• 2 years ago
Spellbound - Episode 1


00:00 Spellbound is brought to you by KFC, TheBestToys.com, Shell, Milo, Art Concepts Limited, Republic Bank Limited.
00:09 Get ready to be Spellbound!
00:14 Competing today, Anaya Patino from North Manzanilla Government Primary School.
00:21 Arya Babua from Cedar Grove Private School.
00:27 Sanjeev Maharaj from Robert Village Hindu Primary School.
00:30 Renell Batiste from St. Gabriel's Girls RC School, San Fernando.
00:37 Kristen Jute from Separia Boys RC School.
00:41 Suri Nobby from San Fernando TML Primary School.
00:46 Abisha Gangadeen from Brothers Presbyterian Primary School.
00:53 And let's meet the team, our pronouncer Conrad Paris, our judge Candice Coraya Charles,
01:01 our hive hosts Megan Das and Stefan Feldman, and our Queen Bee, Heymar Ankison!
01:14 Welcome to Spellbound.
01:19 Now this is not your school spelling competition.
01:24 This is unlike any spelling bee that you've seen before.
01:28 And all for our superstars, like the ones you see here, and our school children 10 and under.
01:33 Now these brave contestants, who's brave? Who do you think is the bravest? Come on!
01:37 Well we see the girls jumped out first, but the brave contestants will have limited time to spell some challenging words.
01:45 Does that make you nervous?
01:47 No.
01:48 They're ready for this competition.
01:50 Now there are a few complications along the way and a little some surprises.
01:55 We like surprises, don't we?
01:56 Yeah.
01:56 Yeah, we do. We're all ready to go to make it to the final round.
02:00 But before starting off, we're going to have a warm-up.
02:03 Round one, the honeycomb!
02:06 Do you all know that guy?
02:08 Where do you know him from?
02:10 Superstars in the house.
02:13 Now in this round, you'll have to get to spell three words.
02:17 How many?
02:18 Three? Three words and you're going to have 30 seconds.
02:22 And each time that you spell the word correctly, our judge, now those two people there, but our judge is, wave judge.
02:29 What's going to happen if they spell it correctly?
02:31 Did you get that? Let's do it again. What's going to happen?
02:35 You can tell these are superstar children.
02:39 But if we don't spell it correctly...
02:41 They already have started this competition.
02:46 I know that's what's going to happen if you don't spell it correctly.
02:49 Students, before we start, now I'm a little nervous.
02:52 So we're doing this for me.
02:53 Let's all do a little buzz because we are bees.
02:56 So come on, let's get the buzz to get the nerves off.
02:59 My buzz is a little longer.
03:06 Judge, are we ready? Pronounce a Paris.
03:09 Thank you, Hema.
03:11 Students, I will give you three words with 30 seconds maximum in which to spell them.
03:17 You may say pass if you choose.
03:19 Time permitting, I will return to past words.
03:22 If Anaya will step to the podium, please step into the spellbound arena.
03:28 Are you ready?
03:31 Yes.
03:32 Your first word is climate.
03:38 Climate. C-L-I-M-A-T-E. Climate.
03:44 Temperature.
03:45 T-E... Temperature. T-E-M... P-A-R... Temperature.
04:00 T-E-M... P-E-R...
04:07 [Bell dings]
04:08 Well, Anaya, thank you very much.
04:13 [Applause]
04:20 Aria, please step to the spellbound arena.
04:25 Are you ready?
04:29 Definitely.
04:30 Lovely.
04:32 Your first word.
04:35 Exhaust.
04:36 E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E.
04:41 Ratio.
04:44 Repeat, please.
04:46 Ratio.
04:47 Ratio?
04:49 Yes.
04:50 R-A-S-H-O-W?
04:52 Heroes.
04:55 H-E-R-O-E-S.
04:57 Thank you very much, Aria.
05:00 [Applause]
05:04 Sanjeev, step into the spellbound arena, please.
05:09 Your first word. Are you ready?
05:15 Yes.
05:16 Your first word is crypt.
05:19 C-R-I-P-T.
05:22 Dominos.
05:25 D-O-M-I-N-O-E-S.
05:32 Phrase.
05:33 P-H-R-A-S-E.
