Le grand-père d'Emile a été arrêté peu de temps après que la police a trouvé cette preuve macabre

  • last year
Le grand-père d'Emile a été arrêté peu de temps après que la police a trouvé cette preuve macabre
#d'Emile #Aujourd'hui
00:00 Disappearance of Émile, 2 years old, at the Vernet, fire system, this aborted investigation that weighed on his grandfather.
00:07 The investigation continues in the Vernet to find Émile.
00:13 And the investigators study an amazing lead, that of a criminal fire that reduced in ashes one of the houses of Émile's family, in 2019.
00:25 There is still no news of little Émile, 2 years old, disappeared from the Vernet on July 8th.
00:30 If the research has been relaunched with important means, the child remains always untraceable.
00:38 The investigators, who do not neglect any leads, must study carefully the history of the family of this boy, which seems complex.
00:52 If for some, Émile's relatives are part of a sect, for others, a fire that occurred in 2019 a few kilometers from the Vernet, on one of the family properties, raises questions.
01:04 Indeed, a few years ago, the flames had devoured the secondary house of Émile's maternal family.
01:16 A criminal fire that had targeted several houses. But then is there a link between the disappearance of little Émile and this event?
01:24 It is a lead that exists, to entrust a judicial source to the Parisians.
01:29 At the time, fire systems had been discovered in the ruins of these houses.
01:40 But no suspects had been arrested. To this day, the mystery remains. But the investigators want to study everything and leave nothing to chance.
01:49 They take into account the testimonies of the inhabitants of the Vernet, who do not hesitate to rely on their feelings or to tell their anecdotes with Émile's family.
02:04 The Langues are related to the Vernet, place of disappearance of Émile. This was the case with a neighbor of the clan, who confided in our BFM brothers here.
02:13 We talk a little with them. They are very nice people. At first, they searched my house, opened the freezer.
02:23 But I, I do not interest them because I do not have a car, he revealed.
02:32 I really thought we were going to find him quickly, this little one. The next day, I went to see his grandparents that I know well.
02:41 They thanked me but since, I leave them alone. We must preserve them as much as possible.
02:49 Everyone says it's a family that folds over itself, it's wrong. It is a family that selects its meetings.
02:58 I was invited to meals and even weddings.
