Ab Tak Ki Aham Khabar... Karachi Kay Chotay Elaqun Mein Akhir Kya Kaam Horaha Hai? Janiye

  • last year
Ab Tak Ki Aham Khabar... Karachi Kay Chotay Elaqun Mein Akhir Kya Kaam Horaha Hai? Janiye
00:00 But who is responsible?
00:01 Even before this, the programme has been on this most important and sensitive issue.
00:06 This is the area of Ibrahim Haidri where we are present.
00:09 And these narrow streets, narrow roads, are exactly like you have come to a remote area of Karachi.
00:15 And coming to these areas and coming to these areas for the police, you can see that it is very difficult to come and go here.
00:22 If someone is selling drugs in these streets or is committing an organised crime, then it is not known.
00:29 When we are talking about Karachi, about slum areas or areas where the forces, rescue teams or the locals have difficulty accessing themselves.
00:43 But as we are in an area, this is the area of Nazimabad and it is a very well organised area.
00:49 And you can see that there are narrow roads, access is available from all sides.
00:54 If there is a criminal presence here, then access to the police is also easy.
00:59 If there is a rescue team, an incident is also easy.
01:03 If someone is sick and has to be transferred to an emergency, then people can come and help.
01:11 But we are marking the areas like this because the organised areas were very few and the unorganised areas were spread very quickly in Karachi.
01:21 And as a conspiracy, Karachi was handed over to the slum area.
01:26 This is the area of Paposh and the people of Karachi know very well that Paposh is famous for its different markets.
01:36 And women come here for shopping and it is crowded in normal days.
01:40 We travelled from the Khilafat Chowk of Paposh to Chandni Chowk.
01:43 When we came inside from Chandni Chowk, the car stopped here.
01:47 This is the adjacent area of Chandni Chowk. And most of the houses are cottage industries.
01:51 Small factories are built inside the houses.
01:54 We are going to show you the area ahead.
01:58 Come on, Mr. SHO.
01:59 You are the SHO here. How far is your police station from here?
02:03 Sir, it is about 1.5 km from here.
02:05 If you are sitting in the police station and you get a report that there is an incident here and you have to reach here and it is an emergency, then how long can you reach here?
02:14 Normally, if there is an incident in this area, we use bikes.
02:19 Because mobile phones cannot come here. It is a congested area.
02:23 You are coming on a bike.
02:24 Yes.
02:25 You have to come on a bike because the entire area of Paposh is jammed with traffic.
02:29 There are paths, rickshaws, children, people are walking. It is overcrowded.
02:33 It takes 8-10 minutes to reach here.
02:35 If you come on a bike and it is an emergency, it takes 10 minutes.
02:37 If you have to come in this area, it takes 10 minutes.
02:39 It takes more time.
02:40 Now, this is a lane.
02:41 Let's go this way.
02:44 There are more than 100 such lanes in Paposh.
02:53 There must be more than 100 such lanes in Paposh.
02:56 This is Unangabad, Jalalabad.
02:58 This is called Unangabad, Jalalabad.
03:00 This is an old area.
03:01 But the new population that you are talking about, we will go with the river, it is still there.
03:05 Yes.
03:06 It is developing and it is going in the same direction.
03:08 It is going in the same direction.
03:09 What are your problems?
03:10 Our problem is that crime pockets are formed.
03:13 The biggest problem for the police is that crime pockets are formed.
03:17 No one can hide themselves.
03:19 They can change their identity.
03:21 By identity, I mean that no one can come here and check and balance.
03:26 There is no way to know who you are and where you are from.
03:29 There is so much population and this is a mixed population area.
03:34 Tell me one thing.
03:36 We keep visiting the area while walking through these narrow lanes.
03:39 How many criminals have you caught in the past and what kind of criminals have been caught in these areas?
03:47 Recently, they have started a gang.
03:50 What was that?
03:51 Recently, it happened that the surrounding areas of this area,
03:55 like Allama Iqbal town, the graveyard area, those are open areas.
03:59 There was a gang here, a four-member gang.
04:02 They used to operate from this area.
04:04 After committing a crime, if the police used to come, they used to escape in these narrow lanes.
04:10 The police could not arrest them.
04:12 What kind of crimes did that gang commit?
04:15 They used to commit street crime.
04:17 They used to steal bikes and cars.
04:19 They used to steal whatever they could get.
04:21 They used to operate from this area.
04:23 This was a gang of five people who were arrested.
04:25 How were they caught?
04:27 We had to walk to reach here.
04:29 You cannot come in uniform, right?
04:32 The uniformed staff was behind us.
04:34 The civil dressers were in front of us.
04:36 We came out of the house and arrested them on foot.
04:38 Because if they were on a bike or car, you can see here.
04:41 The biggest disadvantage of this area is that
04:43 if you come in uniform and we bring a mic,
04:45 a panic is created here.
04:47 Everyone knows that the police have come here.
04:50 Everyone knows this from a distance.
04:52 There is an activity here.
04:54 If there is a criminal in the surrounding, it is a crime.
04:56 But you are not behind it.
04:58 You are not behind it, but it is a crime.
05:01 You must be doing something.
05:03 Yes, it is like that.
05:05 Is this narrow?
05:07 Yes, it is narrow.
05:09 There is a gate here, so I cannot see anything.
05:11 Let's go ahead and travel in this lane.
05:13 You guys go ahead.
05:15 You will find the entire area on the left.
05:24 Okay.
05:25 This is till New Karachi.
05:27 This is till New Karachi?
05:28 Yes.
05:29 Okay.
05:30 This is from New Karachi to the sea.
05:32 This is from New Karachi to the sea.
05:34 So, if there is a situation in Sarjani,
05:36 it will be done.
05:38 Construction is going on there, but it is not organized.
