Fatal Desire-SD

  • last year
Fatal Desire-SD
Your life is great, but to me it's just a wish. You can donate 5 dollars to my paypal: ngthanhlong1989@gmail.com. Please help me.
Thank you


00:00:00 (upbeat music)
00:00:02 (heavy breathing)
00:00:05 (upbeat music)
00:00:08 (heavy breathing)
00:00:10 (upbeat music)
00:00:13 (door closing)
00:00:18 (upbeat music)
00:00:21 (heavy breathing)
00:00:25 (upbeat music)
00:00:27 (heavy breathing)
00:00:31 (upbeat music)
00:00:34 (heavy breathing)
00:00:37 (upbeat music)
00:00:39 (gun firing)
00:00:48 - You asshole!
00:00:49 (upbeat music)
00:00:51 (gun firing)
00:00:53 (glass shattering)
00:00:57 (upbeat music)
00:01:02 - Put the gun down!
00:01:04 (upbeat music)
00:01:07 (sad music)
00:01:10 (gun firing)
00:01:18 (upbeat music)
00:01:22 (gun firing)
00:01:30 (upbeat music)
00:01:33 (gun firing)
00:01:38 - Bitch!
00:01:42 (tires screeching)
00:01:45 (upbeat music)
00:01:47 (tires screeching)
00:01:53 (upbeat music)
00:01:55 (upbeat music)
00:01:58 (tires screeching)
00:02:07 (upbeat music)
00:02:09 (tires screeching)
00:02:16 (upbeat music)
00:02:19 (tires screeching)
00:02:24 (upbeat music)
00:02:26 - Payback time.
00:02:27 - That's great stuff, Ben.
00:02:34 I like the style, very James Bond.
00:02:38 - Well, thanks.
00:02:39 - This got together really well.
00:02:40 All we need to finish the sequence is the big car crash.
00:02:44 - Yeah, well, I'm gonna have to ask you
00:02:46 for a little more money.
00:02:48 See, I've spent just about everything
00:02:49 in the budget for stunts.
00:02:52 (Ben sighs)
00:02:54 I'll see what I can do.
00:02:59 No promises, though.
00:03:01 - Well, I don't wanna cut any corners on safety now.
00:03:04 - Well, maybe we could cut some crew.
00:03:05 We need to put every penny we got on the screen.
00:03:08 Look, you do this for me,
00:03:10 and you're guaranteed to direct the next one.
00:03:13 It starts pre-production as soon as this is in the can.
00:03:16 - Well, I'd love to direct.
00:03:17 All right, I'll see what I can do.
00:03:20 But if anything happens, don't blame it on me, all right?
00:03:23 - Take care.
00:03:24 - What do you think?
00:03:29 - We need more tits.
00:03:30 (dramatic music)
00:03:33 (car horn honking)
00:03:36 (dramatic music)
00:03:39 (dramatic music)
00:03:42 (dramatic music)
00:03:44 (dramatic music)
00:03:47 (dramatic music)
00:03:50 (dramatic music)
00:03:53 (water dripping)
00:04:11 (suspenseful music)
00:04:19 (woman screaming)
00:04:22 - Get up, woman.
00:04:26 I wanna feast my eyes on thy flesh.
00:04:28 - No, please.
00:04:30 - I said get up.
00:04:33 I wanna see your body.
00:04:34 - Please, please don't hurt me.
00:04:39 - Mm, very nice, very nice indeed.
00:04:43 - You, you better leave.
00:04:46 My husband's gonna be home any minute.
00:04:48 - Oh, your husband.
00:04:50 Well, I would rather rip off my head
00:04:53 than face your husband.
00:04:55 (laughing)
00:04:57 - You asshole.
00:04:59 You really fucking scared me with that gun.
00:05:01 - Oh, now come on, honey.
00:05:02 There's nothing to worry about.
00:05:03 I mean, it's not even loaded.
00:05:05 - God, I hate it when you do shit like that.
00:05:07 - Oh, come on now, you know you love it.
00:05:09 - I can't believe you did this to me on a day like today.
00:05:12 - Well, why?
00:05:13 What's so special about today?
00:05:15 - It's my birthday, you moron.
00:05:17 - I didn't forget.
00:05:18 I've got a present right here for you.
00:05:21 - But that's the same present you gave me last year.
00:05:23 And for Christmas and New Year's
00:05:25 and Valentine's and Easter and--
00:05:28 - Oh, now come now, I'm just joking.
00:05:30 There's your real present.
00:05:33 - Oh, what is it?
00:05:36 - Well, take a look.
00:05:37 - Oh, these are so beautiful.
00:05:41 Thank you.
00:05:43 Can we afford these?
00:05:45 - Well, I'm gonna have to sweat a little bit more,
00:05:49 but you're worth every bead.
00:05:51 - So are you gonna get to direct the next film
00:05:53 for those guys like you hoped?
00:05:55 - Yes, ma'am, as soon as we finish this one.
00:05:57 All I've gotta do is one more stunt, and then that's it.
00:06:00 (upbeat music)
00:06:03 - Well, everything looks secure.
00:06:10 How do you feel, Bonnie?
00:06:12 - I feel great.
00:06:13 Just let me at it.
00:06:15 - Well, we know you know what you're doing.
00:06:16 So remember, when you get up to that warehouse
00:06:19 and that turn, just make sure you head
00:06:20 for the ramp and floor it, okay?
00:06:22 - Yes, I know, I know.
00:06:24 We've gone through this a dozen times.
00:06:26 - It's better to be safe than sorry.
00:06:29 - Well then, why don't you go down there and catch me?
00:06:32 - (laughs) All right, I'll be there.
00:06:34 You just make sure you keep it straight.
00:06:36 Bonnie, take it easy.
00:06:38 - Got it, thank you.
00:06:40 (car engine starts)
00:06:43 (car engine revs)
00:06:45 - Ben, Ben, did you get the fuel cell fitted
00:06:59 for the crash car?
00:07:00 - No, we couldn't get it.
00:07:02 - What are you talking about?
00:07:03 - It's just too expensive, man.
00:07:05 - Well, then we just can't do the stunt,
00:07:06 then it's too fucking dangerous.
00:07:08 - No, we've got to do it.
00:07:09 This is our only chance.
00:07:10 - Shit, Ben, where is the rest of the safety crew?
00:07:12 - Budget wouldn't allow it.
00:07:13 This is all I could hire.
00:07:15 - Fuck your budget, I tell you what.
00:07:16 I'll make it easy on you, all right?
00:07:18 I quit, 'cause I don't want no part of this
00:07:20 when the fucking shit hits the fan.
00:07:21 - Camera car ready?
00:07:31 - Whenever you are.
00:07:32 - Bonnie, Rose, are you ready?
00:07:35 - Yes, we are.
00:07:36 - Get it rolling.
00:07:38 - You got it.
00:07:39 - Windows up, remember?
00:07:41 - Yes, sir.