05:36 Thank you very much, Sanjeev.
05:39 [Applause]
05:43 Next, Renelle, please step into the spellbound arena.
05:49 Are you ready?
05:58 Yes.
06:00 Your first word. Acquire.
06:03 A-Q-U-I-R-E.
06:08 Safety.
06:11 S-A-F-E-T-Y.
06:13 Nervous.
06:15 N-E-R-V-O-U-S.
06:18 Thank you very much, Renelle.
06:20 [Applause]
06:23 Kriston, you're up next. Step to the podium, please.
06:27 Step to the podium, please.
06:29 Your first word. Scissors.
06:38 S-C-I-S-S-O-R-S.
06:42 Absence.
06:43 Absence.
06:45 A-B-S-C-E-N-S-E.
06:50 Diamond.
06:53 D-I-A-M-O-N-D.
06:56 Thank you very much, Kriston.
06:58 [Applause]
07:01 Suri, welcome into the spellbound arena.
07:07 Your first word. Myth.
07:13 Myth. M-Y-T-H. Myth.
07:15 Bagel.
07:17 Bagel. B-A-G-E-L. Bagel.
07:20 Acre.
07:21 Acre. A-C-R-E. Acre.
07:24 Thank you very much, Suri.
07:26 [Applause]
07:28 And finally, Miss Gangadine, please step up to the podium.
07:34 Are you ready? Yes.
07:42 I appreciate your confidence, Avisha.
07:45 Your first word is morale.
07:48 M-O-R-E-G.
07:53 Individual.
07:56 Individual. N-N-No.
08:00 I-N-D-I-V-U-A-L.
08:07 Grief.
08:10 Grief. G-R-E-I-F.
08:16 Thank you, Avisha.
08:19 [Applause]
08:24 Ladies and gentlemen, and to all of the boys and girls, and to our audience, a round of applause for all of the students.
08:31 Great job, all of the superstars.
08:34 Now, for those of you at home, let's just take a look at the stats to give you an idea as to how we arrived here.
08:41 [Music]
08:46 I just want to give the kids a little encouragement today.
08:49 Don't have no fear. Go out there and do your best. Put your best foot forward and you will succeed.
08:56 Hi to all the kids who participated in the Spelling Bee. Study hard and do your best.
09:00 [Music]
09:08 Welcome back to Spellbound, where we have some seriously talented bees.
09:13 A round of applause for everyone completing the first round.
09:16 [Applause]
09:18 Now, we've seen a little bit about what they can do. Now we are really getting into it.
09:22 Round two, the bee-off.
09:25 Now, in this round, you're each getting not three, but four words. How many?
09:31 Four words.
09:33 Four words. And if you run out of time, Pronouncer Paris will move on to the next student.
09:41 But nothing to be nervous about because we know we have the timer and we know what 30 seconds feels like.
09:46 Because the first round was a warm-up round, right? Yeah? Good one.
09:51 Now, your spelling time could definitely make a difference in this one.
09:55 So this one is about the time and doing it fastest.
09:59 To decide which group of words you get, each of you will get to pull from the hive.
10:05 Ready for the hive?
10:07 [Music]
10:11 Like bees, there's a lot of movement and we're taking some movement around the hive.
10:26 So we know what bee you are at this point.
10:30 When I call the name, you move. So Bumblebee, one.
10:33 Carpenter bee, you're now at podium number two.
10:36 Honeybee, you're now at number three.
10:39 Ivy bee, number four.
10:42 Killer bee, number five.
10:44 Mining bee, number six.
10:47 And Stingless bee, number seven.
10:50 We all have the right positions? Yes.
10:53 So it's time to start spelling.
10:55 Pronouncer Paris, on to you.
10:57 Thank you, Hema.
10:58 Students, similarly to the last round, I will read your words and you will spell them.
11:04 Keep an eye on the clock, as there are only 30 seconds for you to spell four words this time.
11:12 You may say pass if you choose.
11:14 Time permitting, I will return to past words, okay?
11:17 But this time, our judge will be tallying silently.
11:22 And you will not know if you've gotten any of your words right or wrong until the end of the round.
11:29 Understood? Good.
11:33 Starting with Bumblebee, are you ready? Yes.
11:38 Your first word, circumference.