05:40 No, this is a request to tell you that
05:42 this area is near the river.
05:44 Tell me one thing.
05:45 We are standing on one condition.
05:47 Let's come a little ahead of the house gate.
05:49 Yes, yes.
05:50 You and Mr. S.O.J. cannot stand together in this place.
05:52 We cannot stand together.
05:53 Okay.
05:54 There are two conditions in this building.
05:57 Either someone is being hostage,
05:59 or there are terrorists here,
06:01 or street criminals, or whatever.
06:03 What should you do to operate in this building?
06:06 There will be more difficulties.
06:08 It will not be easy to adopt our routine SOPs.
06:11 The SOPs are made, the standards are made.
06:13 There is no way.
06:15 There is no way behind.
06:16 There is a lane like this.
06:17 There is a path on both sides.
06:18 If he sits inside,
06:20 and shoots out,
06:22 there will be a lot of damage.
06:23 Political damage.
06:24 Okay.
06:25 It can be of the department,
06:26 or it can be of the general public.
06:28 If the department retaliates,
06:30 the commandoes come from the police station,
06:32 and they come here.
06:34 It will fail.
06:35 It will fail,
06:36 or they will want to give safety to the public.
06:38 First, they will do it.
06:39 So, the criminals will take care of the public to save themselves.
06:42 They will shoot.
06:43 This is one condition.
06:44 The second condition is that,
06:45 there is a fire.
06:46 There is a fire.
06:47 There is an emergency.
06:48 In one house,
06:49 ten houses will be involved.
06:51 Fire, water, everything will be involved.
06:54 The police can't come.
06:55 The fire brigade can't come.
06:57 The fire brigade can't come.
06:58 The fire brigade can't come.
06:59 The electricity and KSE can't come.
07:01 Because there is no way here.
07:03 There is no way.
07:04 Now, this river has the entire population.
07:06 Yes.
07:07 Let's go a little further.
07:08 This is the river we have come to.
07:12 Now, they are working on it.
07:15 But, this population,
07:17 it won't be legal, right?
07:18 No, no.
07:19 This is an enclosed population.
07:20 It's an enclosed population.
07:21 But, K-Electric has given them the meters.
07:23 It means that it has become legal.
07:25 Yes, yes.
07:26 If the meters are installed.
07:27 They say that,
07:28 we have given them the meters because of the population.
07:30 We are charging them.
07:31 You remove the meters.
07:32 We will remove them.
07:33 This is their answer.
07:34 They say that,
07:35 you remove the population,
07:36 we will remove the meters.
07:37 Yes, this is the kind of thing.
07:38 But, the thing is that,
07:39 now there is a fire.
07:40 You can put it on the cart as well.
07:41 The entire area is moving forward.
07:43 And, as far as this river is going,
07:45 there are such conditions.
07:46 And, as far as the water will fall,
07:47 there are such conditions.
07:48 There are such conditions.
07:49 That is, to the sea.
07:50 To the sea.
07:51 This is the condition.
07:52 You can climb this.
07:53 Where will you go?
07:54 That means,
07:57 as far as we came down,
07:58 Yes.
07:59 There are many such streets with climbs.
08:01 Okay.
08:02 Now, we will go to the adjacent street.
08:03 Okay, suppose,
08:04 you have come till here.
08:05 In the front, in the Mulzi.
08:06 Yes.
08:07 That river will flow and run away.
08:09 The station will be changed.
08:10 Okay, that river will flow.
08:12 That river will flow and run away.
08:13 The area in front is the side A area.
08:15 Okay.
08:16 What do we do?
08:17 This is the side A station.
08:18 And, this is the river's side,
08:19 the Paposh station.
08:20 This is the Paposh station.
08:21 And, in front of this is Shahre Noor Jahan.
08:22 In front of this is Shahre Noor Jahan.
08:23 Yes.
08:24 This is a junction.
08:25 That means, we are standing in the middle of three stations.
08:27 When you go ahead,
08:28 Okay.
08:29 You will reach Pirabad.
08:30 Shahre Noor Jahan will come on the right.
08:31 Shahre Noor Jahan will come on the left.
08:32 Pirabad.
08:33 Pirabad.
08:34 That means,
08:35 On one side is Pirabad,
08:36 Shahre Noor Jahan,
08:37 and in the middle of the four stations,
08:38 you are standing.
08:39 This is the buffer zone.
08:40 This is the buffer zone.
08:41 It is the buffer zone.
08:42 Okay.
08:43 That means, we are standing in the center of four stations.
08:44 Yes, we are standing.
08:45 The station will be changed in one step.
08:46 Sir.
08:47 Okay.
08:48 Now, this is the slum area of those four stations.
08:49 Lower middle class,
08:50 odd job working team.
08:51 Okay.
08:52 And,
08:53 under the defective colonization.
08:54 Okay.
08:55 Now,
08:56 in your opinion,
08:57 the government will think about it.
08:58 Now,
08:59 to control such a big area,
09:00 to keep an eye on it,
09:01 is it possible?
09:02 For this,
09:03 with the available resources,
09:04 we are trying to do it.
09:05 It is more of an intelligent work.
09:06 It is not like we can see every person.
09:07 Okay.
09:08 As good as the intelligence of the police station is,
09:09 the SSO does it,
09:10 it is not like we can see every person.
09:11 Okay.
09:12 It is not like we can see every person.
09:13 Okay.
09:14 The SSO does it,
09:15 it is not like we can see every person.
09:16 Okay.
09:17 The SSO does it,
09:18 it is not like we can see every person.
09:19 Okay.
09:20 The SSO does it,
09:21 it is not like we can see every person.
09:22 Okay.
09:23 The SSO does it,
09:24 it is not like we can see every person.
09:25 Okay.
