I Want Out Exit Strategies Part. 1 -- Dr. Dharius Daniels

  • l’année dernière


00:00 Hey, you're about to watch a message that we just did my first message back from sabbatical
00:05 It's called I want out a message from a series on exit strategies
00:09 We're gonna be in the book of Exodus this entire series and I want you to lean into it
00:14 There's there's there's an area of your life that God wants to get you unstuck in now
00:20 And I want to give you some strategies on how to do that. I want you to tap into this message
00:24 I got one request if it blesses you to share with somebody else. Take care
00:29 I
00:31 Want you to clap your hands for all these made man that know what to do
00:35 Well, man, I'm gonna start a series today while
00:48 called exit strategies and I want to I want to start reading at the book of Exodus chapter number three
00:57 beginning at verse number seven Exodus chapter number three beginning at verse number seven if you're ready for the word
01:04 Today say yes
01:06 Text says
01:09 The Lord said I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt
01:15 I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and I'm concerned about their suffering
01:23 so I've come down to rescue them from the hand of the
01:28 Egyptians and will bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land
01:35 flowing with milk and honey
01:37 the home of the Canaanites the Hottites the emir the emirates the parasites the Hivites and the Jebusites and now
01:46 the cry of the Israelites has reached me and I have
01:52 Seen the way
01:54 The Egyptians are oppressing them. So now go
01:57 I'm sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt
02:04 I want to stop the reading of God's Word right there. I want to talk from this subject in our time together today. I
02:09 want out
02:12 Somebody that's ready to go to the next level don't wait till the battle's over
02:20 But if you get ready to step out of one level into the next level give God a prophetic praise
02:27 right here I
02:30 want
02:32 out
02:34 Family I want to ease into this introduction today with a quote that I think is
02:40 critically
02:42 Important and is salient for this series of sermons
02:46 We're going to be sharing from the entirety of this month for my note takers
02:51 The quote is as follows what you are able to walk into is
02:58 Determined by what you are willing to walk out of
03:03 I'm gonna say that one more time
03:06 What you are able to walk into is
03:10 Determined by what you are willing to walk out of
03:16 In other words, you cannot say hello to something new
03:21 Unless you're willing to say goodbye
03:24 to something old and
03:27 I believe there are some people who are seated in this sacred space and
03:32 Watching us online that can honestly admit God has perfected your goodbye
03:38 And
03:41 People don't who don't understand your experiences have
03:45 Misinterpreted your conviction as callousness
03:49 They think you are hard-hearted. They think you do not feel they think you're temperamental
03:55 They think you are a person that is absent of empathy
03:59 But they don't understand that you got a revelation because you've been through some
04:05 situations where you realize that
04:08 Entrances into new seasons are preceded by exits out of old ones
04:13 And if I am not willing to walk out of something old
04:18 I won't be able to walk into something new. I want to know am I talking to anybody that feel new on you?
04:26 I'm gonna say that one more time. Am I talking to anybody that feel new on you?
04:34 Remember not the former things neither consider the things of old behold. I'll do a new thing. Shall you not perform it?