11:43 Circumference, S-E-R-C-O-M-F-E-R-A-N-C.
11:55 Abbreviation.
11:57 Abbreviation, A-B-B-R-E-V-I-A-T-I-O-N.
12:07 Boulevard.
12:10 Boulevard, B-O-U.
12:16 That is time. Thank you so much, Bumblebee.
12:23 Carpenter Bee, you are up next, Carpenter Bee. Are you ready? Yes.
12:28 Your first word, phantom.
12:32 Phantom, P-H-A-N-T-O-N.
12:39 Requirement.
12:41 R-E-Q-U-I-R-E-M-E-N-T.
12:46 Approximately.
12:48 A-P-P-R-O-X-I-M-A-T-E-L-Y.
12:56 Vigorous.
12:57 V-I-G-O-R-O-U-S.
13:00 Time it is. Thank you very much, Carpenter Bee, Kristen.
13:07 It's now Honeybee's turn. Please step into the arena.
13:12 Your first word, cynical.
13:15 F-Y-N-I-C-A-L.
13:19 Artificial.
13:21 A-R-T-I-F-I-C-I-A-L.
13:25 Emphasize.
13:27 E-M-P-H-I-S-I-S.
13:31 Grievance.
13:33 G-R-I-E-V-E-N-C-E.
13:36 Thank you very much, Honeybee. You may return to your position.
13:42 And now it's time for Ivy Bee to step to the mic.
13:47 Are you ready, Renelle?
13:49 Yes.
13:50 Your first word, wheeze.
13:54 W-E-E-S.
13:56 Bazaar.
13:58 B-U-S-E-R.
14:00 Literacy.
14:02 L-I-T-E-R-C-E-R.
14:06 Synonym.
14:08 S-Y-N-O-M.
14:12 Thank you very much.
14:14 [applause]
14:18 Killer Bee, it is your turn.
14:22 Are you ready?
14:23 Yes.
14:24 I am too.
14:26 Your first word, visualize.
14:30 V-I-S-U-A-L-I-Z-E.
14:39 Rhombus.
14:41 R-U-M-P-U-S-E.
14:49 Threatening.
14:50 T-H-R-E-A-T-E-N.
14:57 I-N-G.
15:00 Jealousy.
15:02 G.
15:03 I'm sorry, that's time.
15:05 Thank you very much, Ivy Bee.
15:08 Now, we move on to Mining Bee.
15:12 Are you ready, Sanjeev?
15:14 Yes.
15:16 Your first word, porridge.
15:21 P-O-U-R-A-G-E.
15:24 Exhibit.
15:25 E-X-I-B-E-A-T.
15:29 Campaign.
15:31 C-A-M-P-A-I-N.
15:34 Souvenir.
15:36 S-U-V-E-N-E-A-R.
15:40 Thank you very much, Mining Bee.
15:42 [applause]
15:44 And finally, Stingless Bee.
15:48 Are you ready?
15:49 Yes.
15:50 Suri, your first word, irresponsible.
15:55 Irresponsible.
15:56 I-R-R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-L-E.
15:59 Irresponsible.
16:00 Mediate.
16:02 Immediate.
16:03 I-M-M-E-D-I-A-T-E.
16:05 Immediate.
16:06 Omnivore.
16:07 Omnivore.
16:08 O-M-N-I-V-O-R-E.
16:11 Omnivore.
16:12 Paralyze.
16:14 Paralyze.
16:15 P-A-R-A-L-Y-Z-E.
16:18 Paralyze.
16:19 Thank you very much, Suri.
16:21 [applause]
16:22 And that's the round.
16:24 Well, now that the bees are back in the hive,
16:26 it's time for the judges to tally the results.
16:29 And while they do so, let's find out if the man on the street can spell,
16:33 if big people can do any better.
16:36 All that we're going on is your boy Stephanie Alphabet Man.
16:39 We're out here in the streets for Spellbong, all of you.
16:42 And we're asking people outside here whether they can spell, whether they can't spell.
16:46 We're out here and we want to see how the man on the street is doing with the spelling thing.
16:53 So, come with me.
16:54 Here we go.
16:55 Do you have any words that you want to check?
16:57 Spell check.
16:58 You want to check grammar?
