A Compassionate Spy Documentary Movie Clip

  • last year
A Compassionate Spy Documentary Movie Clip - Plot synopsis: In this real-life spy story, a brilliant physicist is recruited to join the Manhattan Project. When he learns the true nature of the atomic bomb, he fears the risk of a nuclear holocaust and begins to pass secrets to the Soviet Union.

Director Steve James
Writers Steve James
Genre Documentary
Run Time 1 hour 41 minutes
00:00 When I was about 20, listening to the radio one day,
00:03 I heard a programme by chance about the Manhattan Project.
00:08 And I listened to it and then I phoned up
00:12 and I asked Teddy, I said,
00:14 "I've just heard this radio programme.
00:17 "Were you there?"
00:19 (Teddy laughing)
00:23 So he said, "Yes."
00:26 Pause.
00:27 - Pause, keep in pause. - And he said, "Yes."
00:29 And he explained to me that he had,
00:32 the motivation was to develop the bomb before the Germans.
00:40 That was how he justified doing it.
00:44 - Well, that was the reason he did it.
00:46 - Yes, that's right.
00:47 And he told me about how he'd felt when they tested it.
00:52 - Right.
00:54 - And how people had been celebrating
00:56 and he'd felt really awful.
00:58 And he'd just gone back to his room.
01:00 - Yeah.
01:03 - I just thought, shit, he's human.
01:08 You know, he's been involved in designing
01:13 and making the most horrendous thing on earth
01:17 and not something to be proud of.
01:20 I didn't know that he'd mitigated it
01:22 by making sure that it was shared information.
01:25 - Right.
01:27 - And it never occurred to me.
01:28 - Yeah.
01:29 - And then when they told me, the penny dropped.
01:33 Everything.
01:33 (fingers snapping)
01:36 Oh.
01:37 (Teddy laughing)
01:39 Hmm.
01:40 - So it made sense of?
01:41 - It made sense of their life, of our life, of...
01:46 (static buzzing)