04:42 What you are able to walk into is
04:47 determined by what you are willing to walk out of
04:52 And I know in culture and in Christianity
04:56 There is an obsession with entrances what I'm getting ready to walk into what God is getting ready to do
05:04 The doors that are getting ready to be open
05:06 But I want you to know ladies and gentlemen that if you master the art of the exit
05:13 You will never have to worry about an entrance watch this because you cannot walk out of one room
05:20 without walking into another
05:22 And
05:26 the enemy is aware of this reality and he therefore attempts to inhibit our
05:33 Advancement by using strategies to keep us stuck. I want you to know Satan not only
05:40 specializes in sin
05:42 Satan specializes in stuck
05:45 Talk back to me 12 o'clock. I said Satan not only
05:52 specializes in sin he specializes in stuck he realizes and
06:01 Realizes that stuckness leads to suffering and stuckness leads to stagnation and
06:07 Suffering leads to you operating at a degree and at a dimension that is less than God's best
06:15 He orchestrates stuckness not just personally but socially
06:21 He orchestrates it not just socially but spiritually so that stuckness becomes a social norm
06:28 And if stuckness is a social norm, I feel normal even though I'm stuck
06:35 Did you hear what I just said I
06:41 Said if stuckness becomes a social norm, I feel normal even though I am stuck
06:50 But I believe I'm talking to some people today
06:53 Who have a revelation that you are not saved
06:57 Just to be stuck
06:59 I believe I'm talking to some people today who will say the pain in my past
07:05 Has created a passion in my present to pursue everything that God has for me
07:11 That my suffering raised my standard
07:14 That there would be some stuff I was okay with had I not been through what I've been through
07:24 But going through everything I go went through if you think I'm a settle for anything less
07:31 Thank God's best for me. The devil is a liar all of these tears I shared
07:37 All of this heartache I went through
07:40 Everything I had to bounce back from and recover. The devil is a liar. The devil got to pay me for this pain
07:49 My Bible says if I saw in tears
07:53 I'm a reaping joy
07:55 Am I making sense I said am I making sense I
08:06 Believe I'm talking to some people that have a holy
08:11 Discontent and anointed agitation with where you are and if that's you I want you to make this proclamation
08:19 Today, I want you to say it with fervor and conviction and enthusiasm
08:23 Say I want out
08:26 You know what let's shift that
08:30 Let's say it with a little more faith and let's adjust that affirmation
08:35 Let's let's make a prophetic proclamation. We're about to shift from I want out. I'm gonna see who got faith
08:42 Somebody say I'm already out
08:47 I'm already out
08:49 The devil shouldn't have let me get to church today
08:53 Cuz I got my head out and once my head get out
08:58 everything else
09:01 It's got to follow. I want you to praise God like you all ready out
09:08 I
09:10 Will not be able to walk into something new if I am not willing to walk out of something
09:28 Oh and our Heavenly Father
09:30 Understands how important and how imperative exits is exits are so important to God
09:38 He wrote a whole book on them
09:40 There is an entire book of the Bible and we're gonna sit in this book all month long
09:47 We're gonna be in this book ten toes down all
09:50 month long
09:53 Because by the time God gets through with you at this month of August this month of new beginnings
10:00 You are gonna be out of Egypt
10:02 Whatever your Egypt is
10:07 You're gonna be out of Egypt and on your way to your Canaan
10:13 Exits are so important to God and so essential for us an entire book of the Bible is
10:22 written on exits
10:25 the book of Exodus is
10:28 A book contained
10:32 With exit strategies
10:36 The word Exodus means exit
10:40 Did you hear what I just said?
10:43 the word Exodus means exit so all of the content in the book of Exodus is
10:51 content that describes
10:53 How God arranged for Israel to make an exit out of Egypt?