17:00 You want to check all the different apps, particularly spell?
17:03 This is real trouble.
17:04 Yeah.
17:05 Which word?
17:06 Chagrammer.
17:07 Oh, God.
17:08 Ha-hi!
17:09 Boulevard.
17:10 You ever go on Charlotte Boulevard to buy booty?
17:13 Right, Charlotte Street, girl?
17:14 You know, that's called the Charlotte Boulevard.
17:16 Let me see if you can spell one of them words that them children have.
17:19 Here we go.
17:20 We're going, eh?
17:21 We're going.
17:22 Hygiene.
17:23 H-y-g-i-e-n.
17:26 I know you're bright.
17:27 You see where that shade's at?
17:28 I know your swag.
17:30 I know you was getting that dog.
17:32 Boulevard.
17:33 I don't know.
17:34 That's nothing.
17:35 It's tough.
17:36 It's tough.
17:37 You see?
17:38 I feel you have to go in there spelling, B.
17:39 Yeah, I know.
17:40 T-A-M, Tambron, B-R-A-M, or B, Tambron?
17:46 What is Tambron?
17:47 Tambron is something from a tree that you can make to do strew tambron, or you can do
17:52 paste tambron with baking soda and salt.
17:55 Right.
17:56 So, spell it one more time again for the camera.
17:58 Tambron is T-A-M-B-R-A-M.
18:01 Excellent.
18:02 And your word is biscuit.
18:03 Oh, God.
18:04 Biscuit.
18:05 Tea time or biscuit?
18:06 You, any kind of biscuit.
18:08 Do you choose your biscuit?
18:10 B-I-S-C-I-U-T.
18:13 That is why you were the fourth alternate.
18:16 Thank you.
18:17 All right.
18:18 So, tell me how you're going to teach me to learn to spell the word necessary.
18:22 Okay.
18:23 So, it's never eat cheese, eat salami sausages, and remain young.
18:27 Necessary.
18:28 Wow.
18:29 That is excellent.
18:30 That was excellent.
18:31 I will never not know how to spell necessary again.
18:34 Seven, how were the streets?
18:36 Hey, ma, oh, my gosh.
18:39 Me able, you know.
18:40 Me able.
18:41 It's boy you and girl.
18:42 I book you and buy for them, you know.
18:43 I not able.
18:44 I able with them at all, Lord.
18:46 However, it's one thing I think we can recognize is that those are some seriously difficult words.
18:50 So, a round of applause for all of the students participating, showing us what quality education we do have.
18:56 But things are getting serious now, and it's time to find out which of our starting seven is going to make it to round three.
19:03 The four students who are qualified and in no particular order, Suri, Kristen, Anaya, and Aria.
19:13 A round of applause again for all of our students.
19:17 And let's just head back to the stats board so you at home can see how it all got calculated.
19:22 [Music]
19:30 When we return, it's round three, the penultimate round of this episode of Spellbound.
19:37 Would you guys consider giving us a big buzz out there for everybody at home?
19:41 Yeah?
19:42 Three, two, one, buzz.
19:44 All right.
19:46 Well, thank you so much for being here.
19:48 And just to let you guys know, you are all champions.
19:50 So, I just want to give you these little tokens of our appreciation, show you how amazing a job you guys did.
19:55 All right.
19:56 So, you can go ahead and grab one.
19:57 Anything you want to say?
20:00 Shout out to your school?
20:01 I want to shout out to my mom and daddy for helping me.
20:04 And I want to shout out to my teacher, Miss Frances.
20:07 Very lovely.
20:08 I would like to shout out to my teacher, Sir Ronald, and my parents.
20:12 And Mr. Sanjee?
20:15 My entire school and my parents.
20:18 These kids are amazing.
20:20 You guys take a note from these wonderful children out there.
20:23 [Music]
20:30 We are here at Spellbound, the spelling arena, the first of its kind.
20:34 Congratulations to our four students, Suri, Kristen, Anaya, and Aria.
20:39 How are we feeling?
20:41 Now, I know we've done the round of applause, but we have to recognize that these students are doing so well.
20:46 Moving on to another one.
20:48 And they are competing for one of two spots in our episode finale.
20:52 And you just have four more words to get.
