 Would you guys like to see a card trick?
26:04 And to do that, I'm going to need the help of the Queen Bee herself.
26:08 Y'all make some noise for...
26:09 Emma.
26:13 And how are you today?
26:15 A little nervous, I must say.
26:18 There's no reason to be nervous, right?
26:20 Just a simple card trick with me and you.
26:23 This is what I'd like you to do for me.
26:25 I'm going to riffle through the deck like this.
26:27 I would like you to tell me when to stop.
26:29 Got it, right?
26:30 Got it.
26:31 Tell me when to stop.
26:32 Stop.
26:33 Awesome. Look at your card.
26:34 Do not show the audience this yet.
26:36 Kids!
26:37 Emma is going to show you her card.
26:39 Do not say the card out loud, right?
26:42 Right, show everyone your card.
26:43 Kids, do not say it.
26:45 Don't say it.
26:46 Everyone saw the card, right?
26:48 Everyone saw it.
26:49 Very good.
26:50 Emma, did you look at your card yourself?
26:52 I did.
26:53 Very nice.
26:54 So this is the part I'd like you to hold into the deck.
26:58 Right.
26:59 You can put your card back into the deck and give it a nice little shuffle.
27:03 Very good.
27:04 So this is what I'd like you to do for me.
27:06 Could you find the cards out like this with your two hands?
27:09 Okay.
27:10 Great. Could you face me?
27:11 Uh-huh.
27:12 Come right here.
27:13 Good.
27:14 Could you go back a bit?
27:16 Right.
27:17 Again.
27:18 This is what's going to happen.
27:20 When I tell you to, you are going to throw the cards up into the air in my direction
27:26 and I am going to stab you with this sword.
27:29 Oh, sorry, stab the card.
27:31 Oh, different show, right?
27:33 [laughter]
27:35 But don't worry.
27:36 You got it, right?
27:37 When I tell you to, I want you to throw the cards up into the air in my direction
27:41 and I am going to get your card.
27:44 Got it?
27:45 Okay.
27:46 Are you ready?
27:47 Yes.
27:48 Nice.
27:49 So remember, when I tell you, don't hesitate.
27:50 Nice and big into the air and I will get your card.
27:52 Right.
27:53 Silence on the set.
27:54 I need to focus.
27:56 Hey, are you ready?
27:58 Throw up.
27:59 Yep.
28:00 Right.
28:01 Hey, throw the cards in the air on the corner tree.
28:06 [laughter]
28:15 I feel all these long words today, Javier, a little tired.
28:18 I know.
28:19 I don't know why I got so excited.
28:21 But that's no worries.
28:22 That's why we magicians, we always work with an extra deck, right?
28:26 But hey, Malisa, we do not have any more cards, right?
28:30 Okay.
28:31 After three, okay?
28:32 [laughter]
28:33 You want to give it a nice little shuffle, okay?
28:35 Okay, let's do this again.
28:36 Nice.
28:37 You know what?
28:38 Let me face you this time.
28:39 You can go back a bit.
28:40 Okay.
28:41 And this time, try to pulse it more up into the air so we can give a nice little spin.
28:44 Okay.
28:45 Just to make sure we get it on camera.
28:46 Got it, right?
28:47 Got it.
28:48 Are you ready?
28:49 Yes.
28:50 We are counting.
28:51 One, two, three.
28:56 [music]
29:00 It is.
29:01 [applause]
29:02 You'll give him a round of applause and this is for you.
29:05 Thank you guys very much.
29:07 This is Cassie Lushness and you guys are spellbound.
29:09 You'll give him a round of applause again.
29:11 [applause]
29:14 [music]
29:22 This is the final round.
29:24 The sting.
29:26 Time for the fastest finger.
29:28 Gentlemen, you ready?
29:30 Bear in mind that once I say that word, the person who hits first has the opportunity to either spell that word or to pass it to the other contestant.
29:43 Understood?
29:45 Excellent.
29:47 Your word is...
29:49 Shaka Shakaari.
29:54 S-H-A-Q-A...
30:01 S-H-A-Q-A-R-Y?
30:07 That is incorrect.
30:11 Which means that Malik now has the opportunity to spell that word.
30:18 Shaka Shakaari.
30:21 Shaka.
30:22 S-H-A-Q-A...
30:25 S-H...
30:28 U...
30:32 K-A-R-E.
30:40 That is also incorrect.
30:42 Let's make this Malik's round.
30:44 Your new word...
30:46 is extraterrestrial.
30:50 E-X-T-R-A...
30:53 T-E...
30:55 R-R-E-S-T-R-I-A-L.
30:59 Malik...
31:05 You just spelt the word extraterrestrial correctly.
31:10 Which means...
31:13 that you now have to use that word in a sentence.
31:19 Would you like to use that word in a sentence, or would you like to use the opportunity to pass to Adidiv?
31:31 Pass.
31:34 Alright.
31:35 Which means that the opportunity now falls to Adidiv.
31:39 And your new word, Adidiv...
31:43 is balise.
31:46 B-A-L-E-S-A-Y?
31:51 That is incorrect.
31:54 Which means...
31:56 that we will now go once again to Malik.
32:03 And Malik has a new word.
32:06 Your word, Malik...
32:10 is dysfunctional.
32:13 D-I-S...
32:18 F-U-N-C-T-I-O-N-A-L.
32:23 Dysfunctional.
32:25 That is incorrect, Malik.
32:30 Adidiv, it now falls on you.
32:33 Your new word...
32:37 quarrelsome.
32:41 Quarrelsome.
32:44 Q-U-A-R-R-E-L-S-O-M-E?
32:49 That is correct, Adidiv.
32:54 Now that you spelt that word correctly,
32:59 you have to use the word quarrelsome in a sentence.
33:03 The two children were a very quarrelsome bunch.
33:07 That is an acceptable sentence, Adidiv.
33:12 Which means that you...
33:15 are this episode of Spellbound's champion!
33:20 Congratulations!
33:28 The winner today receives their trophy, sponsored by KFC.
33:32 And a KFC gift card, a $500 voucher from thebesttoys.com,
33:37 and the chance to compete for the cup in the season finale.
33:41 Our runner-up also received a $300 voucher from thebesttoys.com.
33:46 Thanks to you at home for watching,
33:48 and to all of our students for keeping us spellbound.
33:54 Goodness, Malik, that final round, that fastest finger.
33:58 I couldn't spell any of those words and you did such a good job.
34:02 Which one of those words was the hardest for you?
34:04 One of them was easy, but I just had to break up the words.
34:11 Right, there you go.
34:12 Sometimes just being there gives you a little bit of...
34:15 busy bee energy, maybe?
34:18 Yeah.
34:19 Yeah?
34:20 All right, and again, congratulations.
34:22 Lovely goodie bag for you, KFC Sunshine Snacks.
34:24 So thank you very much, Malik.
34:26 Have a wonderful day. You should be so proud.
34:28 Can I get a hug?
34:29 Yeah.
34:32 (audience applauding)