11:00 it is
11:04 Prescriptive of what happened for them, but it is prescriptive of what can happen for us
11:11 when we read
11:14 The book of Exodus God doesn't just want us to see them
11:18 He wants us to see you am I making sense I said am I making sense here
11:32 He wants us to see a picture of possibility
11:37 Regarding those of us who feel stuck in our proverbial Egypt see this is interesting family
11:48 This is interesting because this book not only exposes us to aspects of God's strategies
12:02 It exposes us to the fact that God is a strategist
12:08 Am I making sense that sometimes
12:15 God answers
12:18 Your prayer to your problem not by giving you an answer
12:22 But by giving you a strategy
12:27 All throughout scripture you can see examples of God making ways for his people not by giving them an answer
12:35 but by giving them a strategy when Moses was situated in front of the Red Sea and
12:41 Pharaoh and his army were behind him God gave Moses a strategy
12:47 When Joshua was attempting to lead Israel into Jericho
12:53 God gave Joshua a strategy. He said I want you to walk around the walls of Jericho
12:59 Once a day for seven days and on the seventh day
13:03 I want you to walk around seven times and on the seventh time
13:07 I want you to shout and when you shout the walls are going to fall down
13:13 because God is a
13:16 strategist and he
13:19 specializes in giving us strategies to get us out of our Egypt
13:25 He's a strategist and this is interesting because Exodus doesn't just reveal to us
13:34 Aspects of God's strategy it reveals to us
13:38 aspects of God's self
13:41 Whoo, you get to see things about God
13:45 that you
13:47 Wouldn't ordinarily see in any of the book
13:50 You you see are y'all ready for this I said are y'all ready for this I said are you ready for this? Yeah
14:03 This is what you see you see God. I don't know if y'all ready
14:08 This is about to shake your theological tree. I don't know if you're ready you see God
14:15 Giving Israel Oh
14:17 Strategies to get themselves
14:22 Out of predicaments that they got themselves into
14:30 Y'all miss that
14:33 This is how Exodus is a type or anti type of the gospel
14:38 he
14:40 you see Israel in
14:43 situations and circumstances that they got themselves into
14:47 But they could not get themselves out of it
14:50 Because sometimes it takes humanity to get you in it
14:54 But you can get in it so deep it takes divinity to get you out let me go to this side over here I
15:04 Said there are
15:08 There are some seasons and situations that our humanity gets us in it
15:13 But it takes divinity to get us out
15:18 But the good news and the gospel is God
15:22 specializes in getting humanity out of predicaments that humanity got themselves into
15:30 Adam got us in it
15:33 Jesus got us out and I'm telling somebody in here today the deliverer is
15:39 Getting ready this month to pull you out
15:43 Somebody praise them for the pool
15:46 You need to know just because you can't get out yourself doesn't mean you can't get out
15:57 Just because you hadn't gotten out yet
16:03 Doesn't mean you can't get out
16:05 It could be 12 years like the woman with the issue of blood
16:09 18 years like the woman with the bent over back
16:12 38 years like the man with the pool of Bethesda or all your life like blind Bartimaeus when God shows up
16:21 It doesn't matter how long you've been in it
16:24 When the deliverer shows up, it doesn't matter how long it has held you hostage
16:32 It's got to let you go
16:34 Y'all missed it
16:37 God is sovereign and two things can't be sovereign at the same time
16:43 Either God's got the last say or your past got the last say
16:49 Either God has the last say or your issues have the last say and I am telling you
16:56 That God as the righteous judge is getting ready to pull you out of
17:03 what you walk into
17:06 all of the perfect people who have made all the right decisions and
17:11 Never got yourself into anything be quiet
17:14 But for the rest of us
17:19 That need him to pull you out of negative thinking pull
17:27 You out of compulsive behavior pull
17:29 He wants to pull
17:42 us out of Egypt
17:44 Exodus exposes
17:46 exit strategies
17:48 for your Egypt
17:50 Egypt represents
17:52 mindsets and
17:54 methodologies that are producing
17:56 seasons of stagnation and suffering
18:00 Mindset ways of thinking
18:05 Methodologies ways of behaving patterns of behavior
18:11 So ways of thinking and patterns of behavior