20:55 But this time, you know, I did mention Auntie Hema did say things will change a little bit.
21:00 So now you have to do it in less time, in 20 seconds.
21:04 But I'm sure you're going to do it properly and do it well.
21:07 But also, round three is also known as...
21:11 Buzzed Up!
21:13 Now in this round, instead of pulling from the hive, we're going to go to the wheel.
21:19 Staphon, what's the wheel about?
21:20 Right. Let me explain to all of you at home.
21:22 I'm going to have to do a lot of work to explain this wheel, right?
21:25 So we have four categories.
21:28 The kids can get any of those.
21:30 Seven letters or more simply means the word has seven letters or more.
21:35 Does it double?
21:37 The word might have two letters, same letter, next to it, or it may not.
21:42 Who knows? Right?
21:44 Start with a vowel.
21:46 All you know the vowels. A, E, I, O, U. Right?
21:51 And normal nouns. It's not a verb, it's not an adjective. Right?
21:56 It's person, place, animal, thing. All this to play the game long time. Right?
21:59 So those are the categories that the kids may get on the wheel.
22:03 On the wheel.
22:05 Bees, are you ready?
22:07 So now it's time to make your way to the wheel.
22:09 [wheel spinning]
22:17 And Suri gets normal nouns.
22:19 So Suri, you have to make your way back into the spelling arena.
22:23 And, pronouncer Paris, on to you.
22:25 Again, I will read your words and you will spell them.
22:29 Keep an eye on the clock as there are now only 20 seconds for you to spell four words.
22:35 You may say pass if you choose.
22:37 Time permitting, I will return to past words.
22:40 Our judge will again be tallying silently.
22:44 And you will not know if you get any of your words right or wrong until the end of the round.
22:51 Are you ready?
22:52 Yes, sir.
22:53 Your first word, kindergarten.
22:57 Kindergarten. K-I-N-D-E-R-G-A-R-T-E-N. Kindergarten.
23:03 Seashell.
23:04 Seashell. S-E-A-S-H-E-L-L. Seashell.
23:09 Brochure.
23:10 Brochure. B-R-O-C-H-U-R-E. Brochure.
23:14 Conductor.
23:15 Conductor. C-O-N-D-U-C-T.
23:18 Very good, Suri.
23:19 Very good, Jury.
23:20 [applause]
23:23 Anaya, it's now your turn.
23:25 [wheel spinning]
23:30 Starts with a vowel.
23:32 - Oh well!
23:33 Now Anaya, we have to make your way to the spelling arena.
23:37 Right on to Paras.
23:38 - Anaya?
23:39 - Yes.
23:40 - Your first word.
23:41 Absolutely.
23:44 - Absolutely.
23:45 A, B, S, O, U,
23:48 L, O, U, T, E, L, Y.
23:55 - Incredible.
23:57 - Incredible.
23:59 I, N,
24:02 C, R, E.
24:02 - Well, that was time.
24:06 - And I thank you.
24:07 - Thank you very much, Anaya.
24:08 (audience applauding)
24:11 - Ariel, you are up next.
24:14 Seven letters or more.
24:24 All right, let's go to the spelling arena.
24:26 Connor at Paras.
24:28 - Here we go.
24:31 Transporter.
24:32 - T, R, A, N, F, P, O, R, T, E, R.
24:37 - Mileage.
24:40 - M, I, L, E, A, G, E.
24:43 - Concentration.
24:44 - C, O, N, T, E, R, T, R, A, T, I, O, N.
24:49 - Pageant.
24:50 - P, A, G, E, N, T.
24:52 - Thank you very much.
24:53 - Well done.
24:54 (audience applauding)
24:58 And Kristen, make your way to the wheel.
25:01 Seven letters or more.
25:11 Come on, Kristen, let's go into the spelling arena
25:13 where pronouncer Paras is waiting.
25:16 - You ready, Kristen?
25:17 - Yes.
25:18 - Good.
25:19 Your first word, addiction.
25:22 - A, D, D, I, C, T, I, O, N.
25:28 - Vulnerable.
25:29 - Vulnerable, V, U, L, N, E, R, A, B, L, E.
25:34 - Congratulations.
25:38 - C, O, N, G, R, A, T, E.