00:07:42 - Action.
00:07:43 - Payback time.
00:07:46 - Come on, step on it.
00:07:49 (tires screeching)
00:07:52 (upbeat music)
00:07:55 (tires screeching)
00:07:58 (tires screeching)
00:08:01 (tires screeching)
00:08:28 (tires screeching)
00:08:31 - Ben, the bloody car's leaking petrol.
00:08:37 - Grab the extinguishers.
00:08:39 Rose, go back, it's gonna blow.
00:08:42 (Rose grunting)
00:08:44 (water splashing)
00:08:47 - Hey, man.
00:08:48 (water splashing)
00:08:51 (water splashing)
00:08:54 - You bastard.
00:09:21 (Ben grunting)
00:09:23 - Rob, chill out.
00:09:24 - Turn the car over.
00:09:25 Hurry up, damn it.
00:09:26 - That wasn't supposed to happen.
00:09:30 - But Ben, they're gonna fry you for this one.
00:09:32 - Call an ambulance.
00:09:34 - It's useless, she's gone.
00:09:35 (Rose crying)
00:09:38 (hands clapping)
00:09:49 (hands clapping)
00:09:52 - Are you okay?
00:10:04 You look worried.
00:10:05 Maybe I can take your mind off it.
00:10:10 - I don't think so.
00:10:11 (door opening)
00:10:13 - It's party time.
00:10:25 - I don't know if I really wanna go.
00:10:28 I mean, I feel bad about this accident.
00:10:31 - It wasn't your fault.
00:10:38 Don't blame yourself for what happened.
00:10:40 - Yeah, well, I know that,
00:10:41 but their safety was my responsibility.
00:10:43 - Well, they better not make you take the blame.
00:10:45 Hmm.
00:10:49 - Honey, please don't mess up my hair.
00:10:52 - Oh, come on.
00:10:53 You turn me on, looking so smart.
00:10:56 First a director, then a producer.
00:11:00 - Please don't mess up my clothes.
00:11:02 I've got a meeting I've gotta go to.
00:11:04 - Don't mess my hair.
00:11:07 Don't mess my clothes.
00:11:08 Give me a fucking break.
00:11:10 What's wrong with you?
00:11:12 You never used to be like this.
00:11:14 - I'm just not in the mood right now, okay?
00:11:17 - You're never in the mood lately.
00:11:19 - Give me a break, will ya?
00:11:21 I mean, I'm really worried about this whole thing.
00:11:24 - I'm worried too, Ben,
00:11:26 but I'm not gonna let this ruin our marriage.
00:11:29 I need you.
00:11:30 I need you to give me some attention.
00:11:32 - Look, I've gotta go see Laura.
00:11:35 She's reviewing the case to see if I have any liability.
00:11:38 - Liability?
00:11:39 Liability of what?
00:11:41 - They're talking about suing me for compensation.
00:11:44 We could lose everything.
00:11:45 (upbeat music)
00:11:49 (crowd chattering)
00:11:51 (upbeat music)
00:11:54 (crowd chattering)
00:11:57 (upbeat music)
00:12:10 (crowd chattering)
00:12:12 - Ah, I didn't recognize you.
00:12:34 (laughing)
00:12:35 - You look great.
00:12:36 - Thanks, wish I felt better.
00:12:39 - Hey, get over it, Jerry.
00:12:40 - How did she recognize me?
00:12:44 - Well, don't worry about it.
00:12:49 Loosen up, you're at a party.
00:12:50 We'll have some cocktails, it'll be great.
00:12:53 Where's Ben?
00:12:54 - He may not come.
00:12:56 He never feels like going out anymore.
00:12:58 He feels so guilty about that accident.
00:13:01 Says he never should have let that girl drive.
00:13:03 - She was a stunt woman, that was her job.
00:13:05 I mean, we all feel guilty about it,
00:13:06 but there's no reason for Ben to blame himself.
00:13:09 - Exactly.
00:13:10 - Sue.
00:13:11 - Oh, Johnny, hi.
00:13:13 - It's so great to see you.
00:13:14 - You too.
00:13:15 - Tommy, give these girls a drink.
00:13:16 - Oh, thanks.
00:13:17 - Rose, you're beautiful, baby.
00:13:20 - Thanks, Johnny.
00:13:21 Come on, drink up.
00:13:22 (glasses clinking)
00:13:25 (upbeat music)
00:13:28 (upbeat music)
00:13:31 - Thanks for taking my case, counselor.
00:13:43 - You're welcome.
00:13:44 I need you to sign this response I prepared to the suit.
00:13:48 - Okay, I don't know why they're coming after me.
00:13:50 Why don't they go after the production company?
00:13:52 I mean, they've got insurance.
00:13:53 - No, they didn't have insurance.
00:13:55 So the stunt woman's family is going after you.
00:13:58 - What, just a bunch of ambulance chasers
00:14:00 trying to get cash out of somebody?
00:14:02 - I'm not worried about that, I can handle them.
00:14:05 There is something else that bothers me, though.
00:14:09 - What is it?
00:14:12 - There may be criminal charges filed against you.
00:14:21 - Oh, you're shitting me.
00:14:24 - The Savannah DA wants to question you
00:14:26 to determine if there was any negligence involved.
00:14:28 - Well, why?
00:14:29 I did everything I could to make sure that stunt was safe.
00:14:32 I didn't do anything wrong.
00:14:33 - I know, I understand, Ben, and I'll do everything I can.
00:14:37 But you need to be prepared to spend some money.
00:14:38 This is not going to be cheap.
00:14:40 - Oh, fuck.
00:14:42 If I lose everything over this,
00:14:44 I mean, Sue's gonna be, she'll kill me.
00:14:47 - How is Sue handling it?
00:14:49 - Well, you know Sue.
00:14:53 She can't take pressure very well.
00:14:54 She gets all weird and there's no telling
00:14:56 what she might end up doing.
00:14:58 - She'll just have to be patient.
00:15:00 - Damn, I mean, this thing is hanging over me like a noose.
00:15:05 - Take it easy, Ben.
00:15:06 - But it's driving me crazy.
00:15:07 - I know, don't worry about it.
00:15:09 Just let me handle it, okay?
00:15:12 - Yeah, look, it's getting late.
00:15:17 I'm gonna have to go.
00:15:19 - Good night, I'll call you in the morning.
00:15:20 - Okay.
00:15:22 Oh, and Ben, go on to that party and have some fun.
00:15:27 Pay some attention to Sue.
00:15:30 (upbeat music)
00:15:32 (crowd chattering)
00:15:35 - Johnny.
00:15:59 - Jimmy, great to see you.
00:16:00 - Always good.
00:16:01 - Johnny, meet Carmen.
00:16:02 - Carmen?
00:16:05 I'm a producer.
00:16:07 - Carmen, show Johnny your talents.
00:16:09 - Watch me closely.
00:16:10 - I'd love to.