18:17 are producing
18:20 seasons of stagnation and
18:22 suffering
18:24 I'm gonna say it one more time Tario
18:29 Mindsets ways of thinking
18:32 And
18:35 methodologies ways of behaving are
18:39 Producing seasons of stagnation and suffering
18:47 This is important because notice I said seasons of stagnation and suffering I didn't say seasons of sin
18:54 It might be sin, but you can be stuck and not being seen
19:01 And
19:05 I want you to know the deliverer doesn't just want to deliver you from sin
19:09 He wants to deliver you from stuck
19:11 Hi, yeah, I
19:15 Said he wants to deliver us from stuck
19:18 So Egypt then doesn't simply represent evil
19:23 Egypt
19:25 represents that
19:27 Which has become irrelevant
19:29 It's not that your mindset is bad, it's that mindset is no longer relevant
19:42 It's not that your methodologies in the past were bad
19:45 But it is it's no longer relevant for where God is getting ready to take you
19:52 See Egypt can represent that which at one point in your life gave you provision
19:58 But when you outstay your season it became a place of persecution
20:11 Oh, this is a 12 o'clock so I could just I mean, I'm only to overthink this
20:16 See when you don't have a revelation of this
20:19 You will allow other people's opinions
20:22 To influence your advancement
20:28 Because they hadn't had your suffering they don't have your standards and because they don't have your standards they're okay with what you not
20:40 And if you don't have a revelation of this you'll be feeling guilty and you'll be condemning yourselves for being
20:47 Dissatisfied with a state and a season other people wish they could live in
20:52 But just because that's what you want don't mean that's what I want
20:59 I'm not gonna impose what I want on you
21:02 Don't you impose what you want on me if this is enough for you have at it
21:08 But as for me in my house
21:10 See y'all missing it see I'm gonna see okay sisters y'all have I wouldn't hear from womanology
21:19 I wouldn't hear so let me let PD let your pastor. Let me at least just let me just help you
21:24 Just this one thing see there are some there are some of your girlfriends who just want a man
21:37 That's what they stand us are
21:39 They just want a man
21:41 But you in a season in your life
21:44 Where you say if all you want is a man God bless you. I want a good one
21:49 I want to save one. I want to know anyone I want one who loved Jesus and God Lord thought
21:57 Ah
21:59 I
22:01 I
22:29 Egypt represents that which at one point gave you some sort of provision, but it becomes
22:35 When you outstay your season becomes a source of persecution listen to this
22:40 It's in a text because Israel's initial entrance
22:44 Into Egypt was actually to spare them from a famine
22:49 I'll have time to tell a story, but there was a gentleman named Joseph, right?
22:55 Who God positioned to a place of prominence and influence in the streets?
23:01 He was in the governmental street
23:06 Joseph didn't work at church. Let me go to this side
23:13 Joseph was not a preacher
23:17 Joseph was an entrepreneur
23:21 Who knew how to leverage his prophetic gift in the marketplace?
23:26 Y'all missed it his prophetic gift allowed him to interpret Pharaoh's dreams
23:34 That a recession was coming
23:37 Y'all missed it that there were gonna be seven years of plenty then seven years of famine. So God gave Joseph wisdom
23:47 To say during the seven years of plenty we're gonna stack paper
23:51 So that during the seven years of recession when other people aren't liquid we're gonna be liquid
24:02 So we're gonna store up food
24:08 So when everybody run out, they're gonna have to come to us to get it
24:13 We're not gonna give it to them. We're gonna sell it to and the Bible says and Egypt prospered during the famine
24:20 So when people ran out of money, they had to give land
24:23 So Egypt's Empire
24:27 expanded because Joseph knew I ain't even got time to deal with this how to take a spiritual gift and
24:34 Use it somewhere besides church
24:41 If the only place your gift work is church, I don't know what kind of gift you got
24:47 but if you got a spiritual gift
24:51 Then the gift works where you work it
24:58 So Joseph's family Joseph's family
25:10 Was in a part of the Egyptian Empire that got hit with a famine so they have to come to Egypt
25:16 to get food and
25:19 Joseph recognizes this family and he says, you know what y'all don't have to stay there. Y'all come live with me. I