25:43 - Well, that's time.
25:46 Thank you very much, Kristen.
25:48 - A round of applause for all of our spellers,
25:50 and we know that was truly a difficult round.
25:54 Well, Judge Coriachel tallies the results
25:57 to determine the final two.
25:58 I think I would like to just say how proud I am
26:00 of all of the students and how proud we are
26:03 of the education system in Trinidad and Tobago.
26:05 - We have the results.
26:07 - It's that time.
26:08 I'm holding this close to my chest.
26:16 And while everyone has been amazing,
26:18 the two to finish fastest and with the most correct answers,
26:24 here we go, Suri and Ariel.
26:27 A round of applause to everyone.
26:30 And for those of you at home,
26:37 here's a look at our stats board.
26:39 - I just wanna give you, KCC AMCO,
26:49 these lovely little tokens for all your hard work
26:51 and amazing job that you did there today.
26:54 Thank you guys so much.
26:54 Can I get a buzz?
26:56 Let's buzz out.
26:57 Let's go, buzz.
26:58 - Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.
27:00 - And let's get ready for the guy
27:02 that puts the spell in Spellbound, Kess the Illusionist.
27:07 - Thank you guys very much.
27:11 Ladies and gentlemen, this is your boy, Kess the Illusionist,
27:13 and welcome back to Spellbound,
27:16 where things does not look as it seems.
27:22 So today we're gonna learn a new word.
27:24 And trust me, a lot of you guys probably think
27:27 that this word is not real or it is made up,
27:32 but trust me, it is not.
27:34 And can you guess what word is that,
27:35 that magicians always use?
27:37 Abracadabra.
27:39 A lot of people think that that word is made up
27:42 or it's just the magician that came to our primary school
27:46 'cause he came to mine.
27:48 We may see Mr. Abracadabra,
27:50 but abracadabra is actually a real word.
27:54 And if I'm not mistaken, it is Latin.
27:58 And can you guys guess what abracadabra actually means?
28:03 Abracadabra is a Latin word for I create as I speak.
28:09 So let us show you guys exactly what we mean
28:18 by abracadabra.
28:23 I create as I speak.
28:30 (laughing)
28:33 This is your boy, Cassie Luchanis,
28:37 and the princess, and you were Spellbound.
28:40 (clapping)
28:42 (upbeat music)
28:45 - It's the final round, this thing.
28:53 But who gets to go first?
28:55 Aria, Suri?
28:57 Time for the fastest finger.
28:59 Once Pronouncer Paris has read out the word,
29:02 it's over to you.
29:03 Pronunciation Paris.
29:05 - Thank you, Queen B.
29:06 Your word.
29:08 Fertilization.
29:13 - Fertilization.
29:13 F-E-R-T-I-L-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N, fertilization.
29:18 - That is correct.
29:23 So now, Suri, please use the word in a sentence.
29:28 - Plants must ensure they have proper fertilization
29:37 if they would like to grow.
29:39 - That is correct.
29:41 Suri, you are our winner for this episode of Spellbound.
29:46 Congratulations, Suri.
29:48 (clapping)
29:50 Our winner today receives their trophy sponsored by KFC
29:57 and a KFC gift card, a $500 voucher from thebesttoys.com
30:02 and the chance to compete for the cup in the special.
30:07 - And the chance to compete for the cup
30:09 in the season finale.
30:11 Our runner-up also received a $300 voucher
30:15 from thebesttoys.com and a KFC gift card.
30:19 - Thank you very much, all of you at home for watching
30:22 and to all of our students for keeping us spellbound.
30:26 - Can I get the buzz now?
30:30 (buzzing)
30:32 Suri, oh my goodness, congratulations.
30:35 You must be so proud of yourself, are you?
30:36 - Yes, I'm proud of myself.
30:39 - Shout out my teachers, both my teachers, Sam Chaves,
30:42 Sam Chaves and Mishazara and my class for motivating me.
30:46 - Guys, hair drop, that was just perfect.
30:50 You are such an amazing young lady.
30:52 Congratulations again.
30:53 - And remember, Spellbound is brought to you by KFC,
30:58 thebesttoys.com, Shell, Milo, Art Concepts Limited,
31:03 Republic Bank Limited.