00:16:11 (upbeat music)
00:16:15 (upbeat music)
00:16:18 - We are having so much fun.
00:16:41 I just hope it continues.
00:16:43 (upbeat music)
00:16:45 - Hey, I'm gonna go to the restroom.
00:16:49 - Okay.
00:16:50 (knocking)
00:17:10 - Just a minute.
00:17:12 (upbeat music)
00:17:14 - Who are you?
00:17:41 Get away from me.
00:17:43 - Come here.
00:18:07 I said come here.
00:18:09 What the hell were you doing in there?
00:18:10 - What are you talking about?
00:18:11 I saw you in the pool room with that other guy.
00:18:13 What's going on?
00:18:14 - You sure it was me?
00:18:15 - Don't get smart with me.
00:18:16 I saw you.
00:18:18 You're drunk.
00:18:19 - Big deal.
00:18:20 I'm at a party.
00:18:21 I had a couple of drinks.
00:18:22 Excuse me for a second.
00:18:26 Hey, Ben.
00:18:28 - Hey, Rose.
00:18:29 - What are you doing?
00:18:30 - I gotta get out of here.
00:18:31 I need some peace and quiet.
00:18:33 - Oh, come on now.
00:18:34 You just got here.
00:18:35 - I don't feel very much like partying right now.
00:18:38 Got a lot on my mind.
00:18:40 - Okay, take it easy.
00:18:41 Hey, what the hell was that all about?
00:18:52 - Oh my God, you're not gonna believe what just happened.
00:18:54 Some guy tried groping me over by the restroom.
00:18:57 - Are you okay?
00:18:58 - I'm fine, but Ben saw us.
00:19:00 I hope he didn't get the wrong idea.
00:19:02 - I hate to tell you, but he just left
00:19:04 and he did not look happy.
00:19:06 - Shit.
00:19:07 Oh, I hope he doesn't give me a hard time about that.
00:19:10 - So, was it worth it?
00:19:14 Was the guy nice?
00:19:16 - You're such a slut.
00:19:17 - I know.
00:19:18 - Actually, it was kind of a turn on.
00:19:20 - Mm-hmm.
00:19:21 So who you calling a slut, slut?
00:19:23 - Sleazy slut.
00:19:24 - Slime slut.
00:19:26 Hey, I want another tequila, please.
00:19:28 - This accident problem is really affecting our love life.
00:19:33 Ben's sexually dead and I'm as hot as Georgia asphalt.
00:19:37 (laughing)
00:19:39 - Good night, Sue, Rose.
00:19:42 - Good night, Jimmy.
00:19:44 - So, what about that guy that groped you?
00:19:46 - Oh, he was cute.
00:19:47 - That sucks that Ben saw us.
00:19:49 - Oh, come on, it was just a bit of flirting at a party.
00:19:52 No one got hurt.
00:19:53 Some innocent fun.
00:19:55 - Ben's no fun anymore.
00:19:57 - He's going through a difficult time right now.
00:19:59 He really needs your support.
00:20:01 - Well, you know me, I can't handle stress like this.
00:20:04 Sometimes I wish I'd married a nice, secure dentist.
00:20:06 - Hey, Ben is a wonderful guy.
00:20:08 - Sure, he's nice.
00:20:10 - I'd gladly take him off your hands
00:20:12 if you don't want him anymore.
00:20:13 - Well, if he's found liable and has to pay compensation,
00:20:16 we're gonna be left with nothing.
00:20:17 Would you want him then?
00:20:19 - Just be careful, okay?
00:20:20 All this stress could cause him to have a major heart attack
00:20:22 and you wouldn't want him to drop dead, would you?
00:20:25 - Well, I'd be a rich woman if he did.
00:20:27 (laughing)
00:20:28 - You're terrible.
00:20:29 (laughing)
00:20:32 (car engine revving)
00:20:35 (car engine revving)
00:20:38 (car crashing)
00:20:51 (car crashing)
00:20:54 (car crashing)
00:20:59 (car crashing)
00:21:03 (car crashing)
00:21:06 (tires screeching)
00:21:09 (car crashing)
00:21:18 (sighing)
00:21:27 (sighing)
00:21:29 (sighing)
00:21:31 - Oh my God, you look horrible, what happened?
00:21:47 - Some asshole tried to run me off the road.
00:21:49 - Are you okay?
00:21:50 - Yes, I'm fine, I pulled over just in time.
00:21:52 I almost went down a damn ditch.
00:21:58 - What were you doing with that guy at the party?
00:22:01 - Not what you think.
00:22:02 He forced himself on me.
00:22:05 - He didn't look like he was forcing you.
00:22:07 - He did, look, I don't wanna argue,
00:22:10 just, it was nothing, forget about it.
00:22:13 Come on, let's go to bed.
00:22:15 - I don't need this aggravation, Sue.
00:22:20 - You started it.
00:22:22 - No, you started it when you were making out
00:22:23 with that guy at the party.
00:22:25 - He hit on me.
00:22:26 - Yeah, and you encouraged him.
00:22:27 - I did not.
00:22:28 But maybe if you paid more attention to me,
00:22:34 I wouldn't be tempted, would I?
00:22:38 Come on, baby, you're the one I want.
00:22:43 - Look, look, look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:22:49 But that damn accident just get me down.
00:22:56 - Let me know when you get back up again.
00:22:59 - Damn ulcer.
00:23:17 (dramatic music)
00:23:21 (sighing)
00:23:23 (dramatic music)
00:23:26 (dramatic music)
00:23:29 (dramatic music)
00:23:31 (phone ringing)
00:23:55 (phone ringing)
00:23:58 - Hello.
00:24:06 What?
00:24:10 Today?
00:24:12 Okay, I'll be there, Laura.
00:24:20 Yeah, yeah, thank you.
00:24:22 (sighing)
00:24:24 - Why didn't you come to bed last night?
00:24:33 I was waiting for you.
00:24:34 What are you doing?
00:24:36 - I've gotta go away for a few days.
00:24:39 Gotta go to Savannah.
00:24:41 - Why?
00:24:42 - Oh, this investigation.
00:24:45 They're having a special hearing
00:24:46 and if I'm not there, I'm screwed.
00:24:49 - Is it really that bad?
00:24:51 - Yeah, I'm afraid so.
00:24:52 They're talking about indicting me for manslaughter.
00:24:56 (dramatic music)
00:25:07 (dramatic music)
00:25:10 (knocking)
00:25:12 (engine revving)
00:25:24 (upbeat music)
00:25:32 (upbeat music)
00:25:34 (car honking)
00:25:48 - You need to get my money, you understand me?
00:25:52 Go ahead.
00:25:53 (upbeat music)
00:25:56 It's all there.
00:26:07 (engine revving)
00:26:16 (dramatic music)
00:26:18 (engine revving)
00:26:21 (engine revving)
00:26:24 (engine revving)
00:26:27 - Fuck!