25:26 Want you to catch this now and the Bible says this
25:31 All the descendants of Jacob were 70 persons. So with 70 people
25:37 That came in the Egypt. It says then Joseph died and all his brothers died and all the generation died
25:44 But the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly they multiplied and grew
25:50 exceedingly strong
25:52 Now you would think that everybody would be happy
25:55 because Israel was growing and
25:59 Multiply and getting strong you would think all your friends
26:06 Is
26:08 This too real no, it's the 12 o'clock we stretch it's it you would think that all your friends
26:15 and your family I
26:18 Feel real right here. Let me push will be excited that you're growing and strong
26:31 That's what you would think right
26:33 But what I learned is the text teaches some people only like the small and the weak version of you
26:41 They like you better weak
26:46 They like you better when you give them everything they asked for
26:50 They like you better when they can treat you dirty and you still be there. They like you better when you're insecure
26:59 When you have low self-esteem when you have no boundaries and standards
27:04 Some people love the caterpillar they can't handle the butterfly I
27:11 Want to know am I talking to anybody
27:16 That's willing to say but I got wings in this season. I've been crawling
27:22 long enough
27:24 This is my season to fly
27:28 I
27:30 Everybody in Egypt wasn't happy about the growth
27:35 text says
27:38 Now there arose a new king over Egypt who did not know Joseph and he said to his people
27:44 Behold the people of Israel are too many and too mighty for us come let us deal shrewdly with them
27:52 Lest they multiply and if war break out, they'll join our enemies and escape from this land
27:59 Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens
28:06 So they came into Egypt for provision
28:11 now
28:13 the same place that gave them provision in one season is
28:17 Giving them persecution in another
28:20 The
28:22 Problem wasn't a place the problem was the season
28:25 Did you hear what I just said
28:30 They start oppressing them and
28:34 persecuting them and
28:37 Only the only thing Israel did was grow
28:41 They missed it Marla I
28:45 said they start persecuting them and
28:48 Oppressing them and the only thing Israel did was grow
28:53 Their growth
28:56 was intimidating to
28:58 people
29:00 Who saw that they were growing in a way?
29:03 That they might start fighting for themselves
29:06 Did you hear what I said, yeah, I said wait a minute wait a minute they were fine with Israel
29:19 until they kept growing
29:21 They may have been okay with some growth
29:26 Because it's not that some people can't handle you winning they just can't handle you winning like this I
29:34 Feel it right over here. Let me appreciate I
29:38 Said they want you to win, but it's like I didn't know you were gonna win like this though. I
29:43 Didn't know you were gonna blow up like this
29:47 You still got that little business
29:49 Whenever they put a little in front of it, that's a big hater
30:12 The only thing Israel could do to avoid the persecution was not grow
30:17 The only thing Israel could do to avoid Pharaoh not feeling threatened was not grow
30:26 The only thing they could do to not trigger Pharaoh's insecurity was not grow and
30:35 Some of you are driving yourself crazy
30:40 Saying to yourself, maybe if I had done this different
30:43 Maybe if I had called them more
30:46 Maybe if I had text them more, but the only thing you could have done to appease their insecurity
30:52 Was not grow
30:55 The Bible says there arose a Pharaoh in Egypt that didn't know Joseph
31:08 This is so powerful because it teaches us something it teaches us something so powerful here. It teaches us something
31:15 Not just about the way Pharaoh worked but about the way favor work
31:22 See Joseph had favor with the old Pharaoh
31:27 That Pharaoh died and a new Pharaoh assumed the office and
31:35 Joseph's family did not have favor with that Pharaoh
31:38 This is important because many times believers confuse favor with Pharaoh
31:47 They confuse favor with Pharaoh with favor from Pharaoh
31:56 You may have favor y'all all right over here
32:03 You may have favor with Pharaoh, but favor don't come from Pharaoh
32:08 Favor come from God and if you don't know this some Pharaohs will try to make you think that they your favor
32:19 You not my favor
32:24 my favor comes from God and
32:26 If God didn't use you
32:29 He would have used somebody else
32:33 To get what I need in my life
32:37 So stop tripping over Pharaohs stop begging Pharaohs
32:42 Because God when God is determined to do something for you
32:46 He is not bound to one way of doing it when he want to get you in a room if they lock the door
32:53 He'll bring you to the window if they borrow the windows. He'll bring you to the roof what God has for me
33:01 I
33:02 better quit I
33:04 Feel something getting ready to break out in here. I feel a riot getting ready to happen in the house today
33:11 Somebody that's on your way out give God a break out shout right here
33:17 All right, I got four minutes
33:28 So
33:30 Texas when this favor runs out Israel begins to cry to God say you got to get us out
33:40 We stuck
33:43 Now remember what Egypt represents
33:46 mindsets and methodologies
33:49 Right that produce seasons of stagnation and suffering you have to be in Egypt in every area of your life
33:55 But everybody has an Egypt in some area
33:58 Maybe you're not stuck financially, but you're stuck relationally. Maybe you're not stuck relationally, but you're stuck emotionally
34:05 Maybe you're not stuck emotionally, but you're stuck professionally. Maybe you're not stuck professionally, but you're stuck spiritually
34:10 Everybody's got an area in their life
34:13 Where you're in Egypt and
34:19 The text says they cry out to God for help
34:25 And this is what the Bible says in verse 7
34:28 God says to Moses. He says I have heard
34:33 He says I
34:39 Have indeed
34:40 Seen the misery of my people in Israel in Egypt, and I have heard
34:46 them crying out
34:49 This is what's scary guys y'all want to know what's scary
34:53 In verse 7 God is talking to Moses. He not talking to Israel
34:59 Moses wasn't even in Egypt
35:02 He had left Egypt by this time
35:04 Israel is crying out to God
35:10 Saying we need relief. God's not even talking to them
35:14 He talking to Moses and he's telling Moses. I heard them, but he never told Israel. I heard you
35:23 So Israel's probably sad
35:25 They're probably nervous. They probably upset because they like God not hearing me and God's like I heard you
35:32 Just because you don't feel heard
35:34 Doesn't mean you aren't heard
35:37 Just because I didn't tell you I heard you
35:39 Doesn't mean I didn't hear you because I don't always answer your prayer with words
35:44 Sometimes I answer your prayer will work. I ain't talking about it because I'm working on it
35:51 Am I talking to anybody I
35:53 Said he's not answering with words. He's answering with work and I want to tell somebody he's silent because he's working
36:01 He's not speaking because he's working
36:04 He's working on something that your eyes haven't seen and your ears haven't heard and your heart hadn't conceived
36:11 He's getting ready to open doors that no man can shut and close doors that no man can open
36:19 All throughout scripture we see examples of God answering people's prayers without letting them know they were heard in
36:27 Daniel 10 Daniel prayed 21 days and heard nothing
36:33 Until the 21st day and when the angel appeared to him on the 21st day, he said to Daniel from the first day
36:43 That you set your heart to understand thy words were heard for 21 days
36:48 You thought you weren't heard and on the 21st day. I just rang your doorbell and I showed up as an unannounced blessing
36:56 I'm trying to see who catches the revelation. It was an unannounced blessing
37:03 They are thinking they are unheard and then all of a sudden the doorbell ring and the answers there
37:10 I don't know who this is for but this next thing God's gonna do in your life is gonna be unannounced
37:17 No warning
37:21 No prophecy
37:25 No word
37:26 You're just gonna pick up the phone. There it is. You're just gonna open the email. There it is
37:39 In acts 12 the whole church was praying for Peter
37:43 while he was in prison and
37:46 The Bible says they still in the middle of the prayer meeting
37:50 God has set Peter free Peter done walked all the way to the house where they praying
37:54 They praying he ring the doorbell. They open the door. It looked like Peter. She thought it was a ghost and closed the door
38:02 God's gonna do it so fast
38:05 He's
38:07 Gonna do it so fast
38:12 You're not even gonna believe it's real. Is this blessing real? Is this opportunity real?