00:26:53 (car honking)
00:26:55 (car door slamming)
00:26:58 (car beeping)
00:27:02 (car door slamming)
00:27:12 (upbeat music)
00:27:15 - Hey baby, how you doing?
00:27:18 You mind if I tag along?
00:27:19 Fucking bitch.
00:27:23 (upbeat music)
00:27:25 (upbeat music)
00:27:28 (upbeat music)
00:27:31 (car honking)
00:27:40 (engine revving)
00:27:57 (upbeat music)
00:27:59 (engine revving)
00:28:18 (upbeat music)
00:28:21 - Hi there.
00:28:36 - Hi.
00:28:37 Do I know you?
00:28:41 - I don't think so.
00:28:44 - Hey, look, I didn't stop earlier
00:28:48 because you looked a little mad.
00:28:49 As a matter of fact,
00:28:50 you looked like you were mad enough to kill.
00:28:51 - I feel like killing.
00:28:53 - Now that's kind of funny because,
00:28:55 you know, a peach like you,
00:28:56 what I mean is a woman that looks like you
00:29:00 in a neighborhood like this,
00:29:02 you usually become the prey.
00:29:04 - So you prey on stranded women?
00:29:06 - Yes I do, they're my personal favorite actually.
00:29:08 So is that your car back there?
00:29:11 - Yeah.
00:29:12 - What'd you do, split a hose?
00:29:13 - Damned if I know, stupid thing just started steaming.
00:29:16 Pay all that money for a nice car,
00:29:17 you still end up having to walk.
00:29:19 - How about I give you a ride?
00:29:21 - I don't think so.
00:29:22 - Why not?
00:29:23 - I've never really ridden before
00:29:25 and how do I know I'd be safe?
00:29:27 - Oh, come on, get on the back with me.
00:29:30 Besides, you'll be safe with me.
00:29:31 I mean, well, as safe as you'd want to be.
00:29:33 So you live around here?
00:29:36 - No, I live in Roswell.
00:29:37 - There you go, I'm heading that way.
00:29:39 Come on, you'll love it.
00:29:40 It'll be the best fun you've had all month.
00:29:43 - Well, if you're sure it's no trouble.
00:29:45 - Trouble?
00:29:46 Oh, no, no trouble at all.
00:29:48 - Okay.
00:29:50 - You okay?
00:29:59 - I guess so.
00:30:00 (engine revving)
00:30:03 (engine revving)
00:30:06 - Okay, turn right here.
00:30:33 (engine revving)
00:30:36 This is my house.
00:30:48 (engine revving)
00:31:01 (engine revving)
00:31:04 Such a beautiful area, this.
00:31:07 So close to the city, too.
00:31:08 - Thank you so much.
00:31:13 - It's a nice place.
00:31:19 Sure is a hot day, isn't it?
00:31:23 - Would you like something to drink?
00:31:25 - Would I?
00:31:26 Boy, I could kill for a beer right now.
00:31:31 - Come on.
00:31:31 Beer?
00:31:55 - Thanks.
00:31:56 (footsteps tapping)
00:31:59 - Hi, Helmut, this is Sue.
00:32:11 My car's broken down.
00:32:13 Crog Street, Cabbage Town.
00:32:17 Could you go and pick it up and fix it for me?
00:32:21 Dankeschön, I have to go now.
00:32:26 (footsteps tapping)
00:32:28 - Let's go out on the deck.
00:32:30 - Sure.
00:32:31 - It's a lovely afternoon.
00:32:36 - Sounds great.
00:32:38 - So who else lives here?
00:32:40 - My husband.
00:32:42 - Where is he?
00:32:44 - He's in Savannah.
00:32:46 - Oh, really?
00:32:48 What's he doing there?
00:32:49 - He's working.
00:32:52 - How long before?
00:32:54 - A few days.
00:32:56 What about you?
00:32:57 What do you do?
00:32:58 - I train horses.
00:32:59 You ride?
00:33:01 - Hmm?
00:33:02 I mean, I really like the way you had on my bike today.
00:33:06 - Excuse me a minute.
00:33:07 - I'm sorry.
00:33:21 - It's okay.
00:33:23 - Hi, Helmut, it's Sue again.
00:33:25 This guy gave me a ride home and he's acting really weird.
00:33:28 I'll call you back.
00:33:32 (phone ringing)
00:33:35 Thanks for the ride.
00:33:42 It was very kind of you.
00:33:52 - You're very welcome.
00:33:53 So,
00:34:01 you and Cressy again?
00:34:04 - I don't think so.
00:34:07 I don't think so.
00:34:08 (engine revving)
00:34:26 (upbeat music)
00:34:31 (upbeat music)
00:34:33 (upbeat music)
00:34:36 (upbeat music)
00:34:39 (upbeat music)
00:34:41 (door opening)
00:34:55 (upbeat music)
00:35:08 (upbeat music)
00:35:10 (phone ringing)
00:35:32 - Hi, this is Rick.
00:35:32 Leave a message.
00:35:33 - Hi, Rick, this is Sue.
00:35:36 Give me a call when you get home.
00:35:38 You dropped your wallet here at the house.
00:35:40 My number is 462-2377.
00:35:43 (upbeat music)
00:36:05 (upbeat music)
00:36:08 (upbeat music)
00:36:18 (upbeat music)
00:36:29 (upbeat music)
00:36:32 (upbeat music)
00:36:47 (upbeat music)
00:36:49 (doorbell ringing)
00:37:13 (upbeat music)
00:37:15 (phone ringing)
00:37:41 - Oh, oh, it's you.
00:37:44 - Did I scare you?
00:37:45 - Yes.
00:37:46 - Well, you left me a message.
00:37:48 - I have your wallet inside.
00:37:50 Meet me at the door.
00:37:51 - Okay.
00:37:51 (upbeat music)
00:37:54 - Some pretty nice music you have there.
00:38:04 - Your wallet?
00:38:06 (upbeat music)
00:38:11 ♪ And you still in my heart ♪
00:38:14 - Shall we dance?
00:38:15 ♪ Once again it just didn't make it ♪
00:38:20 ♪ Make it through the finish ♪
00:38:25 ♪ Finish of love and happiness ♪
00:38:32 ♪ Love that was doomed from the start ♪
00:38:39 ♪ Never forget the first time I met you ♪
00:38:44 ♪ One pad leg up the other down ♪
00:38:51 ♪ With those, those eyes ♪
00:38:57 ♪ I was frozen, bamboozled ♪
00:39:03 ♪ With no way of knowing ♪
00:39:08 ♪ I just couldn't make it ♪
00:39:13 ♪ Make it ♪
00:39:16 ♪ Make it through the finish ♪
00:39:19 ♪ The finish, the finish, the finish, the finish ♪
00:39:23 ♪ Love that was doomed from the start ♪
00:39:28 ♪ Somehow in one day of us meeting ♪
00:39:38 ♪ I'd imagine the good, good and no time ♪
00:39:43 ♪ But the million times just didn't let us make it ♪
00:39:52 ♪ It did say that it was ♪
00:39:56 (birds chirping)
00:39:59 (footsteps thudding)
00:40:28 - So?
00:40:29 It's something, isn't it?
00:40:32 - I'm impressed.
00:40:33 You and the horse seem to have blended into one.
00:40:37 - You wanna try it?
00:40:38 Come on, get in the saddle.
00:40:42 - Is it as easy as the bike?
00:40:45 - Then it.
00:40:45 Actually, they're two different types of animals.
00:40:50 See the horse, she thinks and she feels things
00:40:55 and you can feel her, you're working together.
00:40:56 It's kind of like you just said, blending into one.
00:41:00 Come on.
00:41:02 - Okay.
00:41:03 - Left hand here, right hand here.
00:41:08 - Okay.
00:41:09 - Put your left hand here, your right hand here.
00:41:10 Give me your leg.
00:41:11 I'll get your skirt.
00:41:13 Ready, one, two, three.
00:41:15 Oh, good job.
00:41:15 All right.
00:41:18 You have her, don't it?
00:41:21 Okay.
00:41:22 Hold on.
00:41:26 There we go.
00:41:27 Okay.
00:41:29 Take a little walk.
00:41:33 There we go.
00:41:34 Yeah, it's like making love with horsepower.
00:41:39 - With a stud.
00:41:40 - With a stud.
00:41:41 (gentle music)
00:41:44 (gentle music)
00:41:48 (gentle music)
00:41:50 (gentle music)
00:41:53 (gentle music)
00:42:05 (gentle music)
00:42:09 (gentle music)
00:42:19 (gentle music)
00:42:22 (gentle music)
00:42:32 (gentle music)
00:42:46 (gentle music)
00:42:49 (moaning)
00:43:00 Oh, yes.
00:43:08 (moaning)
00:43:13 (moaning)
00:43:15 I could get used to this.
00:43:24 (moaning)
00:43:27 Yeah, but...
00:43:30 Your husband.
00:43:34 (moaning)
00:43:38 (gentle music)
00:43:41 (moaning)
00:43:47 (gentle music)
00:43:52 (moaning)
00:43:59 (gentle music)
00:44:04 (gentle music)
00:44:07 (moaning)
00:44:12 (rooster crowing)
00:44:23 (dramatic music)
00:44:34 (dramatic music)
00:44:37 (dramatic music)
00:44:40 (door creaking)
00:44:48 (door slamming)
00:44:57 (door creaking)
00:45:00 (door creaking)
00:45:09 - Damn, she can't even clean up after herself.
00:45:13 (gentle music)
00:45:22 (gentle music)
00:45:50 (phone ringing)
00:45:52 - Please leave a message.
00:45:54 - Hi, Sue, it's Ben.
00:45:56 Look, I'm gonna spend an extra couple days in Savannah,
00:45:59 and I'll see you at the end of the week.
00:46:02 Everything's okay.
00:46:03 I love you.
00:46:04 (fingers snapping)
00:46:09 Hi, this is Ben.
00:46:17 Look, I've got some shooting I want you to do for me.
00:46:19 (gentle music)
00:46:22 (water splashing)
00:46:25 (gentle music)
00:46:28 (water splashing)
00:46:31 (gentle music)
00:46:34 (door slamming)
00:46:39 (gentle music)
00:46:42 (laughing)
00:46:48 (gentle music)
00:46:51 (water splashing)
00:46:54 (gentle music)
00:46:57 (water splashing)
00:47:00 (gentle music)
00:47:03 (laughing)
00:47:05 (gentle music)
00:47:08 (water splashing)
00:47:11 (gentle music)
00:47:14 (water splashing)
00:47:17 (gentle music)
00:47:20 (water splashing)
00:47:23 (gentle music)
00:47:26 (camera shuttering)
00:47:29 (gentle music)
00:47:32 (water splashing)
00:47:35 (camera shuttering)
00:47:38 (gentle music)
00:47:41 You just couldn't be there for me, could you?
00:47:43 Well, I'll see you in court, if I have any money left that is.
00:47:47 Fuck, fuck, fuck!
00:47:50 He knows about us.
00:47:52 Oh dear.
00:47:53 He's gonna divorce me.
00:47:57 That's okay.
00:47:58 No, it's not.
00:48:00 I'll be left with nothing.
00:48:04 Oh, that's nonsense.
00:48:05 Come on, it must be worth quite a bit.
00:48:06 I mean, look at this, a big house, some businesses.
00:48:09 You know, it might look like a lot, but it's all on loans.
00:48:12 He hasn't even finished the place,
00:48:13 'cause he spends all our money on lawyers.
00:48:16 The only way I'd get anything is if he was dead.
00:48:20 Life insurance?
00:48:22 Yeah, he's got a good one.
00:48:24 In fact, he's worth more dead than alive.
00:48:27 So there you go.
00:48:29 How much does he cover for?
00:48:31 Huh?
00:48:32 (laughing)
00:48:33 How much does he cover for?
00:48:35 A couple million, I guess, including the mortgage cover.
00:48:39 So there you go.
00:48:41 Come on, let's do it.
00:48:43 Yes, let's.
00:48:46 I must say, it does sound tempting.
00:48:48 Mm-hmm.
00:48:49 But don't be stupid, I can't kill my husband.
00:48:54 I'll do it for you.
00:48:56 I'll make it look like an accident,
00:48:58 and then we'll get double indemnity.
00:49:01 No, come on, you're not serious.
00:49:06 We can't.
00:49:07 No, honey, it's not a we thing.
00:49:09 It's a me.
00:49:11 You don't have to do anything, I'll...
00:49:13 I'll go ahead and take care of it.
00:49:18 It'll be the best thing.
00:49:19 Let me do it.
00:49:20 (laughing)
00:49:22 No, this is ridiculous.
00:49:24 No, it's gonna be easy, it's okay.
00:49:25 Here's what we'll do.
00:49:27 You slip him a sedative, and then I'll come by later,
00:49:30 get rid of him, make it look like an accident,
00:49:32 and then you can collect the money.
00:49:34 (laughing)
00:49:36 You're crazy.
00:49:39 Two million dollars.
00:49:41 Come on, don't talk about this anymore.
00:49:46 Now get out of here.
00:49:48 Okay, so what do you want?
00:49:56 You want a long, drawn-out divorce?
00:50:01 You want something nice and slow and painful,
00:50:03 and all of the dirty details about us
00:50:05 are gonna be aired in court.
00:50:08 And then what?
00:50:10 Huh, Peach?
00:50:14 Your greatest fear is you're gonna end up with nothing.
00:50:18 You need to do something about him.
00:50:27 And you need to do something about him soon.
00:50:30 I mean, come on.
00:50:31 Do it for us.
00:50:33 Think about it, we could be together and rich.
00:50:37 I mean, come on, he's just a no-fucker in front of me.
00:50:39 What is he worth?
00:50:40 This is not rocket science, okay?