38:19 He says
38:29 I've seen their misery and I've heard them
38:33 That's verse seven and in verse eight. He says this I
38:36 have come down to
38:39 Deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and bring them out of that land into a good and broad land
38:47 Flowing with milk and honey
38:49 Wait a minute
38:52 He said I have come down to deliver them, but he's saying this to Moses telling Moses I'm sending you
39:00 So God which one doing it you or Moses you said you coming down
39:05 Sometimes God answers your prayer by sending Moses
39:11 What does Moses represent Moses represents the answer you need that comes in a form you don't recognize
39:19 Y'all missed it
39:25 And
39:26 The form that the answer comes in is so different than what you expect. You don't even know he answered it
39:32 Because you need a deliverer and God sent you a stuttering
39:35 insecure man
39:38 God this can't be my answer. This is the one that's supposed to get me out
39:53 It's when God gives you the answer you need in a form you don't recognize I
39:58 Was talking to a young lady yesterday at our dream team conference in New Jersey
40:09 and she was talking to me about some financial goals that she had and some winning invention God give her and things of that particular
40:14 nature and
40:16 She's talking about time frames and stuff like that and she's all talking about financial buns
40:21 And I told her I was like, you know, God don't give money
40:23 She was like what I don't I don't care who said that on TV
40:31 That's not what the book say I
40:35 Don't care who shouted when somebody told you that
40:38 That's not what the book say
40:41 You don't say he give money
40:43 Do the run him at 818 says he gives you power
40:46 Remember the Lord your God for disease who gives you the power so I said to the lady what God has given you is creative abundance
40:53 So you got these ideas and these witty inventions and these plans so God's giving you abundance creatively
40:55 Now what you do with the abundance that he's giving you creatively
41:06 determines whether or not you have abundance
41:08 So you got these ideas and these witty inventions and these plans
41:10 So you got these ideas and these witty inventions and these plans
41:12 So you got these ideas and these witty inventions and these plans
41:14 determines whether or not you have abundance financially
41:16 You think God had answered your prayer because he didn't give you money but he answered your prayer when he gave you an idea
41:24 Y'all aren't talking to me and if you will work the idea
41:31 That he gave you you will see
41:34 Okay, I got one more y'all. All right
41:36 Okay, I got one more in the book of Exodus Israel starts asking God for bread
41:44 And the Bible says they wake up one morning and there's this frost like substance on the ground
41:52 corandice seed and they look at it and they say manna and
41:57 Manna means what is it?
42:00 They say we asked for bread
42:03 You gave us this little frost like substance with a bread at
42:10 Because I asked you for bread
42:12 You gave me this frost like substance, but the Bible says they took that seed and they grind it that seed
42:19 So when they start grinding with the seed it produced grain that they used to make bread
42:35 So God gave them provision in the form of a project and your willingness to grind
42:43 You got the seed just grind you got the idea just grind you got the initiative
43:00 Just grind if you'll grind you'll get the bread
43:03 You'll get the bread
43:05 He says in verse 9 I
43:20 have
43:22 The cry of the people of Israel has come to me
43:25 I've seen the oppression
43:28 which which
43:29 The Egyptians oppressed them. This is interesting
43:33 Notice what God's here says the cry my people has come to me. In other words, I'm responding to their cry. I
43:39 Seen their oppression
43:44 But I'm responding to their cry I
43:47 Saw what they were going through for hundreds of years
43:50 but I responded to their cry I
43:53 Would have come sooner if they called me earlier
44:03 I would have come sooner. It didn't take me this long to deliver them
44:07 It took them this long to know they needed deliverance
44:11 And
44:14 There's some people's problem as long as you still picky you're not in enough pain. I
44:20 Don't want okay, you're not ready then but when you get in enough pain
44:31 You say Lord anyway, you bless me. I'll be satisfied
44:35 I'm always gonna wait on you. You will never have to wait on me deliver me heal me open the door for me now
44:43 I'm done. Sorry y'all
44:54 These people
44:58 Didn't cry
45:00 He didn't come until they cried
45:02 They didn't cry until they got dissatisfied with something that used to satisfy them
45:10 Some of your problem is you still in love with what Egypt used to be
45:21 I'm gonna go to this. Let me go back to my real son. I
45:27 Say something. Let me preach to the lobby right now some people's problem is
45:31 They still in love with what Egypt used to be
45:35 They can't see it's not that no more
45:40 It was that but it's not that no more it was giving you provision now is persecution
45:52 It's not that anymore
45:56 See your ability to make an exit. I'm done
45:58 Tarja is dependent on your willingness to properly discern the reason for your dissatisfaction
46:04 See many people automatically assume that dissatisfaction is greed
46:16 I'm telling you sometimes dissatisfaction is God
46:24 God's like if I made you okay where you are you will stay there
46:30 You would just settle there because it's better than where you were
46:40 You just stay in Egypt because of all that Egypt had done for you
46:50 Sometimes it's not greed. It's God
46:52 It's God's turn to nest
46:57 Say you can't keep thinking like this
47:00 It's killing you
47:04 I'm deal with mindset next week. You can't keep thinking like this
47:07 These thinking patterns are killing you when you're gonna break this cycle
47:14 When you're gonna do what James says and put a governor on your tongue
47:18 You put a governor on an engine it only allows an engine to go so far when you don't put a governor on your tongue
47:28 You keep talking yourself out of what God's trying to talk you into
47:39 He says it's some mindsets and methodologies you gotta exit this strategy not working no more
47:45 Playing Russian roulette with your heart
47:49 Can I just be a spiritual father
47:55 I
47:59 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:01 I
48:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:06 I
48:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:10 I
48:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:14 I
48:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:18 I
48:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:22 I
48:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:26 I
48:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:30 I
48:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:34 I
48:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:38 I
48:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:42 I
48:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:46 I
48:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:50 I
48:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:54 I
48:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
48:58 I
49:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:02 I
49:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:06 I
49:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:10 I
49:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:14 I
49:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:18 I
49:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:22 I
49:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:26 I
49:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:30 I
49:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:34 I
49:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:38 I
49:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:42 I
49:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:46 I
49:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:50 I
49:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:54 I
49:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
49:58 I
50:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:02 I
50:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:06 I
50:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:10 I
50:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:14 I
50:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:18 I
50:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:22 I
50:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:26 I
50:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:30 I
50:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:34 I
50:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:38 I
50:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:42 I
50:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:46 I
50:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:50 I
50:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:54 I
50:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
50:58 I
51:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:02 I
51:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:06 I
51:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:10 I
51:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:14 I
51:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:18 I
51:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:22 I
51:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:26 I
51:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:30 I
51:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:34 I
51:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:38 I
51:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:42 I
51:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:46 I
51:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:50 I
51:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:54 I
51:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
51:58 I
52:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:02 I
52:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:06 I
52:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:10 I
52:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:14 I
52:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:18 I
52:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:22 I
52:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:26 I
52:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:30 I
52:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:34 I
52:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:38 I
52:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:42 I
52:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:46 I
52:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:50 I
52:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:54 I
52:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
52:58 I
53:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:02 I
53:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:06 I
53:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:10 I
53:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:14 I
53:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:18 I
53:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:22 I
53:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:26 I
53:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:30 I
53:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:34 I
53:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:38 I
53:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:42 I
53:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:46 I
53:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:50 I
53:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:54 I
53:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
53:58 I
54:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:02 I
54:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:06 I
54:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:10 I
54:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:14 I
54:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:18 I
54:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:22 I
54:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:26 I
54:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:30 I
54:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:34 I
54:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:38 I
54:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:42 I
54:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:46 I
54:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:50 I
54:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:54 I
54:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
54:58 I
55:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:02 I
55:04 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:06 I
55:08 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:10 I
55:12 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:14 I
55:16 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:18 I
55:20 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:22 I
55:24 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:26 I
55:28 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:30 I
55:32 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:34 I
55:36 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:38 I
55:40 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:42 I
55:44 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:46 I
55:48 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:50 I
55:52 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:54 I
55:56 Can I just be a spiritual father
55:58 I
56:00 Can I just be a spiritual father
56:02 I
56:04 ♪ Will she win ♪
56:07 She's