00:50:42 Anybody can fucking figure this out.
00:50:44 Look, this is no big deal, you and I.
00:50:49 I mean, don't get me wrong.
00:50:52 I think you're great, and the sex was great.
00:50:55 Thank you very much.
00:50:56 But don't get carried away,
00:50:58 thinking this is something more than it is.
00:51:00 So is that it?
00:51:05 Is that all this was to you, was just a quick fuck?
00:51:08 No, lover.
00:51:09 It was very wonderful and quite a slow fuck, actually.
00:51:13 But I can't let you murder my husband.
00:51:16 No, you don't understand.
00:51:18 You see, I'm in love with you.
00:51:21 And I want you, and I'm going to have you, and the money.
00:51:25 So whatever it takes, we have to get rid of him.
00:51:28 You better leave now, I can't risk anybody seeing you here.
00:51:31 So you're ashamed of me now?
00:51:33 No, you're hurting me!
00:51:35 Don't ever come here again!
00:51:42 I'll be back.
00:51:46 Hi, this is Rose leaving a message and I'll call you back.
00:51:58 Hey Rose, this is Sue.
00:52:01 I really need to talk to somebody.
00:52:03 Please call me back as soon as possible.
00:52:05 Okay.
00:52:06 [phone hangs up]
00:52:08 [phone hangs up]
00:52:11 [phone hangs up]
00:52:13 [phone hangs up]
00:52:16 [phone hangs up]
00:52:19 [ominous music]
00:52:47 [ominous music]
00:52:49 [screams]
00:52:54 Oh, well, that's true.
00:52:56 Thanks for rocking, I really appreciate it.
00:52:58 Can I get you anything else, sweetheart?
00:52:59 That's it, I'll let you know if I need anything.
00:53:01 So, uh, this guy Rick really sounds like a stud.
00:53:04 I'm getting worn out just thinking about it.
00:53:07 So, uh, what are you going to do about Ben?
00:53:10 Rick's got this crazy idea about murdering him.
00:53:14 What?
00:53:16 He's got this idea in his head and he won't give it up.
00:53:18 He wants me to slip Ben a sedative,
00:53:20 and then he wants to fake an accident.
00:53:23 Are you serious?
00:53:25 This guy sounds dangerous.
00:53:27 I know!
00:53:28 I'm starting to think this guy is completely out of his mind.
00:53:31 You're not kidding. This is not a sane idea.
00:53:34 I told Rick I don't want to see him anymore.
00:53:36 He got really violent with me.
00:53:38 I thought he was going to choke me at one point.
00:53:40 So go to the police.
00:53:42 I thought about that, but what can they do?
00:53:44 Jealous lover plans to kill husband.
00:53:47 I mean, they must hear stories like that all the time.
00:53:50 Just listen to what you're saying, okay?
00:53:52 Don't do anything rash.
00:53:54 I'm sorry, I didn't realize how serious this was,
00:53:57 but I've got an audition at three. I have to go.
00:53:59 Oh.
00:54:00 I'll be okay.
00:54:03 Yeah, I got an audition at three.
00:54:05 Break a few legs, huh?
00:54:07 Love you.
00:54:08 See ya.
00:54:10 [car driving by]
00:54:12 Why can't it be like it was in the beginning?
00:54:17 We were so in love.
00:54:19 You're okay, kid.
00:54:21 [suspenseful music]
00:54:23 [car door opens]
00:54:25 [car door closes]
00:54:32 [car door closes]
00:54:37 [car door opens]
00:54:39 [car driving by]
00:54:45 [car driving by]
00:54:51 [car driving by]
00:54:55 [car driving by]
00:55:00 [car door opens]
00:55:06 [suspenseful music]
00:55:08 [car driving by]
00:55:11 [suspenseful music]
00:55:19 [car driving by]
00:55:26 [suspenseful music]
00:55:34 [car driving by]
00:55:36 [suspenseful music]
00:55:41 I love her.
00:55:54 God, you scared the crap out of me! Don't do that!
00:55:57 But I had to come.
00:56:00 Hun, I told you I'm in love with you.
00:56:03 You don't love me. You just love the sex.
00:56:06 That's not true! I am in love with you!
00:56:09 I want you and I want you to be with me.
00:56:12 Now listen, I've got everything planned and ready to go.
00:56:15 All you have to do is slip them these sedatives and I'll take care of the rest.
00:56:18 I don't want this!
00:56:19 But these are yours! I got them out of your bathroom cabinet!
00:56:22 No, Rick! We can't do this!
00:56:24 But we can't stop now! Everything is in place and you have to do your part!
00:56:28 This is our chance to be together and rich!
00:56:32 Remember, Peach, you're doing this for us.
00:56:36 I said no! We can't go through with this!
00:56:41 Are you telling me you don't want me now?
00:56:46 Rick, I think you're taking this way too far.
00:56:51 Please, I told you once and I'm telling you again. I don't want to see you anymore!
00:56:55 I don't want to see you anymore! I don't want to see you anymore!
00:56:58 I don't want to see you anymore! I want you and I want the money!
00:57:02 Oh, you bitch!
00:57:06 Let me in! Come on, please! Don't lock me up!
00:57:13 I'm calling the police!
00:57:15 You are really pissing me off now!
00:57:19 Fuck!
00:57:21 Fuck!
00:57:22 Fuck!
00:57:24 Fuck!
00:57:26 Fuck!
00:57:53 Hi, little pig.
00:57:55 Just take it easy.
00:58:10 You scared me. I wasn't expecting you.
00:58:13 I just stopped by to pick up a few things and I'm sorry I scared you.
00:58:18 How are you? I missed you.
00:58:20 Bullshit.
00:58:23 It's the truth, Ben. Please. Let's try to work things out.
00:58:27 I don't know about that.
00:58:30 Ben.
00:58:31 What's a gun doing out?
00:58:39 Oh, I was scared last night and I slept with it next to me on the bed. It must have fallen off.
00:58:45 It's been fired.
00:58:50 What the hell's going on?
00:58:52 I was trying to load it and it accidentally went off.
00:58:56 You need to be a little more careful.
00:58:59 I'm useless with that thing.
00:59:02 Just make sure your boyfriend doesn't get his hands on it.
00:59:05 Can we talk about this?
00:59:07 We could. You've got a lot of explaining to do.
00:59:10 I don't want a divorce.
00:59:12 Well, it's a little too late. You fucking blew it.
00:59:15 I'm gone for a couple of days and you end up screwing some other guy?
00:59:18 You were neglecting me.
00:59:20 I'm trying to keep my ass out of jail and all you're doing is talking about this lovey-dovey kissy shit.
00:59:25 Does the phrase "for better or worse" mean anything to you?
00:59:28 I'm sorry. I just...
00:59:30 Look, I'm in deep shit right now and I could use a little support.
00:59:34 I just...
00:59:35 Don't bother.
00:59:37 I've got some papers I have to fax before it gets too late.
00:59:41 I'll be here waiting for you.
00:59:43 Yeah, right.
00:59:46 [phone ringing]
00:59:48 [clears throat]
00:59:55 [phone ringing]
00:59:57 [phone ringing]
01:00:08 [phone ringing]
01:00:14 [phone ringing]
01:00:16 [phone ringing]
01:00:26 [phone ringing]
01:00:41 [phone ringing]
01:00:43 No!
01:01:04 Little pig!
01:01:06 Little pig!
01:01:09 Come on, little pig! Let me in!
01:01:12 No!
01:01:13 Then I'll huff.
01:01:15 Go away!
01:01:18 God, what have you done to him?
01:01:24 It's too late now. Come on.
01:01:26 Oh, Peach, why don't you let me in so I can finish off the job so everything can be just the way we planned it?
01:01:37 You bastard! You killed him!
01:01:39 You killed him and I've got the evidence to prove it!
01:01:42 Go away! I'm calling the police!
01:01:44 Who are they gonna believe, Peach?
01:01:46 Come on now, is this gonna be you and me and the money?
01:01:50 You better get used to it and you better start helping me!
01:01:53 [door creaking]
01:01:55 Thanks for letting me in.
01:02:11 You bitch!
01:02:18 No, you can't do this.
01:02:22 [breathing heavily]
01:02:24 Oh, Peach.
01:02:30 You tried to kill me.
01:02:36 [grunting]
01:02:45 [grunting]
01:02:48 [grunting]
01:02:51 [grunting]
01:02:53 [grunting]
01:02:57 [music]
01:02:59 [music]
01:03:01 [breathing heavily]
01:03:22 [breathing heavily]
01:03:24 [static]
01:03:36 Yeah, who is it?
01:03:45 Police. Detective Douglas. I need to talk to you, please.
01:03:48 I'll be right down.
01:03:52 Mrs. Robbins?
01:03:54 Yes?
01:03:56 I'm afraid I have some bad news for you.
01:03:58 Do you mind if I come in?
01:04:00 Oh, yes.
01:04:02 It's about your husband.
01:04:05 I'm afraid he's been in a car accident.
01:04:09 His car ran off the road and it caught on fire.
01:04:13 Is he?
01:04:15 Yes. He's dead.
01:04:20 I'm sorry.
01:04:22 Are you sure it's my husband?
01:04:24 Yes. I was sure it was him.
01:04:28 We found these things at the scene.
01:04:31 Both of your names are engraved on the wedding ring.
01:04:36 Are you okay, ma'am? What happened to your face?
01:04:43 I slipped and fell.
01:04:46 He was on his way to the store to get some medicine for me.
01:04:50 And now he's dead.
01:04:53 Can I call someone for you?
01:04:57 No, I'm okay. I'm going to call my girlfriend.
01:05:02 Well, if there's anything I can do,
01:05:06 please don't hesitate to give me a call.
01:05:09 Okay.
01:05:12 [phone buzzes]
01:05:14 [somber music]
01:05:26 [sniffles]
01:05:28 [car engine starts]
01:05:41 [car engine stops]
01:05:43 [sniffles]
01:05:54 [sniffles]
01:06:02 [sniffles]
01:06:04 [breathes heavily]
01:06:14 [claps]
01:06:16 [eggs cracking]
01:06:30 [eggs cracking]
01:06:32 [eggs cracking]
01:06:39 [sniffles]
01:06:53 [somber music]
01:06:55 [sniffles]
01:06:57 [screams]
01:07:03 [screams]
01:07:05 [screams]
01:07:07 [somber music]
01:07:09 [somber music]
01:07:38 [car engine starts]
01:07:40 [sniffles]
01:07:57 [car door slams]
01:08:04 [somber music]
01:08:33 [car door slams]
01:08:35 [car engine starts]
01:08:41 [somber music]
01:09:02 [phone rings]
01:09:04 - Hi, this is Rose. - Damn!
01:09:07 - I'll call you back.
01:09:09 [car engine starts]
01:09:11 [somber music]
01:09:17 [car engine starts]
01:09:19 [car engine starts]
01:09:31 [car engine starts]
01:09:33 [car engine starts]
01:09:39 [car engine starts]
01:09:45 [birds chirping]
01:09:54 [birds chirping]
01:09:56 [car door slams]
01:10:08 [car door slams]
01:10:21 [car engine starts]
01:10:23 [somber music]
01:10:49 [car door slams]
01:10:51 [phone rings]
01:10:58 - Hello?
01:11:02 - Hello, Sue.
01:11:04 Did you think I wouldn't call?
01:11:06 I can see you from here.
01:11:08 You look great.
01:11:10 - Where are you?
01:11:12 What do you want?
01:11:14 - I want you to be afraid.
01:11:16 Very, very afraid.
01:11:19 - Go to hell, you murderer.
01:11:21 - No, you. You're the murderer.
01:11:23 - I want you to be afraid.
01:11:30 [door slams]
01:11:32 - Leave me alone!
01:11:34 I told you to get lost.
01:11:36 - Excuse me? It's the police.
01:11:40 Good day, Mrs. Robbins. Do you remember me?
01:11:46 - Yes, Detective--
01:11:48 - It's Douglas. Detective Douglas.
01:11:50 - Yeah, you were the one that came here the night my husband was killed.
01:11:52 - Yes, ma'am.
01:11:54 It's one of my more unwelcome duties, I'm afraid.
01:11:56 - What can I do for you? Is something wrong?
01:11:58 - Just a few routine questions. Do you have a second?
01:12:00 - Yeah.
01:12:02 - The night that your husband died,
01:12:06 had he been drinking?
01:12:08 Taking any drugs?
01:12:10 Any medication? Anything like that?
01:12:12 - No, I don't believe so.
01:12:15 Why?
01:12:17 - Well, I'm no car expert.
01:12:19 It just strikes me a little funny.
01:12:21 At the scene of the accident, there were no skid marks.
01:12:23 It was pretty much like the car just flew right off the road.
01:12:25 - He was working late.
01:12:31 Excuse me.
01:12:35 - Look, I'm sorry.
01:12:40 I didn't mean to upset you.
01:12:42 You just--you have to understand,
01:12:44 these insurance companies,
01:12:46 they're suspicious by nature.
01:12:48 And especially with large sums of money like this involved.
01:12:50 These guys are scrutinizing every single detail of my report.
01:12:54 Everything.
01:12:56 - That's all I can suggest.
01:12:58 He had been away working
01:13:00 probably really long hours.
01:13:02 He was very tired.
01:13:04 And I never should have let him out like that.
01:13:08 - Look, I'm really sorry.
01:13:13 If you need anything, please just call me, okay?
01:13:16 [sniffles]
01:13:19 [panting]
01:13:21 [footsteps departing]
01:13:23 [wind howling]
01:13:27 [engine revving]
01:13:35 [tires screeching]
01:13:41 [tires screeching]
01:13:47 [tires screeching]
01:13:49 [engine revving]
01:13:53 [water running]
01:14:01 [clattering]
01:14:06 [water running]
01:14:09 [whistles]
01:14:13 [alarm blaring]
01:14:16 - Okay! Here I am! What do you want?
01:14:19 [gasps]
01:14:23 [camera shutter clicking]
01:14:39 [explosion]
01:14:44 [explosion]
01:14:46 [tires screeching]
01:14:51 [screams]
01:14:54 [panting]
01:14:57 [wind howling]
01:15:14 [tires screeching]
01:15:16 [tires screeching]
01:15:24 [tires screeching]
01:15:28 [tires screeching]
01:15:33 [tires screeching]
01:15:41 [tires screeching]
01:15:43 [sighs]
01:15:50 - I have evidence that implicates you.
01:15:54 An autopsy was never considered necessary,
01:15:57 but the drug would be in his body for the police to find
01:16:00 if their suspicions were ever aroused.
01:16:03 I loved you, and now I want what's owed to me.
01:16:07 [door opens]
01:16:09 [eerie music]
01:16:16 [door opens]
01:16:18 [door closes]
01:16:23 [door opens]
01:16:29 [eerie music]
01:16:32 [door closes]
01:16:35 [door opens]
01:16:44 [eerie music]
01:17:13 [eerie music]
01:17:15 [eerie music]
01:17:25 [eerie music]
01:17:27 [eerie music]
01:17:49 [eerie music]
01:17:51 [eerie music]
01:18:05 [phone rings]
01:18:17 [phone rings]
01:18:19 - When do I get my money?
01:18:22 - Fuck off! Leave me alone!
01:18:24 - You know how these insurance companies are.
01:18:30 They delay payments as long as they can.
01:18:33 Fortunately, they don't like to mess with lawyers,
01:18:35 so I managed to pick up your check.
01:18:38 - Thanks.
01:18:42 - Two million dollars.
01:18:45 You're a very rich woman.
01:18:47 - I'd rather have been.
01:18:49 [eerie music]
01:18:52 - Rick?
01:19:08 Rick, you bastard!
01:19:10 [eerie music]
01:19:13 [eerie music]
01:19:15 [eerie music]
01:19:29 [eerie music]
01:19:31 [eerie music]
01:19:41 [water running]
01:19:49 [eerie music]
01:19:58 - A couple of nights ago, a car was driving down the road.
01:20:01 Two men were in it.
01:20:02 One was driving, the other one to meet his death.
01:20:05 [eerie music]
01:20:08 But the latter refused to die.
01:20:15 [eerie music]
01:20:17 He put up a fight to make the other driver stop the car.
01:20:25 [tires screeching]
01:20:27 It was a fight over a woman.
01:20:33 A fight for love.
01:20:35 A fight for life.
01:20:37 A fight to the end.
01:20:39 No holds barred.
01:20:44 A fight to death.
01:20:48 [glass shattering]
01:20:51 [eerie music]
01:20:53 - Ben?
01:21:12 - You were expecting somebody else?
01:21:14 - I... I thought you were dead.
01:21:18 - No such luck.
01:21:20 Call it fate or sheer luck.
01:21:22 But one of us survived.
01:21:24 That was your boyfriend who burned up in the car.
01:21:27 [eerie music]
01:21:29 I thought you were up to something,
01:21:46 so I just went along with it.
01:21:49 - I tried to stop him.
01:21:50 I didn't want...
01:21:52 to kill you.
01:21:54 I love you, Ben.
01:21:56 We can still work it out.
01:22:00 - Everything's working out nice for me.
01:22:02 - What do you mean?
01:22:03 - Well, I needed to figure out a way
01:22:05 to get out of that fucking shit situation I was in,
01:22:08 and you just came up with the perfect solution.
01:22:11 - It was Rick's idea, not mine.
01:22:13 Besides, you knew him, didn't you?
01:22:15 He was engaged to that stuntwoman that died.
01:22:17 - Yeah, that's why he wanted to hurt me so bad.
01:22:19 Revenge.
01:22:20 But then you came up with the money motivation,
01:22:23 not to mention the sex.
01:22:25 - It meant nothing, really.
01:22:27 I threw him out,
01:22:28 and then I thought he was gonna kill me.
01:22:30 The guy's a psycho.
01:22:31 - Yeah, I found out, right to the bitter end.
01:22:34 And then it was a choice between me or him.
01:22:37 And now Ben Robbins is dead.
01:22:39 - What?
01:22:40 - You're looking at the new Rick Hudson.
01:22:42 See, I took over his identity...
01:22:46 and now he wants his money back.
01:22:49 My money.
01:22:50 - So you're the one that's been following me and calling
01:22:53 and trying to freak me out?
01:22:55 - Well, tell me, um, did I succeed?
01:22:57 - You scared the living daylights out of me.
01:22:59 - Good, you deserve it, you bitch.
01:23:01 - I never wanted to hurt you.
01:23:04 - You killed me!
01:23:06 You murdered me!
01:23:08 You burned me to death!
01:23:10 - I only ever wanted you.
01:23:13 I'm so sorry.
01:23:15 Forgive me.
01:23:17 Come on, Ben.
01:23:19 [kissing]
01:23:20 I love you.
01:23:22 Kiss me.
01:23:23 It can be like it was in the beginning.
01:23:26 We can start all over.
01:23:28 I love you.
01:23:30 [kissing]
01:23:32 - Is Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hudson millionaires?
01:23:37 [suspenseful music]
01:23:41 - Hold it!
01:23:43 [suspenseful music]
01:23:47 Rick Hudson, you're under arrest for the murder of Ben Robbins.
01:23:52 - Look, Officer, it's really not what you think.
01:23:56 - But, Detective, he's not--
01:23:58 [gunshot]
01:24:00 [suspenseful music]
01:24:05 [engine revving]
01:24:08 [engine revving]
01:24:11 [gunshots]
01:24:14 [engine revving]
01:24:17 [sobbing]
01:24:26 - $2 million.
01:24:36 You're a very rich woman.
01:24:38 [upbeat music]
01:24:41 ♪ ♪
01:24:48 ♪ ♪
01:24:53 ♪ ♪
01:24:58 ♪ ♪
01:25:03 ♪ ♪
01:25:08 ♪ ♪
01:25:13 ♪ ♪
01:25:18 ♪ ♪
01:25:23 ♪ ♪
01:25:28 ♪ ♪
01:25:33 ♪ ♪
01:25:38 ♪ ♪
01:25:43 ♪ ♪
01:25:48 ♪ ♪
01:25:53 ♪ ♪
01:25:58 ♪ ♪
01:26:03 ♪ ♪
01:26:08 ♪ ♪
01:26:13 ♪ ♪
01:26:18 ♪ ♪
01:26:23 ♪ ♪
01:26:28 ♪ ♪
01:26:33 ♪ ♪
01:26:38 ♪ ♪
01:26:43 ♪ ♪